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why is our ctf team 'also known as "Goldfish Crackers"' on ctftime? :P
@D3C4FF I miss you too, bro
We're getting there! http://i.imgur.com/Tec1ltu.png (no, it's not publicly accessible yet). #stackoverflow
@Gilles good news, but...why is it so hard? I've migrated medium sized web stacks to SSL in under a day.
@lynks there've been discussions on MSO
SO isn't medium-sized
@Gilles I realise that, I was just trying to draw a comparison :P
there are many nested domains (e.g. meta.security.stackexchange.com) which is problematic with certificates
@Gilles This can be solved by putting a lot of names in the certificate, as Subject Alt Names, although of course the CA bill may extend proportionally (or even exponentially).
Google's certificate includes more than 70 names. If google does it, then it must work.
@lynks nickcraver.com/blog/2013/04/23/… (but you probably already read it?)
I guess part of the pain is SO is distributed, so you cant just have a great big load balancer that strips off SSL.
@lynks That is a lot of energy.
@Xander solving problems with heavy metal means you get to play with crispy equipment.
@lynks About those railguns (I'm reading the transcript)... are there any that aren't only "maglev" but also use magnetic force to propel the projectile?
oh NVM I'm just reading the Wiki... a lot of stuff I'm not up to date with LOL
@TildalWave I'm not sure I see the distinction. Some people use an armature that is also the projectile, some split the two, and some opt for a plasma armature.
@TildalWave A railgun is not maglev, actually. The whole propulsion is through Laplace force (well, now called Lorentz force)
if you want to propel the projectile in the forward direction, you apply a vertical magnetic field and a lateral current through the projectile. The rails are there mostly to apply the current; they also guid the projectile.
@ThomasPornin yes I did put it in quotation marks, implying I'm just using it in layman's terms... I forgot the name of the Lorentz force :) It's not really a field of my studies ;)
A big challenge is making the current flow even when the projectile is moving at very high speed.
@TildalWave Strangely enough (or not), the name "Laplace force" does not appear to be widely used outside of France.
@ThomasPornin and stopping the whole thing welding itself together :P
Can we add the tag guns?
@ton.yeung we're on railguns
@ThomasPornin I don't recall it ever called as Laplace force either. If it was called that I probably wouldn't have a clue what they're on about. :O
@lynks I've seen I think some NASA study on combining both... rails for the initial liftoff and I think only to hold the projectile in space, and then using laser to create micro explosions behind it
@ton.yeung that's actually what I like about the concept, they're pointlessly expensive and large :P
@lynks They pretty much already do that. As the other guys have pointed out the problem comes down to the names. They can get away with just a handful of certs for the main sites. SF.com, SO.com, SU.com, *.SE.com, etc. The metas really fuck things up.
@ton.yeung it was definitely a real project, it was either on NatGeo or Discovery, but it didn't look to me as anything developed far enough to be actually usable, just some geeks playing with their toys :)
@ton.yeung not particularly. I drive small sports cars most of the time
@ScottPack yeah it must be pretty painful.
@TildalWave NASA would indeed be very interested with some gun to launch bulk materials in space. And NASA needs 8 km/s speed, whereas military types are already fine with 2 km/s.
@TildalWave yeah multi-stage seems to be the best compromise. Even the small amateur railguns use an injector, typically an air-gun.
@ton.yeung oh the things I've seen in Japanese cartoons :))
@ton.yeung BR-Z is nice. I drive a lot of older cars, Trimuph TRs mostly.
One does not simply look to buy a BRZ.
@ton.yeung also, you can't beat an MX-5 for simple RWD fun.
Ha ha. Florida accidentally makes computers and smart phones illegal. cnn.com/2013/07/09/tech/gaming-gadgets/florida-slot-machine-law
@Xander Back when Ohio tried to ban same sex marriage the wording could also have invalidated my judge officiated wedding.
@ton.yeung Because you just end up buying it.
@ton.yeung heh, I'm not sure what to do with mine. I drive it everyday, so it has to stay comfortable, even on long journeys. But I would like to tune it a little, starting with a map I guess.
@ton.yeung ECU mapping
@ton.yeung Play with fuel/air ratio, stuff like that.
@ton.yeung It's 2 different cars.
@ton.yeung Well, it would be silly to buy both.
@ScottPack Nice.
@Xander Yeah. We had been married about 6 months at that point. I was a bit annoyed.
@ScottPack LOL! I imagine.
Stupid meddling politicians.
I know, I've seen the concept. I'm not the type of guy who would wait for a newer gen.
A friend of mine simply refuses to buy a car because he says he's gonna be mad if a new gen comes out few years after he bought his.
Well breaking news: it's gonna always be that way.
And new gen often means new engine or at least the previous one has been modified which is a gamble. You have no idea how reliable it is.
@ton.yeung Oh yeah, if you don't need one, it's all good. However, he is driving a piece of shit and still lives at his parents'. He's nowhere near of moving out.
@ton.yeung How old was she?
Yup, it's definitely about time that you give your parents a rest.
@ton.yeung what nationality is the family?
Wow. My parents are paying for my institution fees and also my apartment. I will always feel like I owe them a lot.
So, there's no way that I would allow them to pay me something when I'm 30.
@Xander That was a constitutional amendment that was written and promoted by people.
@Simon we all owe our parents something :P
@lynks Nah, they just wanted to have a good time.
@Xander Fun Fact! It is my understanding that while the populous votes on a specific wording of a constitutional amendment that's not actually what gets turned into law. If the vote passes then lawmakers take the wording as proposed and then rewrite it into something that "means" the same thing but is actual legal language. Or some shit like that.
@ScottPack Well that's just dandy.
I think accountability to the voters is supposed to work, well, almost exactly the opposite of that.
It'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen? I mean, it's not like Congress has the ability to draft it's own laws governing how Congress works, or is capable of setting their own salaries.
Jesus, I'm glad that it's a 404 now. I wanted to google search the "Daysofyorr" malware and I usually just type in the address bar my search query. I ended up entering the whole URL, good job me!
@ScottPack A Congress that rewrites laws to its own advantage is a Congress that demonstrate a rather exceptional competence at law writing.
@ThomasPornin Your command of language is exquisite as always.
@ScottPack LOL.
random ebaying is dangerous, just spend far too much money on a world map canvas print.
equirectangular for the map geeks
@lynks Welcome to the club.
@Adnan sigh.. url fail
Guys guys guys.. just because a question is edited, doesn't mean it's re-open worthy.
Q: Gamification of IT security - any applications yet?

J_rgenGamification, which is the use of game design elements and game mechanics in a non-game context, is a heavily discussed topic. Looking at the behavioral impact on Gamification, it has potential in educating users in IT security and rewarding secure behavior, especially in a corporate environment....

It's still "give me examples, plz"
or "google for me, plz"
@lynks Looks awesome!
@Adnan yeah for me it struck the right balance between utility and appearance.
@Adnan I didn't think it was close-worthy in the first place.
@Xander Would you please explain your point of view?
As far as I can see, it's just asking us to list successful examples of gamification in IT sec
@lynks I can't agree more.
@TerryChia I can't read
@Adnan First he clearly has searched, and hasn't found much, which is why he's here. Second, it's an interesting topic, and one that without doubt has potential value to a professional IT Security audience. This is my reasoning.
this is so badass, bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23260701 gotta love John Bercow. He's like...dude, chill or imma banhammer you.
amazon lowered their prices
I feel like a douche now.
@RohanDurve-Decode141 why is that?
Poly, security.stackexchange.com/questions/38709/… is offtopic and should be migrated to Ask Ubuntu or so imo.
But, Flagging>Closing>Off-Topic>Migration shows only 3 sites.
@RohanDurve-Decode141 er... ok? I'm not a mod ;P
You've got tons of rep. xP
vtc'ed anyway
a lot of rep does not a moderator make.
right off 'ome
But, experience you must have gained oh reputed one
l33torz then.
@RohanDurve-Decode141 you can also just flag it with moderator attention
@RohanDurve-Decode141 Strictly speaking, it's still on-topic for Super User I think. It's just more on topic for Ask Ubuntu or Unix & Linux.
Reason of feeling like a douché is that I was about to post this in Sec.SE Meta. i42.tinypic.com/34xmcdj.png
@RohanDurve-Decode141 You disgust me spits on the floor
:/ ...then I realized howmuch it would suck to be "featured" there.
@RohanDurve-Decode141 May you and your children be cursed for ever!
may the wrath of the bear be upon you!
Oh no, not the wrath of the bear. Also, leave my l'il children out of this Mr! If you got something against me then let's take out of the DMZ. I'm 6'10" IRL and like an ex-marine. And you...do you even lift bro? :P
and I once ate a pepper scoring 400.000 on the scovile scale after which I went to the toilet without even crying D:
Guys, I'm looking at your bank accounts now. If you're SEALS, you're *definitely* not getting paid right.

@Iszi That's because it's in my secret SEALed bank account D:
I think he meant it the other way around.
and I also work part time for the GSG9
now I think I've had em all
Rofl. >inb4 "Yeah, I had an internship there. No big deal"
I wonder who everyone in here (or the Internet, for that matter) really would fear more these days - someone who can permanently screw up your face, or someone who can permanently screw up your online life.
@RohanDurve-Decode141 start feeling bad again! :P
@Iszi the internet is forever
@ton.yeung Is that what they call it these days?
@LucasKauffman I am The Bear. Bears eat seals.
@ThomasPornin Oh please continue mr bear sir
@ton.yeung Lul. @Lucas The troll is strong with this one.
oh god him again.
hello @Simon Sigh
Now look what you did. >>
@Simon is that a bit like "Screw you guys I'm going home"? :p
@Simon System.exit(1 / 0);
@LucasKauffman Do they have South Park in Canada? I wouldn't think they'd have enough room for televisions in their cute little igloos.
Igloos in Canada?
@Xander I READ THAT.
@Simon :-P C'mon now. You know your igloos are cute.
@Xander Melted igloos are not cute.
@LucasKauffman That's the nerdy way, yes.
@Simon When you're ready for a new avatar, I found one for you.
I think I'd rather keep this one actually.
Still so polite. +1 Simon
@ton.yeung I saw your link. That's awesome, and I'm jealous.
@ton.yeung Yeah, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I moved all over when I was growing up, so no, I'm pretty culturally adaptable.
@ton.yeung That's more varied than my experience. I stayed within the States, except for my stint in Vancouver.
Honestly, I don't see the point of 1 gb/2 gb providers. How often would you download something at that speed? Most servers can't handle that.
@Simon It's pretty insanely fast. The maximum throughput on my current firewall is only a fraction of that.
@Simon ahh, but you can download two things at the same time
@ton.yeung I cannot seem to be able to get a seed that does better than 1 mb/s.
@ton.yeung I can do that with a 10 mb/s provider.
@ton.yeung Do you go to anonymous downloaders meetings?
@ton.yeung Yes it is. As your sponsor, I order you to go buy a BRZ.
@ton.yeung You're fired from the meeting.
I will also accept money from strangers on the internet for no reason.
Q: Processor Affinity will improve the crack?

jcho360I have an alienware with a processor i7 with linux kali, and the crack go around 2000 k/s, I set up the GPU (nvidia 9700) and pyrit could go between 3k and 8k KPS, but I feel that still really slow, Cons and Pros of making a processor affinity? how many processor would be enough for only one ta...

My mate dave gets the best crack. I'll give you his number.
@lynks There's always a reason. They're just not telling you what it is. Yet.
came across this in the commsroom
3 hours later…
@LucasKauffman, re: home network monitoring q, I did wonder as I was writing it, but having looked at the other SIEM product questions that were not closed and had moderate numbers of votes I thought it would be useful
if you think it would be more constructive, I'd be happy to make it just a splunk question - i.e. how to use splunk to achieve that goal. that would remove the product recommendation part.
2 hours later…
Morning anyone that's still around
@D3C4FF Hi
@copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste
Hiiii! :D
Yay! Happiness!
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