@Griffin I was replying to the nonsense about shooting 100s of people before before shooting a dog. I'd shoot 1000s of humans + 1000s of dogs + 1000s of cats if they were causing an immanent danger to me or the people around me
@Adnan Being irresponsible means that dogs cannot be good or evil. The concept does not apply to them. Dogs can only be dogs. And stinking flea bags, too.
@ScottPack White-hispanic neighborhood watch cop-wannabe shot & killed a black kid that was wandering about his neighborhood. Claims it was self defense. Currently on trial for second-degree murder.
@Griffin I know this might look like a cheap age-card playing, but buddy you're 16, you've seen nothing of life. The second your life (or the lives of whom you love) is in danger, you wouldn't stop for a second to think before you defend it/them.
It's easy to sit and talk about how you'd take the moral highroad and be better than others and blah blah blah, but when you fear for your life, it's a totally different story.
@Adnan Here is the thing I feel at that age you should be able to judge when it's in danger and when it's not. I defend our military on a bunch of shit. Even when their lives aren't in danger.
For example.: When the apache guys killed innocent citizens and then called them names. People criticized them but I defended them with the fact that as far as they knew they just killed people who were trying to kill htem.
@Adnan While I'm in no way religious I don't think people are innocent. Nobody will live their life not doing something really wrong.
Animals are incapable of doing wrong they only do what they know. While yes sometimes we need to defend ourselfs the reason I'd kill people before dogs is because people will knowingly doing something fucked up in their life time. Animals wont.
@ThomasPornin Well, mine is certainly. Yours, on the other hand, would depend on whether promiscuity is subject to capital punishment in her jurisdiction.
Yeah. Would be nice if there was a way for us to alt-ping people. Like, say [Sheldon](@jrg) triggers a ping to @jrg but only shows the text "Sheldon" or maybe "@Sheldon".
@ton.yeung Erm, no. It's just when you put an @ before someone's username. Makes a noise on their screen and highlights it for their attention. Kinda like you just did, @ton.yeung.
I mean really, you do have that choice. You can either keep whining about it (which will achieve nothing), actually do something about (go live in the jungle), or accept the way things are.
@Xander well that sums up the transcript well enough I guess, I just had nearly half of the huge watermelon and I can't bother with all that's been said here in the meantime, I'll probably be on and off regularly for a few hours now :)
I thought of that old joke today, where a programmer can make an undeniable excuse for his leisure activities while in work on the basis that he is just waiting for his code to compile.
Although I am a workaholic and a fair player, such an excuse comes in handy now and then, so what is the bes...