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@Griffin Excuse my tone, but here we go with that bullshit!!
Whining about animals being better than humans
Well guess what buddy, other than being our food and help us with some daily tasks, animals did nothing to us!!
When was the last time a dog figured out a cure for a disease?
Today you'd be dying of flue if not for the collective contribution of human beings.
So please, spare me that nonsense about shooting tens of people instead of shooting dogs!
@Adnan It is not about what animals do to us, but about what we do to animals and what it means about us.
@Griffin Was the computer you're using right now, the keyboard on which you're typing that dogs are better than humans, was it invented by a dog?
@Adnan The Amiga 1000 had a dog on the development team.
We shall not shoot dogs not because the dog is useful, but because the dog is, by definition, irresponsible, thus irremediably not guilty of anything.
Shooting dogs shows that the shooter has no morality.
@ThomasPornin I'm 100% for humane treatment of animals. In fact, I'm all for persecuting animal abusers. That's not the point here.
@Adnan Did the people I'm shooting invent the computer I'm using?
Whereas shooting humans can always be construed as a kind of preemptive justice against a potential perpetrator.
The guy, justifiably, felt that his life is danger. He acted on it.
Yea not really.
OMG please don't tell me the Zimmerman case has wandered into here too?
Umm no.
@Adnan I did not see the video so I am only talking generally here.
So far I've managed to not learn what this whole Zimmerman thing is about.
@ThomasPornin and I agree with almost every word you said. My problem here is when people say "OMG, dogs are better than humans"
@ScottPack Is that the same Zimmerman as the original developer of PGP ? Or another Zimmerman ?
@ThomasPornin Don't really care.
@Griffin I was replying to the nonsense about shooting 100s of people before before shooting a dog. I'd shoot 1000s of humans + 1000s of dogs + 1000s of cats if they were causing an immanent danger to me or the people around me
@Adnan Being irresponsible means that dogs cannot be good or evil. The concept does not apply to them. Dogs can only be dogs. And stinking flea bags, too.
@ScottPack White-hispanic neighborhood watch cop-wannabe shot & killed a black kid that was wandering about his neighborhood. Claims it was self defense. Currently on trial for second-degree murder.
@Adnan It wasn't a danger. It was very clear it wasn't a danger.
@Adnan Careful with that: at some point along that line, you become the imminent danger.
@ThomasPornin Oh no, don't get me wrong. Shooting a person/dog isn't about the punishment but rather about stopping the danger.
(Note: imminent, not immanent. Not at all the same thing. An immanent danger is when Zeus is pissed off.)
@Thomas After the dogs attacks me and walks away, I'd never go after it and shoot it, for the reasons you mentioned.
But while, or just before, it's gonna harm me or the people around me, I'd act on it.
@ThomasPornin Noted.
@Iszi What part of "I don't really care" and "I've happily managed to not know" didn't you understand.
@ScottPack I figured having more information would help you to better identify and avoid actual discussions about the issue.
@Iszi You've managed to successfully violate my avoidance.
@ScottPack Seems you need to shore up your defenses.
@Griffin I know this might look like a cheap age-card playing, but buddy you're 16, you've seen nothing of life. The second your life (or the lives of whom you love) is in danger, you wouldn't stop for a second to think before you defend it/them.
@Iszi Qockwrangler
It's easy to sit and talk about how you'd take the moral highroad and be better than others and blah blah blah, but when you fear for your life, it's a totally different story.
@Adnan Here is the thing I feel at that age you should be able to judge when it's in danger and when it's not. I defend our military on a bunch of shit. Even when their lives aren't in danger.
@Griffin I sincerely hope you're not put in that kind of situation. Not you, not any body.
@Griffin When they kill humans, but not dogs?
user image
Killing an innocent human is much much much worse than killing a dog (who's innocent by definition)
For example.: When the apache guys killed innocent citizens and then called them names. People criticized them but I defended them with the fact that as far as they knew they just killed people who were trying to kill htem.
@Adnan While I'm in no way religious I don't think people are innocent. Nobody will live their life not doing something really wrong.
@Griffin Wow.
Animals are incapable of doing wrong they only do what they know. While yes sometimes we need to defend ourselfs the reason I'd kill people before dogs is because people will knowingly doing something fucked up in their life time. Animals wont.
@Griffin With all respect to you and all other parties in this discussion, I'd like to stop here.
Someone wanna go propose a [morality.se] on A51 so we can move this chat to there?
@Iszi That doesn't sound bad.

Proposed Q&A site for ethicists and those interested in the study of ethics.

Currently in definition.

@Iszi After we move 90% of the DMZ to homebrew, sex.se, and possibly rory.se.
@Gilles Nice!
@Adnan No, you see , , and are all on topic here. Look over there ----->
So, unless we can somehow relate this all to your mom and/or boobies, I suggest we change topics.
@Iszi Funny. Perhaps we should move your messages to hilarious.SE
noun \lī-ˈbā-shən\

a : an act or instance of drinking often ceremoniously
b : beverage; especially : a drink containing alcohol

Damn Excel has me trained to Alt-ENTER instead of Shift-ENTER.
@ton.yeung Still counts as libation if you time it correctly.
@Adnan Timing aside, still counts under definition 2b.
@Iszi I've just faceplamed for that.
@Iszi The discussion is about knowing whether your mom is innocent enough that shooting here would be a crime.
@ThomasPornin Well, mine is certainly. Yours, on the other hand, would depend on whether promiscuity is subject to capital punishment in her jurisdiction.
@Thomas How has your latest work (the one with which you've been so busy lately) been going?
@Adnan Half of that work was me taking holidays, and it want just fine, thank you.
@ton.yeung Oh, no. That falls under the definition of "stupid" - no matter how much fun it may be at the time.
For the other half, well, products have been delivered, now on to the next step which will happen this autumn. Summers are usually quiet.
(That, of course, is not to say I haven't done it on occasion or will never do it again.)
@Iszi Binge drinking is when you drink a lot of bad alcohol to forget that your are drinking bad alcohol. It is quintessentially stupid.
@ThomasPornin Low workload in the summer isn't a bad thing, I guess. More time to spend with the family.
@Lucas Have you legally downloaded the latest Dexter episode (the 8th season started less than a week ago).
Time to go. See ya, people.
I've left for 45 mins and somehow the chat has been more active during those minutes than during the whole day. I get the message guys.
See ya
@Adnan It came out on Sunday.
It's a great episode, the season is gonna be crazy.
@Simon There's nothing to infer. I bluntly stated it to you many times
@Simon Just wait 'till @AviD shows up.
He'll tell all of us we need to STFU.
@Adnan Meh, you're right :(
Hey, when did Sheldon join the party?
@Iszi Let's see, do you mean jrg?
@Simon ITYM “I get the hundreds of messages”
Yeah. Would be nice if there was a way for us to alt-ping people. Like, say [Sheldon](@jrg) triggers a ping to @jrg but only shows the text "Sheldon" or maybe "@Sheldon".
@ton.yeung Erm, no. It's just when you put an @ before someone's username. Makes a noise on their screen and highlights it for their attention. Kinda like you just did, @ton.yeung.
@Gilles :(
@Iszi :)
the pings, vs the pongs.
@ton.yeung Ummm.... not quite. Just does the second thing on that list. And lights up a dot on their chat avatar.
Damn! The Snowden statement about U.S. spying on EU members is causing lots of sparks around here.
@ton.yeung Like the Europeans ever needed more reasons to hate on the Americans
If anyone wants to accept my edit, go ahead: security.stackexchange.com/questions/38322/…
I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have gotten downvotes if his question was at least formatted properly.
@Simon Ooops
Oh and also if he didn't type the french word for "tag".
@Adnan Are you being mean again?
@ton.yeung You;d have to live under a rock to think that everybody hasn't been spying on everybody else since the beginning of time.
@Xander Hence why I hate all this PRISM discussion.
Thanks guys.
@ton.yeung Did these concepts ever exist?
@ton.yeung The axiom that "Information is power."
God damn it, I forgot to add a space at the point #3. It really bothers me.
@ton.yeung Awwww Miten söpö!
And privacy isn't directly related to "life, liberty and happiness" in any circumstance. It can be the opposite, in fact.
@ton.yeung Yet someone could have decided that you were no longer free and make you a prisoner, no matter how long ago it was.
@ton.yeung You can still do that.
@Simon Still happens today. Slavery is not relegated to history.
Disconnect yourself from the society, reject all ways of modern life with its ease and convenience, and go live in the jungle.
@Xander I screwed up my sentence. I meant to say "no matter how long ago it was" which supports what you're saying.
I mean really, you do have that choice. You can either keep whining about it (which will achieve nothing), actually do something about (go live in the jungle), or accept the way things are.
@ton.yeung and I had to Google that
@Xander well that sums up the transcript well enough I guess, I just had nearly half of the huge watermelon and I can't bother with all that's been said here in the meantime, I'll probably be on and off regularly for a few hours now :)
@TildalWave Watermelon trumps transcripts, always. I love a good watermelon.
Is the philosophical discussion already done?
@Xander yup but the real problem comes half an hour later :) dunno, or it's just me... I'm doing #2 every 10-15 minutes then :))
@Simon Yeah, looks like we're back to topic #2.
Back to washing dishes, so much better anyway.
@TildalWave LOL. I think that's just you. ;-)
@Xander ouch I hope I used the right number there... I face it front, not sitting down :)) LOL
@TildalWave That's the wrong number then. :-) Number 1 - Standing up, Number 2 - Sitting down.
@ton.yeung That's boring and it kind of leads to the discussion of the melting ice.
@Xander oh yeah I always confuse those sorry :)
@ton.yeung I'm homosexual.
@ton.yeung thanks, easy to remember :)
I was playing with ya. Don't worry, I know.
Oops! Something Bad Happened!
@ton.yeung Nice mnemonic.
I'm told the problem is being worked on
@ton.yeung double L ^^ ;)
there's a bug hitting all SE (might or might not hit you right now due to load balancing)
@ton.yeung I gather he's still searching for that 404 pic for sec.se pages?
@ton.yeung it shows up as soon as you hit any question page outside SO and MSO
Trying to DoS SE? How about.
pretty hard to DoS a site that gets that much traffic
SE is reddittable, so good luck
@Gilles That was the point.
@TildalWave it's not a 404, it's a 500
@Gilles as long as it's not 418 :)
@Gilles Don't make me fly to Paris to take over with my accent.
@Simon 420 man!
@TildalWave 420, that's a silly unofficial day.
@ton.yeung "I have retard strength and I WILL slam you" :))
@ton.yeung in the video
the "Hero" looking girl at 2:08
@ton.yeung Seriously?! That took me all of 10 seconds to catch onto.
@tildal Im going to be there. You should too!
1 hour later…
Totally not an SE question IMHO, but I don't see it getting closed soon...
Q: How to prolong compilation time while engaging in leisure activities?

Harold CavendishI thought of that old joke today, where a programmer can make an undeniable excuse for his leisure activities while in work on the basis that he is just waiting for his code to compile. Although I am a workaholic and a fair player, such an excuse comes in handy now and then, so what is the bes...


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