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@LucasKauffman If it's a stimulate my heart gets fucked up if it's depressant imagine 4loco on steriods.
That's pretty much the break down of what they said.
My resting heart rate is 1 beat per minute away from burning fat :/
@Griffin I could use that :P
@LucasKauffman If I so much as move I burn fat. Doesn't help that I was already skinny now it's getting super bad.
you could get beta blockers
Explain - Never heard of
Ohh wait no I can't.
@Griffin they reduce heart rate
Raises blood pressure
evenin' all
@Griffin you really are living on a threat :p
seems to have been a lot of chat
@RoryMcCune ohai
Hi rory welcome to the story of my fucked up life.
Surely you mean living on a prayer
back from my latest trip :) Elgin/Forres/Nairn/Inverness/
@RoryAlsop boobs, hacking and drugs, the usual
@LucasKauffman Yea abilify fucked me up pretty bad.
saw some awesome looking houses :)
@RoryMcCune :-)
@RoryMcCune nice :)
much potential for creation of an @avid inspired lair
including converting an ex school kitchen!
I went into like a what is the meaning of life and sat in the nurses office in school just muttering I don't know.
@Griffin from beta blockers o.O?
@LucasKauffman No abilify
or from the abilify?
Yea abilify.
Like I was staring at the Biology board like I give no fucks about this. I know all this shit here already this place is useless to me.
@Griffin you considered just doing home schooling do two years at once and just going to college?
So I started asking myself why was I there and in my head I just kept going I don't know why the fuck I'm here the people around me are idiots.
@LucasKauffman Nah we just took me off abilify.
@Griffin well I hope you can loose most of those meds asap
Then I started asking myself why I can't control my thoughts. Then asked why I couldn't control my anger about not controlling my thoughts. It quickly spiraled down there.
@LucasKauffman It was just the abilify that messed me up. They made me go out patient in the mental hospital for 2 week however.
@Griffin fun place :/
@LucasKauffman Actually if you ever feel bad about yourself go there.
I honestly wanted to stick my mom in there for a week.,
Because what you see there is like "Fuck I am such a good fucking person. God am I not screwed up."
We had this one kid named Kenny in there. He insisted he saw demons. He flipped shit a couple of times and told me that the demons put a spell on the place I had just put my hand and I would die in 3 hours.
Later he said he had cured me.
@Griffin o.O
@LucasKauffman When you try and break out they have what the kids call booty juice. It pretty much a big needle they stick in your ass that knocks you out.
One of the kids who I actually found to be pretty cool tried to escape once. He failed to realize the glass in this place is super break proof. He beat this shit out of it with a chair and it failed to break.
@ton.yeung Lol more like a failed attempt at a move stunt
@LucasKauffman I think it is just too broad a question.
@RoryAlsop aye
@ton.yeung Then yes. It was a pretty odd place. But you leave feeling really good about yourself. Just the knowledge that you're not nearly as fucked up as the rest of those people makes you feel great.
@Griffin Sounds like an interesting tactic might be to have actors playing really messed up roles in there - just to help patients who are slightly messed up...
@ton.yeung I did martial arts till I was like almost black belt (I think I needed like 6 more days or something stupidly low) the only thing it did for me was destroy my schedule.
@Griffin you should spend some time in The Bridge then ;)
@RoryAlsop Time to develop a new way of therapy.
@LucasKauffman The bridge?
@Griffin it's the chatroom from the Arqade
@LucasKauffman They're not truly fucked up though. Like these kids were just down right crazy. Except 1 girl she wasn't that fucked up. It was more her parents.
Sorry for delay I had to make sure all the windows were closed
(windows in the house not on the computer)
@LucasKauffman How was the reverse malware off topic?
@Griffin falls under product recommendation a bit
Shit this storm is bad. Power just blimped.
@LucasKauffman Nah he's just looking for educational resources. I mean while books are products I'd say we can recommend them.
And or videos.
Like look at a lot of my questions, they almost all deal with me asking for resources. I think he needs a full blow rewording of the question however.
@Griffin ah no, voted as too broad
@LucasKauffman Yeah - it isn't an answerable question.
@RoryAlsop Apart from, read this book X
@LucasKauffman I dislike the "No product recommendation" thing we got going on here. Like really? I can understand that it can create a kind of AMD vs Intel but so long as people are mature about it you see a good debate and it really helps the person who needs it.
Of course Arquade can't do it.
@Griffin It is part of the stack exchange way - product recommendations just don't work on SE. They are time limited, often subjective, geography limited in many cases
we also don't want debate in answers
that is explicitly not the way SE works
debate is for forums (or for chat) - SE works on question:answer(s)
hahaha Wesley just managed to convince a guy to change his avatar:
@LucasKauffman why is he not here? He is a security specialist
oh - he has asked one question here
@RoryAlsop And people can get answers. Lets say you ask "What is the best video card for Bitcoin mining?" They'd shut it down faster than you can speak. Problem is this is an answerable question. You can put forward solid evidence supporting each one. You can even represent Hashes / watt and most hashes / second. There is evidence and support behind each decision.
@Griffin but it will not be correct in a year's time
Fuck the back space button.
and it is off topic here ;-P
(that was a joke)
@RoryAlsop Of course but examples are everthing :p
@RoryAlsop whatabout course related questions?
A lot of things will not be correct in a year.
@LucasKauffman they are a bit of an odd one. We generally dissuade questions on courses, but as you can see we do have a few examples. Generally where there are long term respected certs/courses
If you implement a "Flag for updating" these things can be updated.
Actually flag for update is a damn good idea.
Look at programming. Things get depreciated.
Good morning, Internet
@tylerl :-)
Do we have a flag for update system?
@tylerl good sir!
@jeff - did you get your ticket from OWASP?
Some dude's car plate was "MD5 DMZ"
I bet he doesn't even realize how lucky he is.
Is there a rep requirement to edit answers?
If you got a plate like "SHA-256" people wouldn't even know it was personalized.
@Griffin directly yes, for the queue no
@Griffin You can create suggested edits. It's just as good.
Yeah. We can't personalize our plates here.
here you can for a substantial fee
So you just have to keep buying cars until H4CK3R comes up.
Dafuq I only went to watch Mock The Week and there's 400 new posts here? Is this The Internet Repeater or what?
Yup, definitely worth it.
300 bucks a shot, shouldn't be too expensive right?
Do you ever feel like all the fun questions have already been answered?
@tylerl you mean like all the good songs were already written?
@TildalWave Hm. Never really made that leap.
But Sec.SE is starting to feel more and more like SO
You end up with a crap-ton of questions like this:
Q: How to detect and exploit an SQLi in a POST method

yzTMaking it simple (no security at all), when we want to detect whether or not a GET parameter is vulnerable to SQLi, we could just type a ' as the value (?id=') and check if there is any error. (No blind SQL) But in the case that the parameter is sent using a POST method, how can I detect if it i...

@tylerl was a strange week IMO... we had a lot of same questions, sometimes one after another
@tylerl Oh these are still pretty good, wait till they start with "My mate's PHP code was exploitable because he [insert random LOL code]... is my code also vulnerable if I [insert random ROFL code]"
Fuck my internet is slow as hell right now.
So get this: no fewer than 3 times this week I've helped clients who got hacked because .... their password was 123456. SAME PASSWORD, 3 DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Who the hell picks 123456 as their password??!
@tylerl apparently, it's the 2nd most popular password, right after "password" :)
@tylerl Were you mean to them?
1. password (Unchanged)
2. 123456 (Unchanged)
3. 12345678 (Unchanged)
4. abc123 (Up 1)
5. qwerty (Down 1)
6. monkey (Unchanged)
7. letmein (Up 1)
8. dragon (Up 2)
9. 111111 (Up 3)
10. baseball (Up 1)
11. iloveyou (Up 2)
12. trustno1 (Down 3)
13. 1234567 (Down 6)
14. sunshine (Up 1)
15. master (Down 1)
16. 123123 (Up 4)
17. welcome (New)
18. shadow (Up 1)
19. ashley (Down 3)
20. football (Up 5)
21. jesus (New)
22. michael (Up 2)
23. ninja (New)
24. mustang (New)
25. password1 (New)
Source: Splashdata
dragon, looooooooool
@tylerl you should get up a lot earlier :p
@ton.yeung The nice thing about clueless clients is they're steady income. If they prefer to manage their servers themselves, then I am most certainly happy to charge them to fix it when they break it.
about 12 hours!
ah I shall implement this
Though I have been known to get up at 11am on a week day.
though that typically means i was up till 4am
# 12. trustno1 (Down 3)
Clearly not.
Whoever the hell thought the backspace button going back a webpage was a dumbass. This is more of a hassle than anything else. If I really need to go back I'm usually browsing the inter-tubes clicking on links and not typing crap thus my hand is on the mouse clicking shit.
@tylerl you should add that to the canonical time zone meme in meta
@Griffin Doesn't happen on Chrome on Linux
@ton.yeung Very very true.
@tylerl Does happen on chrome in Windows.
@Griffin I see your problem.
@tylerl Why not? it's been a while since X-Files ya'know? :P
And a solution
@tylerl Which is?
@Griffin Clearly you need to start using Chrome on Linux
@Griffin clear the cookie crumbs under your control key!
@tylerl It also has a useful feature where you can switch tabs using the scroll wheel
@TildalWave I am confused on how that will help.
Plus you can re-bind the fwd/back buttons on your mouse to do something actually useful: like raise and lower windows or something. Best decision I ever made.
@tylerl Not an option. Linux gaming == shit.
@tylerl yep
@tylerl That is a good solution yet I am lazy.
@Griffin USE LINUX
(especially if you want to get good at computery stuff)
@Griffin It won't... but sometimes all you can do is pretend you're doing something useful :)
@ManishEarth Again Linux gaming == crap. I have Linux on my Laptop.
I've done a lot of messing with Windows, but you can only go so far.
@Griffin Dual boot. You won't be gaming while you work/browse
Also, Steam is on Linux now
I dual boot Windows for just that reason
@ManishEarth My computer theoretically dual-boots to Windows. Though I haven't actually tested this feature since I installed it.
All my games (and software like SolidWorks, CS5, etc etc) only work on WIndows
@tylerl Ha!
@ManishEarth Virtualbox
@tylerl Slow
@ManishEarth My desktop has less harddrive space than my laptop and while linux doesn't take up much anything at this point is too much. While steam is on Linux it's not great it doesn't have all the games and more!
@Griffin Yeah, still. LINUX
@ManishEarth Also my wireless doesn't work. Speaking of which does anyone want to help me fix the wireless drivers on my laptop?
Basically, use linux on whichever computer you use most for browsing and non-gaming things
@Griffin on linux? should work, but google for the drivers
I just use windows and if I need Linux I just boot a VM
@ManishEarth Latest Vbox w/ proper acceleration is pretty snappy. I regularly use it for photoshop and some games w/ no trouble. Though my hardware is pretty recent.
@tylerl Mine isn't :P
@ManishEarth Also my wireless doesn't work. Speaking of which does anyone want to help me fix the wireless drivers on my laptop?
@ManishEarth I've googled everything there is trust me
hmm, dunno then
I found drivers but then Linux was like fuck you and your stupid drivers NTSF wrapper says no core or something. I was then like fine fuck you I'll update. It was like bitch try again motherfucker.
@Griffin I'd wager that you embellished the exchange a little.
@tylerl The laptops side was embellished. I was honestly cursing at it outloud.
@ton.yeung Explain
@ton.yeung Don't get the refrence.
@ton.yeung There are serveral decent NTFS drivers for Linux, and EXT3 for Windows does in fact exist
@ton.yeung Horde vs Alliance
I also fail to understand how Linux is "more convenient to install software" past first set up.
@Griffin Hm? sudo apt-get?
@ton.yeung Yea I don't play it.
@ManishEarth But I have to find the software and know the name and it's name in apt get.
@Griffin tab completion. Also, if you use Ubuntu, Ubuntu software center
Also, downloading .deb files works too
On Windows you download .exe or .msi installers. On Ubuntu you download .deb. OR use the Software Center. OR use aptget
@ton.yeung Thing is it's not more convenient. Like I can point click download run.
And aptget fetches dependancies too
@Griffin tried installing latex on Windows? Or any non-commercial software?
@Griffin Umm, yeah, on Linux .deb files are point-click-download-run
@ton.yeung Typing is fine however searching is annoying.
@ton.yeung skin? O_0
@ManishEarth I think I've installed it once.
Yeah. You just type things like yum update Microsoft Office -- like this guy:
in The Comms Room, Feb 17 '12 at 19:39, by MikeyB
574 update
575 up date
576 compile
577 memory
578 ****** ← redacted customer name
579 strsst
580 log out
581 logout
582 cd/tmp
583 sudo to root
584 cd /tmp
585 wget
700 update
701 update rsm
702 update server1
703 update -y yum
704 yup -y update
705 yum update
706 yum -server1 update
707 up grade
708 upgrade
709 up grade
710 upgrade
711 reinstall microsoft office
712 reinstall
713 yum -y install word
714 yum update Microsoft Office
715 yum update ms
716 apt-get update
717 apt-get upgrade
718 apt- get upgrade
@tylerl ah
@ManishEarth Also I feel like before doing anything I have to update.
@Griffin Not really. Updating sources is different
And on Windows, you get a million little notifications on each software you use
@ManishEarth I don't get any notification >.<
@Griffin Adobe Update? Java Update? Windows Update?
etc etc
@ton.yeung I just do it on shutdown.
@ManishEarth It's not every 5 minutes though. Adobe is the only annoying as fuck one.
And I don't get that all to much.
@Griffin Also you rarely have to update on Ubuntu.
Updating sources is different. And usually that only needs to happen once.
@ManishEarth I'm talking apt-get update.
I actually haven't updated my Ubuntu for a couple of months, and I've been able to install stuff
@Griffin You have to do that once
And that just updates sources
@ManishEarth I don't know how you do that but mine says no.
And it doesn't need to run if you install from debs
@Griffin As in?
@Manish As in it yells at me about something not being right. I haven't needed to download any software recently so I don't remember exact message.
@ManishEarth My best guess on what's happening is software is depended on another software that has updated thus it needs to update. Software seems to update quite quickly in Linux.
It asks for aptget update every time you want to install something?
That's not right
@Griffin Aptget update does not update packages
@ManishEarth Welcome to my world.
sudo apt-get update is what it wants me to do.
@Griffin Do it once, do it thoroughly (it takes a while), and that's it
@ManishEarth I don't know how it's done thoroughly. I just do it and let it run till it's done then grab the software.
@Griffin Yeah, then you don't ned to do it every time you install
unless you are installing from PPAs or custom sources
@ManishEarth I would love for that to be the case for me also.
@Griffin Exactly what asks you to run update?
@ManishEarth I don't know I haven't done it in forever. I just remember that whenever I forgot to it wouldn't let me install unless I did update.
Memorizing an error message is not one of my favorite things to do.
No, I wanted to know when that happens
@Griffin So if you type sudo apt-get install, it pops up?
sudo apt-get install whatever the fuck i'm installing. It doesn't give a popup it gives message in terminal
@Griffin ah
See, basically update updates the list of sources -- where to download each package from, and what the dependencies are like.
(apt-get upgrade upgrades all the packages, and dist-upgrade upgrades ubuntu)
@ton.yeung edited...like this
@ton.yeung edited message
Cause I keep switching from qwerty to azerty... so I mess a lot of a/q m/, etc
@ton.yeung hit the up arrow key to cycle through messages to edit. Or use the down arrow menu next to your chat mesages
you can do things in this editor that you cant do in questions. Though I've forgotten what.
@tylerl nope
Well some minecraft modders thought it was so more easier to hardcode the Z key...
Except onebox stuff
@ManishEarth nope??
@tylerl The main editor can do everything that chat can
bold, italics, strikethrough, links, fixed width
@ton.yeung not very useful in stackexchange chat context ^^
@ton.yeung that's three words
je te aime
it's like the English can't--that's can not, two words. A contraction
@ton.yeung Basically, a contraction forms when people aren't bothered to say the words -- they mush 'em together. saying te aime (Tuh Em) in French is annoying, it's just easier to say t'aime(Tem). It's still two words, but people are making them sound like one in speech. Then this spreads and trickles into writing.
@ManishEarth Sorry dinner
I wonder what y a-t-il counts as

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