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Q: How is Brahman Being Free from Dualities Tenable with Advaita's Swaroop Lakshana?

DebbieIn Advaita Vedanta, the core property of Brahman is that Brahman is free from dualities and therefore cannot be related to anything. Therefore, it is invalid to relate Brahman to anything and therefore giving models and representations of Brahman is futile. Arguments stemming from such representa...

7 hours later…
Q: Can I speak to a girl during hanuman deeksha?

MadhuI'm about to undergo the holy Hanuman deeksha but I'm quite unsure regarding whether I can speak to a girl or not. I'm still a undergraduate so it requires to communicate with other batchmates during the laboratories. Apart from that I have a girlfriend, I'm unsure if I can speak to her or not, w...

2 hours later…
Q: What is Pakhanda/Pashandavaada?

HarshDefine pakhanda/pashanda vaada. Does it mean those who reject vedas. Or those who denigrate the brahmanas? How to deal with pakhandis. Should they be thrown out of cities?

3 hours later…
Q: Can I chant using Sphatik mala?

Supernerd411I want to do Shiv bhakti. I thought that I should start with chanting. I have a sphatik mala at home. Which mantra should I start chanting? Is sphatik fine? Should I learn the shiv tandav stotram for some extra benefits?

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