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Unless you're presenting to muckety-mucks who need stuff broken down into Kindergartener terms, I find charts tend to cost more time than they're worth.
Hell, even when you're presenting they still do. Not like the folks are actually going to read them. But they like to see pretty pictures.
That's interesting, too bad I can't seem to care.
Wow. XBL has been down for awhile. Wonder if MS forgot to pay a bill or something? It is first day of the fiscal year for many.
Heh. I like how WinBeta starts their article about it:
> If you’re currently giving your Internet Service Provider an earful because you can’t access Xbox Live, perhaps calm down, apologize to the person on the other end of the phone and hang up.
@RoryAlsop You don't do console gaming, do you?
Yeah - ps3 and ps4
And megadrive and n64
And dreamcast
And occasionally wii
@RoryAlsop Ah, hehe. Haven't been on my PS3 in forever. I'll get PS4 at some point.
Still use my ps3 for quite a few games that I don't want to have to buy again
Between the two big guys, I prefer the PlayStation experience. But all my RL friends are on Xbox. So that's how I ended up getting a One first.
Hi. Small question
One of these days I'll get back to my PC gaming roots. Just don't have much room - physically or in the budget - for it.
@Celeritas Wow. That is small. Can't even see it.
I've red what a nonce is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_nonce, but what's the difference between the word nonce and "random number"
@Iszi twss...
@Celeritas Stop reading after the first sentence and you'll see it.
@Iszi I would persuade them to move to ps. Just don't like Xbox games
there is a new person in here
points @Celeritas
He's not that new
I've never seen him
@RoryAlsop There's not really that many exclusives that would drive my choice towards either platform.
@RoryAlsop PC master race
so the real difference is it can only be used once/
Well yes. But if you were to have a console...
@RoryAlsop still a PC
@Celeritas A nonce should be random, but doesn't have to be.
Just like a salt.
why willingly buy a limited PC when you could just buy a PC
Admittedly consoles have never given me this much grief
I don't buy consoles
All have been free
@kalina Because you can still play new releases 10 years later without having to buy new hardware.
Either gifts or prizes
@Iszi pls PCs don't move that fast anymore
@kalina Wow. Someone broke the news to Moore yet?
Okay. That one took two reboots
yeah because games are well known to be optimized for loads of cores
In the middle there was just darkness
and thus since we've gained basically 1ghz of single core speed in the last decade
@kalina Let's see you try to play Destiny on a 10-year-old PC, eh?
Wait, WTF? I thought they put that out on PC?
sure, let it get released first
@kalina Ok, let's say Elite: Dangerous then.
also, that particular argument is like "let's see you play gta5 on a ps2"
Elite Dangerous minimum requirements:
Processor: Four Core (4x2 GHz stated as a fair minimum)
RAM: 2 GB or more.
Graphic card: AMD Radeon 4870 / Nvidia GTX 260 (DirectX 10)
The only thing on that list that wasn't available 10 years ago was the graphics card
@kalina Still, point proven.
Holy freaking crap, they are finally correct
@Iszi hardly, your comparison is still like "play gta5 on a ps2"
There is no counter to the PC that can't be applied to console other than the quantity of fucking about required to troubleshoot any problems rather than the console equivalent of "cry for a bit and then buy another"
@kalina Actually, GTA5 would be a better comparison.
@Iszi sure, I bet you could play the console "limited" version on a old pc
but no, you wouldn't play the "optimized for real hardware" version
@kalina I've played the Xbox 360 version. Didn't feel limited in any way.
then you've clearly been brainwashed, you should feel limited the moment you pick up the controller
@Iszi PC Master race.
@kalina I prefer keyboard and mouse to a controller in most cases, yes. But it's a lot more cost-effective to drop $500 on a console one time and not have to worry about a hardware upgrade for several years, than to put in the amount of money it would cost to buy a PC with the same longevity.
@Iszi if you look at it purely from the point of view of initial outlay then sure, console will win
add a steam library of 100 games to that at console $70 a time
@kalina Cost over time, too.
and then talk
especially when they'll cost you $25 on steam
@kalina Seriously, brand new release at $25?
And if you wait for sales, half of the time things cost even less.
@Iszi Depends on the game.
pls, as if you buy brand new, that was an average price based on getting 5 brand new games per year and the rest on sale
But free consoles change the balance a bit :-)
even second hand console games cost more than most PC games
Plus, driving games on a console can be fun
not in any way you can't achieve on PC
Nah - most I've spent on a console game is way less than PC games
@kalina Past few games I've gotten on the console have been within a month or two of release.
I can't believe we are having this conversation
I do usually buy games a year or more after they come out
PC > Console.
It's a known fact.
@DavidFreitag don't be so obvious about it, this would make many console tards EXPLODE with froth and "BUT WE GET EXCLUSIVES AND HAVE MORE GAMES*"
@DavidFreitag Take money out of the equation and I wholly agree.
* both of these things are false
@Iszi even with money in the equation
@Iszi Please, you can get any PC came for free so money isn't in the equation
and that's not before considering that you need a TV for consoles
@kalina Not true even remotely.
@kalina Well, there are console exclusives. And some of them are pretty decent. That can't be denied. But without cost being a factor, that wouldn't be enough to push me to consoles.
A monitor with an HDMI input works just as well
@DavidFreitag well if you start adding the cost of monitors into the thing then you need to take that off the equivalent pc price, removing even more price difference
@kalina Aside from @DavidFreitag's very valid point, the TV issue is moot - you've already got one anyway.
@Iszi I don't own a TV
@Iszi I already invalidated his "very valid point"
@Iszi more exclusives on PC
@kalina You either have a TV or a monitor or both.
The monitor isn't even the most expensive part of the PC - unless you're buying a TV-sized monitor.
@Iszi no but it's just another thing
@DavidFreitag These days, there's almost no distinction. Except that TVs tend to be in larger sizes and have built-in tuners that hardly anybody uses.
@Iszi Two words for you: Pixel density.
And have annoying functions
Why do manufacturers insist on pushing smart tvs
because they're trying to stay relevant
I want a dumb TV. If I want to add smart I'll do that outside the tv
Anyway, I'm going to go bang my head into a wall for the next few hours, ta ta
@DavidFreitag I thought you didn't play console games?
That's what I'm doing
@kalina Last gaming rig I built, the monitor probably wasn't more than 10% of the overall cost.
@Iszi I think you're missing the point
@kalina I play Halo and Dersterner, that's about it
Granted, that was well before @Simon was born.
@Celeritas your tax id can be considered a nonce, who actually pays taxes can be considered random ;)
internet is being so slow when I have so many gigabytes to download
I think the monitors are a significant fraction of this gaming rig, @Iszi
Like 1/3
@RoryAlsop don't contradict him, he wants to be correct so badly
Still only one monitor
also I have 1.7TB of SSDs in this machine now
Still both keyboard and mouse being recognised as keyboard devices
@kalina nice!
@RoryAlsop Haha. So, what's your WPM on that mouse?
I should have decided what I'm installing where before getting this far in
but c'est la vie
Yeah... Is it just that windows 10 is incompatible with everything
@RoryAlsop I didn't have that experience
I blame the weird hardware @DavidFreitag chose for you
basically, it's all @DavidFreitag's fault
and he should be ashamed for the amount of pain and suffering he has inflicted on you
@kalina Damn. And you're complaining of the costs of monitors?
@kalina was all of that in French, including but?
@TildalWave -.-
@Iszi I haven't complained once during this entire conversation
@TildalWave Yes. Her but is French like @ThomasPornin's.
it would kinda say purpose is life
@kalina Fair point. And new record, I think.
@Iszi that's not what I meant :(
@kalina It's all good. We still love you. And I gotta jet. See y'all later.
no you don't
and FINE
leave me here alone
@kalina I do. Got two gals waiting on me and a 1 hour drive to get to them. And you're not alone. You've got @RoryAlsop and @TildalWave here.
I'm going to step away from the machine for the night as well. This is too damn annoying, and too slow. Next driver download is expected to take another hour
Beer and bed I think
Ok, so @TildalWave.
@Iszi great, you're leaving me for other women
Blimming Microsoft
<- abandoned
@kalina Yeah, the ones legally referred to as "my wife and child".
@kalina I'm leaving you for one other woman. Sorry about that :-)
Damnit @TildalWave, get back in here and keep @kalina company. We don't need her getting bored and burning The DMZ down while we're gone.
I hope you feel guilty, knowing that you chose for things to be this way
I'm watching Progress docking, there were some nice images of it from HDEV cam
@kalina Here. Something for you to set fire to other than chat.
Q: Is rolling your own network protocol insecure?

SebbBy now, everyone on here should know that rolling your own crypto is bad. But what's about rolling your own (encryption supporting) network protocol? I'm working on an open-source project (by now it's an idea to be honest) where I need to exchange a lot of binary data between clients, but trans...

@Iszi eugh, I don't care about stuff like that
@Iszi Sigh...
@kalina @kalina Sorry, I was actually referring to @Simon. The question is for any Sec.SE folks that wanna hammer it.
Are we having an edit ping fight because that's totally what I'm doing.
I just seem to be getting pinged lots for no reason
@Simon Nah. The SEI folks (or SOI, I guess) really should do something about that.
@kalina Stupid chat pings you any time a message with a mention of you gets edited. As if it was a whole new message.
There's a certain amount of sense to it, but only so much.
Anyway, I'm out.

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