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@LucasKauffman Your first sentence here is difficult to parse, and I'm usually pretty good at balancing out multiple negatives.
A: Building access card that has an identification role

Lucas KauffmanI do not see an issue with not having a corporate logo or a drop in any mailbox message on a building access card. The reason being that if someone loses their card, it will be impossible or hard to find out for which building the card is used. Also in the event someone wants to perform a targe...

@Iszi I rearranged the sentence
@LucasKauffman Last sentence, you misspelled "necessarily"
One bear editing another bears post :)
Why is most of the star wall either by @Simon or mentioning @Simon?
@TildalWave cuz @Simon is speshul.
@AviD oh that aye then I don't have to read the transcript... btw what's gorgonblaster? that's like poppycock, balderdash,...?
jabberwocky? :)
sure :-)
though wasn't there a drink by that name in HGTTG?
This is one of those days I wish I could down-vote a comment.
Please remember that building access cards should not be needed within the building. — Deer Hunter 20 mins ago
Yeah, the room where I work needs 3 access permissions.
@BadgerGirl Could you elaborate?
@Iszi hey, I agree with him. Or rather, I prefer to work in environments where that is true. In general though, and for most of my clients, I would agree with you.
@BadgerGirl Saw your SN and immediately thought "Mushroom!" - then your profile of course made me smile.
@Iszi that was my reaction too. Except for the smile...
@Adnan One to the company, one to the IT area, and one for the thing...
@AviD Environments in which that is true are only truly possible in a world where building access cards are not needed at all.
@Adnan yeah, I used to have to go through 4 to get to the server room / sysadmin office.
human/physical identifcation, magnetic card, palm reader, and passcode.
still pretty much all bypassable, though... :-(
@Iszi Exactly.
no wait, thats not true - there are plenty of buildings where you dont want outsiders wandering in, but its a small enough place -everyone knows each other, flat permissions structure - you dont need a card inside.
think of the card as a house key.
@AviD The cases in which that is appropriate though, are relatively rare.
@Iszi and those are the best....
Ladies. Gents.
not so rare, think of any very small company, startups, etc.
@AviD I said relatively.
Especially, cases in which that is appropriate and they're actually using access cards as opposed to mechanical keys.
During business hours our building is wide open and even has customer parking. Off hours requires card access. How does that fit into your plan?
@ScottPack reliance on "peer review"?
@AviD Depends on the specific zone. We have gobs of customer areas.
... which shouldnt be available on off hours, of course...
Which goes back to the point of asking how it fits in. There doesn't appear to be much discussion on exactly which apples and tangerines you guys are comparing.
@BadgerGirl What thing?!
oo, tangerines. yumm.
but yeah, totally agree with you.
@Adnan Sysadmin office.
@Badger what do you do? Programmer?
Intern for...?
I hear all the cool kids Intern for RedHat these days. Or losers. I can't remember.
if you dont mind saying, of course.
Sysadmin intern at my country's NIC.
@BadgerGirl NIC?
Network Interface Card.
Network Information Center
or that...
@BadgerGirl and what does one do in a network information center of mexico?
@AviD what country has a single network interface card?
@Gilles Australia.
@Gilles North Korea
@LucasKauffman no, I think in NK they transfer packets by hand.
@Gilles whichever it is, you can bet that only the best interns are assigned to it.
I think we chased her away :(
Yeah :(
@LucasKauffman Or she may not be allowed to comment on Mexico's PRISM-equivalent.
It's funny how the islam stackexchange has made an abreviation for "profet, blessings be upon him"
@LucasKauffman PBUH?
@Iszi thats nasty.
@LucasKauffman That's not made by Islam.SE, it's common across the Internet
@Iszi now that we're friends, can I crash your couch in 2 weeks?
One of the users on Physics recently got 10k. I should tell him to validate all DMZ flags, right?
@BadgerGirl you're welcome on mine. If you do babysitting.
@ManishEarth Have we been getting a lot of flags?
not as much as the Bridge, no
@BadgerGirl It's hot where he is.
@ScottPack hooooooboy
@AviD Thanks but I'm going to Florida.
Apparently someone went through the transcript flagging a bunch of shit in the Comms room
@ScottPack But you're considered one of the top flag-generating rooms :P
@ScottPack O_0
@BadgerGirl It is haram to visit a man and sleep on his couch!
I'm not a Muslim :P
@LucasKauffman you dirty boy
@ManishEarth I think we are still lightyears away from passing the bridge on flags
@BadgerGirl aaaw :(
@LucasKauffman ofc
@LucasKauffman If enough girls sleep on a man's couch it'll become a harem.
't was because your second biggest account is islam
@ManishEarth I need to reparse that. Are you saying that The DMZ is one of the top flag-generating rooms or that I'm one of the top flag generating people?
@ScottPack you=y'all
@ManishEarth who is flagging then?
The DMZ, of course Never seen a flag on one of your posts
@LucasKauffman dunno
I was living with Muslims when I was in Germany. I had to learn :P
@ton.yeung lol
@ManishEarth and can you see how many flags I have generated over time?
@LucasKauffman yes
@BadgerGirl Heh, it's not my couch. Sorry. What're you going to be in Florida for?
IMO The DMZ is OK when it comes to flaggable stuff. There's no fighting or anything, just a lot of nsfw jokes. That's not bad; I don't mind it and I usually invalidate DMZ flags
@ManishEarth ooh ooh ooh are you allowed to share?
I mean people flagging me not me flagging people
@ScottPack I assumed he meant that @Scott is one of the top flag-generating rooms.
@ManishEarth NSFW jokes? Here? Naaawwww....
@ManishEarth I usually just invalidate every flag.
@LucasKauffman 3. One mention of "penis", a pic of a dog's nether region, and another message
@Iszi You should hear some of Chopper's old work stories.
@ManishEarth another message?
@BadgerGirl Ah. Well, if you're coming to central FL let me know and we could meet up for drinks sometime or something.
@LucasKauffman its not offensive, dunno hy it was flagged. Not going to share :P
@ScottPack If it's one random message from the commsroom
@Iszi Sure, can @copy come?
Who starred that?
it was to show how it worked to a newbie :P
@ManishEarth Oh, you mean the dog's asshole that looks like Jesus? C'mon, that's all over the place.
@BadgerGirl Can't think why not.
Not suited for work
@Iszi no, a pic of a dog' testicles on a phone
@ManishEarth aaaah that one :D
@LucasKauffman This is the one I'm usually thinking of: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/3251541#3251541
@ScottPack Well, I do too. Usually I'm not fast enough, but I check the room context and unsuspend if it wasn't that bad. However, of late The Bridge flags have a lot of fighting (unlike the DMZ, which is just language), which needs to be dealt with
@ManishEarth Must've missed that one, but I'm not complaining.
@Iszi Then it's a plan.
@ScottPack think you meant Iszi, :p I loved his story about how he lost his virginity to a 10 year older woman on a random concert
@ManishEarth That's probably fair. We, by and large, don't take ourselves seriously enough to actually fight.
yep lol
@LucasKauffman I missed that one!
wonder if I can find it
@ScottPack or maybe we're just too scared sh*tless of what we could each do to each other.
in The Comms Room, May 30 '12 at 19:04, by Chopper3
just been to my daughter's school orchestra concert - it sounded like a bus filled with bells crashing into a wolf factory
@ScottPack Ouch. Just imagining that sound made my ears hurt.
@ScottPack I wonder if @Chopper3 is older than @RoryA
@LucasKauffman No.
@LucasKauffman I though nobody was older than RoryA
@LucasKauffman Gimme a minute
I'm not even sure GOD is older than @RoryAlsop
@AviD Special like that special kid we all had to school or special like "wooooooooow"?
@ton.yeung exactly.
cue the scene from Hackers...
(And seriously, guys, it takes less keystrokes to auto-fill @RoryAlsop than it does to say "@RoryA".)
@Simon what do you think...?
@AviD Definitely the special kid.
Chopper3 is like the RoryA of the serverfault
@TildalWave Cellular repeaters are of questionable legality, unless provided by an actual cell provider - and those usually prefer to only give them to their own customers. Jammers are definitely illegal, at least in the U.S.. — Iszi 10 mins ago
@Iszi - Didn't know snark detectors are also illegal in US :P
@TildalWave They're not, but neither is idiot-proofing.
@Iszi Btw that question ... I VTC-ed it as OT ;)
@ScottPack the commsroom has some pretty good stories, the first time I found out Cole used to be a woman I was like wuuuuut
@LucasKauffman I'm going to tentatively say yes. I think his kids are old enough to warrant it.
@LucasKauffman Looking at his picture how could you not tell?
@ScottPack well I generally not tend to scrutinize pictures of what looks like a hairy guy
@LucasKauffman Both chin hairs. :)
@ScottPack haha
@TildalWave Which OT? The "breaking other people's security" or "product recommendations"?
@Iszi well to be fair we don't know where OP is from ;) US isn't the only country in the world where they write in poor English ya'know? :P
@Iszi I voted as "breaking ... not understanding ..." yup
@ton.yeung Depends on your definition of "English"
@TildalWave I don't think the OP realized that some of the information he's asking for may require breaking the system. I think we can still reasonably answer with "you can meet some of your needs by doing x, but meeting the others require methods which are not ethical or legal".
@ton.yeung that new game of ubisoft?
Indians seem to manage Indian English pretty well :P
@ton.yeung I didn't say there is one ;) But maybe Antarctica? Mostly scientists there ;)
(i.e., no rules)
@ton.yeung which is most of English, right?
@ton.yeung English has some Germanic roots. It's picked up so many Romantic influences that it's only a technicality.
@ton.yeung dunno... to me it's sounds like it has Germanic structure and basic words, but I honestly didn't study it in that way before... it definitely uses loads of Latin words, or for certain use also French (which is again Latin based with undecipherable structure LOL)
@ScottPack I have often said, the reason noone can develop real AI, is that intelligence is based on language skills, AI is typically developed in English based languages, and English is an irrational language.
@ton.yeung well don't because I'm pretty sure there's a lot of good articles about it... I'm just not arsed to read them now :)
If one were to develop AI in a rational language, they would have more luck...
@Gilles That sounds like a pretty accurate description.
@AviD So all AI should be developed based on Latin?
@ScottPack is Latin a rational language?
@ScottPack that was quick
@TildalWave Still slower than I would have liked.
@ton.yeung there are IIRC 6 as well
@TildalWave isnt that what she said?
@TildalWave He's got memegenerator on speed-dial.
@ScottPack and then he said that...
@ton.yeung I'll ask my girlfriend, she teaches latin
@Iszi Google.
@Iszi well so do I but he always beats me to it :)
@ScottPack Yeah, same way you find that same bear pic so quickly every time. We know.
@TildalWave that's cuz you use Firefox. @ScottPack uses Lynx.
@AviD dunno what sources of information you have but I most definitely didn't use Firefox for DMZ in months
@ton.yeung yea she teaches latin and spanish in high school
whatevs, man, the point was the lynx.
@AviD whatever man the point was you were wrong! :P
which is what she said :))
like I care. I'm used to it already.
....that's also not what I put in for text. Drat.
@ton.yeung I did it two years myself, in high school it's not really spoken, so you mainly learn it from translating texts and poems. Once at University level it's abit more complicated
anyone done analysis of Rails 4 already?
Home time. Gents. @Lucas.
@ScottPack Pack.
@ScottPack You forgot about me.
@ScottPack oww look ^ you iz popular!
@BadgerGirl dont take it personally. I think @ScottPack is just not used to having real ladies around.
That reminds me... Anyone seen @BethLakshmi lately? Can't remember the last time we heard from her.
well, except for @LucasKauffman/
@Iszi she's still active on The Workplace
@Iszi she doesnt come to the chats very often....
@Iszi she changed her gravatar, maybe that's why you think so?
@LucasKauffman You need to make a trip to Ohio, so your gender can be @ScottPack certified.
@Iszi I saw an answer from her earlier today.
On a cert question, I think.
has an answer 7 hours old
@TildalWave So she did...
@Iszi ewww what is that?
@Iszi I should do that, I could also ask @TerryChia, but I guess that could make me a childmolester
@AviD What's what?
@Iszi the gravatar.... looks like a deformed spider.
@AviD Look again. Seems like a praying mantis to me, but I didn't know they came in brown.
@Iszi oh okay, could be. icky bugs all the same.
@Iszi no no... wait I'll find how they're called in English
oh damn but it is a praying mantis, didn't have a good enough look of the gravatar before, sorry
@Iszi beth who?
@LucasKauffman for shame.
It's got a funny-looking ass for a mantis.
thought it's Australian Leaf Insect (Phasmatodea)
@Iszi so does @LucasKauffman!
@ton.yeung who doesn't?
@Iszi yup looks a bit strange but it could as well be some origami?
or... do they shed skin? because it kinda looks like that
@TildalWave No way it's origami, but maybe some other sort of art.
@TildalWave Highly doubt you'd find a whole one so intact if they did (and I don't think they do), just based on its construction.
@Iszi dunno... but if you enlarge the gravatar you'll notice it's got honeycomb structure which I find rather strange and can't find anything similar using google images
@ton.yeung in a honeycomb structure? doubt it... but it could be just some wax figurine, I've seen similar stuff but never a praying mantis
@ton.yeung yup I know what you're talking of, we've been building stuff with bamboo and rice paper... but building such intricate detail using honeycomb pattern would be a major pain in the behind, I've only managed to build a few simple-ish glider airplanes and even those took a long time to build
@ton.yeung damn I think you just answered it... some even use wax which is the color it's in
@ton.yeung she's a burlesque dancer. I think that's a given.
@ton.yeung I love those animals actually they're really stubborn and brave. I was once fighting with one for a bit of space on a bench, didn't want to move an inch :)
@ton.yeung and you decided to make that point to someone that uses a book worm for gravatar? :))
@ton.yeung well yes the base is
@ton.yeung no that's coppers with a stop sign lollipop
@ton.yeung well, @TildalWave is an expert with icons...
Morning. @Iszi, what do you think about rewording your "why privacy if nothing to hide" question to be more standalone? I feel it could become an excellent question + set of answers, but as it's currently phrased it mostly talks about another question (which IMO isn't very interesting and has a trivial answer). I can see why it's like that, but now it seems less important. security.stackexchange.com/questions/7666/…
@AviD right... shame nobody ever asks about icon security here :(
@TildalWave wait, I actually think there was one...
@Michael I think I gave & copied enough content into that question that it can and does stand on its own as-is. The link to and discussion about the other question, at this point, is just really a matter of providing background.
hmm, no, I think this is the one I was thiknking of....
Q: What is the corrupted image vulnerability? How does it work?

MosheWhat exactly happens when someone injects malicious binary code into an image file (on Windows)? How is that done?

@AviD meh I've already upvoted your answer there months ago :P
@TildalWave hehe
@Iszi, agreed, I was really just thinking about how easy it is to read that question from scratch. I thought it would work better with your privacy question up front, then perhaps a smaller reference to the security question at the end. No matter how it's phrased, it's still an important question, I'm glad we've got it :)
@Michael Your answer is a good one, too. Looking forward to reading the actual papers when I have some time.
@AviD I think that answer could actually be also applied to .icl icon libraries, because they're basically gzipped image only dll files
yeah, exactly
@Michael good answer there :)
as promised
user image
r[0] with whisky
@RoryMcCune haha, didja have your water pistol?
@AviD unfortunately I couldn't find one, which is a shame as it was hot enough that I wouldn't have minded being shot myself!
@RoryMcCune but you dont have the deputy badge!
@RoryMcCune and wearing sec.se swag tee
true true
@TildalWave yarr
now I want scotch :)
@Tidalwave @Iszi, thanks.
@BadgerGirl My sincerest apologies. I didn't see you in list.
@ScottPack It's fine, I'm used to it.
It's no excuse. You should not accept such blatant misogyny.
Isn't TildalWave a girl too?
@BadgerGirl yes, yes he is. At least he is now.
and thank you, @BadgerGirl. You are always welcome here. :-)
@BadgerGirl Damn! You stay silent for ages, and then you wake up and say something. You destroy!
I'm going to blame @AviD. He's probably the most accustomed to it.
@RoryMcCune Good man.
(no, he's not, but we're going to mock him for a long, long time...)
@RoryMcCune Aw man! Does he have to be wearing the Sec.SE t-shirt in this photo?
@Adnan you want he should take it off...??
@Adnan I believe it was intentional.....
We need a shot of Doktor Mayhem in a Sec.SE shirt now.
@RoryMcCune Do you have it in non-instagram colors?
Dammit - should have said. I have a gun rack in the kids shed full of water pistols
@Adnan probably not unless instagram saves before and after...
@RoryAlsop Should have left off the last four words there and just let us wonder.
Oh, that's exactly as much as I have left in my Highland Park bottle!
Not anymore!
@Adnan Ah - well this is just one of the two 12 yr bottles. I also have an 18.
@Iszi that could happen
@RoryAlsop I can't afford the 18 one. How deeper is it?
@Iszi not on a mobile device which doesn't have the autofill...
Tell me, tell me about it!
@Adnan well 6, obviously
like duh!
@Iszi wonder why the kids have a gun rack in their shed?
@RoryAlsop I should get me one next month
@Adnan you should!
@RoryM - what did you think of the single malt gin?
@RoryAlsop Meh.
@RoryAlsop was very nice :) worked well with bitter lemon!
Top of my list of things to do when wife and kids are away - sit out with a whisky, good company, and devices capable of showing me the wonders of finebros, reddit/r/cosplay/ SneakyZebra etc
and some security chat, I guess
@RoryAlsop w000 for more ways to waste time :)
guess what is open in the other screen just now (no, nox xnxx.com, @Adnan) - reddit... I blame you
Haven't even put my guitars away!
heh - got a notable question! Think it is my first.
@RoryAlsop reddit has to be responsible for the largest amount of time sunk EVAR...!
Q: How can I add mp3 audio to an mp4 video?

Dr MayhemI have been sent a video clip from our latest gig, but it was taken on a small camcorder and the bass has overloaded the sound. Luckily I have a studio version at the same speed that I can use. I don't have budget to use one of the packages I usually recommend, so can I do this on a Windows plat...

@RoryMcCune that doesnt sound like a waste of time...
@RoryAlsop Is that a euphemism?
@RoryAlsop My mom recently mis-typed "I" when she meant to say "u" (as in "you"). My response to her was along the lines of: "You have a full QWERTY keyboard with predictive text, both of our phones automatically merge multi-message texts, and we both have unlimited texting plans. You have less excuse than anyone in the history of SMS users to not type out full words in your texts!"
@Adnan erm, no - I was showing off my twin neck Led Zep SG, and my 1972 Telecaster
@AviD well depends on definition of "waste" of course but reddit + youtube definitely can occupy quite a bit of time!
@RoryAlsop Still sounds like a euphemism.
@RoryAlsop that twin neck thing is proper rock and roll!
@RoryMcCune trudat
@RoryMcCune ah, I was talking about the whisky, good company, and devices
@RoryMcCune I can't bear to 'Tek it with orange etc. It's too nice
@AviD ah well indeed that's never a waste of time..
Check the topic priority over there ===>

In here, it's *always* safe to presume it's a euphemism first.
So I disappear for 5 minutes and you change my sex? Dip me in chocolate and feed me to lesbians!!!
@TildalWave that really happened to me
@RoryAlsop Really living the rock star lifestyle, eh?
(maybe not really - could have been a dream)
it wasn't chocolate
@RoryAlsop hahaha why doesn't that surprise me?
@RoryAlsop Ew. Two girls, one cup... and Doktor Mayhem?
because I am exceedingly silly
@Iszi ewwww - you broke the dream, man
ooh - now I am on PC, I see the shiny new badgers @AviD
@RoryAlsop well being dipped into chocolate and fed to lesbians is one thing, but you changed your sex twice?? :P
@TildalWave bizarrely - that reminds me of a conversation I had at work today...
not going to expand further on that one though
@TildalWave Well, when you're @RoryAlsop you have to do something to keep things interesting over the centuries.
@Iszi cheeky
@RoryAlsop You're such a tease.
@Iszi what do you think humans are...?
@RoryAlsop Delicious when served with ketchup?
@Iszi ahahaa - breeding my own food crop.... Doktor Mayhem is wise in the ways of food
Hey! Where do I get my Sec.SE t-shirt?
@Simon Ahhh - well....I would refer the quadri-coloured one to last night's conversation on this very topic
@RoryAlsop "Quadri-colored" - nice.
@Iszi well, you learn these complicated words after a while...
@RoryAlsop A long while.
@Simon A very, very long while...
as I was saying to that nice Mr Iscariot... look after the denarii mate, that's what counts. A free dinner is good too.
I also want one that says "I played with TidalWave's boobies" but that might just be me.
I'd better get out of here. I'm gonna run out my star limit for the day.
A: Geocaching or alternative game/activity to learn the basics of GPS navigation in terrain

Rory AlsopYou could try the global multi-layer GPS game from Google: Ingress You need to be able to navigate to locations (generally monuments, statues, major landmarks etc) and once there you claim them for your faction (or destroy the mods placed there by the opposing players) - and to handle higher l...

@Simon Get something skin tight and cut off the arms.
@ScottPack Do I write something on it?
I leave that analysis as an exercise for the reader.
A great exercise indeed.
@ScottPack writer...
@RoryAlsop Tomato...potato....

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