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@jcolebrand wow! What is all that code doing? 10+ seconds...just wow!
@jcolebrand Investigation method 1: launch the Task Manager on your server and see if the server is burning 100% of its CPU during these ten seconds of latency, or if it is idle.
If it is mostly idle, then it is waiting for something to happen from the network, so:
Investigation method 2: install Network Monitor on the server and see what the server is trying to do during that time.
@RoryAlsop wanna see a screencap? ;-)
Last I had some similar problem, it turned out that the server was stalling on DLL loading
@jcolebrand go for it :-)
DLL where signed and the machine was trying to validate the certificates, downloading CRL from Verisign
but the network config was closed and DNS resolution on verisign.com was stalling
network capture is the most powerful tool for analysis of performance issues in Microsoft products
at least that's what I found in my day job.
I'm gonna burn this image in bit
Nothing in my code actually implements a BeginRequest method, but obviously something is happening there.
Hitting that .svc calls a ClaimsTransformation class that inherits from a MS base class
That's it. It validates some claims and returns.
But, this is where I get lost. It's too dynamic and too complex.
@jcolebrand Well, that tells you where in the code (roughly) the time is spent, but it does not tell you if the CPU is spinning madly or just sitting idle during the 22 seconds.
@ThomasPornin very true. I don't have direct access to the box.
I know that that machine is processing other requests at the same time with no issues, does that help?
@jcolebrand This will make things... harder.
This is literally the only service that hangs repeatedly
I'm mostly being nosey at this point because someone else's code makes my code look horrible.
SF is definitely going to be the best place to try and bottom out what could be going on in there...
that's very weird
In other news - look what amused me today:
blinking stalkers :-)
@RoryAlsop I'm jelly!
@RoryAlsop hey, that reminds me. I got a 10% one of those today
@RoryAlsop They sent one out to me saying that I was in the top 10%, which I thought was kind of a backhanded complement as there's 200m users on Linkedin so that makes me one of only 10-20 mill people!
@Adnan I'm just vaguely amused - 2 other folks I know also got one, so we started thinking it was a scam, until another friend pointed out his only said 5%
@RoryMcCune lol
If you click on the link it is basically just a thanks for being on LinkedIn - quite amusingly low content
@RoryAlsop Congrats!
@RoryMcCune Actually the LA Times talked about the same thing
@Iszi I want a 0.5% 'cos then I could be One in a Million :-)
@RoryAlsop Well, you'd be one amongst other million like you.. but yeah
made me laugh anyway
there are 200 million linkedin profiles I think no?
@LucasKauffman yep
Good news - Slavery in the UK finally abolished today! anotherangryvoice.blogspot.com.es/2013/02/…
@Adnan I liked a version I saw on twitter just now - "I guess what "you're in the top 10% of linkedin accounts" means is "you're in the top 100% of accounts that have updated kinda recently""
@RoryAlsop I don't really understand why they have to work without wage?
@LucasKauffman someone in power managed to pass a bill so it could be demanded of the unemployed. Personally, I would like all fit and well unemployed folks to be working - but pay them, even if only minimum wage
not paying them is just wrong
and now illegal
So Workfare was a program by which the unemployed were put to work. Presumably a requirement to raw unemployment benefits?
@ScottPack yup
@RoryAlsop So aren't they technically being compensated for their work?
but rather than pay them, they just had to work. For nothing. For companies.
@ScottPack not really, no
@RoryAlsop That reminds me of an ad for a big French online dating service called Meetic; they were claiming that they helped create more more than 300 couples per day. There was a fast scrolling text underneath, but if you read fast you could learn that the actual fact was that an average daily 600 of their users failed to renew their subscription when it expired.
their benefits are well below minimum wage
@RoryAlsop So they received nothing in exchange for the labou?r?
@ScottPack they were permitted to keep receiving basic unemployment benefits (which all unemployed folks get, but that are well below minimum wage)
@ThomasPornin I'm a bit slow, I don't get it.
it was effectively a scam
@RoryAlsop So if they refused to work they would stop receiving unemployment benefits?
@Adnan they were implying that these 600 had paire up
@ScottPack yep
@RoryAlsop I kind of thought of it like that, but isn't a bit silly to make such a claim? ahhh
@RoryAlsop So in exchange for performing services they were receiving compensation in the form of unemployment benefits. Yes, I completely understand now why it was considered slavery.
I'm with you, though, if they were put to work in such a way then they should have been receiving fair market wages.
I'm more taking umbrage with the comparison to slavery.
@Adnan We don't say "silly"; it is rude and embarrassing. We say "marketing".
@ScottPack The law here states that there is a minimum wage which any employer must pay their employees. This was a way of forcing people to work at much lower wage or remove all their benefits.
@ScottPack yeah - fair enough
I'm with you then
@RoryAlsop Sure, we have the same kinds of laws. It would be a labor law violation, though. Not even something as unseemly as indentured servitude, let alone slavery.
It's hot topic here as well, considering in some cases it's more beneficial to keep your unemployment benefit than actually working
Now, that being said, our labor laws have very loose provisions when it comes to children working in something defined as "family owned business". I suppose those children could probably claim, and would have a compelling argument, that they were being subjected to indentured servitude.
@LucasKauffman Here if you are unemployed and have children, it is likely to hurt your income a lot if you go back to work. Which the government is hopefully setting right along the way...
@ScottPack that is an interesting one - my kids want to work as soon as they are able, but the rules seem astonishingly complex until they are 16
@RoryAlsop yea here it's almost the same, the minimum wage is around 1100 euro, the unemployment benefit is 794 euro I think
@RoryAlsop I'm not sure if ours stop at 18 or when you finish high school (assuming you are there past 18).
But there are restrictions about how many hours, which days, how many hours per day, how late your shift can be, etc, etc.
@RoryAlsop In France, work is allowed beginning at 14 if that's apprenticeship; otherwise 16 (school is mandatory until the age of 16) and there are restrictions (e.g. you cannot lawfully get a pre-18 to climb on a ladder or even a stool).
At 18, you can vote, get drunk and work without restriction.
(hopefully not in that order; you shall not work when drunk, and it would be hard to vote without first getting drunk, given what we get as politicians.)
@ThomasPornin here you can get drunk on beer from 16 and whisky from 18
unless you are going to a bar, then you need to be 18 for everything
In France you can get in a bar from the age of 16 but you can be refused the stronger drinks when you are below 18.
@LucasKauffman Getting drunk on Whiskey?!!
Please don't tell me you take Whiskey shots
Here a parent can purchase alcohol for their children's consumption, but to purchase your own you must be 21.
In Finland, we have two interesting laws when it comes to alcohol
@Adnan Irish friend of mine did military service in Finland. He's a good drinker :-)
Not sure if the 2 facts are related
We have something called the "look like" law. If you look 30 and older, you won't be asked for ID
Last year it was 25
and you can't order double drinks
@Adnan what. At all?
Can you order 2 drinks and then pour one into the other?
@RoryAlsop yup
which is quite silly
@Adnan no of course not
Think we had a rule (maybe not a law) that you couldn't be served a snakebite (1/2 lager, 1/2 cider) in one glass. Which meant you would order a hafl of cider and a half of lager and a pint glass, pour them into the pint glass at the bar and smile sweetly at the bar staff
in reality I can be 12 go do grocery shopping, get a bottle of wine and no-one will complain
@LucasKauffman Do you often have 12 year olds buy alcohol for you?
@RoryAlsop indeed I remember that, I had an irish friend who was surprised that was allowed in belgium
@ScottPack no but for instance, a child goes shopping for his parents, he brings a bottle of wine
back later all - time to feed the brood#
@LucasKauffman You people what with your "nearby shopping". Where I grew up it was 15 minutes of windy country highway to get to the nearest grocery store.
@ScottPack I want my kids to grow up like that
@Adnan It also meant that the closest person near enough to my age for socializing was 1.5 miles on the same highways. Too dangerous for walking.
@ScottPack if I do 15 minutes of country highway I'm in the next big city
@LucasKauffman I would have had to drive 30 miles on the freeway to the next "city". About 65 to the nearest city.
Q: How to politely ask someone to Google it

MrJinPengyouI'm working in a team of 8 consultants just like me. I'm the youngest member of the team and also the one with the least experience (on resume at least). But 4 of the 8 members of the team will often come and ask me questions like: Do you know if W3C allows the font tag in HTML5? Do we have thi...

I think that's a really good question actually
We have 16359 users on Sec.SE and only 60 read the "about" page. Does it say a lot on the average user, on the "about" page, or on both ?
That's only those users who have read the about page in the last couple of weeks.
How goes your survey on social networks ?
It's at the same point it was at yesterday
Still waiting for the Uni to email it around
@ScottPack did you get a chance to look at that CV?
@AdamMcKissock Sorry bub, I actually forgot completely.
Both last night and today I've been elbow deep in either thesis work or debugging a problem with PGP since I did the upgrade last week.
@AdamMcKissock It's his age
anyone good here with sqlmap?
I am 100% sure I have a vulnerable post parameter, but sqlmap doesnt see it
@AdamMcKissock Last week I updated our PGP server, and there are apparently some issues that just as I was leaving the office yesterday one of our users got in touch with me.
Just my luck, the update was released mid-December. We tested it, I rolled it out Thursday of last week. Then Friday Symantec released a patch with a freaking laundry list of resolved issues, one of which is this guy's problem.
@LucasKauffman Hey man, I tested this shit in our proper test environment.
"Then Friday Symantec released a patch with a freaking laundry list of resolved issues, one of which is this guy's problem." - So then use that?
@AdamMcKissock you aren't familiar with change management are you?
Check out this from the issues list
> Resolved the issue with Symantec File Share Encryption where a Windows 7 system locks if a Symantec File Share Encryption file is being opened in combination with Windows Search Indexer. [2685665]
@LucasKauffman I dont handle change well, no. As evidenced by the fact that I am still trying to get a new gfx card working four hours later
@AdamMcKissock I will be. They send me an email whenever a major version is released, but the only way to find out if a patch is released is to log into their patch download service. No notifications, no email subscriptions, no rss feeds, nothing fucking useful.
@ScottPack Write a script to login and scrape the page?
@AdamMcKissock I'm not a smart enough web programmer to figure out how to authenticate and scrape the page.
@ScottPack Then find an unpaid intern to do the job.
or mechanize
All in all, it's a nightmare. Given the nature of the patch, and the size of our userbase, I can probably get it fast-tracked through the change process. I'll still need to wait until a maintenance window to apply it, which will be no earlier than Thursday.
@ThomasPornin We have 3 interviews for a student assistant tomorrow, then 3 more on Thursday.
Apparently slavery is no longer allowed in the UK, but in the USA it should still work.
Wait, dont you have like zillions of poor IT students floating around?
@AdamMcKissock Look up two lines. :)
Interviews? Close your eyes and pick one
Thats essentially how it works here
The hiring process is annoying enough that I would rather spend two days interviewing and get someone literate who will show up.
I mean, after all, that upgrade I did last week rebranded PGP Desktop. Someone needs to update all those screenshots and how tos.
I'm a teaching assistant at Uni, and all I needed to do was ask for it and it was given
Is it any wonder the European Union is imploding?
@ScottPack It is not imploding, we are just finally coming around kicking the Brits out.
Meh, what do I care, I dislike this country anyways
thank christ for the bootrec tool!
So I just turned on the slide type feature of this fancy new keyboard. That's pretty slick. I wonder if I'll end up getting enough of the hang of it to be useful.
aaaaannnndd its broken again
@ScottPack slide type ?
@AdamMcKissock I've heard of that, but I've never used it. This is built into the default keyboard now.
@ThomasPornin I thought you were canadian?
Yeah, its built into droid ones as of 4.0
or 4.1
something like that
@AdamMcKissock I've been using Hacker's Keyboard on the Nexus7, but since I just upgraded the phone to 4.0.4 I thought I would try out the base model.
@LucasKauffman I am French but I live in Canada. I am not (yet) Canadian.
@ThomasPornin I thought for sure you had gotten citizenship. When are you eligible?
@ScottPack I have been eligible since January 1st, 2012. I sent the form on January 2nd, 2012. I am still waiting.
At that time, they announced an average processing time of 19 months; it has now gone to 21 months.
And it is still an average.
@ThomasPornin fleeing like good old Gerard are you?
@ThomasPornin Seriously.
I find the french canadian people speak a little funny
it's like the dutch vs the belgians, same language but they have really cool accents
@LucasKauffman Hey, finally, did you got him, or did he go to Russia ?
@ThomasPornin I think he went to Russia, but we did get that guy from LVMH
they are planning to move their headquarters over here or part of it anyway
@LucasKauffman He is even richer, and more sober. You made a good deal.
As for the accent, it seems that, historically, it is the French (and Swiss and Belgians) who speak a little funny.
This gfx card is the bain of my existance
In th 17th century, Canadians were known to speak a "pure" French.
Then, in 1789, it became fashionable in Paris to stop speaking like nobles, and instead speak like parisian lawyers, who had their own diction.
At that time, Canada has become British and was not impacted.
@ThomasPornin lol parisian AND lawyers
So Québec is supposed to have retained the "true" French
That's the story they tell here, at least.
I find it a bit suspicious, but it is a nice story.
@ThomasPornin you don't say :P
@AdamMcKissock On Linux?
@ScottPack Windows
@LucasKauffman You want to make the joke? I'm not sure I do.
@ThomasPornin There is a similar story about British Accents and the Northern Colonies.
IIRC it's a known phenomenon in linguistics that languages tend to evolve less in peripheral areas than in areas of historical dominance
@AdamMcKissock is it ATI?
@LucasKauffman Yes
@ThomasPornin Wasn't french also spoken by the English nobless after the french captured brittain?
I heard that was the reason why there are so many french looking words in english
@AdamMcKissock There's your problem
@LucasKauffman yes, but it went out of fashion
@LucasKauffman It was much earlier, in 1066.
And it lasted only for one or two centuries.
@LucasKauffman It seems to be the drivers that are screwed
But no driver that I try works
@AdamMcKissock not even the latest?
apart from the default generic one that comes with windows
have you tried reinstalling the =OS?
Tried the lastest current, tried the latest beta, tried the latest alpha
so if the generic one works, why not stick to that?
Its a fresh install as of two days ago
Because I cant setup my multi monitors with the generic one
and that was the only reason i bought it
have you visited the ATI forums?
yeah, been googling for a while
do you still have the box and the ticket?
yeah, but I bought it a while ago
might try the 32 bit drivers
been using the 64
@AdamMcKissock try older ones
I tried the ones on the CD that came with it
those didnt work
that's sad :/
"The use of these drivers requires the .NET 4.0 framework to be installed"....
If that fixes it, so help me god....
the only ATI box that's running here is my media player and it took ATI 9 months to fix the issues
I've never had an issue with my older card
which was also an ATI card
and at nearly 300 quid, i would expect this to be functional
@AdamMcKissock It's k hug
there there
going for broke and updating the cards BIOS
this will either end in euphory or tears
@RoryMcCune athene's mom is epic
@LucasKauffman yeah she manages to pull off the 'U mad Bro' shirt quite well!
Windows is getting nuked
Adam has had enough of these shennanigans
@AdamMcKissock Way to go !
You will then reinstall another Windows, or switch to something else ?
Im going to try win7 again, then consider switching
theres nothing else that really meets my needs, however
@AdamMcKissock are you a gamer?
@LucasKauffman I enjoy games now and again, yeah
google app engine?
ah nvm then
so its not like there's much else out there for gaming on
@AdamMcKissock By the way, I recently had a lot of trouble with an ATI card on an HP computer. The computer came with Windows 8, but I removed the disk and instead placed two disks which had an installed Windows 7.
What sort of issues?
It turned out that the ATI card had a custom PCI identifier which was recognized only by the special driver from HP
and that driver was only for Windows 8
No other driver accepted to even "see" that card
See, im getting random black lines/artifacting using the ATI drivers
but the microsoft default driver works fine
Oh, that's something else, then
@ThomasPornin lol - hang on, aren't you Canadian French? Or are you French French?
oh, someone else said that
"To check for updates, you must first install an update for windows update. This update will ensure that future updates (including those for windows update) will update successfully."
My brain....
It hurts....
@RoryAlsop From a "French Canadian" point of view, doing painful things to Brits is fair game, too.
@ThomasPornin heh - from a Scottish point of view likewise :-)
@RoryAlsop As they say about rugby: "Scots will always support two teams: the team of Scotland, and whoever is playing against England".
That video makes me lol everytime
still screwed on a fresh install
might try win8
see if that works
fuck it im putting my old one back in
but tomorrow
You seriously expect something to work better on Win8?
@ScottPack Microsoft told us it would!
Yeah, i realised it was a stupid statement
back to job hunting!
Ach. It always annoys me to post solid gold and get no love for it. Down with the big sites like SF!
@AdamMcKissock I remember that one, I got lucky and my first google landed me a contract :P
@LucasKauffman I have the problem that I dont actually know what I want to do...
Oh well, I've got myself another performance test running. Nothing quite like replaying an hour's worth of tcpdump at real time to give me some contemplation time.
@AdamMcKissock what are you interested in?
@AdamMcKissock do you want to become a PHB or you want to go hardcore technical?
or do you want to become a person no-one likes? (auditor)
@LucasKauffman Im already a person no-one likes :P
whats a PHB?
Pointy Haired Boss
You have the rest of your life to throw it away on management.
a lot of us here started out at the big 4
including all the Rorys
@LucasKauffman You people.
I dont know if I would like a really large company
@LucasKauffman Rories?
yes those
@AdamMcKissock I was sceptical about that at first, but it turned out quite all right
@RoryAlsop @RoryMcCune Which pluralization do you people prefer? Rories or Rorys?
It depends heavily on the company. The right big company won't feel like the big faceless building where everyone is a cog.
@LucasKauffman Even though they actually are?
@AdamMcKissock yea, I work for a company with 117.000 employees world wide
and to be honnest all I care about currently is my team
and we have a good team
so you don't know everyone, but it's still a nice place to work
Hmm, I would really love to start my own business one day, but thats obviously a long way off
@LucasKauffman I more passed through the Big 4 although it was a very informative job, taught me a lot.. I've tried a number of different role types at the moment tester seems to fit best..
@ScottPack hmm I think I'd say Rories ..
Based on what I hear from these guys one of those firms might not be a bad place for me if I leave the university.
@AdamMcKissock you don't have to stay forever
Yeah, I suppose
@RoryMcCune For proper names I think Rorys is considered more grammatically correct, but it just feels strange to me.
@ScottPack Tory / Tories
@RoryMcCune It is much the same skeezy feeling when I type out the name of one of our trainers: Grammer.
Im thinking about applying for this position thats open with RIM
@AdamMcKissock you can try different roles from my experience different company types and sizes have different ups and down-sides, it's kind of a matter of finding which works best for you. running companies is a lot of paperwork (definitely one of the downsides...)
@ThomasPornin But in that case is that not the party name as opposed to a group of people named Tory?
@ScottPack yeah Rorys feels odd, rories seems to express the plural better to me.
@AdamMcKissock try to decide first if you want to be an internal employee or a consultant
I'm not sure if everyone will agree on this, but I think being a consultant gives you an edge when you want to start your own company
I really should have thought about this sort of stuff earlier, I graduate in a few months
because you will have had a lot of client contact
I'd extoll the benefits of trying them all but gotta watch that one in interviews, no company wants to hear that you're not planning to stay :o)
@RoryMcCune Yeah, thats a good point
Plus I'm awful at interviews
@AdamMcKissock if you want I can practice this with you over skype
ask @RoryAlsop as well, he's probably done tons
@AdamMcKissock I didn't think about it after I got my diploma in my hand
@LucasKauffman Errr, I'll think about it
I've taken and given quite a few interviews. For me as an interviewer, preparation and enthusiasm were key. I was amazed that people would turn up to interviews without having thought about the role or the company...
big co's do competancy based interviews which are (IMHO) lame, but you can prepare for them as they always ask the same kind of questions
@RoryMcCune I had a guy in an interview telling me he would love to do strategic consulting or implementation (at big company we all work(ed) for)
could be quite a wide range...
@AdamMcKissock Why is a manhole cover round?
@AdamMcKissock Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
@ScottPack So that you could put it back on easily in any direction?
@ScottPack I see at least four reasons for that one.
@AdamMcKissock Also so it can't fall in!
@ScottPack That's one.
@ScottPack because it's the shape of an old chestnut
@ThomasPornin I will require 2π reasons.
@LucasKauffman I don't, but if I do then it'll probably be in a mirror
@LucasKauffman From an interview point of view, or actually?
@AdamMcKissock just a typical interview question
:8089293 That was supposed to have been a pi, but it apparently didn't copy/paste very well.
@ScottPack no, it did, it's the fault of my font
@Gilles It looks more like an 'n' on my screen too.
in my browsers the only differences between π and n are one pixel missing in n and one pixel shifted by one position
plus antialiasing blurs the difference further
Mmh, let's try:
- so the cover does not fall in
- so that it can be put back easily
- so that it can be rolled on the ground (these things are heavy)
- to match the manhole structure, which is often a tube because that's more resistant to lateral pressure
- the size and shape are standard: new covers should match previously deployed manholes
- changing the shape would imply designing new foundry molds, which are expensive
- "we always did it that way" (general inertia will count as 0.28 reasons, completing the total)
@Gilles That's how it looks to me. In the Google results tab from which I copied it the top bar is complete on both sides. I have to assume different fonts, though I certainly can't see it.
@ThomasPornin because manhole cover designers are recruited based on that question
I think Rories. Or possibly Global Overlords?
@AdamMcKissock Is the email address you listed on the document correct?
@ScottPack Yes, all the information is correct and accurate
@Adam - if you're down this way over the next couple of weeks, would be happy to talk through interview techniques. Have done many in various frameworks so can give pointers.
@AdamMcKissock Awesome. I have some comments that I'll email over to you. I need to run at the moment to pick up the kid.
@RoryAlsop Awesome, I'll let you know if I am.
@ScottPack Great! Thanks again :)

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