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I either get 150-195
@kalina you should do it the way I do - I have no problems with it at all...
@RoryAlsop Should I upvote that?
or I get 200 and another 200 of votes that don't count because I rep capped
@Simon might work
@RoryAlsop now.... we wait.
@avid which post? (re:vote rory)
@ManishEarth the one he posted a moment ago.
BUT only if you believe it is upvoteworthy
or they will ban the whole DMZ as one big voting ring.
@ManishEarth now... we wait.
And if anyone knows about getting hit by the vote fraud algorithm it's @AviD.
I can read removed posts. It says: "i suk".
@ScottPack hehehe.
okay, I'm 98% sure I figured out the headphones too.
They go over your ears.
I'm not listening.
the hat.
the secret hat.
What is it?
Typical, 2 old men who don't understand what the other is saying.
hmm, I'm perturbed. Neither of my experiments worked, even though all the evidence points that direction.
Welcome to the real life.
@Simon oh, but I'm not wrong. I'm just missing some details.
They all say that.
@ManishEarth ah - I have no presence there
@avid maybe it is getting a great answer badge for an old question?
Oops, answer
@ManishEarth nope, I have a datapoint that disproves that.
@AviD has anyone gotten it outside SO?
@Gilles hmm, I think there was some on MSO.
@avid all datapoints support your hypothesis?
maybe what my theory is missing is # of views?
@ManishEarth yes, but I havent found many yet.
@ManishEarth well, except for you and @RoryAlsop. But that could still just be timing.
So now - we wait
I'm already hungry as nobs, god damn it.
in fact - I have one datapoint that has very few variables in it. Timing is really the only variable unaccounted for.
oo, eagle hat. cuz of all those spamflags. that automatically get approved.
Q: How do I have exactly 20 hats?

Doorknob of SnowI have exactly 20 hats on Stack Overflow: How does that work? I thought that once you get to 20 The Milliner immediately bumped you up to 21. I seem to have it though, which is weird.... Also, I recall having 19 hats before getting those headphones (yay sekrits, it must have something to do w...

this guy got the headphones on SO shortly before 19:54 today
yeah, that was my theory.
I havent got it yet though. Again, timing.
and? did you try it?
want me to help?
@Gilles might also be accumulative.
@AviD this was the only time during the bash that he rejected a suggested edit on his own post
he did vote to reject others before
@Gilles ohh, his own post. that is a damn good point, surprised I missed it.
and explains a lot.
A: Winter Bash 2013: Secret Hats

Shog9They're not really all that secret if we give it all away so easily, are they? Here are some hints - if you can figure them out, you're on your way to some SECRET hats: ...then I took an arrow to the knee. Earned ten of the most meaningless points on the 'Net I live... AGAIN! He ain't no drag...

one of these is probably a hint
@avid quick, make a suggestion to one of my posts on phy
@AviD I saw a post of yours that I thought needed a spelling correction. You may disagree.
@RoryAlsop you.... cant suggest edits...!
@AviD Here's an experiment
@AviD yes I can
@AviD can't I?
what happens if you roll back that one?
@RoryAlsop doesnt it automatically get approved?
@RoryAlsop which one?
@AviD probably - give it a shot
A: Why CSRF Token has to be a Cryptographically Strong Random number, in Double Submit Cookies method?

AviDShort answer: To prevent brute forcing the CSRF token. Let's take a trivial example: let's say your token is a single digit, accepting values from 0 to 9. Now sure, an attacker cannot read this value from the cookie or header, but she does not have to - she can just send 10 CSRF requests, one...

it should be rejected as far too minor
@AviD quick, reject mine before someone else does it
@Gilles which??
A: Do we need to logout of webapps?

AviDThis is not a trivial, simplistic question. There are several different aspects you need to consider, and several different mechanisms and countermeasures that apply to several different threats in several different scenarios that are affected by several different clients. Let's examine these one...

oh, it looks like it was silently rejected
did that work?
How are you guys suggesting edits?
I made an anonymous vandalizing edit, and it doesn't seem to have appeared in /review
I did that as well to earn a hat
@ManishEarth incognito window
@Gilles oh duh
Mods abusing the system, I love it.
Can't do from mobile. Care to edit one of my physics posts?
It reflects the society quite well.
@ManishEarth sure, why not
@Simon testing, not abusing.
Ping me with the link then, thanks :)
@AviD Yes, they're also testing if they're gonna get caught when they steal moneyz.
We steal moneyz every day
don't get excited, it's not (just) that
A: How do voltage and voltage drops over a circuit relate to work done?

Manishearth But then that means that the electron in the 5 ohm circuit would have done 5x the amount of work (or work done on it) of the 1 ohm circuit over 5x the duration. You're confusing work with power here. Work has nothing to do with duration. If an electron crosses a potential difference of $V$ ...

or else they've been really sneaky and it has to be from different IPs (I didn't bother)
@ManishEarth I like the way you speak.
@rory I think it needs to be a suggested edit
@ManishEarth dammit - dunno how to do that
I think @avid can do that
I'm only a 2k on Physics so thought it would just be normal
2k? That sounds awesome.
@ManishEarth try that again. right now.
w000t, got me some sweet headphones!!
@Gilles we were right.
@AviD can you, eh, do me, like? :-)
(no homo)
8 mins ago, by Gilles
@ManishEarth incognito window
den wot
Much appreciated
@AviD how so?
@Gilles the headphone hypothesis.
I did get the hat
but I didn't get a notification
Yeah I never get a notification.
@Gilles jeez, I hope SEI doesnt audit us for hat abuse. We would get slapped.
@gilles has happened multiple times to me
@AviD r3portet
@simon notifications are part of the premium plan
@AviD we and a jillion other users. At least that doesn't do anything bad to the site, not like the people who post bad questions, or even like the guys who spam comments and chat stars
@ManishEarth I already pay 100$ a month to be allowed here, would it cost me more?
@Simon Speaking of which, I haven't been receiving your payments.
@ScottPack Can I pay twice next month?
@AviD hmmm - nothing yet...
seems logical. DOne the necessary, but no sign
I'll wait
it may take some time
Or else I've entirely misunderstood
@RoryAlsop done.
As you get older it takes a little while.
@AviD So is it just rejecting a suggested edit?
@ScottPack that's good, right?
@ScottPack on your own post.
@AviD Ah
@AviD yep - - still nothing
@rory iirc the hats come in batches so yoy may have missed the one avid got it on
@RoryAlsop well, there are pills that could help.
@Simon oy. see the 1 rep guy discussion from this morning....
@AviD wot
@RoryAlsop no, you already have it. Hence the "Done".
I got it too. Yay headphones
@Simon bigger problem is that no one would bother editing your posts.
@AviD ahhh - hence your 'no notification' message. All the others have pinged a notification
@AviD Except a fake account @@@
@RoryAlsop DEVOPS
Can one of you nurdz suggest an edit on one of my Qs?
I asked nicely.
@LucasKauffman that hat edit is weak.
@AviD I made it community wiki...
@AbeMiessler Mourning.
@LucasKauffman ah, I was looking at expanding the user's name...
@RoryAlsop @ManishEarth I'm still bothered by the hipster hat though. I have nearly conclusive evidence, with the exception of it not working with you two. Unless this one only gets triggered overnight.
@simon I would, but mobile. Unless you can find a site where I don't have edit privs and you have posts
@AviD are the only remaining data points votes and time?
@ManishEarth Bah it's fine, thanks though.
@RoryAlsop no. votes are accounted for, views are too. It is just timing.
@avid might be, due to most SE things having to do with <redacted> take a day
@AviD how about accepted answer?
@AviD yea wanted to make sure I got the hat so I did an extra minor edit
and, obviously, something secret that did not occur to me.
@RoryAlsop nope. One DP makes that irrelevant.
@LucasKauffman ha, see?
dammit, @RoryAlsop, you're everywhere! Even all up in my datapoints!
@AviD aside from making it community wiki
though, to be fair, I dont have a lot of those.
Ah - Frosty the snowman is a puzzle to me. I chose 3 sites to only make upvotes on yesterday, and didn't get it.
@AviD erm - what I do now?
you got @rory in my datapoints.
@RoryAlsop “cast only upvotes on a day, to at least five different users
hey, what date did the hats start?
@Gilles ooo - didn't read that. But they must have been different users....
ah well - it's nearly another day
dammit. Okay, I just found a counter point. My theory has been disproven, even accounting for overnight delays.
@Simon, mourning
But it definitely is something around that, just dont know what I'm missing.
@avid :(
@ManishEarth btw YOU are one of the counter points, here on sec.se....
@AviD what hat are you talking about now?
@Gilles Hipster.
Huh. But.... O.o
Why don't we hack the damn servers and find out? This is InfoSec after all.
Ohhhh, I see
@Simon too much work. Just offer a dev a beer
@Gilles That should work too.
@AviD Good movie.
@avid maybe the X has to be the only X?
@ManishEarth nope.
Ah. Hmmm
outdoors.stackexchange.com/q/4997 and note the answerer.
that outdoors one is pretty definitive though.
unless.... might have to do with his meta post?? WTF?
Hipster seems to be very rare.
Do any of you have strange hat stories?
@AviD haven't had a chance to try that yet
Damn, I love a good puzzle, but I've got stuff to do.
like wot
@avid email me the sample space, ill have a look tomorrow morning.
umm.... its just those two. :$
not enough for a scientific study, I know, but thats all I've found. And counter examples.
Q: Hipster Badge Suggestion

Generic Holiday Name I used x before it was popular. Tag badges are created by the system when the first user reaches the bronze level for that particular tag. Why not give a "hipster" badge to the person that caused it to be created? Honestly, I think the very first person to hit a milestone in any given tag sh...

probably just a naming coincidence but you never know
not far off.
I think nostalgia through music is the worst.
@avid what if the hat clue is "I live....AGAIN"
That means that it needs to be recreated
Nope, not it
@Simon you only say that because the only music you know is impossible to be nostalgic about.
How would I be able to say that if I've never experienced it, sir?
woohoo my spark cores are finally here
@DavidFreitag I don't know what that means, but it sounds good!
and Yay
you just love an excuse to woo
@RoryAlsop It gives Arduino's and the like WiFi capabilities

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