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@TerryChia Sorry.
@ManishEarth is there any hat for participation on SE sites that don't have them?
@TildalWave Actually, if you opt in to hats, hats are enabled for almost all sites and you can earn them too
@TerryChia Shame on whomever upvoted your answer.
@ManishEarth There aren't any on Aviation are they? The site wasn't yet active before the end of the application
No, it's totally disabled on Aviation
anybody have experience in buying UPS? What should I look for / look out for?
inb4 stupid comments, I'm not talking about the company, or FedEx, or whatever.
@AviD Damn it!
@AviD weight ... the heavier the better, and the light ones that promise more than the heavy ones are pure BS, or they use batteries that will only be good for a few years... well, my 2 cents at least, but this might have changed somewhat in the last years that I didn't follow it, tho doubt it
@TildalWave huh?? Why should I care how much it weighs?
@AviD because lasting battery cells are heavy ... lead and such
@TildalWave ah. interesting.
any problem buying it used, if its from a reputable source?
@AviD yes, it's used... you don't buy used batteries... end of
@TildalWave no, the UPS is used, new batteries.
@AviD +1 that's exactly what I'd recommend
@AviD How many watts?
@AviD that can do then
2 x 12V 7AH batteries, 230V, 1200VA, 720W, 5A (10A max). Claim to support a desktop copmuter for half hour.
well, a standard desktop, so nothing like mine.
@AviD How much is power supply unit? (in watts)
@Adnan Meh, not the first time we disagreed on a matter like this. Whatever.
@TerryChia Seriously? That's your response? "Whatever"? ahh
@AviD So you don't need to keep your monitor up?
@Adnan huh?
ahh, you meant the psu of the computer... d'oh.
well that's 0.168 kWh capacity so you can calculate yourself how long it'd last if you have power meter that you could plug between the wall socket and any equipment you'd like it to power up
good point, but I'm pretty sure its 600w.
@TerryChia Also, can you, with a clear conscious, say that your "answer" answers the question? All day, everyday, we flag answers for not meeting our quality criteria, and then we break that ourselves? For what? 50 rep?
@AviD I'd say you're good to go, then.
@Adnan yes, but I dont know what else I should be looking at on the UPS, to tell if its a good one...
and what is a VA?
@AviD volt-ampere
ok, thanks guys.
@TerryChia and please understand that the issue isn't that I don't like upvoting you, no no no. I've serial-upvoted you many times (because I like most of your answers, and usually under the threshold). It's just that recently I've been getting sick with this rep-whoring. Not the one where we self-plug our answers, no no, where we post shitty "answers".
@Adnan stop picking on @LucasKauffman! ;-)
@AviD and AJ
and several others.
@AviD the way I read it that's maximum line load ... 600W per cell / output ... and consumes maximum of 720 W when charging
@AviD Oh shit, yeah. Do you live in a city where the electricity is stable all the time?
@TildalWave please explain? I'm not an electrician....
@Adnan most of the time. winter it can get fickle, if the lines go down.
@AviD batteries aren't 100% efficient, it eats 720 W but only gives 600 W back
@AviD Do you get spikes?
also my office shares power lines with my tenants, and they might flip the power off (has happened before)
@Adnan very rarely.
@AviD for capacity, you should be looking at cell capacity which is the first two numbers you gave, multiplied
@KevinvanderVelden how did you read that from it?
2 x 12V 7AH = 0.168 kWh
@AviD Good, so you don't need surge protection
@Adnan Yes. 1) I opened an issue with the developers asking for an explanation. 2) No response from the developers. No explanation available elsewhere. A "we will probably never know" answer is still an answer. 3) I provide a way to comply with the RFC. Yes, it's trivial. So what? It's still a solution.
Yes, I'm doing it for the bounty (and the hat, don't really care about the rep) but I don't see a problem with that.
@AviD I did not, @TildalWave did and I explained why that would be so =p
Like I said, this isn't the first time we have disagreed on a matter like this. I won't convince you, you won't convince me so I don't see the point in trying.
@TerryChia But the question isn't "how do I change it?", the question is "Why is it like that?".
@Adnan so edit the question.
@AviD Makes perfect sense
"Because its a bug" is not an answer to a useful question, but the correct one here.
Do I need to care what technology the UPS is?
@AviD We don't know if it's a bug. There might be a legitimate reason why Google did that.
@Adnan The answer is right there. "However, there has been no official replies from the developers on it." ; "While there is probably no good explanation for why Google opted for 80 bits instead of the recommended 160 bits as per the RFC"
Offline/standby, line-interactive, double-conversion, etc (from WP...)
@AviD Not really, just the features that you need.
@TerryChia So, basically, "I don't know"
@Adnan umm... I need it to power my computer. What features?
a longer "I don't know"
@Adnan UPS is surge protection, and I don't know of any batteries that couldn't handle occasional spikes, they're just charge rate rated so they don't overheat mostly, or ruin electrolyte
@AviD Protection against those spikes, protection against low voltage, etc.
I don't know the name of those features in English
@TildalWave Yup, that's the one I was looking for, "Surge protection".
@Adnan often called a "brown out".
@Adnan It's annoying isn't it?
@TildalWave Indeed
@Adnan how often do you curse English because you can't think of the word you're searching for only to realize that word is French or German? :D
@TildalWave Oh.. you reminded me of many of those cases
Just dropping this answer here, try to figure out which hat I'm gunning for now, @AviD @TildalWave
A: Will the expert still be accessible in the future?

Mr. Peanut Monopoly McManishThis will no longer work, the adviza server is no longer running Found this in the code: // Yes, dear person reading this, there's a secret trigger. But you'll have to // work a little bit to find out what it is. Challenge accepted So, here's a surefire trigger, that ought to work for a fe...

@ManishEarth awarded a gold badge one?
Nah, have that
@TildalWave hint: I need 5 upvotes on the answer
you just want to look like @Jeff.
@ManishEarth no idea... Full House?
have that
@AviD yes
Now help me! :P
@ManishEarth @kalina is paying me not to.
@AviD I'll pay you more....with hats!
@ManishEarth So this is then "guess which hat I don't have" is it? How in hell would I know and not appear insane for checking?
@manish you're not trolling me with ask a cm/dev, right?
I don't actually have to say "give it me" or anything, right? Since that would be revealing how to get it to others
@ManishEarth help you how? downvoting it? flagging it? providing a better answer? sure, just name it
@TildalWave I need 5 upvotes :P
It's the Guru badge one
@ManishEarth 5 more? 35 is not enough? you greedy!
@kalina It's probably the same method one uses enters Moria. :P
thank 'ee
Now I just need upvotes from the rest of you....which I won't get. Hmph.
@manish I think you lied to me
@kalina I didn't
I may not have guessed the method correctly though
That is really how I think the hat is earned
Undo got it that way
If you look at the comments I linked you to, I probably did too
@Adnan I already deleted that answer <.<
that does actually work
but you've got to specify things in a particular order
they're very particular about how you ask
why you asked
and what you know
@kalina hahaha. Care to email me a screenshot of the conversation in the room?
@LucasKauffman! Llaaaaaamaaaaaaaaas
@ManishEarth 'sup manis?
Waiting for a calculation to finish
In the meantime trying to get haaaaaats
@ManishEarth can do
do you use steam?
@kalina my email address is my username@gmail. If you don't want to reveal yours,upload the pic to SE imgur and send via emkei's mailer
I use steam, but not installed on my current boot
I don't know your username
only your display name
I ASSUME that you meant that
unless it's actually username@
ant fucking...
in which case, where you like the first person to sign up?
@kalina display name :P
we could just use a secret room for this
much easier
oh right
@kalina @ManishEarth mods can still see that....
@AviD Only Chem mods
@AviD exploiter!!1111oneone
@ManishEarth chat mods!
@AviD nope
Mods can't see your mod room, for example
damn youuuuuu! Damn you, you maniaaaaacs!
@AviD slow down there tiger.
@LucasKauffman TWSS
@LucasKauffman two guhs.
doge hat? much how? very need... wow
@Manish - I upvoted that answer of yours. What is that for? an old answer that gets 3 votes in winterbash?
@RoryAlsop Nah, Guru badge on meta. 40votes+accept
still trying to figure out what more I need to do for the lightbulb
and I may get unicorn soon
how do you get the unicorn?
@LucasKauffman earn 10 of the most useless points on the Internet
@ManishEarth which are?
think :P
@ManishEarth reddit?
comments on meta?
no, its not on meta, he earned it on SO, not MSO.
you guys are quick
@AviD that actually confirms the meta part
@ManishEarth why? wouldnt it show the meta site it was earned on?
so yeah, its upvotes on comments on meta?
so its kind of like Peanut gallery, just inverted.
right, that's a bounty issued
waits for cooldown
one less hat I need to think about
anybody worked out "Before it was cool"?
@kalina whats that?
duh. example?
@ManishEarth oh! I figured it out.
It's not for Precognitive
@AviD share
@ManishEarth hang on, I'm testing.
Has anybody here played with TOTP?
@Adnan hands up
@TerryChia gimme your money
@AviD nou
top of the pops?
@TerryChia Fantastic. If you're the service provider (the server with access to all of the seeds), can you deduce the seed used to generate a certain OTP?
or didja mean, raises hand
@AviD - before it was cool?
@TerryChia Trying to implement role-based TOTP-only authentication.
@RoryAlsop hmm. okay, I did figure it out, but there is another detail to consider. I'm too lazy to take it.
I will, however, consider selling the secret to the highest bidder.
@AviD one chewing gum
@Adnan Bruteforce is probably the easiest method. Just test generate the OTP for each and every seed until you find one that matches for that time period. The operation is very fast after all.
I'm not aware of any weaknesses on the algorithm itself, then again I just implement it according to the RFC. Not a cryptographer after all.
@TerryChia Oh no, I'm not looking for vulnerabilities. I'm actually looking for features.
@Adnan so like guessing who was number one on Christmas 1984?
@LucasKauffman to be fair, it is not too complicated to deduce. Though I admit it is not yet verified.
@AviD I'm too tired atm
@TerryChia This seems to be what I'm looking for. In my case the total seeds will be 10-15, with 20 being a max.
I offer an evening out with whisky - at some unspecified point in the future, in Israel or Scotland @AviD
as I'm too busy to figure it out while on conf call
@RoryAlsop oo good offer.
@Adnan Yeah, just bruteforce it.
@RoryMcCune I don't get it :(
(currently I'm equal with @ScottPack - but need to be 1 ahead, obviously)
@AviD I offer help on whatever other hat you want to pursue
now, how will I share the information with you....
@ManishEarth is there a hat for collecting all the hats?
you have my email :-)
@AviD dunno
@Adnan google TOTP :) (for the lazy in the UK TOTP is an acronym for the long running music program Top of the Pops)
well, all the OTHER hats, obviously, otherwise it would be a reverse-tautology.
@RoryMcCune Oho! :D
@RoryAlsop heh, done.
See if you can verify that... if so we can share with @ManishEarth.
@AviD you have my email too :)
'course, I could be wrong....
@ManishEarth no! you have too many hats!
dammit... I do owe it to you...
let me know if you work it out...
I'll give that a shot shortly @AviD - will need to have a wee think first
thank you
looks sensible?
I did try without the first part, but it didnt work. Now I have to kick myself for leaving traces.
@TerryChia I haven't used Fedora in a while, but no, I usually never had problems. Those that I did have were almost always display driver related. As in the Nvidia drivers didn't work, or I had to completely rebuild my xorg config, and I was using multimonitor so I couldn't rely on nouveau.
@TerryChia From what I understand it's better now that they have tools to do it.
@ScottPack Alright cool. I'll do a backup anyway but I feel safer now. :P
That's usually the better idea anyway.
Got my ticket for Securi-Tay. Not as speaker, just an attendee.
Good man
@RoryM - you sponsoring as well as speaking this year?
@RoryAlsop shame on you.
just.... I know
@RoryAlsop We'd talked to them about sponsoring the coffee (only weak point last time) but I've not heard much from them recently on that....
@RoryAlsop BTW did you see this mornings news about Context?
I think I'm reaching my limit on things I can do at once - might have to hand over IISP chairmanship in the new year :-(
@RoryM - take those cool keyrings if you have any left. They went down well at B-Sides
Context - nope - googling now
@RoryAlsop bought by babcocks for £28mill
nice xmas pressie for Alex and Mark!
though bit of an odd purchaser..
well, babcocks needed one. Think 7E were hopeful they would get something like that...
@RoryAlsop ahh so .GOV stuff
@AviD So, he is now in the leaderboard of the suggested edits because he edited his own question even though he has 1 rep? This still makes no damn sense.
@RoryAlsop aww shucks, I was hoping we could have a chairman party.
@Simon no, you edited it, he approved it.
and, really? you dont have edit privileges yet?
@AviD How was he able to approve it since he has 1 rep?
@Simon Are you drunk?
@TerryChia is he ever not drunk?
I'd like to point out that I've asked only 3 questions and that I can spell so edits are rarely needed.
@KevinvanderVelden Good point.
And this has never happened to me.
so le fu
@TerryChia no, he's Canadian.
@AviD That doesn't invalidate my question.
hmm, if I get 3 more upvotes on this, I get a hat!
A: Why CSRF Token has to be a Cryptographically Strong Random number, in Double Submit Cookies method?

AviDShort answer: To prevent brute forcing the CSRF token. Let's take a trivial example: let's say your token is a single digit, accepting values from 0 to 9. Now sure, an attacker cannot read this value from the cookie or header, but she does not have to - she can just send 10 CSRF requests, one...

@TerryChia no, but it obviates it.
Say whatever you want, I'm eating nuts and they taste wonderful so I don't care.
@AviD - I'm still President of ISACA Scotland, so that's okay :-)
@Simon - reeeeeally?
Yes, Lord President.
@RoryAlsop Yes, you should try it.
Oh you guys.
So unfair that mods get a free hat, I'm gonna file a complaint.
if manish lost his free hat
he'd still be top
@Simon maybe they will make a special hat just for you stating "I'm sorry"
complaint declined
@LucasKauffman "Canadian" - hat looks like a maple leaf, flavour text = "Sorry..."
@LucasKauffman I'd love it!
@AviD you only need one more now
@LucasKauffman heh, excellent, thanks
@LucasKauffman Yeah and he hasn't even said thank you, what a scrub.
and shirts, too.
@Simon is just after the 'I want to complain' hat
I hate clients who don't have good coffee
39 secs ago, by AviD
@LucasKauffman heh, excellent, thanks
@AviD Hence why I typed "o".
@RoryAlsop There is a such hat?!?
@Simon yes, and you can't have it.
Yesterday, @Adnan laughed at me because I said I'd get the gold medal hat.
huh. impressive.
I know, I know.

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