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2:29 PM
@JackDouglas Thanks for detailed response. Another question: recently I posted an answer to a very old question but as the post is very old its not getting much attention. How can I direct more traffic to it? I cannot add bounty to my own answer and adding bounty to the OP's question would probably not boost my post either. Any thoughts?
3:13 PM
I think you're looking at it from the wrong angle. The point of the site is to get good answers, not promote yourself for having given them. Posting to old questions does boost the question and does promote you because it puts the old question back at the top of the home page when new answers come in. But the tooling is not meant to be self promotional.
You can't award yourself a bounty because the point of bounties is to draw attention to things that need good answers or thank people for good answers, not drum up votes or views for an answer you gave.
3:28 PM
@Bach If you mean the Moses/Meribah question, then I think your answer is very helpful, most particularly the link you draw with Numbers 21:18, thank you for contributing your time and effort. It is always hard getting attention to answers on old questions on a site like this, but for a good answer like yours on a question which is viewed quite often, you'll get more attention as your answer gradually floats up near the top of the list.
You do actually have 'approved' options for drawing attention to the answer (but I know this isn't what you mean): you can promote them off-site for example by sharing on Twitter!
answers on this site can often be interconnected — sometimes it is appropriate to link to your answer when answering a different question on a related subject.

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