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@jack hey this is a first.
@BobJones Hi Bob. I'm fairly new here myself :)
It amazes me how much people choose to engage in meta discussions rather than just editing the question or answer.
I am just experimenting with different approaches to see what flies.
I think we are all doing that at this stage - this is still a baby site!
And each site works slightly differently...
... we have to find our own way
The real issue is if it is a NPOV or an ALL POV site
you'll have to spell that out for me :)
I think most are not able to discern the methods they use to arrive at an interpretation, nor the consequences of their presuppositions
Neutral-Point of view like wiki or All inclusive POV
multi POV
each contributor has their own POV
most are welcome
as long as the focus is the text
Yeah, as such a single answer should address them all rather than have competing answers
No, I don't think so. We want expert answers - most people are only an expert on their own POV
at most :)
the voting gives the impression of competing answers.
yes it does :)
it impies correctness
but people upvote for different reasons
eg: well researched
well argued
well communicated
well presented
I agree
when it goes public it will just be agree withh
not on other sites it isnt
religion ain't linux programming ;-)
true, but the people are the same
if you give someone something they can understand and that interests them, they will appreciate
many of your contributions have made my think. for that I am grateful and upvote
also, our audience isn't the billions interested in religion, it is the few interested in deep study of the text of the Bible
It is kindof presented as an alternative to ask.com
to be honest I've never participated in any other internet forum - this is the first format that has got me interested. My profession is databases and dba.se is home from home for me. The jury is still out on whether this site can become a valuable resource and a fruitful community, but I think it has that potential - with much patience and work!
I do hope we will both stay the distance :)
The real limitation is that sensus plenior requires tight linking or extremely verbose justifications in every answer
neither are acceptable here
what is 'tight linking'?
consider posting a summary of the techniques on you site and linking to them from your answers?
In order to understand Jesus donkey ride into Jerusalem, you must understand the metaphoric meaning of garments, donkeys, sitting, earth, air, branch, tree, etc.
garments must also be understood when looking at John the Baptist, Adam and Eve, Elijah and Elisha, etc
another totally acceptable approach is post a question and answer it yourself, then link to it in your other answer.
They already negated that
who is 'they'?
JOn already said that they don't want thousands of those kinds of questions
answers shouldn't 'depend' on another answer, but they can and should refer to other answers if necessary
try a couple and then hit meta to sound out the community
sensus plenior depends on every metaphor being valid
meta is king
I need to go, but I'd very like to hear more...
valid means it is the same everywhere it occurs, and so it is an exponential referencing
see ya
I'll try pinging you from here during the week if that is ok with you?
sure after 4pm Mountain
Mountain time
I'll google it
8:30 right now?
I'm 15:30 - we'll work something out :)
see ya
and thanks for chatting

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