1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@jrista I figured that was why you deleted it. I'd challenge it was a valid answer though combined with comments. I pointed out the primary differences between first and third party. I just didn't seperate it from also saying there wasn't enough info to give a more descriptive answer and tried to combine it with something useful for him to consider.
I don't really see a good way to modify the question to fit Michaels answer but if someone has ideas it is worth saving
Is a battery grip with it for reasons other than battery and comparisons of grips are pretty different topics though
@jrista ok, actually on my computer now instead of my phone so I can type. I know I've gotten in to some confusion before on parts of SE when I cross comment like advice into an answer. Sometimes people complain, other times they don't. I normally try to combine a comment in to an answer if I think I can give information that gives at least a partial answer to keep things more contained
10 hours later…
@AJHenderson Well, I am not sure you really provided an answer. To be frank, you were chiding the asker for not following the rules and posting an off topic question. Which is ironic, given how much you don't like being chided for not following the rules yourself. ;P
Your answer, at least as far as I understood it, revolved around the validity (or lack thereof) of the question, the notion that it was a shopping question and therefor off topic. The "answer" part of your answer was really just more chiding disguised as advice to "google it".
Again, to be frank, telling people "just google it" has been about as off-topic an answer as you can get for as long as StackExchange has been around. Disguised as an answer or not.
Simply put...your answer was a comment about the question, hence it was deleted. The question WAS off topic, and the closest match was really actually quite similar (not radically different, as you've been trying to make it seem). I merged the one remaining answer as it was a good one, and I did not want to lose the content. John C. made a very simple edit that makes his answer completely valid on the other question.
I also wasn't trying to chide. I was trying to give helpful advice, but if it came off as chiding, then it wasn't what I wanted it to read like
also, don't want you to think I took offense to your deletion of my answer. I was just defending why I put it since I did feel it was valid enough to post, but I also understand the delete
I honestly would have had no problem with the entire thread being deleted other than not wanting michael's answer to be lost
and yes, the alteration to the question makes it fit by bolting one question on to the other, but I still don't think it'll be discoverable under the main question.
I wouldn't expect to find a great comparison of two battery grips under a question of if I should buy one
9 hours later…
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