One thing has bugged me since I first had a thorough look at DxOMark a little while ago - their results seems to be inconsistent with dpreview and lensrentals on several lenses. How thrust worthy is DxOMark?
The reason I brought it up now is this question
@HåkonK.Olafsen right, but it the sharpness may very between camera bodies
DxoMark's biggest strength is also their biggest weakness
they are very rigorous in following their procedure for testing
but their procedure doesn't always match up with the real world
lab tests are great for getting you close to the mark, but still don't make a good replacement for hands on trial in a real world environment
but unfortunately, consistency across a wide range of products is difficult to do in that kind of a situation and what is "correct" is hard to describe
so lab results are the best thing that can be shared en-masse online
lensrentals tends to be more on the loose, but real life side of evaluating
since they are focused on real world use
rather than lab results
but they lack the precision of dxo (though they up for it some in terms of quantity of experience)
unless everyone agrees by a significant margin, I still always order up trial units for evaluation
I still think that DxO's comparison of v1 and v2 of canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS is very very strange. V2 is by some considered one of the sharpest zoom lenses out there, but DxO claims it sucks
@HåkonK.Olafsen I'll have to post a copy of one of my shots with the 70-200 f/2.8 IS II where you can clearly see the veins in someone's eye, through there glasses, from a head and upper body shot
I knew I'd seen something about dxomark on lensrentals blog: "DxOMark is not The Word; nothing that tests a single sample can ever be The Word. But it provides excellent sensor data (please don’t twist this remark to claim I said something about their lens reviews; I’m talking sensor data) very nicely presented and easily used."
true - I do have a thing for fixed length/volume lenses
yeah, I'm probably in a similar boat, but I do make money off my photos. I bought the lenses in cash, but wouldn't have bought them over some other things if I didn't have a way to make back the investment
I've already paid myself back for one and will have the other 1/3 paid off from a job I've got coming up in October
granted, I don't make a lot off my photos, but I mostly do it as a service for people to offset my gear costs. I'd do it for free since I enjoy it, but why not charge because I can and it helps me do a better job
I wonder if Sachin will take my advice and come to chat
hoping to put an end to the deluge of closed posts on the front page
Sachin has it cause he was actually an SE user now that I think about it and also has a number of upvotes for the questions that are good that offset the downvotes on the bad ones
he's actually net positive for all the effort
by about 36
I wish that the chat didn't have that limit personally
Background: I'm an amateur photographer who wants to start taking pictures with a fisheye lens, my gear is a Nikon DX D5100.
I would like to buy a fisheye lens, I know the Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye Nikkor Lens is reat but it cost arround $700 which I can't afford expending right now, ...
I'll remind you if you forget. A resolution is not the problem, I think, but the file size. I often post 2456 pixels wide, and sometimes even bigger, but problems come with file size of 4 Mb or somewhere around.
in maybe the rare case where you are just extending slightly beyond the lens's capability it matters, but other than that, the lens will always make a difference
hehe, I'm ahead of you on votes for the week
though edilsonfb is beating us both
guess we need to step up our game
but yeah, you on votes looks like me on rep on AVP
I consistently have like 5 to 10 times the next guy on AVP
it's kind of disturbing
but a lot goes to who gets there first
like Michael Clark when he is on here is REALLY fast
which is why he creams me on rep generally
but he also deserves it because I'm pretty sure he knows more about the field than I
Well, of course a lens makes a difference, he said it the wrong way. He should have said "don't feel pressed to buy a new lens, the kit lens is just fine for your planned use."
but yeah, I tend to not vote much. I'm more a fan of answering. I tend to vote when I see a problem
like this week I voted a lot because of the spammer and because of Sachin
otherwise, I primarily only vote when I see a better answer when I go to a question
I +1 a question if I think it is interesting enough to merit another vote and I +1 an answer if I don't write one (or maybe more than one if multiple are good) but if I'm writing an answer, it's because I think something important hasn't been said, so I tend to not upvote then
Arrh, this touchscreen typing is just too slow, and add the 3G connection lag.. can't keep up the speed and can't even show a link whereto I'm replying :P
lol for fun I took some pics of some robot demos at work with teh sigma 17-50 2.8 and sent them to my boss, and he went "yeah, just what I needed for the brochures for the exhibition next week".
now my research project deals with making a large feature space for classification, using stereo in NIR, colour , and thermal properties with 2ccd RGB-NIR cameras, and FLir a615 and a effi laser random dot pattern, and a elinchrom xenon flash.
as I said, resaerch is a nice playground. who doesnt like to fly with toy planes. you need a lot of toys, and then look to the funding agencies for the correct linguistic coding. then you can play with what you want
and then sometimes tehre is a result that can make business plan and a spinoff company to actually make use of it. but thats pretty rare
the most important effect of having all this resaerch is education. education of the researchers and then a slave workforce for all the bachelor/master degrees.
in denmark teh universities are packed. and no professors to teach them. so tehy need research assistants and phd students and postdocs to have enough teachers
here it is more a case of there being money in the research, so the prof gives it to a PhD student, who can play around with some nice stuff. I just get to do the ground work
When I was phd students I had to teach 120hours per half year. 840 was a fulltime. as assitant professor I had to teach 50% of that. Really I had like 1000-1200 hours of teaching