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if you look at the case of the cooking.se user he had lifted multiple questions (verbatim in many cases) for the purpose of rep farming
@mfg Did that user get banned?
im not sure, it wasn't personal on my part and i let the mods do what they do
to be sure he disappeared
@mfg Ok
Whenever I type @mfg it looks like omfg
yeah, thats what i wanted to grab for my domain, but had to go with nomfg
Q: Looking for a good athiest childrens book or book series

TerranceHey I was thinking something along the lines of His Dark Materials or something similar. While not exactly "atheist" explicitly had some pretty awesome themes relating to religion and control. While it is definitely not something for the younger kids but, probably good for the "Young Adult". But ...

Q: Parenting book recommendations

Richard CookCan anybody recommend any interesting books on parenting from the nonbeliever's perspective? I'm currently reading "Parenting Beyond Belief: On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion" by Dale McGowan and would be interested in other books that people have found useful.

i suppose his is asking for a book for the kid, and the other is asking for a book for the parent
i dont know, i almost dont want to flag it for CW b/c if the mods are getting flooded with CW questions it worries me how they will handle the site. (but im in the anti-polling camp)
Which btw, is a camp that I named...
welcome to my fan club on atheism.stackexchange.com
I support this camp, but I wonder why the camp isn't equally vocal about all polls
it seems many people are vocal, but its almost ceaseless
but it would be easy to commandeer five people to close anything if the camp is this popular
Question proposal: Anyone think it is funny that samharris.com is a gospel singer, and samharris.org a prominent atheist author?
post link to bad question, have discussion
@Josiah I don't understand.
@Josiah Oh
:For the volcano in the Aleutian Islands, see Pogromni Volcano. A pogrom () is a form of violent riot, a mob attack, either approved or condoned by government or military authorities, directed against a particular group, whether ethnic, religious, or other, and characterized by killings and destruction of their homes and properties, businesses, and religious centres. The term usually carries connotation of spontaneous hatred of majority population against certain (usually ethnic) minority, which they see as dangerous and harming the interests of majority. The term was originally used to d...
I wish you could retract close votes.
I shouldn't have vote-to-close power on Atheism.
theres always vote to reopen, i just wish when peoples questions get closed they would edit them
A: What is the proven fact to support the argumentation that God does NOT exist?

The PreacherThere is no proof either way. The Bible agrees with this: ... he that cometh to God must believe (Hebrews 11:6) The Bible makes no effort to prove itself, it simply states: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. (Psalm 14:1) Then it becomes a question of which option makes ...

@jjn can you delete your comment about the dupe, or is it fixed b/c it was auto-posted by the system?
@mfg Deleted. I didn't know i could do that.
Num of votes (+4 up). There are other preachers?..
your vote is still in there but oh well
1 hour ago, by jjnguy
As a rule of thumb: If your answer has a bible quote in it, it is wrong.
Heh indeed.
It's crappy that it's 4:28 am here. Laterz chaps.
C ya
@Borror0 pointed out that bible verses can actually be a good example to refute religion sometimes though.
its crappy that it isnt 428 here, oh you said am. ugh
I wish it were 4:28pm here. Time to go home!
I'm amazed that this question wasn't allowed atheism.stackexchange.com/questions/1614/…
Out of all of the questions wrongly closed that one takes the cake.
A: Looking for a good athiest childrens book or book series

SatanicpuppyI hated that series. Such a promising start, and then downhill for every successive book. The third book was extraordinarily irritating, and it always surprises me when someone says, "It's not overtly anti-religious!" That's like saying the Chronicles of Narnia isn't overtly religious. Just becau...

How the fuck is that answer upvoted?
@EvanCarroll I didn't like that one. I don't feel that it has much to do with Atheism.
It's not even an answer
@jinguy but it does... and it's core.
And, it's a superset of "evidence of the non-existence of god"
and, without understanding that you'll never understand the latter.
questions pertaining to materialism, ontology, and epistemology are some of the more valid and entertaining questions; and as far as those go, that question is prime.
@EvanCarroll im not for it having been closed, but it was worded terribly. he should have done an edit that reworked his opening. it was verbose and didn't really nail his question to the wall
@Evan, well knowing how to type is a superset of knowing how to program. And you can't program if you can't type. But, we don't allow beginner typist questions on SO. (Is that a good example)
Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of hearing the claim "You can't know something does not exist," because it makes lame assumptions about what I'm claiming to know and presumes a level of skepticism that I'd rather not accept.
@jjnguy Essentially, I've realized how moronic most of my answers were. We should decide what's okay and what isn't and go through and fucking terrorize with close votes.
@mfg That's why I think there should be a more clear notice about how to go about reopening a question via an edit.
Closing questions like that is really shitty, I've asked about this before - I want that question open, and I want it to not be CW.
yeah, ive posted to the meta on it and in comment sections, but i think that a lot of the question askers are too wedded to their questions or wont take ownership or something
@jjnguy, The one you disagreed with isn't one of the moronic ones.
It's too good of a question to lose to shitty verbiage.
Evan, then fix it.
You can do that.
@EvanCarroll your right about it not being a CW, it deserves a proper answer; but everything loses to shitty verbiage
@EvanCarroll Repost it, with better wording.
@Josiah Ha, ok. I didn't think it was moronic either. just wrong :P
I suppose if I fixed it, it would not be the original question -- but it would have the original "title".
Maybe he is title-squatting ;)
if an author can't focus his audience on what he's saying, why would you expect the audience to return the focus and provide experrt answers?
That's probably how I should look at this.
If it has the same meaning, but is on topic.
I know you've posted, and I've been too busy to actually rework my question, but I think the information should be made more available, maybe that guy never read what to do.
Yea I think that's reasonable, so long as you can interpret the long question he originally laid out accurately.
Wow, bad sentence parsing.
true, true; i'd like us to reach some consensus on having a link that people can reference on closing - reasons for closing, reopening, the importance of editing, etc
I think I'm going to expand on my rational and linguistic defense to knowing something does not exist, and then ask that same question again and self-answer.
Yea, I think that's reasonable, so long as you can accurately interpret the long question he originally laid out*
I don't care about the question he originally laid out, just the title.
"How can you know something does not exist?"
Fair enough. But presumably that is the question he originally laid out.
"How do you know there is no cereal?" - Um, cuz there is no cereal in the fucking box.
Or at least the one he tried to.
@mfg, by the way, when you close a question that you think can be improved, leave a comment. If someone does improve his question, you'll get a warning if he comments he improved it. You probably know that already, but it's worth mentioning.
ive never gotten a warning actually
Neither have I.
I just got banned and censored.
Q: Is it possible to get an Edit notification on questions that I Vote-to-close?

mfgWhen a user votes to close a question (for whatever reason), it would helpful to receive a notification (in the inbox) when the question is edited (either the text, tags, if it closes then is re-opened) so that the user can then modify his or her vote if the question is properly adjusted.

There is also no penis envy here, but this is bull shit atheism.stackexchange.com/questions/1271/…
do you get notified by the author or by the inbox?
That question is categorically not deserving of 17 upvotes, nor the answer of 32 upvotes.
@Evan yeah, but terseness for a fluff question is typically best
Jeff tweeted it
That's why it got so many upvotes
It's sad that the question/answer lead the pack on this site: on fairness I upvoted both but that's crap.
Leave it to Jeff, I assume Lauren Ipsum is an "acquittance".
What do you mean, @Evan?
Borror0, that they're trite and of little substance or thought.
They get upvotes because people identify with them, and understand them fully.
Like Kim Kardashian... or, Lindsey Lohan.
@mfg You get notified in your inbox if someone comments on a question you commented. So, if the author comments "I improved my question" you will get notification.
oh ok, yeah; i want a feature where if i vote to close, and they submit an edit i can revisit the question without them @mfg 'ing
and i want to be able to lift my vote
@EvanCarroll Jeff tweeted the question, not the answer. Lauren Ipsum got the most upvotes because her answer is "trite and of little substance or thought" and that's the kind of answer that get upvotes here.
and a jetpack, which has already been discussed
its not even an interesting question, but i guess we look like a supportive community?
I think it makes the community look heartless...(the top answer)
I'm tempted to start a question on meta where we posts lousy populist answers so we can block downvote them.
@Borror0 That really isn't in the spirit of the network.
What is jeff's twitter?
Does he talk about me?
@EvanCarroll Sorry, but no. He doesn't talk about you
Can you even search twitter?
@EvanCarroll Yeah
He talks about me on his blog.
I know that.
@jjnguy This is beta. We need to trim the community. We don't want the site to be about "bashing theists for being stupid" - otherwise, why bother with it being a Stack Exchange?
@jjnguy, why do you project so much harm on a Christian for having one atheist friend?
@Borror0 I agree that we shouldn't bash theists for being stupid.
@Josiah I don't understand your question.
@jjnguy So, if the top answers are always "well, obviously, theists are stupid and we're like paragons of reasons, dude" is that a good thing?
Saying that Lauren's or my reply would be heartless.
@Borror0, well....it's true at least...
@jjnguy, I think that's most of the difference in our answers. You think it would be much more troubling for them than I do.
@Josiah I wouldn't predict that much (or any) harm coming from either of your replies. But I like to play it safe I guess.
Fair enough.
@Borror0 Of course not.
K, meeting time. I have to go. Feel free to bash me behind my back. I'd love the attention! ;)
@jjnguy Well, that's my point. There's a good number of answers that are like that. Many of them are not even answering the question.
@Borror0 An answer should always answer the question directly.
@jjnguy So, what's the right thing to do when an answer has the most upvotes but doesn't answer the question?
I don't think there is recourse for answers that get there, unless it is truly noise. on the other hand, i do think we need higher standards for question asking; we've been struggling with that since day one
how to get people to ask expert-level questions that are interesting to experts and keep them around
if you do that, the noise gets filtered out organically instead of by flags or whatever
im curious if there is a need for atheism experts, because if there isnt the supply will likely dwindle.
> Watch for and discourage pedestrian questions early in the beta. Certainly, questions of all levels are welcome… but not in the earliest, most formative days of the site. These questions may someday become wildly popular, so politely — very politely — invite those users to ask their questions again after the expertise of the site has been established.
> Top blogs, best books, buying recommendations: those are not the hallmarks of expertise. They’re the seeds of the merely curious. A site filled with these sorts of idle, pedestrian questions will never attract the core of experts it needs to survive.
I like to define expert questions in relation to my own.
Having good answers at the top and bad answers at the bottom is also important. If you put time to write a very thorough answer to the question, and it's an off-topic answer that is at the top, that's very frustrating. If people who put efforts into writing good answers feel they're wasting their time, we got a problem too.
i totally agree on that. i also feel like there should be areas where a few answers, proposing different perspectives, are crowded out by the +1s and me toos and the garbage answer 2 cents
If we don't kill those early in beta answers, Atheism.SE will be an echo chamber for dumb anti-theists.
So do we just get mean?
hrm.. that's amusing.
We have a really active chat with a lot of people that are active on the QA site proper.
We can, as a group, make it look like anything we want to really.
I just noticed how strongly I identify with being "anti-theism", and how much I abhor "anti-theists"
It creeps me out a bit to think that there's a small group of people that mostly agree that can have huge impact on the site, but, well, that's how it's designed.
Why the dislike for anti-theists?
only for the time being in beta
@Josiah That's my point but I got told that it's "not really in the spirit of the site"
that huge impact will be dispersed one rep level reqs go up
Because, it like hating people for having AIDs. Even if you can accredit it to lethargy and ignorance, it hardly make it a more productive pursuit.
I hate the belief system, not the believer.
I think you're probably switching targets.
I suppose I want "anti-theism"-ism, to be different from "anti-theist"-ism
Anti-theist, not to the ignorant and needy, but the well educated and intelligent.
Some people genuinely throw away their intellect and reason.
They piss me off.
I still don't hate them, any more than I hate a tea partier.
And, i don't hate tea partiers.
You don't have to hate them to be against their position.
I'm not "against" them though.
Why did robert add a note it's from wikipedia, then remove it? atheism.stackexchange.com/questions/1539/…
A: Rewarding plagiarizers is a bad idea.

Robert CartainoEvan, you're a top-ranking contributor to this site and someone who seems to have better ideas than most about what should (and should not) be on this site. So, your ideas (and flags) carry a lot of weight. If you asked to have the post deleted, I would have deleted it; It was not compliant. Your...

Although I don't feel a heavy handed approach is best, I hadn't realized that the answer contains no original material. It seems reasonable to strip the rep, though it also seems like a harsh way of welcoming someone to the site.
i still don't know what i would do if it were my choice, but i havent been in that spot before. i suppose that i would strip the rep, and basically let that be a warning shot
it's only one questions worth of rep
Plagiarizing from wikipedia is hardly something that should be rewarded.
It should be deleted, that's all.
It's on wikipedia, the right googling will find it.
@mfg To put it in perspective, that "one answer" is worth 19% of your reputation
right, i think the attrib should be made and it should be CW'ed
You can always quote wikipedia, and link to the article. There is no need to copy it.
I think it should just be killed. It doesn't really belong.
A link would do fine, and won't become stale.
unless wikipedia blows up
@Josiah I tend to agree in light of a technical solution that doesn't at-least entail removing the rep entirely. It's morally disparaging to permit a gain from plagiarism even if it wasn't the intent.
/its not like proofs for gods existence get stale/
i think everybody agrees the rep should evaporate, if the poster is that worried about the rep they got from one question they should learn its not that big of a deal
@Josiah Have you seen the answers to that question? I mean, have you really read them? Thank god that one is second because...
@bor actually when i first read the title it struck me as fishing
Welcome back @jjnguy, we were just talking about what an amoral person you are.
@Borror0 Talking about me!!!!!
I'm not totally amoral.
@Borror0, not really. lol
@mfg What's title?
Amoral is okay, it's immoral that's problematic.
@Josiah Read them. It's a prime example of horrible answers that get voted up because go "wee, let,s say that theists are irrational stupid people (and not actually answer the question)"
actually, the only thing that was done wrong was no attribution, which was added after.
Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
@Borror0 what answer?
@Ustice Without attribution, it's an infringement of copyright though.
The text can be reused, so long as there is attribution.
Sure, but that was a mistake that was edited after.
@Borror0 What is the proven fact to support the argumentation that God does NOT exist?
@ustice, attribution doesn't make it okay to me.
Even if by another user.
It's Creative Commons.
Explicite permission to do just that.
A: What is the proven fact to support the argumentation that God does NOT exist?

ObdurateDemandWhy is it my job or anyone's to prove an utter absurdity to be false? "Prove to me that the world isn't secretly resting on top of giant cupcakes!" "Well, here are pictures of the earth from space." "Fakes and lies. Now prove what I said! See, you can't." Yeah well, that still doesn't make ...

I already mentioned that it isnt' about legality.
He didn't add anything. At all.
and its verbatim
i mean GIY
He found a good article, and posted the relavant information.
I guess he got the formatting right.
@Ustice Again, it requires attribution. Otherwise, it's a copyright infringement.
I agree with you, @Borror0.
That would be a problem, had it not been added.
ah, I agree. that answer is crapola.
but it was
The copyright infringement bit doesn't really bother me, just the farming rep. Considering none of it is his answer he should have cw'd it. As it stands, it deserves deletion.
@EvanCarroll Most of the other answers are pretty bad, if you feel like reading the rest.
@bor but yeah, that title was just awful
@mfg Title? You mean the question?
@bor "What is the proven fact" sounds hilarious
I don't see a problem with finding a good source of info, and even copying relavant text, if it answers the question properly, if the original source gives permission to do that.
and it just keeps on sounding hilarious
Oh. Suggestion? I'll edit to something that doesn't sound stupid
(of course adding attribution as well)
@ustice, If you're citing it or using it as a part of your answer, I agree.
But using it as the entirety of you answer isn't really answering.
Even if it is verbatim. Researching, and formatting the answer counts for something. (assuming it was with permission)
Give him a cookie, then.
Nah, I'll get depressed.
"Nice job on the bold, champ!"
I really want a method of stipulating a minimum IQ to take part in the discussion.
maybe "What established facts support the claim that God does not exist?"
wut r u talkin bout evin?
ur to gud 4 us?
whie u g0tt two haet on uhs?
Q: How does being an atheist influence your feelings about death?

CesarGonMost religions, as far as I know, describe what will happen to you after you die. However, if you are an atheist, you are on your own: you have no book, congregation or deity to tell you what will happen. Just science and rational thought. How does this influence your feelings about death? Do yo...

This is a poll. Kill it.
I think we need more people to buzz in on the plagiarism post on MASE, before it gets old, and voice their opinion to reset or not-reset exp. meta.atheism.stackexchange.com/questions/189/…
what is the tag: syntax for posts?
<tag:foo> ?
I didn't know there was one.
or [meta-tag:foo]
What does that do?
[tag:foo] will not show in the preview, but it will in the real post
ok ty
the one im using is just showing up in the preview normally
@mfg where are you trying to do it?
take that, bitches!
Will not show in preview
@Josiah [oh man you got me]
that is just weird.
Q: Starting a draft of the FAQ?

mfgWhat kind of questions can I ask here? This site is for experts on atheism and how it fits onto the world stage; and anyone else who is an atheist, lives with an atheist, knows an atheist, is scared of atheists, or just wants to understand what is going through the atheistic mind. We are looki...

im going to post a copy in the what should our FAQ contain
as well
I think pushing the expert bit so quickly is a mistake.
it's going to need to be in there, i guess
First sentence: "If you're seeking knowledge, gtfo. If you have knowledge, let's all circle jerk!"
more or less
the faq post is CW so you can modifiy for better word choice
flagged, mayhaps, but nobody got around to opening it
@mfg I see you got the [tag:thing] to work.
i deleted the single post and now its just the meta.atheism.stackexchange.com/questions/4/… one
yeah, thanks again
ohh cute
(the tag thing)
i thought that tag: thing was pointless until i realized its clickable
My expertise already ran out.
Q: Looking for a good athiest childrens book or book series

Terrance Possible Duplicate: Parenting book recommendations Hey I was thinking something along the lines of His Dark Materials or something similar. While not exactly "atheist" explicitly had some pretty awesome themes relating to religion and control. While it is definitely not something for t...

now obviously i put down some stuff as if it were consensus, but i assume we can hash it out and getting the FAQ going in an actual draft form is a start
that needs some reopen votes, doesn't it? It's cw and not a duplicate.
@Josiah Yeah, voted.
yeah, ditto
i still think we should crack down on polls, but he got steam-rolled
oh well, if you and i voted first to close it, i like the ironty that were the first two to reopen
Yeah, I found that kinda funny as well.
i mean, i can at least support a dude trying his best to raise some heathen hell-children
can i get an AMEN?!?
hallalujah praise the borg
(What does that even mean? I was raised Catholic and have no idea. I just said it 1,00 times in mass each week.)
dunno, irish catholic here... maybe its a greek orthodox thing
hallelujah or HAIL ERIS?
im thinking 'on high'
/r/trees, amirite?
The word amen ( or ; ; Greek: ἀμήν ; , ʼĀmīn ; "So be it; truly") is a declaration of affirmation It has been generally adopted in Christian worship as a concluding word for prayers and hymns. as in, for instance, amen to that. Pronunciation In English, the word amen has two primary pronunciations, ah-men () or ay-men (), with minor additional variation in emphasis (the two syllables may be equally stressed instead of placing primary stress on the second). The Oxford English Dictionary gives "eɪ'mεn, often ɑː'mɛn". The ah-men pronunciation is used in performances of classical music, in ...
pear trees?
no pear trees.
/r/trees is the subreddit for pot smokers
oh yeah? im all corporate i get all my news from the walmart ads. ok gots some emails i gotta send out, later
Oh, it was in reference to 'on high'
@Josiah Oh, I missed that. I'm guessing @mfg did too.
capt. social today
I'm bored...
I like storms.
Drugs and Pharmacology

Proposed Q&A site for experienced drug users, and those in the pharmacology-related businesses.

Currently in defintion.

I think that's just asking for trouble...
Why? I think its a valid topic, and the information would make the world safer.
I have a friend that would enjoy it.
@Evan, the potential for abuse is high. It's like the drug prevention program at my elementary school. All it did was teach kids how to do drugs.
@jjnguy, they had nice cars they took from drug dealers. It made me want to sell drugs.
What's wrong with drugs, anyway?
So you're saying that drugs and drug prevention should be off topic because of the potential for abuse?
All I'm saying is that that proposal could be highly controversial.
Some people consider ours highly controversial.
@Josiah There are problems with some drugs.
I know.
I don't have a problem with recreational drug use, so.
@Josiah But the country that this company is based does.
I like my response to a like-concern in the comments.
I'm satisfied with my answer.
@jjnguy I just don't see it working because drug users and pharmacists don't get along. Users go around the monopoly they have on distribution.
@Josiah Yeah, the title of the proposal puts 2 incompatible things together imo
Then again, I have a good friend that plans on being a pharmacist but thoroughly enjoys drugs.
No, same ideas... To assume that non-pharmacologists drug users couldn't become pharmacologists is to assume that non-computer programmer application users couldn't become computer programmers.
I am an ass, Evan. Just warning you.
If you need proof in the pudding I suggest you turn your attention to Bash.
Decriminalization = penalties removed.
Legalization = legal allowances.
With decriminalization you usually ticket or fine someone for possession up to a point.
@EvanCarroll That whole statement is off.
I don't know how long to leave that terrible question up before deleting it.
@Josiah I have no idea what that even means.
It's taken from a pop song.
it's purple drank, otherwise known as cough syrup with codeine.
so are all things "legal" legalized?
If there is no penalty, then pretty much.
@EvanCarroll Legalized != Decriminalized
is it fair to say that interracial marriage is legalized, or that it is just legal?
If it was illegal, then it was legalized at some point.
It was legalized, so now it is legal.
Legalization is an action, something being legal is a state.
Saying something is legalized refers to it having been made legal.
I hate the annoying specificity too, and it's sad we have to have so many conversations about what adults can do in the privacy of their homes.
So I'm confused, is drugs use "legal" in Portugal for recreational use or not..
My claim was that it is, it's regulated but there is no civil or criminal penalty for the use.
I don't believe so, I think it was decriminalized.
It is still illegal.
so link up, show me a penalty..
Meh, effort. I think it's just treatment.
They opted to use it as a chance to find people drug treatment instead of fining them.
In July 2001, Portugal became the first European country to formalize decriminalization of drug possession for personal use, when they introduced Law 30/2000. The law decriminalized the use, possession and acquisition of all types of illicit substances for personal use, defined as being up to ten days supply of that substance. This was in line with the de facto Portuguese drug policy before the reform. Drug addicts were then to be aggressively targeted with therapy or community service rather than fines or waivers. Even if there are no criminal penalties, these changes did not legalize drug...
jjnguy might be more willing to dig up references
I don't see why I'm having to defend this anyway. We're not condoning drug use by answering questions about drugs, any more than were condoning exporting crypto to Iran by answering questions about crypto on SO.
This seems on all levels pathetic.
I certainly am condoning drug use.
Well, as a personal decision that's great.
As a valid Q/A proposal, it's not a stance I want to take.
I'd love to be able to ask questions about drugs in a fairly professional medium.
Then you should change experienced drug users.
"Yeah mannn everyone had an aura and oh shit the walls were breathing man"
"I thought my dog was a gremlin and shit, no lie"
why... If I wanted to make a Q/A about Homosexuality I wouldn't want to exclude Homosexuals. It wouldn't condone the act at any level, it would only serve to inform. The users can provide valuable input about experiences and personal advice.
What method of non-lethal use will get the most THC content into the blood supply?
I love that. The only lethal use I can think of would be to make a cannon ball of pot and blast it into someone's chest with a cannon.
Really, can you take a THC IV?
I'm honestly not sure. It attaches to fatty tissue or something, so I don't know how well that would work.
See... There are questions to be asked, that's a fair one even if you think it is a joke.
And I just meant that you will have some people coming on as experienced users dragging down the professional feel of the place.
And I was just saying that lethal pot use would be pretty extreme. I don't know what you could do with it that you couldn't do with anything else to kill someone.
You should relax a bit more.
I'm not tense, I want to know if an you could make more people high by giving them mG of pot in the arm..
Ooh! I have a xanax at home.
I've never heard of it, but I'm not sure why.
I'd have to ask biologist/chemist friends.
Invite them to the proposal.
I think it has to do with the thc fatty acid thing, I do agree that it's a good question, though.
There, posted a real one.
Good! You++ Welcome to the proposal, let make this happen.

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