@TheodoreBroda That particular topic is actually a quote from a recent question on ELU that people found amusing. I don't have a link handy but can dig one up if necessary. The topic text is regularly changed from time to time and doesn't really reflect the purpose of the room. I don't think the room's topic needs to be a literal topic and, for better or worse, this chat room doesn't really have a topic of discussion. The regular users in that room talk about anything they feel like discussing.
@phenry The topic confused me too. It's a quote from a recently closed question on ELU.
@TheodoreBroda ELU chat -- on average -- can be intimidating but most of the regulars are extremely open to questions about ELU and the site. Periodically they go completely crazy over a topic and turn on the mean machine.
In my opinion, the problem is that I don't see a good option for better regulation. As a moderator, I would be open to suggestions on how to improve chat (specifically, make it more welcoming) but I would not trounce through trying to fix it.
I do encourage people to flag messages they consider problematic -- that's what the system is there for.
I also acknowledge that certain users in the chat are jerks and don't realize it. It is inappropriate for me to call anyone out on this publicly and as a regular user I couldn't find a compelling reason to discuss behavior with someone who I thought was causing problems.
But as a moderator, that is part of my job. If a user feels uncomfortable because of how someone treats them in chat I would want to know about it. And I would take the issue to the full moderator team for discussion.
(Heh, I misused the word trounce. Not sure what word I was thinking of. Oops.)
Oh, and I see people found the question in question later in the topic.
@phenry I don't have strong feelings on that particular subject. I personally would make a meta post about it and let the community as a whole tell me what they wanted.
@medica That is one of the features of being a moderator, yes. :)
@tchrist I think you are overstating the topic. A user had some questions about the ELU chat room and asked for opinions. I see no problem with the candidates choosing to talk about whatever they want to talk about. At the worst, it helps you learn more about them.
@phenry The other "main rooms" I visit from time to time are almost completely dead.
It may be tricky to do a good comparison.
@medica @tchrist was not misrepresenting all of the candidates. tchrist was indirectly referring to a particular candidate. I'm not sure why you seem to be on the defensive, here? Did I miss something?
@tchrist Minor correction: SE is a reputation-ocracy. You can gain reputation simply by doing lots and lots of mediocre work.
@tchrist I am actually on the first page of editors. The screenshot trimmed me out -- I was on the very next line.
As for why I'm not higher on the list, I've been spending my time answering really old questions. :)