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Does the election end today, or is UTC confusing me again?
@Seth hover over the 'tomorrow' and it'll tell you exactly when it ends
2014-06-24 20:00:00
Yeah, but converting that time to my local time always just ends up with me getting really confused. Looks like tomorrow at 12 for me.
The last elections ended on Mondays. sigh.
@Seth date -d '2014-06-24 20:00:00Z' ought to help
They had this one last 8 days instead of 7, not sure why.
Rats, on Windows atm.
That's 16:00 EDT, no idea what time zone you're in
@derobert Ohhh.. Is that why? Hm.. Now that you mention it, I think I noticed.
well that is my time zone ;)
and it shifted ahead one hour from last election too.
I have no idea how long it takes to announce the results after that. Then we'll find out that cnst won, and all be confused.
The results are calculated instantly, but they aren't displayed right away.
You can calculate them yourself though. On Ubuntu/Debian you can use the openstv package.
I assume they're not announced until the SE people contact the winners and get them to agree to the mod agreement? And probably confirm they don't see any shenanigans, etc.
I'm not sure about checking for shenanigans, but the winners will get their diamond within the hour.
They just can't do anything until they accept the agreement.
Does SE send out some instructions on how to use the mod tools, or do they just tell you to go figure them out?
Or I guess go search meta...
Most of the tools are pretty straight forward. I don't think there is any definitive "guide". It is really easy to get help if you need it though :)
Yep. Plenty of other mods to ask if nothing else.
1 hour later…
How long before the election is over?
1 hour later…
@FaheemMitha Tomorrow at 2000 UTC / 4pm EDT
As with most dates on the network, if you hover over the "ends tomorrow" either in the community bulletin or election page, it's in the tooltip
@Kevin Doh. I had in my head it was going to be tonight. I guess that's when the CSE one goes into election phase.
Aaa well, have to wait another day I guess.
@Kevin Ok, thanks.
@Caleb It always confuses me because the time changes as the year progresses, and @derobert pointed out that they seem to have made this election last 8 days instead of the normal 7.
It's a conspiracy!

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