the game i linked to you that i made
is using machine learning for the ai
which is basically written in python
but i can only read the basics of phyton, not really code in it
if you go unity, you should know c# or learn it
forget multiplayer for a start
get it working a single player with all functionality
remote call procedures are a pain to debug if your normal game logic is not even working yet
the main part of splendor game was to figure out how to write a working AI, not to get the game nice and working
so i lost interest in it once the ai was good enough
if you know how/ what you want in your scrabble, it is probably a 2-3 day project of coding, it is not that complicated of a game
some drag and drop, word + point evaluation and thats it
i have to go in around 30min
if you have anything else needs clarification