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07:00 - 13:0013:00 - 15:00

having now created hand tile as a ui..with rect form , I added the tilescript basic tile, but its not blue
blue = prefab
we dont need it blue
you see my last two screenshots dont have it blue as well
yes, but there suddenly isnt a prefab basic tile to add
you want a prefab if you decide you need many copies of something
your one has it blue
that one should be in your asset folder
I'll check again
ah, you mean in the answer post
i might have made it a prefab in the question, makes no difference if it is or not in this case
ok, I think I see the problem
when I create a handtile, via create empty, it is a child and has a rect transform, but it doesnt give me the option to choose the size like your does
it should be always possible to edit that
which anchor preset did u use?
for hand tile?
just created an emnpty one and changed width to 800
so with my handtile, I have rect transform section and tile bag
as in tilebag (scipt)
thats it
add the grid layout group
how do I do that
click the button
add component
and start typing grid layout
and select the correct one
go it
got it
try hitting play again
ok, now last thing...if oyu look at your last screenshot the selected basic tile is prefab..I havent got this option for some reason
which last screenshot?
from here or from answer
in fact both basic fab and the handtile are both prefab..for some reason I can't select ...oh drag and drop??
creating prefab is from hierarchy to assets
by drag and drop
last screenshot in the main instruction nr.9
you can forget about that part that it is not a prefab
you will create anyway only one hand at a time since I doubt you are going to display the tiles of your opponents, right?
and how did u get the prefab of handtile?
but yeah, if you want a prefab, just drag the tilehand to assets
just right click on handtile in hirarchy , right?
no, drag and drop from handtiles in hierarchy to assets folder
prefab = prefabricated, right? Starting to understand:)
probably, no idea for what it stands
it is just called prefab by everyone
I can't get my handtile in hierarchy to be prefab
and the error is what?
OMG...nearly there...I changed the grid of handtile to 800 and now, at least I see all the randomly created letters and numbers, but there all next tiles instead of on them
so wierd that I can't share pictures with you
yeah, so no error, I just have a gME WITH 6 white tiles and letters and numbers left of the tiles
so now I'm trying to adjust the positions of the letters and points
I double clicked the letters and I get all sorts of coloured lines
I thought it would be clear what I need to drag in which part
you want to adjust the prefab of the tile
you know what I mean?
I guess, do I do that?
do a double click on the BasicTile in your assets
double click in assets ,righT?
give it under letter one letter
and points as well
adjust so it looks good
ok, and how do I save the prefab again after adjusting
although I have a tick on autosave
that should be all
top left you see scenes / basictile, you can click on scenes to get back to your scene view
no, it needs to csave and compile difference
I was doing the amendments on scene
is that wrong?
hard to say
never make changes while in play mode
those are temporary and only last until you hit stop playing, reverting back to before playing
in the scene (or hierarchy) you should not be able to make changes of the Basic Tile since we dont have a Basic Tile in the Hierarchy
how do i stop play.? I don-'t see a stop button:)
just click the play button again
about the uload function, you need 100 reputation of stackoverflow to upload images in chat
oh I see
the positioning isnt working, but I know what to play around with I can I thank you?
which part
its actually weird its not changing positions of the letters or points
well, without seeing what you did I cant tell you what you did wrong
I might just follow your whole instructons again, maybbe Ive just played about too much with the environment
when you click on the prefab
ich should look like thos
definately doesnt:)
plus a background that i was too lazy to add
Ive got about 3 circles and 2 rectangles
..and yeah, oh, an"A" from my text input:)
I think I understand the environment now good enough to follow your instructions afresh;)
sure, give it a try and see if you are stuck still somewhere
this is the basic of basics of unity
(at least for any 2D tutorial)
it seems like my letter is a 3D sphere...I can move it around like a I have the wrong component maybe?
no, the right one
just wrong tool selected
..which would explain the circles around my A
you probably have the third to the left selected
oh yeah
so, I just click prefab again and choose the other one?
so I just select the hand
There's so much to this environment, its crazy
well, it is a full game editor
you use most of those tool if you want to edit 3D enviroment
o, I see the problem
when I look at the prefab of my basic tile I see the texts are all to the left of my tile how do I change that?
it is like saying photoshop has 100 buttons and menus when you just want to change
thats actually it
make sure that all x and y are 0
start from top to buttom
like basic tile first
than background, letter and points afterwards
we want to have it 0, 0 because later in game when we spawn it, we are giving it the position
but a prefab should always be 0,0 to not make weird things
let me try that
scale and pivot on 0 as well?
pivot is on 0.5
I think I got that from you
thats the default
for some reason there's a lot of concentration on the bottom left corner
the number will get a 1 in all, but that will happen automatically if you assign the anchor present
i do not understand
what you mean
sometimes "NewTExt" is written downwards, sometimes to the left
because the field is only so big
and text has to fit so it tries to change the wording to fit the box
remove it to a single letter
since that is what your tile later has to display
my pref letter and point actually have A and 5 in them respectively...I don't know where its getting the "New Text" from
well, somewhere you have most likely on your prefab another text component that still has new text written
ah, Ive found where the components of my prefab are being valuated from
so tell me, what do u do? is this your job?
no, just a hobby just love helping out
im just bored
and dont felt like working
and you have so much time? Do u have loads of apps running currently?
u in europe right now?
im a normal fullstack dev
don't mean to pry but which country?
but i can usually finish my expected workload for the day in like 1-2h
oh ok, because you're so good...I get it
u have apps running?
what apps?
well I would have thought you'd be making loads of money creating apps on app store, no?
i dont have a single on app store
nothing published
wh not...if I may ask?
because Im too lazy to make a full game
at least the grafic design part
oh ok
ok, a general question to my project, what do I need to check up on, as you know what I'm intending..what to read up on, or other languages maybe? Just general adviccce to creating a peer to peer game like that
and a bad looking game is not selling regardless of game play
networking for that scrabble?
yeah...well generlly..maybe something I might not have thought about
I mean I'm suing unity because unity adviced me to
because chat gpt adviced me to
i think from the big engines, unity is the easiest
compared to unreal or godot
actually, i made one test game
so unity will allow me to do the whol thing right?
yes, it will allow you to make a platform independent game
right up to setting it up in app store?
i think you will need to set it up in the app store itself and not with unity
because app store is google
what about the peer2peer aspect..for me to practise using it with other people is that possible in a beta version somehow
but it will create an apk that you can upload
damn, with your knowledge I'd have 20 apps running ...hahahaa...
this is the network library I use with Unity
got so many ideas....
you can have a lokal network modus with it
and you can fuse existing real succesful games...don't ven need to be creative
so basically one player is playing server for the others to join
oh ok
not even internet required, just wlan
if you manage that to get working correctly, there is no difference for a real peer to peer with a server
just a change in the controller for where the server is
so if you have a mobile phone, you can test at your computer for player one
and your phone is player 2
another meeting :(
fair warning
on a difficulty of 1 to 10, this here would be a 0.5
and networking is in the range of 8+
I'm working as a data scientist...but our dept is being dissolved...getting laid off
so I have quite a bit of time
I mainly use python...and in the past VBA, but this environment is something else...very interesting
the game i linked to you that i made
is using machine learning for the ai
which is basically written in python
but i can only read the basics of phyton, not really code in it
if you go unity, you should know c# or learn it
as for you game
forget multiplayer for a start
get it working a single player with all functionality
remote call procedures are a pain to debug if your normal game logic is not even working yet
the main part of splendor game was to figure out how to write a working AI, not to get the game nice and working
so i lost interest in it once the ai was good enough
if you know how/ what you want in your scrabble, it is probably a 2-3 day project of coding, it is not that complicated of a game
some drag and drop, word + point evaluation and thats it
i have to go in around 30min
if you have anything else needs clarification
you can ping me on Discord under the same nick if you have further questions since I usually dont chat here
listen I need to go off...
I wanted to thank you so much for your time..
I'm not as stupid as I
sure thing
I just hadserious difficulties with this envionment..
im soon off as well
Can I contact you somehow? If I get stuck?
is that ok?
yes, preferable over discord
and you should have image upload available there as well
this chat here is good for clarifications, but doesnt really keep history and is more a public chat room
oh that would be great
whats your account name at discord?
same nick, should be zibelas there too
cool zibelas ..I'm kingz there
I only used it for Starcraft 2 a while ago..but it seems tobe getting more popular discord
*to be
your settings are not allowing friend requests
there are a lot of indy game devs on discord
almost any game i play has a discord for the game
u seen the request?
fantastic dude
chat later
take care
07:00 - 13:0013:00 - 15:00

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