2 hours later…
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@MathieuGuindon incremental "make that dead code grey" rules sounds like a good issue for LSP - non-blocking asynchronous inspections slowly hydrating but the main user interface doesn't have to wait for them to do basic colouring. Not that I'm particularly pro- LSP but it looks like a nice architecture that forces asynchronous delegation of work by design
3 hours later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Energeer added label enhancement to issue #6062: Inspection for conflicting name of Enum member and local variable
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Energeer added label up-for-grabs to issue #6062: Inspection for conflicting name of Enum member and local variable
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Energeer added label feature-inspections to issue #6062: Inspection for conflicting name of Enum member and local variable
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Energeer opened issue #6062: Inspection for conflicting name of Enum member and local variable
> **What**
Rubberduck could warn when a local variable name conflicts with an Enum member name.
If a module level const is defined and it's name conflicts with a local variable then the code _won't_ compile - a run-time error or bug is therefore _avoided_. If an Enum member is defined and it's name conflicts with a local variable then code _will_ compile - resulting in the risk of a run-time error or bug (unintended outcome) occurring.
The example below is very obvious however it
Rubberduck could warn when a local variable name conflicts with an Enum member name.
If a module level const is defined and it's name conflicts with a local variable then the code _won't_ compile - a run-time error or bug is therefore _avoided_. If an Enum member is defined and it's name conflicts with a local variable then code _will_ compile - resulting in the risk of a run-time error or bug (unintended outcome) occurring.
The example below is very obvious however it
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder created comment on issue #6062: Inspection for conflicting name of Enum member and local variable
> IIRC the shadowed declaration inspection isn't enabled by default, can you confirm this isn't a scenario that would be picked up by that inspection? I would expect it to be covered already.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Energeer created comment on issue #6061: Inspection for using logical operator Or in a Select Case
> Yes you're right. I decided to post this as I came across a bug in one of my projects, the source of which took me ages to find.. all due to using `Enums` and `Select Cases` and not fully understanding the knowledge contained in your second paragraph - so thanks for that! To someone wiser than me its going to be intentional usage and I can appreciate its really hard to determine the coders intent.
Trying to think of a way that you could reasonable inspect for the above: can you think of an
Trying to think of a way that you could reasonable inspect for the above: can you think of an
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder edited comment on issue #6062: Inspection for conflicting name of Enum member and local variable
> IIRC the _shadowed declaration_ inspection isn't enabled by default, can you confirm this isn't a scenario that would be picked up by that inspection? I would expect it to be covered already.
Edit- indeed, it's disabled by default: https://test.rubberduckvba.com/FeatureDetails?name=ShadowedDeclaration
Edit- indeed, it's disabled by default: https://test.rubberduckvba.com/FeatureDetails?name=ShadowedDeclaration
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Energeer created comment on issue #6062: Inspection for conflicting name of Enum member and local variable
> Aha yes - it's already covered then - I haven't enabled it. Cheers!
Learning new things every day!
Learning new things every day!
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Energeer edited comment on issue #6061: Inspection for using logical operator Or in a Select Case
> Yes you're right. I decided to post this as I came across a bug in one of my projects, the source of which took me ages to find.. all due to using `Enums` and `Select Cases` and not fully understanding the knowledge contained in your second paragraph - so thanks for that! To someone wiser than me its going to be intentional usage and I can appreciate its really hard to determine the coders intent.
Trying to think of a way that you could reasonably inspect for the above: can you think of an
Trying to think of a way that you could reasonably inspect for the above: can you think of an
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] retailcoder created comment on issue #6061: Inspection for using logical operator Or in a Select Case
> There's one for [unreachable case](https://test.rubberduckvba.com/FeatureDetails?name=UnreachableCase), although it won't pick up all positives but does enough to be helpful I think. We need RD to be able to evaluate expressions (and their resulting data type) in order to unlock all the "expression is always false" kind of goodies.
It'll come, but v3.0 will probably come first 😉
It'll come, but v3.0 will probably come first 😉
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Transcript for
Dec '228
VBA Rubberducking
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