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12:00 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 4 commits. 1087 additions. 1156 deletions.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 66, Bombs Used: 38, Moves Performed: 9284, New Users: 14
4 hours later…
4:23 AM
of course, every inspection is marked as "pre-release", because 'master' has no inspection xml-doc
4:47 AM
oh, sh..oot
> Octokit.RateLimitExceededException: 'API rate limit exceeded for {IP}. (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)'
api limits reset at 5:15AM if I'm reading the exception details correctly... that sounds like my cue for bedtime
3 hours later…
9:16 AM
9:31 AM
@Duga Accidentaly hit the unstar button on mobile.
10:30 AM
> The way you seem to envision this to work will need some more work than just adding the annotation. So far, all attribute annotations either correspond to a fixed value or take the attribute value as annotation values. However, based on what I can see so far, you want to have a conversion between the attribute value and the annotation value.

The conversion from annotation value to attribute value already takes place in the annotation. However, so far there is no mechanism for a conversion
1 hour later…
11:30 AM
@Duga I was gonna say "'bout time!"
Looks like it was a busy weekend, Mr. Guindon!
Now that there's a While...Wend inspection, I guess Ima have to clean up some more code
11:48 AM
I'd love to use RubberDuck for my VB6 projects but the OutOfMemory issue is really blocking me from doing that. Is there anything I can do to contribute to resolving the issue? - How do I start?
12:02 PM
Howdy, @BlueEel! Start by reading through the Holy RAM, batman! issue to see if it covers your case (I don't think it does - I believe that only covers VBA, not VB6). If you're good with C#, .NET and the nitty gritty details, you may be able to help dig into the issue.
If that issue doesn't cover your situation, feel free to submit a new bug - there's a template that will guide you.
If you can contribute, but don't know where to start, someone will be along shortly to give you some better guidance than I can.
my logs contain a lot of lines like this:
2019-05-20 13:45:37.0162;DEBUG-;Rubberduck.Parsing.VBA.Parsing.TokenStreamParserBase;System.OutOfMemoryException: Der blev udløst en undtagelse af typen 'System.OutOfMemoryException'.
12:31 PM
@BlueEel could you tell us what bitness your VB6 IDE has? Also how large is the project you are working with? A rough estimate of modules, members and lines of code could help explain RD being memory hungry
Q: Type Mismatch VBA

C.EdoMy code can't run and I got an error message that "Type Mismatch" on Set mytable = ShSReturn.ListObjects("SurveyReturn"). Can you please help me to edit it or give some advices and is my code correct? Sub LOf() Dim cell As Variant Dim myrange As Long, lastrow As Long, finalrow As Long, result...

@Duga yea, that one was not quite a 01, @MathieuGuindon :)
@Vogel612 32-bit I assume - Is there a 64-bit version of VB6?
One of the (largest) projects is 17 MB, 38 .bas files (42000 lines), 28 .cls files (5900 lines), 165 .frm files(167000 lines)
so that's roughly 200kLoC... yea it's somewhat unsurprising that we're busting the memory cap with RD then
12:51 PM
no there isn't a such thing as 64-bit VB6 IDE
this matches the observations in #4094, though
@BlueEel is it actually using up all 3(?) 4(?) GB of RAM?
@this no - caps at around 1GB
Hmm. Interesting.
That ist he same observation I have
(of Access)
Can't recall if Excel had that, too
But being Microsoft's fair-haired child, it has extended memory addressing that other products doesn't
@this Max elaborated that Office is not LARGEADRESSAWARE, so it would only go up to 2GB for 32-bit hosts
I'm not sure whether that's the same for VB6
1:02 PM
2GB? Yet in my observation, it's only 1 GB
I very much doubt extended memory addressing was even a thing in 1996.
(well, it was. But for 16-bit, pretty sure not so for 32-bit)
anyways, I'm back to writing on my paper...
1:32 PM
Q: Visual Fox Pro Automation

meltigelLOCAL oWord, oDocument, oRange, Lc_start, Lc_expr, Lc_ris, Ln_count, Lc_val DIMENSION Lc_funct[1] Lc_expr = "" Ln_count = 1 oWord = CREATEOBJECT("Word.Application") oWord.Visible = .T. cFile = GETFILE() oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(m.cFile) oRange = oWord.ActiveDocument.Range() nWordCount =...

1:46 PM
Visual Fox Pro? wow!
In the continuing saga of the new SQL Server: I can't debug (step-into) my SQL code, so I sent an email to my DBA asking if I could be granted the necessary permissions to do so.
His response, What do you have in mind? Read access on the system databases?
How the heck do I know??? You're the DBA, you are supposed to know this!!!
Maybe if I ask enough questions, he’ll get tired of me and give me sysadmin rights…
is the instance a separate instance from the production one?
Because if it's, I do not recommend trying to debug it. Ever.
@this s/it's/isn't?
Dany: We'll liberate the world by force!
Jon: Not on my watch.
(Probably the best pun I've ever thought of.)
2:20 PM
@this Different DBs on the same server.
What's the issue of trying to debug an SP in my test DB if the Prod DB is also on the same server?
2:33 PM
you lock everyone else out of the instance
doesn't matter if they're on another database. Debugging works at instance level so you impact everyone else.
So... just don't.
(unless you want to be the most hated guy for a day or a week or whatever) ;-)
Odds of me hating myself are extremely small...
i.e. I'm the only one in the DB about 99.9% of the time.
Interesting info, though. I had no idea. Seems kinda odd to lock the entire instance so one person can debug code. I guess it makes sense, though, since there's no telling what tables in what DBs you may be touching and how long it'll take you to get 'round to it.
The worst thing is that it isn't always the case.
it's possible to be lulled into false sense of security (I can debug my debug DB just fine! Everyone is fine!)
but that's not always the case.
For that reason it's best to have your own instance to debug
As noted, I basically do have my own instance. That and I don't debug very often at all.
OK, you see anything in particular in this SP that would cause a hung INSERT?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[LoadCSVToSatSurveyV2018TempLoad] (
			@Return int out

	TRUNCATE TABLE SatSurveyV2018TempLoad

SET @Return = -1				--default to error condition unless otherwise overridden

		INSERT INTO SatSurveyv2018TempLoad
											'Driver={Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)}',
											'select * from \\chmohcsystoc\systoc\SqlServerLoad\SatSurveyData.csv')

		  FROM SatSurveyv2018TempLoad
if you're the only one user of instance then I suppose that's fine. I was thinking it would have other users at same time, too.
the INSERT is what was discovered to be running for 21 hours yesterday. Friday..
2:47 PM
been a while but I have a feeling that hte from isn't formed correctly
the 2nd time I try running that SP, I get the hilarious unexpected catastrophic error:
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Procedure dbo.LoadCSVToSatSurveyV2018TempLoad, Line 23 [Batch Start Line 2]
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Procedure dbo.LoadCSVToSatSurveyV2018TempLoad, Line 23 [Batch Start Line 2]
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)"
It was running on the old server exactly like this for more than a year.
Either I didn't create the Linked Server correctly or I don't have the correct rights to something.
if you made a linked table in Access to that path, would it have had the same connection string?
I was sysadmin on the old server, so rights were irrelevant.
2:48 PM
the daemon would need to have at least read rights on the folder, for sure.
^not the best course of action, I know, but it worked! :D
Additionally, that will work one time, but it will not work a second time without bouncing the server (my way of killing the process) or the DBA killing it for me (since I can't).
The other possibility is that there's an issue in this SP (cringes for the expected reactions to this one...):
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Load_SatSurveyV2018Temp_To_SatSurveyV2018] (
			@Return			int out,
			@ClinicID		int
	SET @Return = -2										--Default to error value

	INSERT INTO SatSurveyV2018 (ClinicID, HashValue, LoadDate, StartDateTime, EndDateTime, CollectionDate, Method, SurveyLanguage, RecommendNPS, RecommendNPSReason, OverallExperience, Comments, CorporateAffiliation,
								VisitType, ListenTo, TreatedWell, EnoughTime, Confidence, MadeEasy, TimelyService, HowDidYouHear, HandHygene, Duration, ContactMe, ContactMethod, ContactPhone,
they run as a pair: CSV-> temp, Temp -> permanent
once for each set of client data.
As I said, been working that way for 1+ year. Now on the new server, it's one and done
did you confirm that the daemon can read files in that folder?
It can read it to load it the first time, so I presume that it can for every time.
so if you did SELECT TOP 10 * FROM OPENROWSET(...), it works?
it's not working at the moment because I tried the whole thing earlier and got the error messages. The errors seem to be caused by an INSERT that never ends and needs to be killed in some way. The hung INSERT seems to prevent nearly anything else from working properly.
executing the SP on a "clean" DB (i.e. just after a reboot or when the DBA has killed that INSERT thread) the whole SP does run to load data from the CSV. It worked properly on Friday and I confirmed again this morning
3:13 PM
I've finally worn them down:
> This is quite a small database, so it doesn’t make sense to use an entire extra server. We could grant sysAdmin rights, with the understanding that if development breaks everything, we could just restore the entire database from backups.
1 hour later…
4:29 PM
posted on May 20, 2019 by CommitStrip

I think the website isn't perfect, but caching works so I shouldn't be hitting the GH API beyond the limits
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] retailcoder pushed commit 9d9c8a7a to master: remove nav bar dropdown menu; build inspection details off xml-docs. todo: get xml-docs from tags using GitHub API.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] retailcoder pushed commit fb1620a1 to master: todo: fix async code, and get GitHub API key or figure out this shit faster than the API rate limits block debugging.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] retailcoder pushed commit 13d39de4 to master: removed tooltip class
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] retailcoder pushed commit c5f72b96 to master: don't flag all inspections as pre-release if there's no data in master
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] retailcoder pushed commit 1a1eaa2a to master: BuildController now uses GitHub releases to determine /stable and /prerelease build versions. Cached for 24 hours.
Merge pull request #64 from retailcoder/master

remove nav bar dropdown menu; build inspection details off xml-docs. …
4:39 PM
ah crap, forgot the top banner
5:03 PM
@this I can run sp_WhoIsActive now!! :)
This appears to be the issue. Maybe??
probably wants you to click on a dialog somewhere.
@MathieuGuindon that's a lovely page. I love the use of red font and yellow boxes.
seeing an actual error page with info? I changed the config but whatever I do it's stuck to "off"
5:12 PM
@this ha!
@this I ran this from SSMS:
Nope. where is it hosted again?
				'Driver={Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)}',
				'select * from \\chmohcsystoc\systoc\SqlServerLoad\SatSurveyData.csv')
it better not be waiting for a dialog to be clicked!
it might be that it's not a valid connection string
2 hours ago, by this
if you made a linked table in Access to that path, would it have had the same connection string?
It will work one time, then hang on the second run. I'm not sure how it could be valid only on the first run...
@this still godaddy...
5:14 PM
My bet is that it's hanging because it opened a dialog because it can't find the file or the driver isn't configured correctly. Which is why you get this behavior where it "works" one time then you have to kick the server
do they do SSH thing?
I have no idea how godaddy does their thing.
but was thinking that if you SSH, you might be able to check this.
in case the publishing process does not actually import the changes you made to web.config
I made the changes directly through their "file manager" crapware
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5.2" />
    <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" targetFramework="4.6" />
    <trust level="Full" />
    <customErrors mode="On" />
I guess that's a good enough equivalent.
^ actual file
don't you want it Off?
        <customErrors mode="Off"/>
^ what the page says
@this once I know what's wrong, sure
5:18 PM
though, do you really want to do that?
that would be exposing your self to entire internet
been a while but I recall it is possible to set it up to get full diagnostics to a specific IP
IDGAF at this point, site works fine locally, deploy and it's borked
oooo fun
but anyway if you say actual file has it On, you need to change it to Off, no?
it was off, I made it on so I could get the damned stack trace
recycled app pool, no dice
maybe godaddy's gaslighting you. IDK
ah, "switch on debugging" would have to be it
damn it's slow
5:24 PM
is that a godaddy thing?
if so then it'd have to be somewher on their admin UI
framework version is 4.7.3062
I'm targeting 4.6
let's try something
breaks nuget
System.Runtime needs an update
I hope that's all there was to it
build fail
damn I love web stuff
@this Linked to the table in Access. Here's all that it shows me (unless I'm missing something, which is quite likely):
no no
don't use that
do this via VBA immediate
that is much more usable
Text;DSN=SatSurveyData Link Specification;FMT=Delimited;HDR=NO;IMEX=2;CharacterSet=1252;ACCDB=YES;DATABASE=\\chmohcsystoc\systoc\SqlServerLoad
that's what I'm expecting.
but... you used a DSN? ew
and that confirms what I suspect - it wants a folder path, not the file name
file name is the "table" name
so to test this is correct, open up a new Access query
write the following: SELECT * FROM [Text;FMT=Delimited;HDR=NO;IMEX=2;CharacterSet=1252;ACCDB=YES;DATABASE=\\chmohcsystoc\systoc\SqlServerLoad].[SatSurveryData.csv];
5:35 PM
@this I created an External Data source to a text file. Access created the DSN for me.
(i'm a bit unsure about the syntax whether it needs to be .csv or #csv.
ah yes. UI uses DSNs. Annoying.
FWIW, when I have to do this because I'm too lazy, I choose file DSNs. Much easier to extract the raw connection string and get rid of the DSN.
just a quickie to test. I'll drop the table as soon as I have it sorted.
tried with .CSV and with #CSV, same result:
Is there something in the server config that would change this? Oh... maybe the new server doesn't have the proper read-rights to this directory and that's why it worked on the old server but not the new...
3 hours ago, by this
did you confirm that the daemon can read files in that folder?
"I told you to check network rights!" - @this
5:45 PM
> [Win32Exception (0x80004005): This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator]

[ExternalException (0x80004005): Cannot execute a program. The command being executed was "G:\PleskVhosts\rubberduckvba.com\httpdocs\bin\roslyn\csc.exe" /shared /keepalive:"10" /noconfig /fullpaths @"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\5008e754\9aed78e6\vn2gd5ay.cmdline".]
System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor.ExecWaitWithCaptureUnimpersonated(SafeUserTokenHandle userToken, String cmd, String currentDir, TempFileCollection temp
..and... wtaf
godaddy doesn't like you doing code analysis?
really dumb question, though. I CAN execute the sp (which does the SELECT * from OPENROWSET() one time:
probably one of those application insight or whatever they add to the web project by default
> The root cause of the issue is that GoDaddy does not allow compiling of the website on the server. This was the permission issue observed above. Once these were done the site came up fine.
5:50 PM
or that.
@FreeMan again, I'm not 100% familiar with all the internal working - but am I understanding you that you can SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET() as many times as you want... just not INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET()?
@MathieuGuindon Hey, you can have an async controller, you know.
yeah... eventually
Dunno why y'all closed this one. I posted a very simple answer...
Just saying, cause I saw you comment about async with non-async controllers.
@FreeMan if the answer to your question is "Yes.", then you are not asking a question that is a good fit for SO :)
ok, that worked
5:55 PM
@MathieuGuindon #sarcasmfail
woot, GH API data is cached for 24 hours
I did the whole "be nice to the new guy" thing and deleted "If you're looking for someone to write it for you, you're in the wrong place" before I posted...
/build/version/stable: 2.4.1
slick-looking, @MathieuGuindon
@this yeah, it seems that the 2nd attempt to INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM OPENROWSET() is what's causing it to puke: KILL 60 with statusonly yields SPID 60: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: 0%. Estimated time remaining: 0 seconds.
it still thinks there are 0 estimated seconds remaining...
bounces server again
5:59 PM
no, that's because it's hung
keep doing that and you may damage its brain.
So this is definitely the issue. The question is what's the difference in configuration between the old server and the new that allowed this to work like a champ for a couple of years and now it won't?
bouncing server = drain bamage or ...?
TBH, I'm not sure. As I said few days ago, linked server's the road to hell
I'm pretty sure me forcing my way into the server room and hitting it with a baseball bat would cause some dain bramage
le sigh...
it's because of all those OLEDB interfaces and so darned many plumbing that you can't really "see"
T-SQL isn't really meant to be used like a programming language in that manner
did you try inserting it into a temp table first?
(an actual temp table, that is. either #tbl or @tbl, take yer pick)
don't mind me, downloading image to phone for a tweet...
6:05 PM
nope, the body of the sp is (and has been):

	TRUNCATE TABLE SatSurveyV2018TempLoad

SET @Return = -1				--default to error condition unless otherwise overridden

--use this to load CSV files so we don't limit to 255 characters in a column
		INSERT INTO SatSurveyv2018TempLoad
											'Driver={Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)}',
											'select * from \\chmohcsystoc\systoc\SqlServerLoad\SatSurveyData.csv')

		  FROM SatSurveyv2018TempLoad
		 WHERE IDdate = '1/1/1902'
(dunno where the weird indention has come from...)
I'll give that a try.
yes I saw - and i'm suggesting to test using a temp table instead
27 secs ago, by FreeMan
I'll give that a try.
sigh of relief
and with that, the website finally no longer mentions source control
@MathieuGuindon Yay!!! haz a sad
only took us what? a couple of days? :-p
6:22 PM
so, with the /build/version controller now able to yield both the latest [next] and the latest [master] build versions, we can enhance our VersionCheck feature to let the user pick whether they want to be notified for pre-release builds or just green releases
6:52 PM
^ worry worthy that the edges of the duck aren't pristine and bleed over roughly?
On a standard white background it's hardly noticeable.
@IvenBach get in there and pixel peep!!!
@TweetingDuck very nice!
@this still no love
the other thing that has been nagging at back of my mind is that I didnt think that SELECT * would be valid on a CSV file
generally speaking, non-relational data source has to be enumerated
(at least that's been my experience -- which is contradicted by your report of having worked on old server for years)
but as a test, try and select only 1 column
maybe... I'm speaking too soon...
then insert it
@MathieuGuindon What if I have two examples that trigger the inspection?
7:02 PM
hey! seems to be working... Nobody breathe
What if you put an attribute on the example tag?
TriggersInspection="true", or something.
@FreeMan probably just have to keep complaining.
@Hosch250 yeah, thought of doing that, but I found the xml attributes sticking out and distracting in VS. But yeah the next iteration should make it more flexible
alright... which one of you blew over my house of cards???? >-{(
on the bright side, I'm getting really good at restarting the SQL Services
do any of yalls deal with salesforce? community.spiceworks.com/topic/…
7:11 PM
Please don't use it.
It's made of broken promises, shattered dreams and false hopes.
The odds of this being the source of the issue?
The system has called a custom component and that component has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the custom component. Notify the developer of this component that a failure has occurred and provide them with the information below.
Component Prog ID: SC.Pool 1 1
Method Name: IDispenserDriver::CreateResource
Process Name: sqlservr.exe
Exception: c0000005
Address: 0X00007FFB18D2137D
^found in the server's event log
oh my god no can't be it
if you have it, probably time to call CSS
what's this got to do with web browsers?
no. Customer Support Service @ Microsoft
also seeing this, though I'm not sure if it's related:
Microsoft SSIS Service:
Registry setting specifying configuration file does not exist.
Attempting to load default config file.
it is, at least, something to think about in the SSIS future
7:26 PM
@MathieuGuindon What about using other keys?
Like trigger and nontrigger?
IIRC, example shows in intellisense, but that's the only special thing about it that I know of.
7:40 PM
Lovely. I passed that error on to our DBA in the hopes he would pursue it. His response:
> That’s beyond my depth.
@Hosch250 meh.. rather stick to standard schema where possible - let's go with attributes
@FreeMan It's not beyond mine :)
Q: Event log warning Registry setting specifying configuration file does not exist

mbrcMicrosoft SSIS Service: Registry setting specifying configuration file does not exist. Attempting to load default config file. For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. this is my MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <...

@Hosch250 thanks! I was referring to the previous event log entry I posted
36 mins ago, by FreeMan
The system has called a custom component and that component has failed and generated an exception. This indicates a problem with the custom component. Notify the developer of this component that a failure has occurred and provide them with the information below.
Component Prog ID: SC.Pool 1 1
Method Name: IDispenserDriver::CreateResource
Process Name: sqlservr.exe
Exception: c0000005
Address: 0X00007FFB18D2137D
7:50 PM
+2 for the effort though! ;)
Looks like that typically happens when some dependencies aren't installed (i.e. a missing DLL).
@this +1 also, we dont.
what I really don't like about the linked server setup is that it is built on top on OLEDB, and few other extra dependencies. Thus it is very difficult to troubleshoot because there's 100000000 things to go wrong. #Fun.
SSIS at least is easier to troubleshoot since you can run it yourself and review the error log yourself.
and you have an actual connection object so you can check the configurations.
8:07 PM
I've got 43 files that have to be downloaded from our online survey provider then loaded into the DB for reporting. Would I need 43 different SSIS setups, 1 for each of them?
There are 3 different file layouts (different sets of questions), so there's some preprocessing that's done before they're moved into the final resting place. One key item is that each row has to be tagged for the company the survey is associated with, so that has to be a parameter somewhere.
Is SSIS still the best bet for this?
no. You only need a connection for each file format, IIRC.
Would I cycle each individual file through a specific, fixed file name Company1SurveyData.CSV becomes SurveyFormatA.CSV and Company16SurveyData.CSV becomes SurveyFormatB.CSV?
then call the SSIS package to work on SurveyFormatA or SurveyFormatB?
Remembering what code you wrote has a super small shelf life. Not even a full week has gone by and I'm having to re-remember what I did and learned.
@IvenBach truth
Frustrated, irritated and annoyed. Gonna start with a fresh attitude in the am. See y'all
8:37 PM
@IvenBach So true. I had to look at all the attribute annotation stuff again this morning in order to make useful comments to the PR.
Re-learing the column ordering code I previously did is humbling.
@FreeMan no, you can set it as a variable
and use a ForEach enumerator over a file
9:05 PM
ughhhhh... I need to write the last few sentences of my paper and I'm completely out of any mental capacity
I have like 50 minutes left and it's already a miracle that I'm as done as I am
9:19 PM
Where does this column reorder rabbit hole end?
@IvenBach probably somewhere in the guts of WPF?
I can reorder it. The issue comes when closing and serialization of whatever the order is set in. That's what I'm deciphering right now.
I'm happy to answer questions around that tomorrow :)
9:51 PM
Digging down I've found out that ToDoListConfigProvider : ConfigurationServiceBase<ToDoListSettings> provides implementation from the base class.
There's also IConfigurationService which at some point in the code is taking a IConfigurationService<ToDoListSettings> that I'm assuming is where I'll need to update with the ColumnHeadings:
public class ToDoExplorerColumnHeadingsOrder
    public int DescriptionColumnIndex { get; set; }
    public int ProjectColumnIndex { get; set; }
    public int ModuleColumnIndex { get; set; }
    public int LineNumberColumnIndex { get; set; }
I'm lost as to how to go from the ToDoExplorerControl onto which I've added an event handler.
For the DataGrid.ColumnReordered Event on the edited XAML's GroupingGrid
The only thought I have is to raise handle the event on the ToDoExplorerControl which raises another event that's handled by the ToDoExplorerWindow which mumble mumble
At this point the abstraction overwhelms me. Somewhere the ToDoExplorerDockablePresenter is being fed via ctor injection the ToDoExplorerWindow. Somewhere in the chain the of all this the settings needs to be saved.
10:49 PM
@CacahueteFrito welcome to the pond.
No wonder software takes a long time to write. So many non-trivial items in movement.
11:05 PM
@jcrizk sorry for the rabbit hole, I didn't think that new annotation was going to be any more complicated than writing the annotation class :(
it's all good lol
i just wanted to make sure that i could sort of identify the issue
i was looking at it now and im not entirely sure where i should make a change. i could just hack something in there and have it pass tests, but i don't think i know enough context atm to not hack something in
what's working and what isn't? do you get a new instance of the annotation class created?
basically what's going on is that the annotation should be parsed as such - but that's just the parser doing its job; then we walk the parse trees and when we come across an annotation node we get the annotations provider to create the instance for us.
@IvenBach I'm not sure where exactly your disconnect is there...
11:14 PM
im checking out MDoerner's comments in GH real quick
but the whole point of the abstraction provided by IConfigurationService implementations is that you don't need to consider the details of persisting settings
I think you want to raise the ColumnReordered event to the TodoExplorerViewModel
that should obtain a suitable ConfigurationService (possibly for a TodoExplorerUiSettings or something) and persist the value using that service
also who should i ask for reviews on PRs? basically anyone who's a contributor?
@jcrizk usually people will chime in
gotcha, thanks
TBH we could really use some fresh reviewers :)
So if you feel up for it, please do add your take to any PR you like.
11:25 PM
yeah i'll take a look. i can't promise i'll have much to add at this point, but i'll probably find something when i start learning more about the project
it's weird. it seems that my career is turning into a bit of software development as someone who studied mechanical engineering, so this should be a good place to learn about some stuff i'll probably not find on my own if i was just randomly making stuff lol
which is what i do anyways
@Vogel612 The multiple layers all at once. Individual pieces are fine but when seen all together I bog down.
alright, well those should be the changes MDoerner made comments about
gotta take a look at AttributeAnnotationProvider next tho

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