My kids don't appreciate it (yet) as much as the wife and I. OTOH, we were sitting at dinner last night with the 2 youngest singing songs from VeggieTales. The 2 youngest are Soph & Fresh. In college.
My wife doesn't appreciate it. She didn't grow up in USA so a lot of subtle humor is lost on her. All she see's are "Dumb rednecks" and I can't convince her otherwise.
Give it time. Some kids take a long time before they can relate to their parents on a non-parent-child level.
My wife did take me to one of his standups when we were first married. It was a pleasure to see him in person and thank him for all the laughs he'd give me and my dad over the years.
I'm going through C# In Depth and have a question regarding a delegate and IComparer<> when dealing with List<T>.Sort().
in a year's time you'll have a year's experience as a "software engineer" - if they don't re-evaluate your salary by then, you're losing money to inflation and to your increased market value.
@IvenBach IComparer<T> isn't a delegate, I don't understand the question
When products.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)); is executed the (x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name) itself is the delegate which corresponds to List<T>.Sort(Comparison<T>)
@Mat'sMug Too late, yeah :) Every rule has exceptions, but FYI, most studies have shown that negotiating doesn't have negative impact on employee standing after accepting the offer.
@Hosch250 my last experience with cursors was nuking one and turning a deadlocking-with-itself-for-3-days procedure into a completes-within-a-second procedure. if a cursor can die, kill it.
@ThunderFrame Most of your assertions are just nit picky squabble... VbLf is better than Chr(10) and String.Join better than concatenation, really!? Rigid assertions like that are harmful. vb constants are unique to vb type languages, variants of Chr() are not, so Chr() has broader recognition. And the performance gains from String.Join are negligible compared to readability for small strings. — u8it24 mins ago
your variant-infused, inefficient, misguided and misdirected, late-bound, uncompileable, error-prone, anti-pattern is probably fine then.
Tempted to flag this You Don't Understand Hungarian Notation with a link to the doc:
@ThunderFrame Hungarian naming was good enough for Microsoft and Run is a simple and obvious main proc. I used VB syntax in VBA and got some varients, boohoo, vbs only uses variants anyway. I won't address everything you mention, but most of it is just squabble... although I've got to admit. The Option Explicit typo catch was pretty good and made me laugh.... props to you for that :) Although I don't think it's worth a downvote. Do you really expect all SO answer to include option explicit and all other boiler plate code? — u8it38 mins ago
@ThunderFrame This gets a star simply for the depth of thesaurus work!
Sure, code patterns and optimizations are important, but so is experimenting and exploring. My opinion is that my original code is a little sloppy and that there should be more disclaimer in calling it error handling, but that the main point is relevant and the pattern has potential to be useful and informative. Maybe I'm wrong. But wouldn't it be more helpful to correct any typos or small errors you see and point out the limitations of this pattern and direct toward better release error handling, but accept that it's a creative diagnostic approach not too different than placing break points? — u8it48 mins ago
You know, I logged back in to say something, but after reading the last 20 or so comments, I haven't the foggiest what it was. I'm sure it will come back to me.
@IvenBach While at face value it makes sense to me, it quickly loses its value. For example, a couple of months ago a cave-man definition would have helped a lot, and there were cave man definitions, but once I got past the initial what of interfaces, the nitty gritty of why and what they are really is what I needed.
That said though, if you think it would be valuable, start a blog for beginners where you explain in layman's terms, provide examples, and go into greater depth. At the least, it will help you reinforce the concepts. It will also be more visible than a nugget hidden within the RD wiki (lets be honest, most users go to a software's page just to download it. They dont often hang around).