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[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 1 commit. 91 additions. 7 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 7 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 10 issue comments.
[Zomis/FactorioMods] 12 commits. 1 opened issue. 3 closed issues. 3 issue comments. 88 additions. 639 deletions.
@Mat'sMug - never mind - Looks like the MIDL attribute is appobject
Home Time.
@IvenBach The way I see it, the worst that can happen is you write it for just you and learn/reinforce.
@BrandonBarney that. How long do bees & flowers hold for "how are babies made?"
Very true lol.
1 hour later…
@Mat'sMug Global.Range would seem to be the same behavior as Application.Range, reproduced here in VBA:
Public Function MimicGlobalRange(RangeRef As String) As Range

  'Seems to behave the same as Application.Range

  Dim tempRange As Range

  On Error Resume Next

  'Try ActiveSheet.Range - RangeRef is address or sheet defined name (that refers to a RANGE on the SAME sheet) internal to ActiveSheet: "A1" or "Sheet1!A1" or "[Book1]Sheet1!A1" or "A:A 1:1"
  Set tempRange = ActiveSheet.Range(RangeRef)
  If Not tempRange Is Nothing Then
    Set MimicGlobalRange = tempRange
    Exit Function
  End If
^ That doesn't deal with other usages of Range, where, for example, a second argument is supplied
Aye. Still, our 'ImplicitActiveSheetReference' inspection needs to ignore workbook-scoped names
...and I presume these names need to be accounted for in our 'ImplicitActiveWorkbook' inspection too... assuming the name is only looked up from the active workbook. hmm, that needs testing I think.
> [This component doesn't support this set of events (Error 459)](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/VBA/language-reference-vba/articles/this-component-doesn-t-support-this-set-of-events-error-459?f1url=https%3A%2F%2Fmsdn.microsoft.com%2Fquery%2Fdev11.query%3FappId%3DDev11IDEF1%26l%3Den-US%26k%3Dk(vblr6.chm1000459)%3Bk(TargetFrameworkMoniker-Office.Version%3Dv15)%26rd%3Dtrue)

> Implements only implements an interface for methods and properties. You can't sink events for a component that doesn't
7 hours later…
@Mat'sMug Actually, hard coded cell references would qualify for a "Use named ranges for better abstraction" inspection.
1 hour later…
> So now we're doing inspections to warn of/work around known bugs in the Office suite? Sweet!
@ThunderFrame Would it always? For example, if I am pasting an array to a worksheet I create a new worksheet (or clear an output worksheet) and put it at "A1". If I got that inspection every time I did something like that I would readily disable it.
@BrandonBarney I might let you have A1, and maybe A2, but that's it.
You could consider letting the user add something to the inspection to exclude within a certain range. Or to exclude within a given project. I have a different project where I do something similar, but I am outputting metrics on the results (for QA) and I put them somewhere around J. Again, dynamically created sheets so named ranges are out of the question :).
@ThunderFrame so long as there's a handy Ignore this occurrence option, I'm good with that. Though I agree, 99.9% of the time, hard coded cell references are bad.
@BrandonBarney dynamically created named ranges? Tables? ;)
On the other hand though, there are definitely times where named ranges are almost necessary (though I tend to be pretty good about using them).
@FreeMan That would work if you were using static worksheets :). What I mean is that if I define the name SomeName it is now attached to SomeWorksheet. If I go to NewSomeWorksheet and try to access SomeName it wont exist. I could certainly do NewSomeWorksheet.Range(SomeWorksheet.Range("SomeName").Address) but that is beyond tedious lol.
@BrandonBarney workbook level names?
Not saying it is a bad inspection of course, but I also dont want users to get frustrated with inspections that may seem more obtrusive than helpful, and as a result they ignore it altogether.
@ThunderFrame Yeah, the name applies at the workbook level (at least whenever I've named ranges" so it doesnt refer to the same place on every worksheet. FirstCell on Worksheet_1 is not going to point to "A1" if I try to use it when doing Worksheet_2.Range("FirstCell"). Or am I missing something?
Any code that is specifically adjusting D26 is going to break at some point.
@BrandonBarney NewWorksheet = worksheets.add then set NamedRange = NewWorksheet.Cells(x,y) - create the named range on the fly.
of course, now we're getting into annoying semantics...
@FreeMan I can create it on the fly, but if all I am doing is setting some value in that range I would be better off with Cells(x,y).Value and be done with it.
@BrandonBarney If there are formulas on OldWorksheet that depend on named ranges in NewWorksheet, then create them. Otherwise, you are correct.
i have a wpf host element in a winforms window i literally don't know what's happeening but when the forms loads the form is black.
@ThunderFrame Very true, but in the case of a dynamically created worksheet I dont see how a named range would directly solve that problem (at least not without overcomplicating it).
@BrandonBarney how about ThisWorkbook.Names("AugustSalesTitlesRow") and ThisWorkbook.Names("SeptemberSalesTitlesRow")
has anyone seen this behavior?
@ThunderFrame I am not sure what you mean.
In my case I am literally creating a completely new worksheet and then writing to that.
@BrandonBarney or AugustSales.Cells(1,1) and SeptemberSales.Cells(1,1)?
@Jelly first name Steve by any chance?
My name?
Q: VBA - Generate a list of the last 100 modified folders

Notts90This is a subroutine I have written as a part of a Excel VBA script. I usually write vb.net or Python but I need the final results for this project in Excel so I'm using VBA. My initial task is to get the latest 5-100 folders by date last modified (user selects the number of folders). Looking at...

Do you know a Steve that looks like me. @FreeMan
Though this discussion did make me think that I could easily do something like .Cells(UBound(SomeArray, 1) + X, Ubound(SomeArray, 2) + Y) and it would be much better. Fair point :). I was stuck on named ranges without thinking about how I could use the relative position of a created element to put the diagnostics in a dynamic location.
If this is you: btcc.net/driver/stephen-jelley you're my new favorite!
I thought I was your favorite.... :( lol
well... I might be picking a new favorite! :P
@FreeMan: You are so far off. I don't even have a driving license.
LOL! worth asking. :) There are a lot of kids (<18yo) who drive in the lower formulas who aren't old enough to apply for a road license but they've got a race license, so it's not impossible.
Well. That's the US.
I'm not there.
OK @BrandonBarney, you can continue to be my favorite. favorite what I'm not sure, but my favorite, none the less.
YAY I win at something
@Jelly BTCC - British Touring Car Championship. ;)
@FreeMan: How much it'd cost to get a driving license in the us (lessons and all)
at least from where you are.
Project Steve is a list of scientists with the given name Stephen/Steven or a variation thereof (e.g., Stephanie, Stefan, Esteban, etc.) who "support evolution". It was originally created by the National Center for Science Education as a "tongue-in-cheek parody" of creationist attempts to collect a list of scientists who "doubt evolution," such as the Answers in Genesis' list of scientists who accept the biblical account of the Genesis creation narrative or the Discovery Institute's A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism. The list pokes fun at such endeavors to make it clear that, "We did not wish...
I know it can be different from region to region.
~500? Somewhere around there? The driving lessons cost the hundreds, and the license itself is about $50.
How easy is it?
Depends on what state you're in. You can walk into the local [B|D]MV, take the written & driving tests for usually <$100 and if you pass, they take your pic & hand you a license.
And people wonder why Americans are such horrible drivers.
WA state?
Easy enough that 16 year olds are managing to get their licenses but not their GED's lol
If you take "lessons" it could be a few hundred to around $1k
@BrandonBarney sad but true.
WA state - I have no idea.
@FreeMan: Good with wpf?
@ThunderFrame: Sup man.
There was actually something in the news in my state (NH) that a 19 year old, who is already a habitual offender (9 points in three years) was caught driving while intoxicated after he fled from police. Let all of that sink in.
@Jelly can't even spell it. :(
@Jelly hey. Playing with WPF? Are you setting the shutdownmode?
Meaning @ThunderFrame
I think I read abt that somewhere.
@ThunderFrame: I'm not.
is that what you mean?
The hosted WPF needs to know how and when you are shutting down. Google or SO search.
@ThunderFrame: I wish I'm playing. This is a project.
But why?
this is not happening when i close the form
it only does when i open it
like 9 from 10
A: WPF LifeCyle in an Add-in

Jake GinnivanIn ThisAddin.Startup event handler put this code: private void ThisAddInStartup(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (System.Windows.Application.Current == null) new System.Windows.Application(); System.Windows.Application.Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown } Th...

@Jelly I don't know about the black problem, but I think the shutdownmode is important, and maybe something that RD needs to do too.
Well thanks but that doesn't help
how are you btw @ThunderFrame
@FreeMan: $60 per hour behind the wheel
this is stupid expensive
@Jelly when you consider how poor the "training" received is, yes. I've seen young kids with a terrified look in their eye driving with an instructor in well marked driver's ed cars doing the dumbest things and there doesn't seem to be any correction going on.
wa requires a min of 6 hours.
My 3 kids all went through it and they learned nothing of value about driving. Just "Don't drink & drive. Always wear your seat belt. Don't speed." Nothing about lane discipline, using turn signals, paying attention to what's going on, common road courtesy, etc.
Indiana doesn't require driver's ed, but it makes your insurance rates cheaper, so it works out in the long run.
/OT rant
you can rant all you want
it doesn't bother
If you're over 25 & married, those are your lowest insurance rates. So driver's ed or not, that won't (or will have minimal) impact you if you're >25...
ithinkits worth while to get my drivers license here
I'm over 25. Not going to get married though.
well... that's not required, but it can be an excellent option!
27 years tomorrow!
27 years of marriage?
I married her when she was 2 1/2! ;)
Can I ask you a question?
since you're the guy with better experience in terms of marriage.
what does change after being married to someone for few years and later on in life?
You fall out of lust. Love is a decision - you have to decide to love her every day, even when she's irritating the snot out of you and you don't like her today. If you decide daily to love her no matter what, you'll make it through the worst hell and back. It helps tremendously if she does the same ;)
BTW- doesn't mean she still won't turn you on, it's just that what most younger people think is love really is lust. When you can spend hours together with your clothes on and still enjoy each other, it's becoming love.
I understand the difference between lust and love.
Life is different from what it used to be decades ago according to the elderly here.
Yup. My family is always talking about "marrying for love", and I'm like "there is no such thing; ever. Period.".
They think I'm "shallow".
I'm not sure you're shallow, you just haven't found love yet. I'm sure you will.
Sometimes, I sit down a café and some old man joins. We sit for 20 mins and they always share the same thoughts of the old times when life was easy (relative).
(Not counting the incidents where they live together for so long they have a common-law marriage before they get married,=.)
Nothing really deep and profound about it. trust me, I'm not a deep & profound kinda guy
Oh, I love my dog. I can't love people, though.
@Hosch250: How do you know there is no such thing when you don't have it? This is like speaking from ignorance (No offense).
Because I've seen it?
You don't see love. You feel it.
Everyone thinks they are in love when they meet someone, but they are really in lust.
@FreeMan There are definitely times where the lust can still be there though! I mean, I dont have as many years of experience in marriage (Been together 8 years, married for a year) but after about the first few years of being together we definitely found that sweet spot. To me though, the biggest thing is communication. If you can communicate openly then there is nothing more rewarding (for those who want a relationship).
@BrandonBarney: Well said.
Communication is important.
I don't count it love until they've been through hell and back.
That's when you can say people are really in love. Other than that, it is more or less superficial.
@Hosch250 That is mostly true. There are always exceptions. But you can't tell me that people who stay together, well after sexual virility, are doing it for lust. There is a point where they become your partner, no matter what.
@BrandonBarney Yep. But it takes a couple years for love to form.
And, not everyone finds that kind of relationship. It isnt a requirement of life. There's no rulebook that days it has to happen.
@Hosch250 Agreed. Trust and communication take time to form. Others feel that bond more strongly than others.
Being through a rough time is a not barometer of love, I think. It may be convenience or survival that makes two people stick together in times of hardship.
True, but even those can be tested pretty thoroughly.
Neither of my parents ever fell out of lust, and they split after several years.
Neither of them ever really cared for each other, it was convenience that made them stay together for so long.
You live with one of them?
@Hosch250 Unfortunately that does happen, but dont let that convince you that love doesnt exist. It really does, but sometimes you just dont find the right fit.
@BrandonBarney Oh heck yeah! Did I mention that the 2 youngest leave for college next week? We finally get our house back!!!! know what I mean? nudge nudge, wink wink
They are still legally married for monetary reasons, but they don't live together any more.
@BrandonBarney Oh, it does.
@FreeMan Lol. Just dont report back.
Times are tough. Not sure I will be a goer to the Marriage Etablishement.
I'm just saying nobody initially gets together for love. They get together for lust.
My biggest shock is that I realized both of parents do not uphold of my highest good.
I struggled and it pissed me a lot.
I dont think thats necessarily true either. Maybe in your younger years it is more often true, but there are always people who just dont see the world that way. They see relationships differently.
@Jelly I'm not. Not for the reasons I described, but because I know I have problems, and I don't want to inflict them on my wife and children.
I have a pretty hot temper for one. It doesn't flare very often, but when it does, you don't want to be around.
You do have a temper.
Bad one.
One thing I can say for sure though, that I think pretty much everyone should keep in mind, is that we aren't the same people we were 5 or 10 years ago. We grow, change, and hopefully become wiser. You may have a self-image now, but that may change.
I saw that.
And my family thinks I'm the responsible one, lol.
I don't know how would this cause a stackoverflow
<i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseEnter">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ChangeHelpTipCommand}" />
<!--<i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeave">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ResetHelpTip}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=NameTextBox}"/>
The commented part?
the other
Not sure either.
@Hosch250 I'm with ya on that one. I did mention something about "hell and back"? You can change that if you want to. Not necessarily easy, but you can.
@FreeMan that's precisely what ignore once does ;-)
I need an inspection where if I ever add the comment Fails silently. to my code again I get slapped over the head.
We've got that too.
Todo markers with customizable severity.
This one wasnt a TODO. It was just me being lazy lol.
Make it a error-level severity.
Good to know though.
@Mat'sMug I get it, but not every inspection result has an Ignore Once option. If you don't know the precise inspection name to type it in manually then that becomes difficult...
@FreeMan they all should have it
I'll start reporting the ones that don't, then. I believe there are several.
Especially since I redid the quick fixes.
makes a note to start writing really bad code
I can only think of a single one ATM that can't have it - the one that verifies whether a project has the default name
@Hosch250 could the quickfix not receive the whole IEnumerable<IInspection> and exclude specific inspections instead of maintainers needing to add every new inspection to it?
@Mat'sMug I'm pretty sure that's what I did.
@Hosch250 Congrats!!!
Huh, then how are inspections missing the fix?
That's what I want to know.
I think he is a closet 1.4.3 user.
I see I missed yet another really good off-topic conversation lol
@Hosch250 hmm, how's that excluding ProjectHasDefaultName?
I don't think it is.
I thought I'd hard-coded that somewhere, but it looks like it was lost.
Perhaps IInspection needs an EnableIgnoreOnce bool flag that base classes would set to true by default, and specific inspections could override as needed
a bit like the CanFixInModuleProjectWhatever flags
Hmmm, I'm not sure.
Oh wait.
ok how about CanAnnotate?
(I agree it's not ideal to special-case IgnoreOnceQuickFix and somewhat indirectly leak its existence into the inspections)
I think I didn't do this part of the feature because I couldn't figure out a good design to add/remove specific inspections.
We are supposed to have a method to add/remove inspections from a quick fix without needing a specific instance of the quick fix.
still, I wonder how the heck the quickfix would be missing for "some inspections" (still need proof of that BTW @FreeMan ;0)
@FreeMan My instructors were equally awful - they just told me to drive to the house of the next appointment and told me when to turn. No driving feedback. I'm not saying they're all awful, but we are talking about low wage employees who have to sit in a car for 8 hours being driven around by teenagers with little accountability.
@Mat'sMug I'll find some as soon as I get out of Excel hell
@Hosch250 actually all we need is a DisableIgnoreOnceAttribute that we stick on top of the very few inspection classes that would need it, and then the quickfix could simply filter out the types that have that attribute
@Jelly That saying is as old as time :P
@Mat'sMug That's a brilliant idea.
@puzzlepiece87 up. That was basically it. For my kids, it included "take the on ramp to the highway. OK get off at the next ramp." and that was the extent of highway driving.
@puzzlepiece87 what?
It needs to be publicly exposed.
If I wasn't doing so much programming at work, I'd overhaul RD for exposing addins.
@Jelly click the little left bent arrow to the left of the ping. It'll take you back to the original message
@puzzlepiece87: Yea.
Old people complaining about the present. Our time will come.
Assuming you're not old.
@FreeMan No wonder I hate other drivers... My driver instructor was pretty strict, lots of rules-of-the-road classroom instruction, lots of behind the wheel feedback... I even got smacked with a clipboard once.
My mom was really strict too.
I didn't take behind-the-wheel.
The new guy is great. But it’s the league that’s gotten worse.
Give me a break. That's a lame excuse.
@shadowofsilicon Yup.
@Hosch250 I taught my kids common sense, courtesy, lane discipline, think 3 steps ahead, know where you're going if the brake lights come on in front of you... You know the things kids should be taught when their life (and other's) is on the line.
Yup. And if they follow the rules, their life won't be on the line.
oh, and remember motorcycles can stop a whole lot faster than you can and the rider will lose every encounter.
Man. I want a motorcycle.
One of those big hondas.
@Hosch250 wrong. Other drivers can put your life on the line as well.
and trucks/trains will stop a whole lot slower than you can and you will lose every encounter.
So I can zip through traffic jams.
@Mat'sMug True, but not nearly as often as when you drive like an idiot.
@Jelly and hit a car switching lanes
You'll get hit if you try to weave through traffic.
Or pulled over for illegal driving.
But if you get a motorcycle, get a big honkin Harley Davidson.
@Mat'sMug: Why would I do that?
@Hosch250 sure, but you have to learn to predict other drivers' movements; most put their flashers on when they're already engaged into the next lane, you have to be able to guess they're going to change lane before they signal it.
Yeah, I can see that.
But you can't rely on it.
And the thing I hate the most is when I put my blinker on, and the guy behind me races up on me.
@Mat'sMug And, remember that you also have to anticipate the movements of those who don't signal their lane changes
I've been almost hit several times because I have to wait for the person next to me to move up so I can come in behind them.
@shadowofsilicon yup.
Or what if I have to dive back into my lane because someone else is taking the spot I was going for?
Keep your distances
Someone slips in front, widen the gap
You'll spend much less gas going semi-constant speed with a wide gap in front of you than constantly braking and moving half an inch and braking again
If everybody did that I'm not sure there would even be traffic jams..
You'll save your brakes too.
@Mat'sMug: what if there are cars behind you.
they'll keep honking till you close the gap.
@Jelly let them honk
Honk back.
Pretend it is your buddy you rarely see saying hi.
@Mat'sMug I'm pretty sure they'd be less traffic jams in the MN metro if people didn't slow down for blinking lights in the opposite direction.
Not sure how'd would go there.
It's not moving any faster whether there's a gap or not
Smile really big and wave when they race pass you.
Well I'm talking about bumper-to-bumper morning traffic
if you don't move the guy behind will crash into.
if you don't move, he may get out of his car and give you a case of road rage.
moral of the story: Get a motorcycle.
But you are moving
You said to keep your distances?
In fact by keeping a gap you ensure to keep moving
That's what car doors are for. You slam him into the car next to you by opening your door really hard.
@Jelly Yup, at least three seconds between you and the next car.
All the way down to 5mph traffic, and even then keep several yards
@Hosch250 1.5x the length of a car
if you keep a gap, the cars behind you will notice and start honking.
do you see what i am trying to say.
@Mat'sMug Three seconds is longer.
@Hosch250 not when you move an inch per 5 minutes
@Jelly No they don't, because they get to keep driving.
@Mat'sMug I don't have that bad of traffic.
@Jelly I'm not sure I've ever experienced that
Maybe not the speed limit, but still a steady pace.
There will be the occasional jerk, but most are happy if they are moving somewhat.
Crank up the tunes on the radio and ignore 'em.
I just don't get the mentality that makes someone think traffic is any less worse when you tailgate the car in front of you, not leaving any gap for any car to switch lanes anywhere.
Well, The traffic jams I know are the kind where people actually will use the sidewalk to move past you so I'm prolly on a different wave length.
GTG work.
@Jelly wow, that's beyond idiotic
@Mat'sMug: Well, that's what driving is like in mega cities.
A rule of thumb is to consider all of the people outside of your vehicule crazy when you're driving.
My drive home from work is 20 minutes without traffic. Close to an hour with, and in a snowstorm I've been stuck for 2.5-3 hours
Don't know about the snow but it must suck a lot.
Just be glad that you're not driving in Mexico. No shit, traffic is 1 inch every five minutes every single day from 6am to 8pm. Everyone just drives in the ditch, and if they want the spot you currently occupy... they just push you out of it.
@shadowofsilicon: That's real traffic.
@Mat'sMug What about if it rains in the summertime? I was on 494 yesterday going home from MSP, it came to a halt because: rain.
yeah, that too. it's like people forget how to drive the minute it's not sunshine. ...and even then, as long as the sun doesn't shine too hard.
Sometimes it feels like GTA to me.
@Mat'sMug I've never seen that elsewhere in the US, just in MN. Must be 'cause everyone gets flashbacks to winter driving, as if the roads might ice over when it's 70F outside
Good to know it's a Canada thing too.
@Mat'sMug: how would you bind a textbox mouseeventer event to a command and pass the textbox as a parameter
interactivity is causing my wpf application to crash , i can't even debug it.
something like this?
A: How can I execute a command binding on MouseEnter of a StackPanel in WPF?

STOMy wrong, input bindings does not solve the problem. You may use attached properties for this: public static class MouseEnterCommandBinding { public static readonly DependencyProperty MouseEnterCommandProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "MouseEnterCommand", typeof(ICommand),...

@shadowofsilicon Orlando. Except that there would be 2 spots of rain hit some little old ladies windshield. She'd hit the brakes then there's be 5 columns of stopped cars on a 3-lane highway. Yeah, people would drive on to, then park on the shoulders, too.
"Damnit Esther, slow down!!! There's a drop of rain on the windshield and flashing lights on the other side of that gigantic concrete barricade!!! This Buick is out of control!"
nominee for "best X-Y problem" today:
Shouldn't you be fixing your code so that it uses less global state and doesn't crash instead? — Mat's Mug 27 secs ago
@Mat'sMug: maybe
but i don't want to use dependency properties
you probably have to.
they're a thing for a reason
TextBox Name="NameTextBox" Height="30" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" MinWidth="500" Text="{Binding OriginalModel.Name}">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseEnter">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ChangeHelpTipCommand}" />

I don't know what's wrong with this
IIRC Interaction is no longer supported
VS 2017?
12 mins ago, by Jelly
interactivity is causing my wpf application to crash , i can't even debug it.
get rid of it, use DP's instead
@Hosch250 Lol only in the movies
^ picked up that you were joking too late to edit, I'm slow :P
I was on 494 too at 5:30. Not raining anymore, but still stopped.
I didn't know MNDOT had pickups with lighted chevron signs mounted on them just to respond to accidents. When did that start?
Since before I started working.
Huh. Never saw one until Saturday when I drove to MSP
@Mat'sMug Interation? what's that?
VPN is sickeningly slow.
@Jelly And to remember that they think you are crazy.
> Closes #3218. Fixes RenameRefactoring of Enumerations and EnumerationMembers as well.
VPN threw me off...
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit c84f1413 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Remote computer froze. Colleague rebooted it for me.
@Hosch250: Technically, yes. However I'm not driver.
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