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[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 32dbaf99 to release: Make code inspection settings update without reordering
Merge pull request #1360 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge pull request #1367 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge pull request #1738 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge pull request #1739 from rubberduck-vba/master

Sync merge commits to Master
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 5cdd196a to SettingsTweaks: Make code inspection settings update without reordering
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch release
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch Issue1618
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch InspectionBugs
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch Issue1686
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 5cdd196a on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 5cdd196a to next: Make code inspection settings update without reordering
Merge pull request #1740 from Hosch250/SettingsTweaks

Make code inspection settings update without reordering
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 deleted branch SettingsTweaks
@Mat'sMug You alpha-released for the first time the day before I started recording my hours.
Since then, I've put in 237:25 hours, and we've got the beta out. (Of course, it wasn't just me, but I think I can say that I did a lot.)
@Hosch250 I was expecting it to he the other way around actually... hmm
@Mat'sMug Me too :/
See you.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 4bb62435 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
Basically bypasses the jit compiler. Still, doesn't make sense that a release build would be much slower.
Could it be because I installed directly on top of the debug build?
morinin :)
congrats on the beta !
Hi, @JoshK!
See you later--almost midnight.
damn timezones ^^ already morning here
2 hours later…
> Are you sure that you fixed this? Looking at the settings window with 4bb6243 I still cannot change the settings window nor is the line wrap for longer text visible. The screenshot above is the same I see just now.
Hello all, congradulations for the next step toward a stable release.
i better give it a go
I hear you @Hosch250 when you made suggestions about too little/too much info in the issues. Might put my Aussie pennies on the table here as place a issue ticket to @Mat'sMug suggestion box about setting up a formal issue template see github.com/blog/2111-issue-and-pull-request-templates for ensuring consistent information from
users and/developers as you have two kind of demographic groups
Catch ya all later
2 hours later…
posted on June 08, 2016 by rubberduckvba

A little while ago, we issued an alpha release of Rubberduck 2.0, just because, well, v1.4.3 had been around since July 2015, and we wanted to say “look, this is what we’ve been working on; it’s not nearly stable yet, but we still want to show you what’s coming”. Time flies. 6 whole weeks, 353 commits […]

Q: having trouble coding = for a calculator

Christian VargasIm trying to make a calculator in vba in access but I don't know how to make the "=" button in the calculator, I press a number like "2" AND when I hit the "+" I made a variable hold the number in memory like "a", so a = 2, then the calculator cleans the text box and accepts a second number that ...

> If VBE settings are set to *Require Variable Declaration* then `Option Explicit` is added to all new modules. If Option Explicit is missing, then the module is inspected, but if Option Explicit is present (maybe as a result of a prior inspection fix), then there aren't any inspections that notify the user of an otherwise empty module.

If a user adds modules but fails to add code, or a user removes/refactors code out of a module, they can end up with otherwise empty *and* unused modules. Tha
@Comintern I found more long pointers at that 6th pointer. I think one of them points to something that looks like a SAT.
TIL - Placing a Worksheet object in a Word document, while you have Excel open, allows you to see the Word-hosted workbook in Excel's VBE....
And Rubberduck doesn't mind it one bit.
@Hosch250 Yesssssss!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but RubberDuck isn't parsing my "Standard Methods" Module.
@Mat'sMug Module is here if you want to play with it pastebin.com/AB1r7apm
It goes "Parse" "Parse Error"(for a split second) then just "Resolving" indefinitely.
I tried opening the code Explorer, but then Excel Crashed on me, so I won't be doing that again.
I can also give you the class modules if you like.
Huh. Interesting. If I import the code module, it fails to parse, but if I just create a new module and paste the code in it, it resolves fine.
@zak. I had that behaviour, but it was because the VBA wasn't compilable. Does your project compile?
@ThunderFrame Well it runs perfectly well.
Running != Compiled
Unless you run every procedure.
> For your information, Windows Defender in Win 10 prevents me executing the downloaded install file.

Win Def details are as follows
![capture win def stops installation 2 0 1b](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2254567/15893090/ec2fd34e-2dc0-11e6-8f48-20a3e4b0858e.PNG)


I was able to continue and install as I know what the product does however will installation
@ThunderFrame How would I check that it compiles?
howdy folks
@Mat'sMug On the plus side, I haven't seen a single error message yet.
That's a big improvement.
night folks
@Zak lol wait till you close excel :-/
Do you find the release noticeably slower than the debug build?
@PeterMTaylor night!
oh before I go
Will there be a conflict with having development Rubberduck AND installed beta Rubberduck going?
May I be needing to uninstall c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe "(path to install folder)\rubberduck.dll" /codebase /tlb?
@Mat'sMug Noticeably faster, but mainly as a result of not throwing errors at me ^^
Unfortunately I can't speak for most of the features, because without the parser resolving properly, none of them work ^^
@Mat'sMug btw, I think this issue can be closed github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/issues/1485
@Zak Debug menu.. Compile Project.
Or Alt-D,L
night now. :)
@ThunderFrame ha, I do Alt+D, ENTER
yeah, I use all the old Alt codes in Excel. Alt-e-s-v-e-enter
@PeterMTaylor beta should install fine, but your debug build will then need re registration... better to just keep the debug build if you want to keep up! ;-)
and Alt-F4 makes Windows Metro Apps closable usable
@ThunderFrame Fascinating. I just found so many wrongly-named variables
@ThunderFrame It compiles, but now RD just remains stuck on "Loading References"
Ow that's bad
@Zak go to settings, enable logging
The logs should give us a bit of a clue exactly where it's stuck
@Mat'sMug which kind?
Min level TRACE will log everything
@Mat'sMug Okay, and then how long do I leave it for?
I think you may need to restart Excel/RD. Just check the log when it's stuck, and open an issue.
On my way to work now.. later!
@Mat'sMug Logs (Closed Excel, Deleted Log File, Opened Excel again and left it for a couple of minutes)
2016-06-08 13:48:16.6899;WARN;Rubberduck.Parsing.VBA.VBAModuleParser;SLL mode failed in module CLS_Predicate_Operation_Index. Retrying using LL.;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.SyntaxErrorException: extraneous input 'Option Explicit' expecting {<EOF>, WS, LINE_CONTINUATION}
   at Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.ExceptionErrorListener.SyntaxError(IRecognizer recognizer, IToken offendingSymbol, Int32 line, Int32 charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) in C:\Users\hosch\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Parsing\Symbols\ExceptionErrorListener.cs:line 10
Fast-Mode failed and it fell back to slow parsing
and then it instantly failed Parsing.
2016-06-08 13:48:16.6899;ERROR;Rubberduck.Parsing.VBA.ComponentParseTask;Exception thrown in thread 17.;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.SyntaxErrorException: extraneous input 'Option Explicit' expecting {<EOF>, WS, LINE_CONTINUATION}
   at Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.ExceptionErrorListener.SyntaxError(IRecognizer recognizer, IToken offendingSymbol, Int32 line, Int32 charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) in C:\Users\hosch\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Parsing\Symbols\ExceptionErrorListener.cs:line 10
somehow it doesn't seem to actually get a long with Option Explicit
Software 101: a release never goes as planned. never.
wtf is rather appropriate though..
Q: Sorting Collection on the fly

Alex KBeing new to coding and slow in understanding sorting methods such as "bubble sorting" and others, I tried to invent something easier to solve the sorting problem by making new Collection. I transfer items from old Collection comparing them to the new Collection. I don't know how to compare it wi...

@QuackExchange example code, reviewing would be a waste of everyone's time.
@Vogel612 I saw that in the logs. It did seem strange. Like, *surely* the parser breaking on Option Explicit is something that would've been noticed before now?
Hi, @Raito.
Q: VBA - Looping through two ranges in two excel worksheets

RaitoI'm new to VBA and currently trying to accomplish a simple task: There are two worksheets with the used Range("E2:G7"). For each value greater 4 in worksheet(1) I want to colour the corresponding cell in worksheet(2). Sub Button1_Click() Dim Zelle As Range For Each Cell In Tabelle1.Ran...

@Raito Welcome.
@QuackExchange Very Timely.
@Zak Resolving does take an unusually long time, how long did you wait?
@Hosch250 About 3 minutes.
OK, that should be plenty.
Did you try a reparse? I noticed that sometimes works.
Don't ask me why...
@Hosch250 Didn't fix it.
Any other issues?
@Mat'sMug I know how we can know when a module is added in the SC now. Just use the component hooks.
Same for removing components.
@Hosch250 Not that I've noticed, but with the parser broken, there's not a lot I can test.
@Hosch250 That would be pretty awesome.
Try a simpler project?
@Hosch250 simpler projects seem to be fine.
@Zak how's performance?
@Hosch250 awesome!
Could any of you help me with looping through ranges? I guess I'm still a little off topic in here, but it should be a fairly easy fix... :)
@Mat'sMug That I've seen, pretty unnoticeable (which is the ideal)
Huh, it was really slow on my machine.
I think it might have been because I had the debug version installed alongside it.
@Raito start with specifying Option Explicit at the top of the module, I noticed you're using undeclared variables. also Cell would be an ambiguous identifier to use for this.
 Sub Button1_Click()
    Dim Zelle As Range
    For Each Zelle In Tabelle1.Range("E2:G7")
    If Zelle.Value > "4" Then
        Tabelle2.Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
    Else: Tabelle2.Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
    End If
 End Sub
something like that?
@Mat'sMug Don't you need to also loop through the cells in Tabelle2?
maybe. it's not clear what that click handler is supposed to be doing :-/
what's Tabelle2 anyway? another sheet?
@Mat'sMug Actually I am using Zelle as identifier, just tried translating it. Bad idea, I guess. Yep, two sheets. If you click the button on Sheet1 it's supposed to mark entries in the same cell on Sheet2. As long as I work within one sheet it works. How would I loop through the two sheets so the cells are "the same"?
hmm the problem is that it's not "the same cell" :)
@Raito - Split it into rows and columns. That way you can use the same row and column address in each Worksheet.
@Comintern That.
If Zelle.Value > "4" Then
    [Worksheet2].Cells(Zelle.Row,Zelle.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Else:  [Worksheet2].Cells(Zelle.Row,Zelle.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
which you can then do like so
Set [Zelle2] = [Worksheet2].Cells(Zelle.Row,Zelle.Column)
If Zelle.Value > "4" Then
Zelle2.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Else: Zelle2.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
@Raito just out of curiosity, have you heard of ?
I mean, Rubberduck :)
@Mat'sMug I've heard of it, but I always hated VBA and never used it. @Zak, thanks, trying to get it right now.
@Raito Why hate VBA, and if so why are you programming in it? (Curious on both counts)
it aims at making VBA less hate-worthy :)
I hate VBA too.
FWIW I hate VB.NET with a passion
@Mat'sMug No, just the VBE.
@Hosch250 point
@Hosch250 You know my opinions on the subject. VBA *does* have limitations, but it is exceptionally good at what it was designed to do.
@Zak Somebody has to do the Excel Magic in any company... I'd rather stick to assembly if I could ;)
@Zak - My liking of VBA is proportional to the extent that I'm trying to get it to do things that it wasn't designed to do.
It's a love-hate relationship. I love ripping it open and crossing all the wires. It hates that and BSODs.
@Raito Aye. Recently I got to see THE spreadsheet that runs a huge international Conglomerate. Its' full of figures like "European Sales - Region 1 - £2,617" (Million). It's got over a hundred sheets. And the VBA behind it is Awful.
@Zak written by pre-CR you? :)
The thing is, I was asked to mark 10000 entries by hand. And I'm actually working at a huge international company.... ;)
@Mat'sMug Nope. Someone I know used to work there. Her entire job was managing said spreadsheet.
We had a good laugh about how completely and utterly terrible it was.
Apparently, the Macro behind it would typically take half an hour to run.
Personally, I'm amazed it didn't just roll over and die.
@Zak not that I'm pessimistic about RD, but that's probably what Rubberduck would do with it...
@Zak I doubt the problem is really with Option Explicit. Can you repro the parse error with just the declarations section of the faulting module?
Huh, source control kind of causes problems.
It appears the continual loading/unloading of components makes the pointers invalid, or something.
@Mat'sMug You mean take out all the methods?
And the Classes?
@Hosch250 aye - SC should send a message to App saying "look, I'm about to export and re-import a bunch of modules, just switch off your sink handlers and let me handle this okay?"
It isn't that.
It is the parser.
@Mat'sMug Enums come under declarations?
Apparently, we don't cancel the parse correctly.
@Hosch250 there's that. but the point is, we shouldn't even be starting a parse task until all modules have been re-imported
We need to cancel any parse/inspection tasks, and not start any others until we are finished.
@Mat'sMug Right. But we need those sinks to update the cache.
no, we need the SC panel to tell the app "I'm done, now go and update your cache and start parsing"
otherwise it's working much harder than necessary
But on the other hand, App doesn't have a handle on the source control to handle an event.
that's where you come in :)
What about me?
Just inject it and work from there?
wait, App isn't aware of all the docked panels?
It would be real simple to inject it, create two events, and set flag whether to handle the sink events.
try that
I was wondering why I'm left with a hanging WPF event listener on shutdown...
public App(VBE vbe, IMessageBox messageBox,
    IRubberduckParser parser,
    IGeneralConfigService configService,
    IAppMenu appMenus,
    RubberduckCommandBar stateBar,
    IIndenter indenter,
    IRubberduckHooks hooks)
Does Excel use WPF itself?
@Comintern Some of the Dispose's might not be running.
You might want to check them.
Then there's UI still running after App unloads.
That's it! App needs a handle on all UI's!
@Comintern they'd be disposed after App, by the kernel
@Mat'sMug New logs. Just declarations, Enums, Types and comments. pastebin.com/MiqeyqL6
Not according to the Thread window in the debugger.
public static void Shutdown()
    Invoke(() => Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.InvokeShutdown());
@Comintern Stick that in UiDispatcher and call it when you want to kill everything UI.
I meant, in theory
2016-06-08 16:37:52.5580;WARN;Rubberduck.Parsing.VBA.VBAModuleParser;SLL mode failed in module A0_Base_Standard_Methods. Retrying using LL.;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.SyntaxErrorException: extraneous input 'Option Explicit' expecting {<EOF>, WS, LINE_CONTINUATION}
Wow, wtf is going on
What's that module looking like?
Ok this is disturbing
Is everything indented with an extra tab by any chance? (not that it's supposed to break anything)
It's all 1-Tab indented as a base.
Gimme a second
New Instance. New Blank Doc. All good.
Insert Module (Auto-OPtion Explicit). fine.
So " Option Explicit" alone in a module blows up the parser???
"Option Explicit" does not
A single space will also cause a parse error
Awesome, that's a regression grammar bug, we had that at one point, and fixed it at another point... and apparently it came back.
@Mat'sMug Don't you have a Unit Test for that?
Apparently not :-/
Well, I'm glad we managed to isolate it.
I'll go open an issue.
There's so many things we don't have tests for... we have just under 1100 tests, we'd need about 4000 to be gold-plated.
> Having `Option Explicit` alone in a module parses fine.

` Option Explicit` on the other hand (or any amount of indenting) causes a parse error.
@Zak me too :-)
That 1-tab base indent is practical for copy-pasting into SE ;-)
@Mat'sMug Isn't it just ^^
(assuming 4-spaces tabs)
This is why I have it. Also makes the (few) labels I have stick out like sore thumbs.
This does at least explain why all of my projects have been breaking the parser.
@Mat'sMug Also, funny thing, which might be a RD issue. Often now, when I close Excel, it thinks that it has crashed and "restarts Excel".
@Zak yes, absolutely. That's the teardown code @Comintern is investigating :-)
Cool. That's just about everything. If I manage to break RD in any new ways, I'll let you know ^^
Cool. Well you hit the only unknown issue so far :-)
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed 194 commits to Issue1731 (only showing some of them below)
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit b0329a92 to Issue1731: resized settings window, made it sizeable, and added a gridsplitter to the indenter settings
Merge pull request #1736 from retailcoder/next

Sizeable settings window
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 160c1ff6 to Issue1731: Make code inspection settings save updated severities
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 1159b964 to Issue1731: Merge branch 'next' into release
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit c913b4c2 to Issue1731: Merge branch 'next' of github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck into release
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit d69166b9 to Issue1731: Merge branch 'release' of github.com/Hosch250/Rubberduck
Merge pull request #1737 from Hosch250/release

Make code inspection settings save updated severities
Merge pull request #1738 from rubberduck-vba/next

Merge pull request #1739 from rubberduck-vba/master

Sync merge commits to Master
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 2b999d0f to Issue1731: Close #1731
> Only allow merging to/from a local branch. Disable hooks during merges.
Well, arent you just delightful — Plutonix 11 mins ago
> RD sets the state to resolving after a parser error. Then, it gets stuck at resolving because it isn't really resolving, and we can't bring the parser error window up...
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 2b999d0f on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
@Mat'sMug Do I get a badge for that? :p
@Zak I'll see what I can do :)
@Mat'sMug tbh, what I'd *really* like is one of those CR Rubberducks :p
> This is not limited to `Option Explicit`. All of the following do it as well:

Option Base 1
Sub foo(): End Sub
Function foo()

End Function
@Zak I don't think I could persuade my mom to ship it, or I'd give you mine.
It is kind of ugly, IMO, and my siblings nicknamed it Trump because it has yellow hair and a comb-over.
Is the "Error upon opening workbook" bug meant to be solved yet?
@Zak Which one?
dunno. I *did* have one open in the alpha release, but it's been closed.
yeah, no repro on that
did it point its ugly nose again?
Different error message, but yes.
Want me to put up a new issue?
> (Anecdotally) Only seems to occur when I've already had a project open. Not all the time, but once it's been triggered once, will reliably trigger for every opening of a workbook thereafter.



Error Details:

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
Ignore the "will reliably trigger" bit.
Not true.
@Mat'sMug Can you walk me through building the grammar?
it's pretty simple actually
I need to install Java?
if you select VBAParser.g4 in the solution explorer, do you get to pick "Antlr4" for "build action"?
and yeah, Antlr requires Java
@Mat'sMug Yes.
disable R# solution-wide inspections
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6640a3dd on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
then delete the VBAParser.cs parser, and VBAParser* files as well - there should be, uh, 6 IIRC
then set the grammar's build action to Antlr4 - that will generate the files under \obj; set it back to 'none'
grab the generated files from there, cut/copy them to the Parsing.Grammar namespace, include in project
re-enable R# solution-wide inspections
@Mat'sMug I fixed it.
Well, for Option Explicit &c.
moduleOption : whiteSpace?
	| optionCompareStmt
	| optionExplicitStmt
	| optionPrivateModuleStmt)

optionBaseStmt : OPTION_BASE whiteSpace numberLiteral;
optionCompareStmt : OPTION_COMPARE whiteSpace (BINARY | TEXT | DATABASE);
optionExplicitStmt : OPTION_EXPLICIT;
optionPrivateModuleStmt : OPTION_PRIVATE_MODULE;
Consider spreading the different parts of the formula across multiple cells. It's a spreadsheet after all ;-) — Mat's Mug 21 secs ago

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