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[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 9 commits. 293 additions. 120 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 commits. 20 additions. 4 deletions.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 1 opened issue.
3 hours later…
There won't be any commits for a while. My brother has the flu now, and I have to finish midterms.
Just spent about 4 hours working on one midterm, I'm done with two others, another sounds like it will be posted tomorrow, and I'm not sure if my fifth class will have one.
Good news: I have spring break next week, so this is about as good a time as any to be sick.
Don't worry, there still will be commits ;-)
LOL, I should have said there would be none from me.
All good, school first!
2 hours later…
> Oh, OK. I won't remove it then.
2 hours later…
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit a6518d40 to TypeInfo: removed all cancellation tokens, async and parallel stuff
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit ed2d9727 to TypeInfo: renamed public void Parse() to public void ParseSynchronous(); clarified intent of the public member in summary comment
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit da34c87e to TypeInfo: reinstated async parsing + resolving. declarations still get doubled-up when reparse is requested from inspection results toolwindow, but parser state works.
Ambiguous match in '(unknown)': 'Description'
Ambiguous match in '(unknown)': 'Description'
Ambiguous match in '(unknown)': 'Description'
Ambiguous match in '(unknown)': 'Description'
something isn't right
named parameters don't seem to resolve correctly
and I'm getting tons of debug output about unknown identifiers that should exist in the reflected COM type libs
I might have gotten some visibilities wrong, not sure what's going on exactly there
but Pitterling's code resolves in 3 minutes.
for some values of "resolves"
anyway, TTGTB
9 hours later…
> In the "**next**" branch with current sources.

File : Rubberduck.Parsing\VBA\RubberduckParser.cs Line 228

var preprocessor = new VBAPreprocessor(double.Parse(_vbe.Version));

If the decimal separator is a comma the `double.Parse` throw an exception.
> Good catch!
> In the "**next**" branch with current sources.

I have the same kind of code that can be found here : #250

Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" _
(ByVal HKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long

If I debug the current sources I have this exception : AmbiguousMatchException

File : Rubberduck.Parsing\Symbols\Declaration.cs Line 322

var metho
this is so cool
@Mat'sMug Congrats on getting the ad slot!
@Mat'sMug I'm not seeing any ads, would I need to log out and browse as anonymous?
Q: Toggle button that will hide/unhide columns within a range

proxy156I have the below toggle button sub that works; Private Sub Toggle_Unused_Click() Dim xAddress As String xAddress = "DR:FI" Call KeyOpen 'unprotects the sheet If Toggle_Unused.Value Then Application.ActiveSheet.Columns(xAddress).Hidden = True 'This returns a value to my notes tab...

@PinCrash nope. most of the time it's HNQ's showing up and A51 and other SE stuff.
you mean you have nothing showing up under the hot meta posts?
@Mat'sMug ^^that?
huh wtf
and the home page?
Ah I see one on the home page
Not sure if either of you guys have tried or had experience or anything to say about Cardshifter, but just in case...
in Cardshifter TCG, 1 min ago, by Pin Crash
I need 2-3 short, Twitter-length (preferably, actual tweets) about Cardshifter (any aspect, really) to fill in a small section on the landing page. If you do a tweet please include either @Cardshifter (the team/account) or #Cardshifter (tag for game itself)
Trying to finish up a nice landing page since the ads are up
> CardShifter: The weekend-challenge that dragged for a year
Damn it's going to be 2 years this coming August, unbelievable
Q: How to make a worksheet function more efficient?

Chris2015I am trying to make a worksheet function that loops through rows more efficient. Here is what I have - Dim ws as worksheet, wks as worksheet, lastrow as long, i as long Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1") Set wks = Sheets("Sheet2") With ws Lastrow = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row For i = 2 to L...

A CR question on SO?
if it works, could be
did you flag it?
@Chrismas007 the correct course of action is actually to VTC as too broad, and custom-flag for migration. A question must be off-topic on the site it's posted on, to be migratable.. but being migratable isn't an off-topic reason per se. the UI is misleading.
@Mat'sMug I see that now. I'll VTC as too broad in the future.
> Parse just need the IFormatProvider overload? CultureInfo.CurrentCulture?

We should probably check other Parse and Format methods, to make use of IFormatProvider too?
> I would have said CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.
@Mat'sMug I have a "read uncommitted" query that runs in roughly 40 seconds (slow ass prod server) to select the keys that I need to update, then a transaction to update those rows that execs in 2-4 ms. Sound acceptable to you?
sounds like that table has no UPDATE triggers ;-)
Yeah it doesn't, it's merely a receptacle for BizTalk to dump messages into
An agency acquired another one (both were customers at the time), one vendor has started sending transmissions for certain patients with a new message header ID, but the agencies' databases have not been merged yet so this goes and changes the message header ID back so the acquired agency can see the messages in their reports... PITA
if exists (select 1 from @MessagesToUpdate) begin
    begin transaction;
        update TELEHEALTH_VITAL_SIGNS_MESSAGE_HEADER set thvsmh_fileheader = @WillCareMH, thvsmh_processed = 'N'
        where thvsmh_id in (select thvsmh_id from @MessagesToUpdate);
    rollback transaction;
That's the 2-4 ms part
you're rolling back everything
Well, I'll change it to commit once I get it deployed, this is just for testing while I write the code ;p
(I don't have a test copy to play with, so I test in production)
It's the only part of the query that acquires any locks, and it's never going to be more than about 10-20 records at a time (running once per hour)
Testing in Production is a HIPAA recommendation?
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit bfcaad00 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
> Here's a fix for number parsing methods. Do we need that for string.Formats as well, as you mentioned @ThunderFrame? Perhaps just the string.Formats that do not format a string specified in the resources file?
@Vogel612, do you want to make a translation manager like lingotek.com/translation_management_system?
together I mean, it would be a good exercise in java fx
we could have concepts like translation projects, that in turn have translation sets, which have translations, resx files would merely be an import/export feature
could associate tasks with projects, track progress of what translations are done etc
that's overkill...
it wouldn't have to support everything ofc :P
If you're goint to start that thing, I'd be happy to help, but I can't and won't male any promises
yeah np
FWIW I'm going to use your tool soon, @Vogel612, to get the French translation up to date
see, our first customer! :P
I'll make an announcement on Rubberduck News when the {en-US} captions are finalized and the thing is ready for translation
IIRC there's still a few captions missing
or misplaced
when is v2.0's release date again, sometime in may?
shooting for mid-May yeah
BTW I'm this close to get the parser under control
under control?
yeah, it's kinda wild right now
parser state goes crazy
how come?
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] autoboosh pushed commit bfcaad00 to next: fix .Parse culture dependency (fixes #1178)
Merge pull request #1180 from autoboosh/doubleparsefix

fix .Parse culture dependency (fixes #1178)
@awgaya because each parser task is trying to determine whether or not it should trigger the resolver task
that's changing when I merge my changes
parser tasks are responsible for parsing, period.
wait... there's no centralized callback waiting for all of them to ckeck back?
now there is
in my branch
well, sort of
I'm handling the "StateChanged" parser state event, and launching a resolver task when the state gets to "Parsed"
Hey all, how is it going?
makes sense?
hey @Rossco!! long time no chat!
Yeah, I was going to say that.
@Mat'sMug yea in a way...
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6228d705 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
When you guys are all in here, I'm at work!
I'd have an instant solution in JS
@Rossco LIES! I'm in here all day
okay not all day...
Its true, I do pop in some times and see you online.
but it's close enough!
Usually there is no one else though, so it says, 'Last message posted 4 hours ago...'
I thought I would come and see what the progress has been on the RDA
anyway, so all I need to do now is to add support for cancellation
Seems like a lot, since I have no idea what anyone is talking about.
don't worry, we never know what mat's mug is talking about either :p
Have some users changed their handles?
there's new people on the project.
well you could count Pin Crash, fka. Phrancis, but I don't think he counts as RD Developer
@Vogel612 Yeah, I wondered that. I don't see much from @RubberDuck, is he still around?
he is
Ah ok.
np, well he will get a ping from me referencing him now :D
I see that you have some code which can find all the types in referenced com dlls. I remember posting a link to an article talking about how to do that. Did you use it?
Last thing I heard was that he was doing stuff on a microcontroller...
@Rossco I think so... maybe
It's not finished though. The resolver isn't seeing the Debug module (class?), I'm iffy about how I identify events, and parameter types aren't looked up yet
Ok, I was just interested if you still had the link to that article.
I lost it... :(
Also, I'm AFK in a meeting in a minute. But I'll be back after.
@Rossco I used this
@Rossco kind of. Been terribly busy at work and at home.
So, I'm around, but not really actively developing atm.
like, Ghostdoc Ghostduck
@RubberDuck what happened with that home, speaking of home?
Just signed a new contract today.
Turns out it was being flipped, and by law they had to wait 90 days to sell it.
So, now the auditor goes out and assess the value.
Hopefully, it's worth what we offered so the bank funds the loan.
Should know something in like a week.
Crossing my fingers. Tired of living with the in laws.
ouch! I hope all goes well :)
I can't wait to start home-shopping.. I hope to get a house before the kids start school..
and here I am, attacking my monetary reserves to finance university
You're a programmer, why do you need to attend university?
I mean, unless you're getting an MBA, then by all means, carry on.
@RubberDuck I know how that feels. I have had a dry spell recently.
I'm doing plenty of dev, just nothing fun.
Unless you count a crash course in embedded motion controllers as fun.
@Mat'sMug Ah, I found the article that I liked: codeproject.com/Articles/523417/…
Haven't done anything with it, but it looks promising.
I so want to go home and code right now
^ ...???
I'm at the office, trying to get myself into the mood to set up yet another SSRS report
Ahhh, I can understand.
SQL makes me hurt all over...
hey at least it's not SEQUEL
(because yes, I get to "play" with that crap too)
@Rossco ahh. That's pretty cool. Mug's been getting into a bit of that lately.
Yeah, I reviewed some of the commits he's been making last night. I was interested to see that.
Q: Milking a COM type library: "fun" with COM reflection

Mat's MugOnce upon a time, there was a duck that wanted to know where and how user code was calling into the VBA standard library and Excel object model. To match the rest of its API, the poor little duck had to dig through pages and pages and pages of MSDN documentation, and instantiate a Declaration obj...

there's always this one up for review ^^
I didn't like the statically defined assembly types and references - except as an interim measure.
@Rossco the last paragraph of that codeproject article is rather interesting
> Many articles on the web incorrectly say that you must reference a COM interop assembly to get rich type information in .NET, such as Microsoft Support article 320523 and StackOverflow posts "How to enumerate members of COM object in C#?" and "Get property names via reflection of an COM Object". Some more advanced articles say you should work with ITypeInfo directly such as "Inspecting COM Objects With Reflection" and "Obtain Type Information of IDispatch-Based COM Objects from Managed Code".
> Unfortunately, using ITypeInfo directly involves lots of manual interop work, and it doesn't give you a System.Type instance. However, using the TypeToTypeInfoMarshaler as discussed in this article is much easier, and it provides the rich type information in a standard .NET Type format.
I used the ITypeInfo way
Yeah it is very interesting.
I like the multiple references to other articles as well. Its always worth reading a few other opinions.
but, will that approach work for Rubberduck's purposes?
Not sure but it could save you all the hassle in translating the types.
more or less
although you have to translate from .net types to vba types.
still, I'm bookmarking it
I did look at your ReferencedDeclarationsCollector class and then got overwhelmed by the large amount of code...
lol yeah, I need to split it up
it's just a big loop really
The answer from RobH looks like a good start.
implemented already :)
@Mat'sMug For some values of "fun"?
Mar 5 at 14:15, by Mat's Mug
I'm ambivalent about how much fun I'm having :)
Way to quote yourself. <3
Mug is very quotable
Real quick question: I'm trying to write a unit test to confirm that I have the correct metadata on types in the assembly under test. So I want to use reflection.
The assembly is referenced by the unit test project and I want to iterate the types in the assembly.
@PinCrash reminds me of this answer
> [...] and IDataManager (really? out of all names?) is your actual repository.

– Mat's Mug 5 minutes ago
A lot of the time I see typeof(object).Assembly used to get a reference.
But I don't want to do that (most types in the assembly are not public).
I've got this:
	.Where(a => a.FullName.Contains("MyAssemblyName"))
But I end up with an object of AssemblyName and its not very useful.
Any better ideas?
My Reflection-fu is not very strong.
the .where will get you an IEnumerable<Assembly>, so you'll need to project a selection here.
add a .select call, like, .SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()) or something like that ...there has to be a method you can call to get an IEnumerable<Type>
it doesn't matter whether they're public or internal
reflection doesn't care about access modifiers :)
@Mat'sMug I get IEnumberable<AssemblyName>
@Rossco Long time no see!
I've been thinking about you lately.
ah, I see. GetReferencedAssemblies returns an AssemblyName[] that's why
@Hosch250 Cheers, good to see you also.
"see" that is. :D
@Rossco you need to actually load the assembly:
A: How to get all types in a referenced assembly?

jasonNote that Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies only includes a particular assembly if you actually use a type in that assembly in your assembly (or a type that you use depends on a type in that assembly). It is not enough to merely include an assembly in the list of references in Visual Studio. Maybe...

foreach (var assemblyName in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies()) {
    Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
    foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes()) {
@Mat'sMug shouldn't you recurse that down to load all loaded types?
that'll load System as many times though
@Mat'sMug Perfect, thank you.
Huh, if you have a reference in a project that isn't used anywhere. Does the dll output have an actual reference to that project or does the compiler 'optimise' it out?
the compiler removes it
that's very 'helpful' of it...
why bloat an assembly with a crapton of references that aren't used anywhere?
Try in general, just not in my case.
Edit: In general, just not in my case.
Don't know what I was writing the first time...
@Mat'sMug Will code review review an Excel Formula for improvements?
@Chrismas007 there's precedent IIRC
found it:
Q: Making an iterative formula shorter in Excel

ahornI have just typed out very long code in Excel that just repeats itself 17 times, but each time with different cell references. Is there a more concise way of writing my code, perhaps by using another column of cells? The code that is repeated is: =IF(OR(ISBLANK(X2),ISBLANK(Y2)),0,X2/VLOOKUP(YEA...

Well it is my question
Q: CountIf With Filtered Data

Chrismas007I was researching a way to count the number of zeroes in a column of data, even if the data gets filtered. I found the following solution: =SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(B2:B18,ROW(B2:B18)-MIN(ROW(B2:B18)),,1)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Pear",B2:B18))+0) Where, B2:B18 is the total list of data and "Pea...

@Vogel612 I'd like a simpler solution.

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