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[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 9 commits. 293 additions. 120 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 commits. 20 additions. 4 deletions.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 1 opened issue.
1 hour later…
@SirPython good, been playing new game
That one you mentioned recently? How is it?
2 hours later…
It's quite good :)
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
@DJanssens Did you have any experience with Deeplearning4j?
Something is really not working here...
I'm trying to implement OR, but it seems like I have implemented NAND... not really the same thing.
Neural networks?
Yes, although I am planning on using it for simple logistic regression in the future. DL4j doesn't have any plain Logistic regression.
We have "creative days" at work and I'm trying to use some Machine Learning
So I'm using the time to get to know other ML libraries.
I figured using other ML libraries would be faster than implementing everything from scratch, but I'm starting to have my doubts about that.
1 hour later…
@SimonForsberg Ooh, creative days sound really cool
@StackExchange wtf
Hm there's a Clojure macro that let's one add tests directly into functions as metadata (or of course you can have your tests separate) in you guys' opinion is this something that would be more confusing than practical?
; The with-test macro can be used to add tests
; to the functions they test as metadata.
  (defn add-vals
    [n1 n2]
    (+ n1 n2)
    (is (= 4 (add-vals 2 2)))
    (is (= 2 (add-vals 2 0)) "adding zero doesn't change value")
    (is (thrown? ClassCastException (add-vals "foo" "bar")))))
hey @PinCrash
Creative days sounds like a nice thing. You must be working in a nice work environment @SimonForsberg .
@PinCrash Sounds bad to me at second sight, they should be split imo
Linking them directly to a function name I wouldn't consider a bad thing per se though
Yeah. What I've seen so far will have a (defn foo-bar ...) and accompanying (deftest foo-bar) in a separate test directory/file with all the test cases in there. Functions appear much simpler to test than whole classes (since there shouldn't be side effects to them)
@PinCrash But are the tests inside the method, close to it, or say at the bottom of the file?
Ugh, I hate how everything that's seemingly easy in other languages is difficult in JavaScript
From what I've seen so far, seems most projects will have src/foobar.clj and test/foobar.clj
I have an array of items and I want to find the maximum elements (there are possibly multiple) according to some filter
So they can easily exclude the test code from production compilations
@PinCrash Ah okay, then it's pretty cool
@DJanssens It would be nicer if this would work...
Wow it's 17C right now (07:30 AM)... was freezing just last week
Oh bloody API.... I had to change new OutputLayer.Builder() to new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MSE) and now it works.
@PinCrash That/s.... hot
@SimonForsberg Have you ever worked with JSP/java beans etc
I've been looking at job oppertunities and some list that. But tbh I don't think I want to be building websites in Java at all.
Seems like a very slow process.
@DJanssens Yes, I have some experience with that. It's not horribly bad actually.
I like it a whole lot more than PHP for example :)
Just be sure to have some automatic deploy to your test server so that you actually can just save the file in the IDE, switch to your browser, and reload.
I agree, PHP is even worse. Still, isn't ASP more commonly used?
I don't know any big players that use JSP
Paypal even switched to Node.JS
I think JSP is used more than you think.
Very often, it's not that easy to know what backend that is actually used.
And with Java, there's also the possibility of using different template-engines (such as Thymeleaf)
2 hours later…
@SimonForsberg Unless they put it in the headers! :D
@DJanssens Our company has lots of ASP forms and ASP MVC apps internally
we even have a Tomcat one (gasp)
2 hours later…
Remove video section

While we may at a later date include a short video to showcase the game, at the current time this is not needed
Remove superposed phone images

Removed from section below banner, since at the moment we do not have a mobile app or mobile-friendly web client
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] Phrancis pushed commit e3cdd80d to landing-page-content: updated all icons to upload/cardshifter-tiny.png logo
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] Phrancis pushed commit b45428be to landing-page-content: Change newsletter section to instead have Twitter and News links
I need 2-3 short, Twitter-length (preferably, actual tweets) about Cardshifter (any aspect, really) to fill in a small section on the landing page. If you do a tweet please include either @Cardshifter (the team/account) or #Cardshifter (tag for game itself)
Any volunteers?
Has anything changed since I played it with you?
Don't think so, no
1 hour later…
Sometime soon
3 hours later…
@PinCrash Is it supposed to be something describing Cardshifter, or almost a "review" or Cardshifter? (like you might find on the backs of books)
@SirPython Can be either or something else, really. The project is as much about contributing as it is about playing, so if you have something to say about your experience being part of the project, or playing it, or whatever else, that would all be good
Okay, I'll try to think of something.
                    <div class="box">
                        <h4>Users loving <a href="#">#APP-PLUS</a></h4>
                        <p>Joining this weekend's #APP-PLUS fun! @emmy_lemmy bring your dogs, we can make it a fun walk!</p>
FYI this^ is what the sections look like that I'm trying to fill (will replace #APP-PLUS with Cardshifter obviously)
°/ @PinCrash
@DJanssens \o
2 hours later…
200_success vs. rolfl: 11702 diff. Year: +4866. Quarter: +4866. Month: +770. Week: +358. Day: +84.
200_success vs. janos: 20280 diff. Year: +3510. Quarter: +3510. Month: +189. Week: +102. Day: -41.
Loki Astari vs. Simon Forsberg: 3190 diff. Year: +524. Quarter: +524. Month: +195. Week: +110. Day: +10.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 4328 diff. Year: +1042. Quarter: +1042. Month: +401. Week: +185. Day: +75.

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