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Who killed @Duga??
@SimonAndréForsberg @Duga's dead?
He's working on it. She has a memory leak.
Poor thing
I know =(
@Duga get well soon, we miss you!
2 hours later…
@RubberDuck did you see this? aivosto.com/project/help/vba-limitations.html
@Mat I did now!
it looks like a real powerful analyzer for variable usage / finding dead code... but seems to not be integrated with the IDE
> Flag code as live. You can use Project Analyzer's comment directive feature to flag any procedure as live code. You do this by adding '$PROBHIDE DEAD immediately above the Sub or Function line.
I'm glad we weren't the only ones to think it.
their whole analyzer seems to revolve around finding various forms of dead code
v10.2... they've been around.
our inspections go ...beyond that.
but we suck at finding dead code :(
Damn. Free as in beer.
Closed source.
Ahhh. There's a full version.
doesn't look like a COM add-in that integrates into the VBE though
Have we even tried to find dead code yet?
No. It says it exports the files to work with them.
well... I had to disable some of the variable usage inspections, for performance reasons (and because, f*ck, it's hard.. .and doesn't quite work)
our parameter analysis is quite similar
cough stealing this feature list cough aivosto.com/project/analyses.pdf
I think maybe we just need to carefully consider when/where we need to use the full blown parser and when other methods would be better.
Basically, if we don't need the power of the parser, reach for the speed of the VBIDE library.
the parser itself isn't the bottleneck - it's how our (my) code works with it. I F'd up somewhere.
> What's up, duck?
^^ on the "News" page
Lol. Nice!
Oh. Really? You think so? Want an extra set of eyes on it? I can poke it with a stick and see if I notice something Mug.
I probably won't... I'm not good with performance optimizations. Not really.
1 hour later…
@RubberDuck mind if I add a feed to your blog on our "news" page? I'd make an "Articles" section.
6 hours later…
@Mat'sMug Of course not!
Here. I created a category just for Rubberduck news that you can link to. christopherjmcclellan.wordpress.com/category/rubberduck-2
@Mat'sMug Missed you too!
Monking @Duga!
Get that memory leak fixed @SimonAndréForsberg?
I should learn java so I can help make Duga better.
I feel bad using it and not contributing.
@RubberDuck Don't know. I hope so, but it's not sure. I will see.
I hope so too!
@RubberDuck Although Open Source projects are meant for shared contribution, don't feel bad for using it but not contributing. I'm sure there's plenty of things that you use but not contribute to!
Yeah, but it's different when your friend is the one doing all the work on something you use @SimonAndréForsberg.
In fact, even if you would start to contribute to the Visual Studio IDE or something, then there's a C++ compiler that you're not contributing to, and once you contribute to that there's the Assembly language, and once you do that, there's hardware components, and once you do that....
@RubberDuck You don't have to feel ashamed/guilty of not contributing. I'm just happy you use it and like it ^^
@SimonAndréForsberg You make a good point there..
> fixes #269; TodoExplorere Refreshes on Show now.
> bad practice to directly call an event procedure
@Duga Needs an inspection!
1 hour later…
Yes it does!
Okay @ducky. It'll get easier to mock the VBE. Honest.
You can get those tests in place this weekend. You can.
I need to publish a "Features" page, then I'm letting it be - haven't written a line of C# in way too long! ...a whole 36 hours!
Farrrrrrr too long.
1 hour later…
Q: VBA Debug.Print semi colon

S OWhat is the actual value/meaning of a semi colon ( ; ) with the Debug.Print statement in VBA? I use this often but have no real understanding of it, all I know is that it isn't equal to the vbTab constant as the spacing isn't the same. i.e. Debug.Print 123;456;789 Debug.Print 123 & vbTab & 456 &...

Monking @Duga @all :)
@Phrancis Monking.
@RubberDuck Umm.. nobody uses Debug.Print... I use MsgBox for my debugging :-D
@Chrismas007 =)
Even in loopz?
@RubberDuck Especially in loopz :-P I love stepping through loopz
@RubberDuck There is a mystery person in our chat room
@FreemanHelmuth Hello
Hello @FreemanHelmuth! How are you?
I don't get it. We're friendly... how come people don't say hello?
@RubberDuck where did I learn that a comma prints a tab and a semicolon does what these answers say? hmm..
Just so you know, @Duga is dead again. Problems not fixed.
@RubberDuck If you want to contribute to @Duga, could you fix the memory issues? :)
@SimonAndréForsberg if I had a clue where to start, I'd look.
Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known as Alzheimer disease, or just Alzheimer's, accounts for 60% to 70% of cases of dementia. It is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that usually starts slowly and gets worse over time. The most common early symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events (short term memory loss). As the disease advances, symptoms can include: problems with language, disorientation (including easily getting lost), mood swings, loss of motivation, not managing self care, and behavioural issues. As a person's condition declines, she or he often withdraws from family and society...
@Mat'sMug I'm real close to being able to Moq a DockableWindowControl.
oh nice!
Like everything else, once I get it, the rest should be easy.
Hey, would either of you mind looking at this issue and provide any feedback you can think of?
@Duga restarted again.
@Phrancis I think you have some good points and suggestions.
Thanks for the input @ducky
@RubberDuck Why are you not using your ducky picture on Github instead of the ugly default gravatar thing?
@Phrancis idk. Because I hadn't thought about it?
Umm I am. Kind of.
> There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. -- Phil Karlton.
@Mat'sMug Yeah, but I changed that... idk how long ago.
Takes a while
Took a couple days for our Cardshifter organization image to show up
We get views on the regular.
I blame Twitter ;)
we're at 16 followers BTW
oh 3 visitors from twitter
and 5 from rubberduck-vba.com
I just published the features page
@RubberDuck What do you think about this?
@RubberDuck where can I get a rss feed of just "rubberduck" entries for your WP?
@Mat'sMug RSS Feed? ... Not sure. Let me poke around. Features looks good btw. Nice job.
can't wait to add "Integrated Source Control" in there ;)
You & me both!
Perhaps I'm tired of seeing a high rep user answer bad questions. — RubberDuck 51 secs ago
@Mat'sMug here. Anything I post under the Rubberduck category gets posted to this feed. christopherjmcclellan.wordpress.com/category/rubberduck-2/feed
oh nice
Shameless. I know, but I usually post them here anyway.
"uh-oh, we couldn't find your feed"
ah, it's the HTTPS
This is sad... just got a company-wide notice from our CEO that the former CEO (who retired last year) just passed this morning... money.cnn.com/2014/08/28/news/companies/ben-benmosche-cancer
Sorry to hear that @Phrancis. Did you guys hear about Leonard Nemoy?
I have not, what about him?
RubberDuck has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
posted on November 30, 2014 by Christopher J. McClellan

Have you ever wanted to properly unit test your VBA code or simply wished the VBA editor had a Task List window that picked up your Todo comments? The wait is over friends. It’s here. For the last month Mathieu Guindon and I have been working pretty tirelessly on an open source COM Add-in for […]

posted on December 14, 2014 by Christopher J. McClellan

You heard me right. TDD in VBA. It’s completely possible. I know because I’ve spent the last two weeks using Rubberduck’s Unit Testing framework doing it. With the release of the first version of our software, it was time to start using it. Time to eat our own dog food, if you will. The results were… disappointing, […]

posted on February 26, 2015 by Christopher J. McClellan

Rubberduck has become an obsession. There have been so many early mornings and late nights that I can't possibly count them. There will be more. Many more. We're only getting warmed up... and I'm going to talk about it anyway. It is an obsession after all. Like any addict, I just can't let it go.

yup. got these 3 on the News page
@StackExchange O HAI THER!
@Phrancis He died. 83 years old.
TFL, bbl
> And then there was AIG. Bob was known as “The Man Who Saved AIG,” but if you asked him about it, he said it was the people of AIG who saved this company. He believed in you and got strength from you, when all the while we thought it was the other way around. Bob saw the best in every one of us and helped us have the courage to release the energy, the optimism that led us to where we are today.
^from the email
@RubberDuck Damn that just happened this morning, too...
Sad day yo.
My wife's pretty shaken, her grandmother just about died of cardiopulmonary arrest last night. She's in ICU now, don't expect her to last much longer
Aww. I'm sorry man. That's tough buddy.
Thanks... I was never really close to her grandma so I'm trying to stay out of her family's business for now and just be supportive of my wife
Yeah. I dread the day when my wife loses someone. She's been lucky so far.
I'm fairly comfortable with it now. It's never easy, but it gets easier.
Oh wow. I just found a application freezing bug in this things.
I hear you. I'm kind of the black sheep in her family, they're all super-religious
I feel they would not be appreciative of my "you just die" perspective, though I find it much more comforting, personally.
Welcome back. =)
So, guys, now that I know how to feed wordpress blogs into the room, does anyone have a feed they'd like to see?
So, I've thought of a bit of a Excel VBA challenge I'd like to tackle... care if I gave you a bit of information to point me in the right direction?
Not at all. Shoot.
We're going to be tackling a data entry project starting next week
We will be getting flat sales files in Excel or CSV format, I think a single sheet with a sale on each row and then basic customer and product information
Okay. Sounds like data. That's a good start.
I'd like to make a macro/program that would read one row, display the information in a pop-up type of window, with the information layered in a more readable format (so the data entry user does not have to keep scrolling over to get new values)
Hmm... access would actually be better, but what you want can be done in Excel too.
Ever created a user form?
Then once the entry is done, clicking OK or whatever would mark that row a different color, or perhaps add a "Completed" value in a separate column
I have not created user forms before
And automatically shift you to the next row, right?
That would be a nice extra feature, if it were possible
Access would do almost all of this for you. Does it have to be excel?
Access is a possibility I guess. My boss is pretty conservative and doesn't know anything about Access so she wanted to stay in Excel, but go on
(I would rather use Access if it's easier, personally)
@RubberDuck Do you know how to add a Twitter feed to a room?
Well, in Access, you could create a a table based on this csv file. Then have it create a form that displays one record at a time. It would take care of record selection and navigation for you.
The process would be, clear the table, import the csv, work through the form, and then export it back out when finished.
Other wise, you'd have to build the form and code entirely on your own in Excel. Much more work.
@Phrancis Unfortunately, no.
Ah, yes that does sound like a lot of work
So Access you can make forms using the UI, I gather? Or do you have to code it?
One sec.
@Phrancis Might be easier to use @Duga for that, lol
I got frustrated enough by adding Github commit messages in the first place to make the initial version of @Duga
@skiwi I don't know if I want to put more burden on Duga than she already has lol
Plus, I know SE chat supports Twitter feeds, we have one in the 2nd monitor
You'd have to design it, but the wizard will do 99% of the work for you.
You'd just have to manage getting the data in/out.
Just select the table, click Create, then Form wizard. Select the fields you want and boom.
You're done.
Damn that looks easy, let me try it
@Mat'sMug check it out!
Version 1.1 had 45 downloads!
> Add > Test Method currently adds the following snippet: '@TestMethod Public Sub TestMethod1() 'TODO: Rename test On Error GoTo TestFail Arrange: Act: Assert: Assert.Inconclusive TestExit: Exit Sub TestFail: If Err.Number <> 0 Then Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.description Else Resume TestExit End If End Sub The If Err.Number <> 0 Then condition under the TestFail label will always evaluate to True, therefore the TestFail part should only...
contain this line: Assert.Fail "Test raised an error: #" & Err.Number & " - " & Err.description --- The Add > Test Method (Expected Error) snippet is fine. '@TestMethod Public Sub TestMethod2() 'TODO: Rename test Const ExpectedError As Long = 0 'TODO: Change to expected error number On Error GoTo TestFail Arrange: Act: Assert: Assert.Fail "Expected error was not raised." TestExit: Exit Sub TestFail: If Err.Number <> ExpectedError Then Resume Assert Else Resume TestExit End If End Sub
@RubberDuck woah!
5 downloads of 1.2 already (including mine)
@Duga are the Arrange/Act/Assert labels useful or annoying?
@Mat'sMug I'd like to get to a point where that's configurable.
except the expected error snippet is using them (well the Assert label at least)
If (UnitTestLabelsOn) {...}
Personally, I like them, but not everybody would.
I like the idea of being able to insert minimal snippets for them.
@Phrancis It's a frickin' rainbow.
in TCG Creation, Feb 16 at 22:56, by Simon André Forsberg
I don't think I have ever used that many labels on a single issue before.
@Phrancis now I'm glad I went with labels ;)
@RubberDuck is the feed from your news page just a plain old RSS feed?
@Phrancis Yeah. Plain old rss feed from my wordpress.
Is it just a matter of getting the URL from the "Subscribe" link and adding it into the room as a feed?
but how do you get that twitter feed for the account you want?
lol, was just going to say the silence is eloquent ;)
RSS and Atom feeds are a hell in the SE chat imo
Guess it makes sense for Twitter to drop RSS support for all general users, and only allow a widget for the users that actually use RSS feeds
@Mat'sMug Because they never did what I wanted when I used them
RubberDuck has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
#Roslyn team does not disappoint :D http://t.co/3IerpLO0dN
I woke up this morning planning to work out a few #bugs, but it seems @rubberduckvba beat me to them all. Guess I'll just enjoy this #coffee
Rubberduck 1.2 pre-release is out! Programming in #VBA will never be the same, try it now: https://github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/releases/tag/v1.2-pre.2
http://www.rubberduck-vba.com is live! There's not much there yet really, but still... #makesmyday
@rubberduckvba See a need. Fill a need. https://christopherjmcclellan.wordpress.com/2015/02/26/see-a-need-fill-a-need/
Woah. Spam much @StackExchange?
"See a need. Fill a need." @RubberDuck you have no idea how many times I've seen that Robots movie in the past.... 6 months or so ;)
@Mat'sMug Yes I do.
About as many times as I have.
That and Bolt and Wreck it Ralph.
It's funny, since this project started, I no longer argue with the kids when they want to watch a movie. It means I can sit down in the recliner with the laptop while they giggle at the tv.
...same here
(thanks ducky that was super-freaking easy)
You're welcome @Phrancis. You just made my day man.
@RubberDuck The amount of work you just saved us is monumental.
We can just print those out, 2 rows per page, hand them over to the data entry ladies, and call it a day!
@Phrancis I'm just glad someone appreciates me. It's been a bad day.
@Phrancis Printing??
@skiwi IKR. It would go in print anyways, but it's that or printing a wide spreadsheet on a giant piece of paper
So.. let me get this straight.
I told them years ago they would save so much $ in paper expenses if they just got a 2nd monitor for data entry people
On my part-time job I was working on a paperless office... wasn't bad
They're going to take some data, print it out, and have someone hand type it in?
@RubberDuck Yep.
It's temporary
LOL. Okay. So long as it's temporary.
And like, actually temporary. Not "temporary".
They need to set up the streams so it can go into our data import system
Well, they say Temporary, we're not sure yet how "temporary" it will be. They said a couple of months
So, it's not.
Come on man. I know how your IT dept. is.
Don't bullshit a bullshitter.
Just take your nifty little Access database and build something to pipe it in.
It'll be fine... IT never even has to know.
@Phrancis 2nd Monitor does not improve productivity. I know ;)
oh wait...
Little double-entendre there
@Mat'sMug Wrong second monitor.
@Phrancis double-sens ou sous-entendu? ..or just double-ping? lol
@RubberDuck I'm sure IT wouldn't notice or mind if I opened my own ODBC connection straight into production to feed these in! I'll cross my fingers that IT gets it done timely.
@Mat'sMug double-sens
lol. That's almost precisely how I got my current job @Phrancis.
The one thing that's keeping me on my toes now is that I have not seen what the data looks like. That's usually when I SMH. Although by now I'm getting pretty good at fixing f'd up data.
Beer. That is all.
I'll second that.
Thanks again @ducky :)

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