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^^ dropped+created an entire schema, foreign keys, SP's, and inserted a bunch of records in a number of tables.
@Mat'sMug Are you using 2012?
same on MySQL: I'd still be waiting.
^^ LOL
Hmmmm.... bad answer must have been deleted. Random +1 rep.
I get that a lot on Workplace. Heh. Especially since I downvote/delete a lot ;)
@enderland FYI set @id = ... works just as well (and I prefer set to select ...y'know, semantics ;)
@Mat'sMug set also is a lot easier to use in a method than "select"
I'm pretty sure select @var = is deprecated ;)
oh good
They do different things don't they?
It... depends
both worked
@Phrancis lol. All things do, but how so?
TSQL AFAIK is the only RDBMS that supports setting a variable using select
And I believe it's still supported only for backward compatibility
TSQL is a language technically, the RDBMS is "SQL Server" ;)
Actually, the RDBMS is Sybase ;)
under 2000 layers of MS stuff, probably still
YAY for more labels. =)
@Ducky > For assigning variables, we recommend that you use SET @local_variable instead of SELECT @local_variable. For more information, see SET @local_variable.
@RubberDuck what, they've introduced a "delete board" feature?
Ugh. I wish.
I followed that feature request for over a year
then I gave up
and deleted my account
They did add a "close" board feature which effectively hides it.
that's the problem. they think users are too dumb to actually delete a board when they mean it. any "test", "test123", "testA", "testB" board remains in limbo. Things from previous jobs that I don't care about anymore, whatever. I don't want them closed, I want them deleted.
Yeah. I know. It bothers me too. Makes me think what they really want is the data.
This .End question is kind of hard.
The documentation is rather ambigous on how it should behave
What is a "region"
Good question...
Given a With some range object I presume? — retailcoder 1 min ago
1 hour later…
Oh.. looks like I still do have that Trello account ;)
Whew, just got done setting up about 8 new computers with a couple other guys
Cool! How's the job hunt goin?
Got my application submitted on Wednesday. Now just waiting to hear back for an interview. I was actually helping that same department just now, so they know I'm good around computers evidently
I meant to say, about select @var = I think the main reason it is deprecated is because it is ambiguous to use the same keyword to do 2 completely different things.
And set just makes more sense grammatically.
@enderland Your solution worked good. I'll try the other one too
Hmm I kind of like his a little better in that it outputs the actual name of the distribution list instead of Not a Contact! Actually a :DistListItem
Oh cool man!
Good luck!
@Phrancis you can change that to whatever you want ;) ha
Both approaches work good... decisions decisions
Do any of you understand the intricacies of Range.End? It seems to be extremely conditional to the original region.
@cheezsteak I'd assume it uses the .UsedRange function?
Never mucked wiht it except to find the last row.
.UsedRange is nothing but a bug.
@enderland no
It gets the last cell in the direction of the CurrentRegion of the range.
@RubberDuck hahahahh you mean inconsistently getting the range of an area which might be what you are looking for isn't buggy?
@enderland Right. It's a feature.
CurrentRegion of a range is the current region of cells(1,1)
... not a bug? :)
Bugs don't exist. They're a myth. There are only features.
What is the syntax to concatenate multiple fields here?
Debug.Print Contact.FullName
What is the context?
@Phrancis use &. you can use + but it'll cause you headaches later as it doesn't work perfectly
Debug.Print Contact.FullName & " " & Contact.SomethingElse
does concatenate work in VBA? might be more clear that way
or implement a C#-like StringFormat function ;)
or a StringBuilder class if you need performance
@enderland what are the catches of the + I never heard that you could use +
@cheezsteak because VBA is "smart" and autoconverts types for you. + becomes ambiguous when you're concatenating with numbers
Compiler maybe can see + as a mathematical operator and get confused?
what mat said
not for the compiler, for the programmer ;)
> Public Sub stringExamples()

Debug.Print "test" & " test"
Debug.Print "test" + " test"
Debug.Print "test" & 1
Debug.Print "test" + 1

End Sub
the last line throws an error since it's trying to add "test" and 1 together
Debug.Print "test" & 1 is defined? wth
I would expect that to throw an error.
Wouldn't it logically just print test1 if you use & operator?
yes but I dont expect & to operate on not strings.
`? 1 & 2 ' 12
Christ so & converts everything to string?
& is the string concatenation operator. + can act as one, but it's really the addition operator.
@cheezsteak yes
VBA is "smart" (do the double quotes with your fingers as you say it)
Why doesn't this work?
      Debug.Print Contact.FullName & "\t" & Contact.Email1Address
I tried without the quotes and got compile error
escape sequences are .net world
string literals require the double quotes
So, can you not concat a tabulation?
try & vbTab &
That worked!
vbNewLine makes a new line
there's a couple of language constants like that
vbCrLf makes a new line also, but IIRC vbNewLine is more portable
escape sequences are Unix world
Q: A CSharpish String.Format formatting helper

Mat's MugA while ago I implemented .net's string.Format() method in VB6; it works amazingly well, but I'm sure there has to be a way to make it more efficient. I'll start by listing a simple class called EscapeSequence: Private Type tEscapeSequence EscapeString As String ReplacementString As Str...

Does VBA allow to use line breaks if you have a long string concat to do and want to have a little vertical white space?
Of course not. Bleh
use the underscore _ (requires a whitespace before) for a line continuation
Ah ok
expect many ..." & _
Or I could just do this instead add another Debug.Print
For i = 1 To ContactsFolder.Items.Count
    If TypeOf ContactsFolder.Items(i) Is DistListItem Then
      Set distList = ContactsFolder.Items(i)
      Debug.Print distList.DLName
    ElseIf TypeOf ContactsFolder.Items(i) Is ContactItem Then
      Set Contact = ContactsFolder.Items(i)
      ' Change these to get a different information field
      Debug.Print Contact.FullName
      Debug.Print Contact.Email1Address
      Debug.Print "Item is something else"
    End If
Next i
no, line continuation is to continue an instruction across 2 or more code lines
concatenate with vbNewLine instead
line cont' is useful for, say, hard-coding SQL strings
Ah I can see that. Which of course is something that should probably not be done ;)
SNAP is plagued with this shit, it's everywhere
That's probably VB6 right?
the plague is really about concatenating the parameter values into the string
I've heard from a DB Dev friend (who no longer works here) that it is definitely vulnerable to SQL injection :D
Not surprising
They're not using my SqlCommand class ;)
I would just like to remind everyone that nothing VBA does when it comes to concatenation and the & and + operators is nearly as surprising as the crap javascript pulls.
Mini code review please? (see my comment line)
For i = 1 To ContactsFolder.Items.Count
    If Contact.CompanyName = "Example Systems" Then ' Those this If condition make my ass look fat?
        If TypeOf ContactsFolder.Items(i) Is DistListItem Then
            Set distList = ContactsFolder.Items(i)
            Debug.Print distList.DLName
        ElseIf TypeOf ContactsFolder.Items(i) Is ContactItem Then
            Set Contact = ContactsFolder.Items(i)
            ' Change these to get a different information field
            Debug.Print Contact.FullName
Reverse that condition to reduce nesting
Oh wait
That would mean to introduce a goto
Nah. The if looks fine.
The alternative is
Yay I introduced a new bug!
If Not Contact.CompanyName = "Foo" Then
    Exit For
End If
Which you can do, but.... idk. 6 of one half a bakers dozen of the other.
@Phrancis You mean a feature, right?
Not exit sub
Goto continue
Wih a continue label just above the next
I bet it's getting hung up because of that mailing list
@Mat'sMug What?! Dude.... come on man. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t2at9t47.aspx
NOooooooo. I apologize. You're right.
Object variable or With block variable not set
don't search SO for that error message
Use a For Each instead of For i
meeting. later!
Why is the first If statement in this block?
@cheezsteak he can't. The items are all differnt types. Thanks MS!
@cheezsteak Because the programmer is very bad, I'm wagering.
Contact is not initialized
@Phrancis You have to actually get the contact from the contactsfolder.
you are comparing before you set it in your
Something like Set Contact = ContactFolder(i)
Or ContactFolder.Items(i)
Shamelessly plugging my latest blog post. christopherjmcclellan.wordpress.com/2014/11/21/…
This works:
For i = 1 To ContactsFolder.Items.Count
    If TypeOf ContactsFolder.Items(i) Is DistListItem Then
        Set distList = ContactsFolder.Items(i)
        Debug.Print distList.DLName
    ElseIf TypeOf ContactsFolder.Items(i) Is ContactItem Then
        Set Contact = ContactsFolder.Items(i)
            If Contact.CompanyName = "Example Systems" Then
                ' Change these to get a different information field
                Debug.Print Contact.FullName
                Debug.Print Contact.Email1Address & vbNewLine
Is that more standard-ish looking?
Dim item As ContactsItem
For Each item In ContactsFolder.Items
    If TypeOf item Is DistListItem Then
        Debug.Print item.DLName
    ElseIf TypeOf item Is ContactItem Then
        If item.CompanyName = "Example Systems" Then
            Debug.Print item.FullName
            Debug.Print item.Email1Address & vbNewLine
        End If
      Debug.Print "Item is something else"
    End If
Next i
For Each whenever you can is my motto
Iterating over indexes is for when you have multiple sequences or are mutating the sequence
OK. I'll try that. What is the reasoning for using For Each whenever you can? Faster?
simpler IMO
also handles Arrays and collections the same way
If you want to iterate over a sequence by index you need to know it's bounds.
And it sounds better. "I am considering each item individually." We don't care about the rest of the sequence.
Ideally almost everything should be
For Each element In sequence
Next Element
@Phrancis what type is ContactsFolder?
A... Folder?
Rem This subroutine queries one or more fields from Outlook contacts, including mailing lists
Sub ContactName()
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    Dim ContactsFolder As Folder
    Set ContactsFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
    MsgBox ("Contacts found: " & ContactsFolder.Items.Count)

    Dim Contact As ContactItem
    Dim distList As DistListItem

    For Each Item In ContactsFolder.Items
        If TypeOf Item Is DistListItem Then
            ' Debug.Print Item.DLName
        ElseIf TypeOf Item Is ContactItem Then
^^ Look better?
Yes. Much.
Don't know if you found this yet, but here is the outlook dev reference msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/…
Oh nice, I was just working off of a beginner tutorial on MSDN
@ducky IE8 doesn't like your blog :(
My Office suite is 2007 will most of that reference still apply?
Thanks Wordpress......
@Phrancis More or less. Shouldn't be very different.
I'm surprised nobody said anything about Rem ;-)
You can get to the 2010 reference
it redirects you to 2013....
Can you use a wildcard for strings in VBA? Analogous to SQL LIKE "Example Sys%"
There is the Like operator which is mild regex
# for numbers [A-z] ? and *
I don't think there is anything else though
For folders and directories there is only "?" and "*" and only in the basename
If fileName Like "*.txt"
Yeah, I like the Like operator, but if performance if a concern, go for Instr.
Or Left$() and Right$().
What approach works for you guys to debug a Type Mismatch?
@Phrancis ?typename(myVaraible)
is there a good way to stop an access form from calculating any calculated controls, ala the calculationmode=xlManual from excel?
I don't get type mismatches ;p
@enderland esc?
Or ctrl+break perhaps
I'm looking for something programmatic
I have some requery's in my form events I init every form that trigger the entire form to recalculate and I can't easily intercept this :(
No idea
Me & Access aren't very good friends
I hate it
I wish I had just done C#
Hmmmmm I've never really used calculated controls.
If I made a custom Dict class, how would you do inline initialization?
@enderland Where in the script does ?typename() go? ErrHandler?
I have from a n by 2 array and from a jagged array.
@Phrancis The immediate window.
set a breakpoint before the typemismatch and type that into the immediate window and press enter.
View>>Immediate Window
Or Ctl+G
Ctrl+G FTW!
heh my profiler is totally helping me right now...
OK now I need to learn how to set a break point. Debugging is fun!
it is
I'm currently trying to optimize a really, really slow process which is constnatly requerying my form :(
this is annoying though
@Phrancis F9 or click the sidebar
Hello @Silverfish.
Thank you @RubberDuck
How are ya?
So to find where I should put it, should I go back a step from Stop and put the break point there?
Yeah, but it has to be an executable line of code.
@RubberDuck not sure I'll be able to get anything done this weekend though, I might be able to do some work offline on a laptop... if my wife lets me bring it without biting my head off :)
Wait, how do you step back?
@Phrancis right click and set next statement on the line you want to run next. Or just drag the yellow arrow
Hi @Silverfish! You write VBA? If you have some code you'd like reviewed, feel free to post on the main site - we need more VBA questions on CR!
For the first time in 7 years I now have a computer with MS Office on it... I used to write a lot of VB code for Excel, simulations and so on. Once I shake off the rust, is it going to feel like I've never been away, or has a lot changed in that time? It's far too vague a question to ask on the main site and thought I would ask in chat!
It hasn't changed much since, uh, what, 1999?
There are new data types for x64, like LongLong
I first started writing code in MS Office back in the 90s and I remember the crushing disappointment when all my WordBASIC stuff was rendered useless, I was hoping nothing so drastic has transpired :)
Nope, you should feel right at home. As if you left 10 years ago and came back to find everything right where it was :)
I am told that Excel worksheets can now be much larger, which could well come in useful
@Silverfish Practically nothing has changed in VBA for a very long time.
Oh and the Ribbon is going to take some gettin' used to in Office in general, but the toolbars in the VBE remained untouched.
Office itself looks very alien, because of the ribbon
@Mat'sMug Dude, go enjoy the weekend. It won't kill you to step away from Rubberduck for a day or two.
aha yes
Besides, I'll be sneaking in coding sessions where I can.
I still hate that Ribbon....
I'll still try to bring my laptop
I <3 the Ribbon!
Hated it at first though
my main gripe with teh ribbon is it makes all shortcuts really long
To be fair, I don't hate the ribbon as much as I hate Metro Apps.
IT trainers tell me that it has been very useful getting less experienced users to try out different features (for some reason, they didn't dare messing around with anything you had to reach through a menu, but give them a pretty button to press and "I wonder what this does?" comes to the fore)
@Silverfish that's the rubberduck in question, in casr you wondered:github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck
OK so I found the source of my issue, I think. item variable is getting changed to Nothing then it breaks...
@RubberDuck is VBAUNIT dead in favor of RetailCoder's RubberDuck?
I probably won't mind the ribbon so much once I have worked out where on earth everything has gone
@cheezsteak VBEX is not dead, but I think VBAUnit is.
@Silverfish Well everyone in this chat room is keenly experienced with all things Office so ask away if you're unsure :)
I actually have commits I need to push to VBEX....
This is a very friendly chat! I mostly hang out on the stats stack exchange, but the chat there is very quiet
I'm out of stars, but thank you very much @Silverfish.
CR's main chat is busier: say hi to the folks in The 2nd Monitor anytime!

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
OK so I'm lost on break points
@RubberDuck how do you run out of stars?
You star a lot of things
@enderland Because I'm always here.
@RubberDuck I am deleting my VBAUNIT fork. I haven't done anything with it.
Okay. I think I'll try to remember to delete that repo tonight and update VBEX.
But I might drink beer instead.
^^ That.
(trying to run out of stars)
I'm reassured that the readoption process doesn't sound too traumatic... I have mostly been using OpenOffice/LibreOffice but I found getting any code written on there would take me twenty times as long. In contrast I'm sure 80% of the world's worst code arose from the MS macro recorder, but whoever made that was a genius.
@Mat'sMug You have to try?
I tried OpenOffice. Then bought a MS Office license.
I liked Open Office itself, but trying to code anything was a nightmare.
I tried getting into scripting LibreOffice to avoid the UI but the UI was in the way....
No intellisense. Nope, not gonna do it without intellisense.
But I'm out @all. May or may not bbl. It's nice to meet you @Silverfish. Come back anytime.
I think you are mostly expected to use an external editor for scripting Libre/Open office.
The Office aspect is pretty nice, though pivot tables and so on were pretty clunky. The coding is not fun at all.
I never even realized you could run out of stars
thanks @rubberduck, thanks for the great welcome
@enderland you get 20 per day, per chatroom :)
@Silverfish can't wait to review some VBA code! VBA is like a micro-community here on CR.. rest of the world doesn't quite get it :D
So. Walk me through it once. Here is what I do so far:
- Program reaches `Stop`
- It displays accurate results and then Type Mismatch
- I added a Watch on my `item` variable
- Set a break point where I think the error is, but then it has me F8 through the whole list of contacts, which takes forever
- And I'm lost from there
I've never hit that
I guess room owners/mods can probably do as many as they want
@enderland I wish
(I own this chatroom and The 2nd Monitor, and run out ...pretty often)
@Mat'sMug you can, pin it and then unpin ;)
I think?
Looks like it goes into the error right after it looks at this record:
Mary | Example Systems
[email protected]
Any clue?
one more F8
actually, F8 till after the Resume
dude, your screen has too much green, it's not normal
green == comments in my IDE
I probably ought to take up that CodeReview offer. I think my programming style has been permanently crippled by my learning to code in ZX BASIC on a Sinclair Spectrum. It's a great way of (a) learning exactly why "go to considered harmful", while (b) never really escaping the mindset.
mine has been "polluted" with C# and .net
so I go and implement things like ?StringFomat("Sales$: {0:C2}", salesAmount)
and IRepository and IUnitOfWork... over ADODB
I consider it a minor blessing I never had to take "first course in programming" in Java
How does code review etc work when you're looking at code which is generally heavily integrated into into a spreadsheet (or other) document?
usually the code and enough context suffice, but it doesn't hurt to provide a screenshot too
It definitely helps to have example data, but we've all been around long enough to find ways to clean up code without it.
especially if the spreadsheet layout is... funky
On the stats site, there is a similar issue making sure there is enough data to be reproducible. There's a useful command that R users are told to apply to their data object (or often preferably, a minimal but useful subset of it), called dput. It outputs the command you'd use to create that object - which they can then copy and paste into the top of their code sample so that the rest of us can reproduce it.
@Mat'sMug This is where it went after Resume
make Item an Object instead of a ContactItem
Boom, that fixed it thank you @Mat'sMug
Now my question is, Why?
VBA was trying to coerce the object into a ContactItem for every object in the collection, but the collection contains Object items, where most are ContactItem objects, but some aren't. That's when it blows up.
that's one of the most annoying things about VBA: it's not type safe, and tries to be "smart" and makes TONS of implicit type conversions for you. So you can tell it to concatenate an apple with an orange, and it will turn an orange into an apple for you.
Ahh. So if I expect the collection may have multiple types, setting it to Object is a way to make it generic then?
I try to write code so as to make type conversions as explicit as possible
or Variant if the collection can contain value types
Variant is absolutely anything, including COM stuff like IUnknown - a-ny-thing.
What are value types?
(short version)
Object is a variable that contains a reference to an object - say, a class instance; a value type is just a plain value.
like Integer
I see
So if I was iterating through a column in an Excel file that contained both integers, decimals and text, I would probably want to use a Variant then?
you'd actually be iterating Range objects ;)
That's exactly why Spolsky had the VBA team add Variant @Phrancis.
So, when would I expect to encounter Value types, for example?
Range.Value contains a value of type Variant that can be a String, or a Long, or a Date
Ahh I see
ideally you never want to use a Variant.. unless you really know what you're doing :)
It's hard to get out of SQL mentality lol.
see the type issues you're having? that's because of Variant
> You have fully used your vote allowance for today
Ammo well spent!
@Phrancis I need to come up with a way of populating a dwd.FiscalCalendar table... is there a magical way to do it?
_Id, _DateInserted, _DateUpdated, CalendarDate, CalendarDayOfWeek, CalendarDayOfMonth, CalendarDayOfYear, CalendarWeekOfMonth, CalendarWeekOfYear, CalendarMonthOfYear, CalendarYear, FiscalDayOfWeek, FiscalDayOfMonth, FiscalDayOfQuarter, FiscalDayOfYear, FiscalWeekOfMonth, FiscalWeekOfQuarter, FiscalWeekOfYear, FiscalMonthOfQuarter, FiscalMonthOfYear, FiscalQuarterOfYear, FiscalYear, Holiday
Like, make a "calendar" in a table?
You could make a loop that adds one day and populate each column using the appropriate date function.... Other than that, not sure
Yes. There's a magical way to do it.
Google a bit Mug. You'll find a prebuilt script.
I already shut down my work machine or I'd just send it to you.
@Phrancis here is a link for the same thing in Postgres: junctionbox.ca/2013/04/09/…
Oh wow, it's drastically easier in Postgres...
INSERT INTO calendar (day_id, year, month, day, quarter, day_of_week, day_of_year, week_of_year)
  FROM generate_series('2012-01-01'::timestamp, '2038-01-01', '1day'::interval) AS t(ts));
Gotta love generate_series
Yeah, except the fiscal fields
You could normalize those into a separate table and just insert/update with a join
create table FiscalYearDayReference
	DayOfYear int,
	FiscalQuarter int,
	-- etc.
Then just do an update to your main table after you've inserted the basic dates, join on DayOfYear
Alternatively, if there is a specific offset that you are certain of, or that can be calculated programmatically, you could update it using DATEADD() type of functions me thinks
Thanks everyone for informative and friendly discussion - will hopefully have some code for inspection sometime soon :)
@Phrancis I know! I'll write some VBA code to populate it, and then I'll put it up on CR! :D
and I'm outta here, It's way TTGH
later folks!
@Mat'sMug That's the spirit!
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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