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hmm, why was this question left open?
1 hour later…
@RyanM you're right about there being no definition/wordplay split; the "no they don't" part could be seen as the definition but that needs the rest of the clue as context to work
These are sometimes called semi &lits, they show up once in a while but I think purists are not super fond of them
And no I don't think the question marks indicates anything there. Question mark at the end of a clue can indicate something tricky is going on (here we sometimes use it to mean "this clue almost works :p), but in the middle of a clue it doesn't mean anything afaik
i enjoy a semi &lit every once in a while but only when the surface (really really really) makes up for it
if every clue was a semi &lit they would not be enjoyable
@TakingNotes completely agree
yeah there's a half a split in a way, the wordplay is part of the clue but the definition is still the whole thing
i thought about making it something like "male swans have one and female swans have one", which has a clear wp-def split, but i like the other version more
@RyanM that's a really good point, never considered that
I don't like semi &lits (for me personally)
"make it to first base" can be slang for "kiss", which you can remove "is" from. I'm not sure if sliding can be a reversal indicator, but either way that leaves "time to eat a meal" and I don't know how to proceed from there
(But I'd love to get my mind out of the gutter, I hope "first base" doesn't mean that)
It can be abbreviated 1B, apparently
But on the other hand, I'm hopeless with baseball terms
C4 hint: The fifth letter is K.
2 hours later…
Sorry. Apparently I can't count. I've now edited the C4 to have the correct enumeration.
1 hour later…
Time to use Qat
So there are 510 solutions according to the default dictionary
my current theory is it's BREAKFAST somehow ("time to eat a meal", "to eat a meal", or even "meal")
"sliding, make it to first base" could be "[verb] fast" if I knew any baseball words
@Ankoganit fifth letter has to be K so Qat says breakfast is the only possibility
Yeah, breakfast now nicely comes into play now that the enumeration was corrected
Oh goodness I think I have it
Though it feels kind of wrong
Or ...let me type this on a computer and not my phone where I can write my thoughts out
@RyanM and yet so right
I also have an idea but let's hear yours first
So (FIRST BASE - IS) + (KISS (make it, or make it to first base?) - IS) all anagrams (sliding?) to BREAKFAST
it doesn't feel ...quite right
I think you've got the general idea actually
but also that seems like quite a coincidence if that's not it
It's an anagram of "make it to first base" minus "is time to"
where I also assumed sliding was an anagram indicator
oh lol.
so yes, that was indeed a coincidence ^^;
but I was close
that's much cleaner and leaves out the indirect acronym and double subtraction :-p
( @msh210 )
(to complete the explanation, breakfast can also be a verb, simply meaning to eat breakfast)
ahh nicely solved
thanks, I almost forgot this cluing gimmick
which gimmick specifically?
anagram minus a whole phrase
yep @oAlt well found
@msh210 If you're interested in my strategy for preventing this, I have a spreadsheet that extracts the number(s) written in the clue, and also computes what it thinks it should be, and then I can compare them to make sure it's correct
Extraction: =INDEX(REGEXEXTRACT(B2, ".*(\(\d+(?:, \d+)*\))"), 1)
Computation: =CONCATENATE("(", JOIN(", ", ArrayFormula(LEN(SPLIT(A2, " ")))), ")")
with the answers in column A and the clues in column B
Disclaimer: only tested in Google Sheets (disclosure: made by my employer). May or may not work in Excel; some quick searching suggests it may require a preview version.
@oAlt ah, yeah, I think it's my first time seeing that
"my employer made this platform" is a little better than "my friend sent me this puzzle"
"my friend sent me this puzzle" -> yawn, here we go again
"my enemy sent me this puzzle" -> instant intrigue, potential for mortal danger
@msh210 thx
CCCC: Having doubled frequency going back, give electricity to other outsiders at the second area, an oblast (12)
zaporizhzhia has Hz Hz backwards, gotta be that one
so it's ZAP plus O_R, then the ZHZH inside II for second, plus A (area)
@RyanM thanks. I've used something similar in one or more of my sequences above (you can see the linked spreadsheet). But when I'm not making a sequence, I don't bother with a spreadsheet. I mean, how hard is it to count, right? :-)
oh I'm awful at it, I don't trust myself
honestly the original motivation was to not, uh, accidentally copy the answer
@Jafe That was fast, correct
but then I realized I could avoid other mistakes, too!
soon the script will write the clues themselves too
Unfortunately, LLMs are even worse at counting than I am
Relevant ChatGPT excerpt: But we need a 4-letter word. "RAT" seems to fit ...
CCCC: Russian oblast to give nurses spoilt grain (9)
hope you left your tabs open
@Jafe Leningrad - Lend with GRAIN* in it
CCCC: Old infrastructure in San Francisco, CA? Endless. Blech! A source of regret. (5, 3)
CA + BLEC(-h) + A + R_
(I was fairly pleased with how the surface worked out on that one)
i was gonna say shouldn't it be a source of desire but i was thinking about a new orleans streetcar
Ha :)
CCCC: A first for Bay Area: Mangled body found covered in rubbish (3,4)
1 hour later…
But Annette Brennan isn't 3,4.
Q: Understanding a crossword answer

SeriousBriI just moved from normal to hard in an online crossword game today, and one clue was simply 'entertainment'. The answer turned out to be 'review' and I have no idea how that links using the standard crossword logic which was effectively synonyms. What am I missing?

Q: An endless succession of harmless checks

Tim SeifertSimilarly to my previous chess instalment, this puzzle continues to explore the underlying geometry to be found in a sequence of consecutive checks. This time however, we will ditch the limiting confines and complications of ordinary chess and replace the game with the natural infinitary variant ...

1 hour later…
@Jafe A first for Bay could be Michael Bay's first film that he directed, which is Bad Boys, which can be represented as A body* covered in BS
CCCC: A last for Bay Area: A dropped one found uncovered in capital (5)
Q: Four out puzzle: Get rid of a six digit number in 4 moves

user78124429124I saw this puzzle in an old book with math games. The objective of the puzzle is to get rid of a six digit number in four moves so that the calculator will read 0. You start with a six-digit number with all digits being different. You can use two-digit numbers and any of the +-*/ operations. For ...

@oAlt _Y + ARE(-a) + (-o)N(-e) = YAREN (capital of Nauru)
@TakingNotes yup
CCCC: Martial artist forwent first for silver - they'll toss and turn over it (3, 3)
edited clue to fix problem with it but it should be all good now
funny the first thing i think of is sho dan, but clearly isnt right
re: last month's discussion on planetary adjectives, martial of course comes from the name mars
so we have mercurial, venereal, terrestrial, martian, jovial and saturnine as existing terms, at least
btw with ten puzzles left in the gladys series, i made a listing of the most frequent solvers so far (in terms of number of accepted answers)
the top five is oAlt 5, fljx and Deusovi both 7, Stiv 8, juicifer 11
@Jafe Interestingly, Uranian not only means of or pertaining to the planet Uranus, but also of or pertaining to astronomy (as well as more prurient meanings) en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Uranian#English
ooh, TIL
"uranic" as well, apparently
1 hour later…
@Jafe huh, did not expect that
I guess the pressure's on now
@Jafe I didn't even expect to make it lol
@TakingNotes Jet L(i->Ag), where people probably try to sleep but can't because of it
oh nice
@oAlt that's it!
nice clue
CCCC: United Kingdom featured in large happening at every city in California (4 5)
L + on + GB + each
@Jafe correct!
CCCC: Like a PI named Benoit in California city (10)
@Jafe c(as a blanc)a :)
that's right
CCCC: Murderer raised in California city (4)
@juicifer cain hidden word reversed
_c ain_<
@oAlt gets it in a photo finish
CCCC: Bits of Californian accent in murderer (4)
@oAlt it's just C_ a_ in again
@juicifer yep
TIL there's like one murderer
CCCC: You're first to enter sleep near unknown California community (5)
Is Xnayp a California community?
If I ever get to do CCCC it’s going to be a crazy one
@juicifer this is Y entering ZZZ near X for ZZYZX, a Californian town
only knew about that because of an old xkcd
xnayp is more plausible as an answer imo
I guess we wait
Q: Together we stand... I mean...,

Prim3numbahWhat's hidden below? Explain your reasoning.

Or maybe Asuza, a city in California, I guess you could call it a community
@juicifer near … California, Enter sleep (zzz -> suz)
@Ankoganit that's right
I've known about zzyzx for a while but it was back on my radar because of a recent episode of smartypants
heh nice
I should catch up on that show
it's very good
(which, you know, it's a dropout show, so of course it is)
of course
CCCC: California city to conserve fossil fuel, leaving behind a Nevada city (3,5)
@Ankoganit LA S(-a)VE GAS
😮‍💨 ninjad
@juicifer indeed
CCCC: California city follows odd piper's insight (12)
perhaps that's why they're conserving fossil fuel
@juicifer (PERSPI)*+CA+CITY=insight
@Ankoganit bingo
I was looking up cities in California and found Farmersville
CCCC: Had an interest in California wine (5)
Had an interest -> sided (-with)
sided -> cider
@Ankoganit ca red
@juicifer yep!
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer it might help to familiarize yourself with how cryptic clues work first, from your attempts I'm not convinced you have a solid grasp of the basics yet
No offense meant, ofc, cryptics are hard and take time to get used to
@Ankoganit What?
Well... TIL
Dang you just speedran the five stages of grief
CCCC: California company making textile (6)
@juicifer CALI+CO
@Ankoganit yes
CCCC: Need to have California wine made from grapes (6)
@Ankoganit MUS(CA)T
@DanielS correct
CCCC: Axes extremely zany statement, after which nothing happens. (5)
@DanielS xyzzy = xyz (the three axes) + z_y
ok who came first lol
looks like you
@oAlt Correct.
ah i see
(To a certain generation "xyzzy" always draws the response "Nothing happens")
CCCC: Lay off new, good leaders twice from plant from which essential oils are produced (5-5)
= LAY* + NG * 2
= LAY* + NG * 2
@DanielS That's right
CCCC: Spirit versus wine. (7)
@DanielS chi anti
@juicifer That’s the one!
nice clue
CCCC: Wine versus ... uhhh ... an orifice (8)
an orifice is a hole
and versus could mean anti or another thing
why are 2 ccccs pinned?
@juicifer V + ER + MOUTH
@juicifer Right back at you
@DanielS yessir
@DanielS and thanks
time for another clue
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer nobody unpinned that one when it was solved ig
CCCC: A car filled with a California wine? Incredible! (7)
It’s all going to spill out when you open the car window though
I mean you could try and fit a spout inside?
But then someone could just steal the wine
Also I think that's probably an open-container-law violation
Clearly this is AMAG filled with zin /s
@RyanM Close enough (I intended A ZIN in A MG)
oh, that actually was ... close ^^; I got the California wine and the rough structure :-p
CCCC: Toss Frisbee almost half forward (7)
@RyanM DISC + (-forw)ARD
CCCC: Tosses Frisbee around lawn, and ultimately connects with new pals (9)
Also just to confirm: hopefully y'all don't mind (and hopefully appreciate) my pitching in on managing the CCCC pins when I'm around to do it
@RyanM we'll take all the help we can get :)
happy to pitch in :)
(it's just a pin to put it up and cancel stars to take it down, right? It looks different to me when I do it vs. when other people do it, but that might just be because it inherently stars it?)
yeah when you pin it it also fills it in yellow like you starred it
Anyone working on 'You had one job, tile man!'?
@juicifer BEFRIENDS = N_ + D_ inside FRISBEE*
2 hours later…
@DanielS yep!
@Lezzup Yes, and an idea just struck me and I'm going to run with it...
Well, I had an idea anyway and if it's going to go anywhere I need my brain to be more switched on, so perhaps 00:24 isn't the best time to begin after all! I'll keep thinking in daylight. Have definitely spotted a couple of things anyway.

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