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What exactly is a cryptic crossword clue, and how do I write one?
@Stiv Ah okay, I see it. I guess for me it's just partly how I deconstruct clues in my head, so my brain was saying why not just "end of basically" rather than "at the end of basically"
Not just weird, I don't think at can function (well) as a splitter/connector. AT doesn't really show a relationship between the [DEF] and the [WORDPLAY]
I'm sure we're over-reading this way too much and mostly exists for surface xD
"The reader the end of basically nothing" doesn't make any sense after all
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Eastern cannot be used to mean Russian, for a lot of different reasons (least of which Russia encompassing both Asia and Europe). If you wanted to specify that something is in that language you'd need to specify something like "X in Russian or Russian X". Not a fan of say "French the" or The French" as LE but it works
I really must suggest that you read a guide to cryptic clues and get to the point that you can solve cryptic crosswords without needing to reveal letters. I recommend, as they're fairly manageable and follow the rules pretty strictly.
they also have some very good beginner ones that explain what type of clue they are
(and the New Yorker cryptics are what I learned on, with a bit of help from various guides and a friend of mine who knew how to do cryptics already)
"Monkey eats yellow" as BANANA also doesn't really work. You could do something like "what a monkey eats" or "a berry" or something, so a russian berry "bananan" is barely passable, though leans into unfair cluing. Some might disagree on that though
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I'm prepared to buy "Eastern" as "Russian" (e.g., Russia is often described as an opponent of the West) as a stretch, but I'm not a fan. "Eastern assent" could be "da", for example, though it'd be much better to clue it with something Russia-specific, like "Siberian assent".
i don't think i'd be willing to buy "eastern" as russian" since there are so many countries in the 'east', not to mention multiple that have been described as 'opponents of the West'
having tried some British cryptics, "Eurocentric" is not exactly out of the ordinary :-p (and as an American, many of the references/slang are utterly lost on me)
(but I'll agree that regional centricity is best avoided; as I said, I wouldn't be a fan)
@RyanM heh yeah. Especially because by strict geographical standards, East-Asian countries are much closer if you travel westward then Eastward from 'Murica
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I've always heard "east" vs. "west" be Eastern vs. Western hemispheres. So Americans would include Europe (at least Western Europe) in "the west", despite it being to the east.
Beginner puzzle
This puzzle is intended to be suitable for people who are new to puzzle solving.
Clarification: Both experienced solvers and new solvers are welcome to post solutions to this puzzle.
Rearrange these numbers and symbols to make a true equation:
2 3 4 5 + =
Attribution: Mathigon ...
@RyanM also gonna toss a ping to @msh210 in case they come back to all this chatter and can't find the guesses, but feel free to give it to one of the people above that I stole all the pieces from :-p