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3 hours later…
Q: What is the CMLL Algorithm that fits this particular case?

ArunI am writing a Rubik's cube solver using Python and I successfully implemented the CFOP method in my solver. Now, I am trying to add the Roux method algorithms into my code. When I tried to add the CMLL algorithms and run the solver, I came across this interesting case. I couldn't find the right ...

1 hour later…
Damn PSE is dead atm
Yeah this place tends to be inactive over the weekends
3 hours later…
It's suddenly getting quite crowded here -- for a Sunday.
So the C4 looks as if it were a homophone of (a certain Mark + D). Comedy or parody kinda fits "seriously funny", but I can't find any Marks with a fitting surname.
Unless the "certain mark" is para, short for paragraph mark? Hm, not super likely.
It funny the puzzles subreddit is popping harder than here these days maybe we should all hop on there instead
@ M Oehm it was intended to be ‘comma d’ the Mark was just supposed to be a clue for a punctuation mark I apologize if this is yet another rule I have broken I don’t really know the ins and outs of cryptic clues too well.
if something is seriously funny it's weird (as in not funny ha ha but the other thing), which is the name of a notable Mark (Weir, a mixed martial artist) plus D... but that leaves the broadcast unused and is the wrong number of letters
Better clue would have been ‘it’s seriously funny’
tl;dr i got nothin'
@PDT Oh, you didn't have to spell out the answer. I just wanted to stir up a bit of discussion about the C4. Otherwise I'd have mde it "official", i.e with a ping to you and in all caps.
I don't see anything wrong with your clue. I was just a bit thick and didn't see that the mark is a comma. (In hindsight, my suggestion "para" looks a bit silly.)
I assumed that my clue was flawed judging from your statement so i decided to spill the beans to avoid any frustrations plus you already had the answer more or less
Fo what it's worth, I like the misdirection of "a certain Mark". I looked for surnames.
I thought that was against the rules
I felt super silly
Also does the clue have to be a direct synonym or could it just be a description of the answer, like ‘blue in color’ = sky
It should be a direct synonym or at least something that can replace the answer. "Blue in colour" is an attribute, "sky" is a noun, so that doesn't work. "Something blue in colour" might work, perhaps even "it's blue in colour".
But the definition doesn't have to of the same word type (or even pronunciation) in the surface reading.
@PDT For the record: homophone of both COMMA + D = COMEDY
(There are also rules about capitalization. I think it's okay to clue mark with Mark, but not the other way round. But perhaps I got that the wrong way round.)
@PDT makes it tough to withdraw cash
@MOehm I agree with this
I abandoned the idea of Mark being a common noun too quickly
@PDT I also agree that it's a good clue, just that "being seriously funny" should have been "being something seriously funny" or "it's seriously funny" (as you correctly stated). No worries.
CCCC: Who can say what happens when ATM's down out of office hours? Short engine misfires around Swiss hero (6, 2, 7)
@MOehm there's no telling = who can say what happens = when ATM's down out of office hours = shortengine* around Tell
@msh210 Who can say whether that's correct or not? :)
(It is, though.)
CCCC: Saw things that weren't there (maybe things like a mask and gloves) when surrounded by excrement from the backside (7)
@Jafe sure did
Have just discovered this awesome sudoku by Prasanna Seshadri on GMP (have been working my way through the site's novel sudokus of late) - thoroughly recommended, really satisfying :)
CCCC: Witness to backalley murder to provoke boyfriend verbally (5,5)
sneak-edited because it's better like this
Q: I am international anyway

Dannyu NDos When I was zero, I was Central African. When I was one, I was Japanese. When I was two, I was Laotian. When I was three, I was Dominican. When I was four, I was Danish. When I was five, I was Barbadian. When I was six, I was Estonian. When I was seven, I was Beninese. When I was eight, I was Geo...

witness to backalley murder sounds like James Stewart
More like Greta Gar-"beau". (But I have no idea how that could work.)
to grate a gar means to provoke, doesn't it?
(quickly adds the entry to Wiktionary)
Then edit the Wikipedia page to have her witnessed a backalley murder.
(She might have in one of her films, of course.)
@MOehm I didn't find any, but I didn't look too hard
There's also this guy called Human Elbow, but frankly, as a witness, he sucks.
Maybe Someone Wayne = "something swain", but I can't find any such, either.
As child, Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents' death in a street mugging, so that's a hot lead!
ah, I didn't know that
to brew means to incite, I guess; I think you've got it
I thought you should take it. I'd never have thought of swain.
& I'd never have thought of Bruce
so we're even
lizard, because I don't remember whether it beats or is beaten by scissors. Now I'll go look it up…
ah, scissors decapitate lizard
This can go on all day. And I was just about to provoke a cup of coffee, so:
@Jafe BRUCE WAYNE, sounds like brew swain.
CCCC: Seating arrangement material swallowed regularly (7)
Mar 12, 2021 at 2:36, by Jafe
this exchange gives me an idea for a social competition: the nice-off
@MOehm Anyway, this is ingesta* I think
ahh i was just thinking if it was an anagram and was considering "eatings"!
Food/nourishment taken through the digestive tract
Yeah I considered that also haha
trying the sudoku stiv posted above...
@oAlt Yes, that's it.
@Jafe Yeah. I wanted to take a cheap shot at the "seating arrangement" puzzles, but in the end it wasn't as biting or funny as I wanted it to be. AEGINST makes for a lot of anagrams, but many of them end in -ings, so I discounted them. (But didn't realize that eatings might fit as well.)
Anyway, over to you, oAlt.
@Jafe I'm no sudoku pro - I think this one took me about 30 mins to solve but it has some really enjoyable deductions along the way.
This next one's dedicated to a field I hate
CCCC: Group theory's gruesome, ultimately... it destroys me (3)
field of study, or field like the rationals?
maybe a field like that of the nationals
oh that rhymes
i'll get muh coat
@oAlt maybe _p _s _e = Puzzling Stack Exchange, it destroys you?
@msh210 assuming that's a serious answer, no that was not what I intended
it was indeed
I'd like to say PSE challenges rather than destroys me
fair enough
That's SET = (_t _s _e)*
@oAlt ^
@MOehm That probably has a "theory" unaccounted for
But of course, you're very close
Yeah, I just noticed. Personally, I don't care much about theory ...
@Stiv 86 min here, heh
@Jafe Ah, well maybe that's just my current exposure to doing these semi-regularly winning through :) It's rare I end up beating any of their timing standards at all...
really liked the colouring bit there
also i wanna know how they got penpa to highlight errors o_O
aha, there's a "constraints" option, i bet it's that... TIL
Still so much about penpa I need to learn...
The wordplay is wrong, but...
I think it might be (-theory)S (-gruesom)E + (-i)T where 'it destroys me' suggests removing 'i' from 'it'
@Stiv yep there we go
Who knew there were so many ways to try and parse one clue, eh?!
Got to be honest, 'PSE' was my first thought too, and I just thought you had some self-esteem issues going on!
CCCC: Republic overthrown - inhabitant's left with nothing, in distress, with head of government ousted (9)
2 hours later…
@Stiv Lithuania = I_ + NAU(-G)HT in AIL overthrown
@msh210 Yes it is :)
CCCC: Very small commune in mainland Europe (4)
@Stiv I assumed "destroy" was some whippersnappers' slang for "excite" or something
2 hours later…
Is the C4 Andé = (_AND E_)?
Disregarding diacritics, tho
...which would be a &lit clue as well.
Q: Missing items in my list of abbreviations

pmacfarlaneI was going sailing the other day, and made a list of important things I might need to know. But I was in a hurry, so I abbreviated them, and missed some out altogether. What are the missing items? (And why?) You can give the full name of the missing items, you don't need to make an abbreviation....

2 hours later…
@DannyuNDos i think you're right but not as an &lit, the definition is just "very small commune" and the rest is wordplay as you said

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