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Well, something went wrong :)
with what?
Q: Fortnightly Topic Challenge #48: Unusual tag mix

FTC_BotThis is the seventh installment of the Fortnightly Topic Challenges Rerun described here and the forty-eigth installment of the FTCs overall, with topics suggested and voted on here. This fortnight's topic is "Unusual tag mix" (suggested by melfnt) and will span from the 24th of January to the 6t...

If I had to guess it's probably the table
I see
(in html format within a blockquote)
will try to fix manually
yep, it was the table. Blockquotes also don't like html tables. Only works in the preview, which is frankly stupid.
Q: Fortnightly Topic Challenge #48: Unusual tag mix

FTC_BotThis is the seventh installment of the Fortnightly Topic Challenges Rerun described here and the forty-eigth installment of the FTCs overall, with topics suggested and voted on here. This fortnight's topic is "Unusual tag mix" (suggested by melfnt) and will span from the 24th of January to the 6t...

@bobble You will miss the final moment for submission!
It's over anyhow, ended at midnight UTC
2 hours later…
Q: Doubly Pure Checkmate

Roman OdaiskyA pure checkmate is a checkmate where for each square the king might go to, there’s exactly one reason it can’t. The famous Légal mate is one example, so is a KR vs K checkmate. What’s the minimum number of pieces in a position, reachable from the starting position by a sequence of legal moves, t...

@BeastlyGerbil oh gosh, it didn't register to me immediately that my sudoku was already a bit similar (in one mechanic and in the title) to one of yours. Sorry if it came off as copying; my intention was that I wanted to emulate the difficulty of the sudokus from Cracking the Cryptic (though I failed), which is my favorite YouTue channel at the moment.
(I've also had that idea ever since the sudoku FTC started, though other things (including my laziness) kept getting in the way.)
@oAlt Great channel :)
(and ohno, I didn't even realize I spelled YouTube wrong)
(oh yeah o.o;)
6 hours later…
Q: TFS (strings of letters)

Prim3numbahComplete the image below with the correct strings of letters in the correct squares (four squares will be left empty).

"Score" means to engrave a line in. I wonder whether the C4 is using it to mean "strike through", i.e. remove. (But that'd make more sense with the "but" version of the clue than with the corrected version, so probably not.)
@oAlt no problem whatsoever! I don’t think it’s similar at all, in fact I’m not entirely sure which one of mine you’re referring to :P (though I’m assuming it’s ‘odd’)
1 hour later…
I just randomly thought of a movie title: Deus, Sniper of Puzzleland. Lol
I have a great idea for a pub quiz camouflage puzzle
I mean I don't want to spoil it
but basically it's a quiz that leads to a connect wall
That and cryptic clues seem to be the only way to make that topic work
But the current one is the unusual tag mix one
I don't have the creativity for that really
I only know how to do riddles
Although I did write one cryptic clue once
Seriously, read Deusovi's guide on that
It'll help you understand the rules
I'm thinking of a cryptic crossword, but the clues are rebuses
Cryptic rebuses are possible
but you have to understand the rules of cryptic clues
Q: Cryptic Clue Guide

Deusovi This post is not a puzzle. There is nothing puzzly hidden inside it or the self-answer, posted at the same time. What exactly is a cryptic crossword clue, and how do I write one?

Q: Cryptic Rebuses

GrimGromA cryptic rebus, so says I, is a rebus that has the form of a cryptic clue. That is to say, there are two parts to a cryptic rebus: a definition of the answer a subsidiary indicator of the answer. A definition can take the form of a picture which straightforwardly represents the answer, or it...

Also, Anon, most of us are asleep when you want to play Codenames or Contact
I hate timezones
Fair enough
I love those games, but I'm not staying up until 1:04 AM to play them
Not even on New Year's Eve when I try to be up until midnight anyway
Also since you're here, penguins live in the Antarctic, not the Arctic
So a request to change your chatroom name to that
I pointed that out yesterday
Thank you
THat's been bothering me
Yeah, I was too lazy to type out Antarctic when I first made it
Also, cryptic clues and word property is an unused combination
which gives me an idea but I am also bad at cryptic clues
and rebuses actually
I made a rebus for a platypus once lol
What a coincidence
Was it a duck, beaver, otter, snake?
What was it
You know why I love platypuses?
Because they are so incredibly weird, but still somehow really cute
No, I'm American
I just like platypuses
The wildlife is actually both the reason I want to go to Australia at some point and the reason I don't at the same time
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus A plate without the e, why sound, and + without the l
That works
If you like rebuses, maybe you could post a rebus puzzle at some point
My problem with Australian wildlife is even the cute stuff can kill or severely hurt you
Case in point: male platypuses are venomous, and while their venom is non-lethal, it's been compared to a shrapnel wound
and has long-lasting side-effects
I like animals, but nature is scary sometimes
You must have a lot of Australian knowledge
more animal knowledge
Not just Aussie animals?
Nope; ever heard of the Youtube channel Brave Wilderness?
I watch a lot of that
I'm also a lot better at retaining useless information than useful information
@ThePuzzlingPlatypus No
It's a good channel
They had an Animal Planet show, but then pandemic happened
In The Grove, Sciborg was given a trivia test, why don't we do that in The Antarctic?
@Graylocke Most probably not it, but CUTOFF kind of works. Cutoff as in deadline, "cutoff date" can be "abbreviated" to cutoff according to MW, "score" is "akin to Old English scieran to CUT" according to MW, and OFF is a synonym of subpar, i.e. below standard according to MW
@BeastlyGerbil (yeah, it's the odd number one)
apparently "to score" is also a synonym of "to cut" in the world of gastronomy
@LukasRotter seems plausible
@oAlt oh no problem at all then! The only similarity is that they both use odd numbers in some way as a restriction. Your puzzle took it further and was also much better :P
Ah, that is true. (Thanks too...)
@LukasRotter Quite unfair, just like Gray said
Jan 20 at 23:58, by Graylocke
haha - it isn't quite that unfair :)
Yeah, but is possible
Wow, that was a lot of tag badges all awarded together.
@Randal'Thor Deus!
Ze question god
@Anonymus25-ReinstateMonica ?
He didn't get a tag badge recently.
1 hour later…
Q: A Cryptic Property

samm82An entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #48: Unusual tag mix After solving the following cryptic clues, find the following properties: A major property that all ten words share. A minor property shared by the words in one set, but not the other. Group 1 Round, crooked grin (4) Half-baked trif...

Q: Re-earned all my tag badges at once

SdjzToday I had virtually no activity on the site (other than visiting) and to my surprise I somehow just earned all of my tag badges simultaneously. As far as I am aware I already had all these badges before, earned at the appropriate time but they are now showing up as earned today. You can see the...

Saw this on RPG.SE meta yesterday
hmm, no repro on the tag badges I've earned
@bobble Huh, now it makes more sense. I thought it was just a coincidence that a few people hit tag badge thresholds at the same time.
Now I see ffao hasn't even been posting recently to get new badges. Last seen in November :-(
and yet Shiro still runs
I was just going to say, wasn't ffao running a bot for one of the chat game rooms?
the Codenames bot, Shiro, still runs but is slightly buggy
7 hours later…
@Randal'Thor He got popular question, see?
@Anonymus25-ReinstateMonica So?
It's one of the easiest question badges to get, with over 6000 awarded.
Doesn't make him a "question god".
Oh, sorry, I thought it was a silver badge oof
If anyone's a question god, it's probably Jafe.
Your riddle is an evil trap @Rand, everything but one line matches with the answer you'd think is correct at first sight xD

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