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Oh, I see. I will be sure to differentiate between whether or not I am contributing an "answer" or a comment. My intent was simply to make a comment. =) Thank you for the advice. — Justin Keer 17 mins ago
look, a new user who responded to criticism nicely!
(also their answer probably will need to be deleted or converted to a comment, most likely the former)
Positive comment conversations are always nice :)
There was a small post a while back on Writing where somebody had asked how to portray a nonbinary character, and I wrote an answer about my experiences being a gentleperson and explaining some things to keep in mind, pronouns, etc. They wrote me this adorable comment thanking me for the answer and it still warms my heart to go back to, even if the post wasn't popular/upvoted and probably nobody but OP saw it.
@Sciborg have you got a link to the Q?
A: How to do a non-binary character?

SciborgThis question is a fairly broad one, and I'm not sure what specific advice you might find useful, so I will just give my perspective of some things to keep in mind, speaking as a person who uses they/them pronouns. What is a nonbinary person? A nonbinary person is a person who does not identify a...

i just thought their reply comment was really cute and nice, makes me smile.
(top-voted answer ended up being a bit toxic, unfortunately - they got into an argument later and mods had to delete their ranting.)
lovely :) it's reassuring to see wholesome content on the internet once in a while
(made me remember this for some reason - 'borg, I think you'd enjoy the article)
my favorite wholesome comments are the ones on Puzzling when somebody gets sniped, but they just take it in good stride and go like "aw dang you got there first, well done :)" and it's such a nice alternative to the potential competitive toxicity this site could have had.
@bobble i've never seen that but i love it
that blog also has some very good comics series, I like their "Once Upon a Trope" (first one)
once you learn to navigate the intricacies of this site, the PSE community are a wonderful bunch of people <3
It just makes me happy that PSE is such a friendly place, the rules are tough to learn but usually people are really nice and help out new users :) and when people solve puzzles it's always a community effort.
I sorta accidentally fell into chat one day, and got swept up in a conversation about drawing Sir Featherwait
everyone was so nice :D
And then there was me, accidentally stumbling in and solving a C4 :p
and i thought "aww, these people are so nice - i'm gonna stay" and here we are
I had never been able to solve cryptic crosswords before, and so I jumped in, asking if anyone could give me pointers and expecting to be shoo'ed away, but Omega Krypton chatted with me for a good few hours, until it finally clicked for me, since then, I've tried to be part of the community when I can
Bobble and Deus were my cryptic crossword teachers, if i remember correctly
i met Omega later in Codenames :D
PSE convention when the world gets back to a relative normal? :P
Honestly it would be hilarious to meet everybody in real life, but i think a lot of us are really shy :p
I think it would be really fascinating, admittedly I'm not a very social person myself, but I'm trying to come more out of my shell and grow
It's a struggle for sure - I'm a lot more social than i used to be, but only because i pushed myself into it and forced myself to do it until it became more natural to me. You kind of have to keep throwing yourself off the deep end until you slowly get better at it :p
I mostly just jumped into stuff headfirst when I was feeling particularly crazy brave and then was too embarrassed to back out
That's how all my social stuff started
Hey, that's valid too :D
haha let's be crazy...
I hate sharing photos of myself, but there we go, in case anyone is weirdly curious as to what ol' Dmihawk looks like in person
gasp you're white
Aww, you're a cute couple!
you weren't expecting me to be?
I mean I wasn't expecting you to be anything
for all I knew you were a Deus sockpuppet
squinty eyes are you a Deus sockpuppet?
what if we're all Deus sockpuppets
wouldn't be surprised tbh
This chatroom could just be all of Deus's multiple personalities talking to each other.
Wake up, sheeple
maybe he's a multi-threaded AI, and we're just background threads?
sorry, they're*
oh my god, what if we run in Perl?
learning to use gender-neutral pronouns
or Ruby O_O
no worries! Deus uses both he/him and they/them :)
Deus is he/they
I am... complicated, but it's safe to default to she/her
And you can call me whatever :D
I need to learn not to assume
I also need to write less JavaScript, it makes my head hurt
i think we all need to write less JavaScript, in the grand scheme of things
My friend has been trying to coax me into learning TypeScript as an alternative
@Dmihawk We still don't know. There are two people in that photo.
I haven't done much of it, beyond code reviewing an online game for a casual acquaintance, but it does seem less painful
@msh210 fair call, I'm on the right :)
@Dmihawk You look… not exactly like your avatar.
(to be fair, i think none of us look like our avatars :p)
well, my avatar is an anime character, so I'd hope not!
oh, did you see my drawing of myself?
was that Sir Featherwait?
@Sciborg wait, you don't?
I'm disappointed
ah, I see your MS paint skills are comparable to mine haha :P
@msh210 i resemble my avatar slightly i think? mostly in that i have brown hair and brown eyes. just stick some glasses on there and take off the beard :p
(slight detour into Official Site Business)
thoughts on comments like this one?
I like this answer. — Pete 33 mins ago
Is that flaggable? (Not from the OP, by the way)
Could use a bit more, but I don't think it's necessarily harmful or flaggable - "this is a great answer, here's why" is usually the preferred format.
isn't that just a comment form of the upvote button?
yeah, that's why I was thinking it might be flaggable
Sometimes people leave "+1" comments and then explain why they upvoted it, i think those kinds of things are fine
but this might verge on flaggable
definitely NLN
"+1, especially because of X, and good job on Y" is fine. "+1, I like this!" is... not as fine
even for a site that's lax on comments like Puzzling
Fair point, flag it then
No Longer Needed
no longer needed
it's one of the reasons to flag a comment
since "chatty" isn't an option anymore
"chatty" is admittedly a really hilarious option for flagging a comment
the other ones are "unfriendly or unkind" and "harassment, bigotry, or abuse"
it's the flagging equivalent of "hey, quiet down"
IT WAS THE MOST ACCURATE *grumble grumble*
and of course there's an "other" flag
haha if I was one of the web devs I'd change it to "chatty batty" (one of my many nicknames for our cat)
(I disliked the merger of "obsolete" and "chatty" in case it wasn't clear)
"needs to clam up that piehole"
reminds me of when i used to work on our college's supercomputing rig, and there was a lab assistant i really hated who just talked my ear off nonstop. so i made my admin password [name]talkstoodamnmuch
<leaving for dinner>
Hey, @merrybot is here :D
How was your day matt?
pretty decent
Pretty good, i got some painter's tape so i could finally hang up my Christmas lights without hurting the paint :)
My apartment looks so festive now
speaking of lights and apartments, my dad put up lights around the kitchen of his apartment a few weeks ago
he just taped them to the overhang of the counter lol
@Sciborg typescript? i've heard of it but don't actually know what it is
It's basically JavaScript, but with strong typing added and error checking. Helps with the headaches
Q: Knights versus bishops

Dmitry KamenetskyConsider the following version of chess. The first player has a king and all bishops, while the second player has a king and all knights. The new pieces replace the normal pieces at the same location. Who has the advantage in this case? Which player will win if both play optimally?

In regular JavaScript, type errors happen silently, which can be really annoying - TypeScript fixes that
ah yes, "shove everything into the web console".
the closest thing i have to a web console anyway is repl.it
my chromebook: "you can't access the web console because we don't want high schoolers hacking our chromebooks"
me: "shut up"
poofy + santa hat pic?
Q: Nurikolor (Level 9)

Player1456Previous Level: Nurikolor (Level 8) It's been almost two months since I've last done this. Don't worry, I'm not dead, I was just working on this. RULES: There are colored numbers on the grid, which indicate the number of tiles the group of its color holds. There are tiles with 1 color, which in...

1 hour later…
What are some sudoku variants that require math? So far I've played odd-even, sum/killer, greater than, thermometer, and some more variants whose names I can't remember.
bunch of high-quality variety sudokus there
This puzzle has an OP rollback to me moving some non-puzzle notes out of spoiler blocks. The notes are 1) that the different font colors aren't part of the puzzle (important information that SHOULD NOT be behind a spoiler) and 2) a Merry Christmas, which isn't relevant and should probably be edited out.
I know that Edit Wars Are Bad, but this is stuff that should not be behind a spoiler, or shouldn't be there at all
@Deusovi? thoughts?
what to do?
i edited back and left a comment
ah, maybe a mod edit will stick better
Anon25 is back
that is a true statement
I'm very confused what their latest puzzle is?
it's a nonogram that solves to a QR code that leads to more puzzles
I am (perhaps unfairly) doubting that all of the disconnected ending puzzles will be interesting.
i'm not sure how interesting the later ones are -- i don't want to judge prematurely. but i really don't want to do a 25x25 nonogram
Should I edit to add the Nonogram rules in? We want puzzles to be self-contained, but it seems this one has already become very non-self-contained
eh i think not having the rules of nonograms is fine
for the same reason that not having the rules of crosswords, etc, is fine
I'm going to start transcribing the picture below... dear goodness, why does it have to be so big?
if you want to go through the effort of transcribing it anyway
i recommend transcribing it into a.teall.info/nonogram
but that has a solver
I'll transcribe it into a puzz.link
do you actually want to do the nonogram
no, but inputting it into a solver is cheating
nonograms don't really have much interesting logic in them - i don't think there's anything to be gained by doing them yourself, or writing up logic of nonograms in answers
Q: A Triad of Pies

pepsterMake the 41 integers between -20 and 20 (-20,-19,...,0,1,...20) using only the four basic arithmetical operations, square root, the floor function, and, Surprise Surprise, exactly 3 π’s. No more and no less. No other digits or symbols are allowed. You can use as many square roots and floor functi...

Q: A Christmas special

Anonymus 25Surprise! I am now of age, so I would like to publish this puzzle to celebrate. Such an amazing Christmas surprise, right? P.S: I will publish the link once solved. This is a nonogram. Since everyone would know the rules already, I don't need to say it! Enjoy! (After this puzzle, there will be a ...

Q: Bisecting a partial parallelogram into two equal area shapes

MotiGiven the parallelogram with two parallelograms missing at the corners (see the picture below), use an unmarked ruler to draw at most 5 lines/segments and create two equal area shapes.

before I go to sleep - is is a synonym of , or a sub-tag?
well actually I'll go to sleep, but I'll leave the question there
rush hour is specifically a sliding block puzzle where:
- the goal is to get a single piece out of the grid
- each piece can only move along one axis
^ though I think I saw a Jungle-themed(?) variant which introduces 2x2 pieces that can move in all four directions
I still agree that it's a sub tag
Q: Enough reputation, but can't chat?

Anonymus 25I just posted a question on PSE, and it got 2 upvotes. So, I get 20 + 1 existing rep. So, naturally, I have enough to talk in chat. But, when I opened The Sphinx's Lair, it says I don't have enough! Is this a glitch, or do I have to do something first?

3 hours later…
A warning to anyone interacting with this puzzle - this was the 2015 GCHQ Christmas Card puzzle (if you're not UK-based or in the know, this is an annual challenge set by our spymasters!). It is NOT the OP's own!
I posted a second comment on the post after noticing the OP did at least make a vague attempt at saying it was from elsewhere, although this was really not stated clearly enough in my opinion...
"(I now notice you did at least say "I will publish the link once solved" - but that did not immediately jump out to me. That's something at least, but this is such a famous annual puzzle event in the UK I'm not convinced it's fair to go posting it on PSE without some indication of its source. Besides it is very simple to reverse image-search this puzzle and get a hit immediately - that's how famous this puzzled event is!)"
Also, the reason for all the tags is SPOILER rot13(gur fbyhgvba gb gur ababtenz vf n DE pbqr juvpu yrnqf lbh gb CNTRF bs shegure hapbaarpgrq chmmyrf frg ol TPUD juvpu rnpu fngvfsl bar be zber bs gurfr gntf. Gurer ner YBNQF bs gurz.) I seriously doubt it will be a satisfying experience for a puzzler to find themselves faced with that lot once they solve the nonogram if they are expected to write it up for PSE afterwards!
oh wow, i had assumed it was at least the OP's own creation, but no
The solution explanation is 23 pages long!
yep, i was familiar with the GHCQ puzzles, but didn't recognize that one in particular (since QR code nonograms are a relatively common idea)
that's very disappointing
"Oops, sorry, this question is for rep" - Oof...
Perfect example of something which if shared in chat would be of great interest to lots of people, but really doesn't make for a good self-contained Question on the site.
@Stiv ok this one shocked me lol
4 hours later…
Q: Sharing (words) is caring

jafe Each across clue is actually multiple cryptic clues written in succession. Each pair of successive clues has one shared word, which functions as the last word of one clue and the first word of the other. Across answers are placed into the grid one after the other, without spaces. One of the acro...

has an excerpt which says that puzzles of that type are often closed (all four questions with that tag are, indeed, closed, and have scores of 0 or -1). No description of what kind of puzzle is denoted by the tag. This doesn't really seem like a useful tag to keep around.
is also a tag on codegolf.SE that involves the cops making code and the robbers breaking it ... i think
(alternatively, the excerpt should say something about what the tag means, not just that it'll be closed)
(2 questions) seems to be a synonym of , right? (Or is it a sub-tag?)
probably a subtag
Both and (2 questions apiece) seem a tad specific, but they are at least clearaly defined
(in case anyone is wondering, I look through the tags when I'm stressed)
Q: Cops and Robbers, anyone?

ghosts_in_the_codeThere are a few Cops and Robbers posts on Code Golf SE, where there are two posts - one is the "cops" post where people post problems of a very specific type, and the other being the "robbers" post where people answer these problems. Points are earned by both cops and robbers for the difficulty o...

found the cops-and-robbers meta post, and yeah, seems to be copying off Code Golf
@Sciborg econ is now people insulting Cyberpunk 2077
but like, why
> "You know, we're going to take a bit of a side journey here. <student>, everyone's happy that you asked that question because now I'm going into 'SQUIRREL!' mode."
Thanks for cleaning up my mess bobble! Downside of spoilers is I don't tend to see them if I make "minor" edits. I will try to be better :-)
I figured it probably wasn't worth commenting or pinging you - you're fine with me just fixing the tiny stuff without notifying before hand?
Absolutely! Thank you so much.
spanish semester exam is titled "Semer 1 Exam". i think you forgot three letters in there ... somehow
Q: Sudoku - less than 6 and knight's move

JensIn the following sudoku, the numbers on the outside indicate the first number less than 6 seen in that row/column. In addition, a number in the sudoku cannot be a knight's move from an identical number. This is a link to the sudoku in Google Sheets. Good luck!

College Board: "Enter your password to re-verify that you're you"
Me: *inputs password, clicks "enter"*
College Board: *page loading*
College Board: "Enter your password to re-verify that you're you"
ah the joys of the college board
They're a completely benevolent non-profit
"Enter pass-phrase to verify you're not a Deus clone" seems like a better security test
By the way can anyone else understand this answer? It's a self-answer, so it's the intended solution, but I cannot understand for the life of me what it's saying.
it's a programming term
I think there might be a slight language barrier, but it's not comprehensible even as a puzzle
specifically, it refers to functions that work the same way on multiple types -- for instance, you could have the "concatenate" function, and that works equally on the types "list of integers", "list of strings", etc
this feels like it falls into the "belongs on another SE" category, similar to how math "puzzles" are closed
i have no idea how we were supposed to get that from the question, which is absolute nonsense
it's clearly meant to be a puzzle, but you kinda just have to guess the author's thought process
doesn't that make it a "guess what I'm thinking" puzzle?
i'm sure it wasn't intended to be that way at least
but because of some combination of the language barrier and the vagueness of the puzzle itself, it seems to me that it basically ended up that way
it's not really even true parametric polymorphism, especially in the Javascript world. The idea of PP is that the function always does the same thing, irrespective of the type of arguments being passed
i'm not familiar with the specifics of Javascript - what different things does that do?
This looks like where they got the idea that it's an "internationally-known fairy-tale"? Maybe?
there's some sort of language barrier going on at least
it's a paradigm of functional programming, in type-safe OOP, a function called Add(int a, int b) would be different from Add(float a, float b) - but with PP, you could simply write Add(a, b) and it wouldn't care what types a and b are
And why isn't their thing true PP?
yes, i'm familiar with functional programming - i'm wondering why that doesn't work for Javascript
because returning the same arguments that were passed in doesn't demonstrate polymorphism - it's just a function capable of being polymorphic
oh i agree that it doesn't demonstrate it well enough for anyone to guess what they're thinking
i just thought you meant that that function would do something different for certain types due to how javascript worked
ah right, no, sorry to be misleading
I will leave the moderation of the puzzle to those who know what they are doing and go back to my puzzle design :)
i don't think it's strictly off-topic -- it is intended to be a puzzle, as far as i can tell
I downvoted, because I think it's not off-topic
hehe typo
(question and answer downvoted, to be precise)
i think downvoting is generally good for "guess what i'm thinking" puzzles though
It's technically on-topic, it's just bad
Oh by the way I was ridiculously pleased the other day to find out that my Sashigane is in the second page of Google search results for "sashigane puzzles"
oh whoops, i'm late on hints
CCCC hints: The fourth and last letters are both S. The second letter is Y.
-Y-S---S, then
looks up words with the pattern -Y-S---S
yesterday, by oAlt
I feel I'm looking at the wrong word, but BYSSUSES? Wikipedia says that that one's been used to wrap mummies, which if you ask me aren't far from being "crude people" (???). However, other than the "Yellow" and the "Layer of eggs on the outside", the wordplay just refuses to cooperate.
(it is not BYSUSSES)
@bobble https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/14524?m=56416170#56416170
@Deusovi: EYESORES = decor of crude people. E_ + Y + E_S + ORES
Great! I've got one I've been waiting to use. It's not hard, but I love it.
CCCC: Swiss chard ends over hearts of palm and romaine (5)
back before i posted layer two, i was trying to write a fourth layer using "of eggs" = OVAL, but didn't manage to get that one to work out
I thought OVOID would be that word?
The more you know...
OVAL also means "egglike" (specifically, in shape -- so, "of eggs, on the outside", roughly)
Should've taken that last year of Latin.
@bobble w- what- how
Q: Oh no, not again

Taco タコスI wanted to say something, but I forget what it was. Can you help me? 10 - [A-z] (-2) 255 - #beginningfirst00 15 - Period. 0 - You forgot one. You forgot one. Since every beginning has an end, let's pave the way. 1 - I'm on repeat. 7 - Zelda's legend. I hear Link is quite the musician. 5 - Leste...

@JeremyDover ...s ...d over ..al.., ..a.. -> salad & lit.
It's a word salad! :-)
I'll see myself out.
You get two reluctant claps, and no more
CCCC: Consent to get undressed -- party going wild in the middle of ancient landmark (5,7)
with masks and social distancing restrictions firmly in place, of course
is this vaguely recognisable?
(to me at least)
whew, I was worried it would be too cryptic for the Honda logo wipes imaginary sweat from forehead
although the green-on-gray doesnt contrast very well
the gray is just a placeholder until I fill the background in - I tend to draft in B+W, so the gray is my "yet to be done"
@Deusovi would you be ok with me using your PSE avatar in a puzzle?
well, ideally this puzzle should still be solvable even if i change my avatar
so i wouldn't recommend it
it's decorative and not part of the (intended) solution
i don't think it makes sense to include it then? i'd prefer if you didn't use it tbh
ok, all good :)
depends on what exactly you'd be using it for
I can't really say until the second Density puzzle is solved
explaining the premise of the third will give away the second (potentially)
bobble! :D
Can you understand the answer I linked above?
Have to scroll up a bit, hang on
Yeah, I had no idea what the question or the answer was talking about unfortunately. Seems like one of those unfair "guess my thinking" puzzles
do you agree with my econ class re: Cyberpunk 2077?
I'm so bummed by the game right now, the parts i was able to play before the game-breaking bug were masterful and i enjoyed the setting and characters so much. But apparently it was an absolute mess on consoles and they still haven't patched the bug that broke my save files :(
I've managed to literally play a game to death (my first Ranger DS cartridge stopped working at some point during my second play-through) but I've never had to deal with a bug like that.
actually, hmm, that might've been my third play-through
it broke my heart, i love the game so much but the bugs are so hard to get over :(
Q: Screenshot of the week contest #5: Glitches and Bugs

DragonrageWelcome to the fifth edition of the Screenshot of the Week! Submissions are now closed! Vote for your favourite screenshot below! To start with, congratulations to the winner of the previous contest! arghtype's submission of a dark soul's rendition of a bat signal took the first spot with 23 up...

here are some funny bugs to look at
"It's not a bug, it's a feature" - every game developer i've ever met including me
Q: Help! I am infected with the puzzling bug!

AnkoganitArgh...I can't get this bug of puzzling off my head! It's really weird, and so annoying, you know...I can't help thinking about puzzles all the time. It's like... when I see a word, I think of anagrams...when I see tiled floors, I think of sudoku on them...when I see a door, I look for loose bric...

I saw the vote counter tick up on the question
was that you, 'borg?
...it may have been...
It was
i hadn't found it before and it's cool so... upvote :p
I have been annoying my dad recently by asking him to make SHIELD show up on Disney+
so far no success
is SHIELD not in your subscription?
that's how i watch it
I looked up "SHIELD" on Disney+ and it wasn't there. What, it is for you?
Agents of SHIELD is available on my Disney+, yeah
the full results of my search for "agents"
@Sciborg The word "game" is superfluous there, methinks.
True, true, all developers think that way :p
seriously, Disney+? I have Inhumans but not SHIELD???
I may have to pop out quick to torture convince whoever decided that I can't watch SHIELD that I should get access
hang on, it's possible i may be confused - we have a couple streaming services so i might be mixing up which one i use to watch what
trying to find it on my TV
ah, nice!
ahh, okay - i must watch it through netflix then, i can't find it on my disney subscription
keeping all my shows and their services straight in my head is confusing :p
@bobble it may differ by subscription plan or by country
@jafe nice clue
i could have sworn i was able to watch it through disney+, but apparently it is not there now
darn you for giving me hope
speaking of SHIELD, did you watch any more episodes?
(also we can move to The Grove if you did to avoid flooding this chat with nerdery)
(hey 'borg!)
Hey :D
I haven't watched any more yet, we watched Mando instead
day 1 of exams went pretty well
Nice :)
Q: Outsmarting a Con (sales) man

DrDDuring a fun filled golf event vendors have set up stalls offering different things to participants like golf gear, food, clothing etc. Participants can also win gifts in putting contests, drives and other fun things. A smart salesman has set up his stall for selling golf balls. He has either yel...

poofy + santa hat?
Santa hat ended up being too big for Poofy, so perfect hat has not been located yet :(
but i shall continue the hunt
hello there, user14826153
I'm now realizing how absolutely stuffed the Sphinx's Lair has become with users, makes me happy to see so many puzzlers around.
the users are squished into a tiny Lair
or wait is the Lair like Newt's case and it's bigger on the inside?
Obviously we are all contained in an extradimensional space that also contains Nifflers
The Sphinx's TARDIS :)
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey lair stuff!
I ain't seen no Doctor Who
oooooooh, Simmons is a Doctor Who fan
We love you, mysterious chatroom lurker friends, come talk to us sometime <3
there's a great joke using that in episode 18
actually a bunch of the agents are in-universe nerds
Q: Guess game of Dwarfs

antonKate and N are playing a dwarf guessing game. In the beginning there are five empty boxes numbered with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. According to the rules of the game, Kate places at least 1 and at most 9 marbles in each box such that the number of marbles in box n for each n <m is not more tha...

Q: Enigmatic flags mashup

melfntAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #45: Flags The answer is a sentence.

@bobble ah yes, non-euclidean geometry
Cthulhu fhtagn
@mithical that looks like someone trying to speak klingon
it's r'lyehian
it's what
Q: What is R'lyehian based on?

MithicalIn his Cthulhu Mythos, H. P. Lovecraft includes several snippets of the R'lyehian language, including the "Cthulhu chant": Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! We have a vocabulary list available, that gives us a decent taste of the words - for instance, 'ai means speak or ca...

ooh yay, a conlangs.SE post
also, interesting
yeah, I was fairly active when conlang started out, less so now
my attempted transcription of [χθ̪ʊːɫʱʏ ɸt’ɒːʛ̃] = "qhdthuuhllhhuih pht'uahhnggg"
sounds accurate
aaaand now i'm attempting to make an ascii-only representation of the ipa
alrighty, I think Density 3 is just about ready to go :)
@merrybot there is
Density 3 hype :D
hey Flinty!
Stiv is agonisingly close to solving Density 2
Sciborg, got time for a Doodle Request?
All the avatars of Lair regulars trying to cram into a tiny representation of the Lair
@msh210 right, but i'm trying to make my own (with the added "benefit" of being a pain to use)
Oh goodness, that will be hard :p
Will finish dinner and then give it a shot

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