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@Dmihawk yep!~
i wouldnt have joined if yall hadnt been that nice
Hey OK! How you been?
@Randal'Thor, would you consider the MathJax here to be good? Would it be bad if I edited it out? (Trying to understand where you draw the line for MathJax in posts)
Q: Rotating through a word

NazTake the word no if you move the first letter to the end you have a new word on I consider that 1 rotation. What is the largest word that can be fully rotated, the most number of rotations?

@bobble I am not Rand but I share some of the same intuitions about typesetting mathematics; if it weren't for accessibility concerns I would say that one's good, but given the accessibility issues I think it's probably better not as MathJax. In my ideal world, screenreaders would be able to read that sort of trivial MathJax (either by making them smarter or by some sort of changes to MathJax itself, or both) and then I would (with some misgivings) want such things to be MathJax.
Can screen readers access spoilers?
I found this post, but it's old and I think they made some changes to spoilers since
Q: Spoilers are inaccessible to keyboard-only users

TsundokuSeveral SE sites, including Science Fiction & Fantasy SE, support the tag >! for spoilers. This markup hides the text following the spoiler tag unless the user hovers the mouse pointer over the spoiler area. Unfortunately, if you browse websites by keyboard (e.g. due to mobility impairment), the ...

@Dmihawk hurrying up puzzlecraft hoping to get a metapuzzle out before 2020 ends
progress is 3/11 + 0/meta
@Dmihawk "No words, text, numbers or symbols can be used"
@OmegaKrypton oh nice, I shall look forward to seeing it!
and i got less than 20 days left with finals
1puzzle/2 days
You can do it!
@msh210 haha "do as I say, not as I do"? :P
@Dmihawk almost blitz-ed the fourth one :D
2 hours later…
any suggestions on how to hide four letters in a photo
like in steganography?
Q: Assemble lozenges

John Wiltshire-GordonYou have a large number of $60^\circ$ rhombi called "lozenges." Each lozenge has its edges marked with four distinct symbols drawn from an infinite alphabet. Lozenges may be rotated by $180^\circ$ or reflected across either axis. A triple of lozenges forms a "hex" if the markings can be matche...

@Bubbler yus
Well, wikipedia article on steganography gives tons of ways to hide something in something else
rly lemme check ty
i think the c4 is some word for "crude people" minus first letter, plus Y inside HEN... but can't figure out what "decor of" or "rocks" could be doing in the wp
maybe it's a word for "decor of crude people"... no idea what that could be though
or maybe HEN is in the end and everything's inside R(-ock)S
aaand the last one makes no sense because "outside" would be used twice
it's not necessarily HEN though... let's not forget that all birds (and many other animals) lay eggs, and there are tons of short names for birds
I don't even know where to start
I was thinking "decor" either is the definition or means "interior letters" (because decor is how the interior of a home vel sim. looks) or means "exterior letters" (because decor is how something looks).
Ooh, maybe because decor is the externals (looks) of internals (indoors), it signifies the outside of the inside, viz the second and penultimate letters. That'd be very tricky indeed.
so it'd be RD?
sounds a little too tricky to me
maybe it's an anagram of "decor of" and the dozen-or-so following words all resolve to a single letter :P
probably about time for a hint - any particular things you're looking to be confirmed/denied?
not sure, a letter would be fine for me
Hint: The fourth letter is S.
Q: The First No L Sudoku

happystarNormal Sudoku rules apply. In addition no L-shaped tetromino can contain four consecutive digits (for instance you can't have r2c9=5,r4c9=8). The little killer clue indicates cells on the indicated diagonal must sum to 40 and may contain repeated digits. Source: Cracking The Cryptic, 10 December ...

@bobble I agree with Gareth and Bubbler: ceteris paribus it'd be better to use MathJax since that's how maths should be written, but given accessibility concerns and the lack of any formulae more complicated than "n" and "100", it'd be OK to not use MathJax, but it doesn't make any difference here since the whole thing is spoilertagged and therefore inaccessible anyway.
The OP of that main meta post you linked (about inaccessible spoilertags) is my co-mod on Literature; he works with accessibility issues IRL, so he's kind of a professional, and AFAIK he's still against the use of spoilertags on SE.
huh, didn't know screen readers don't handle spoiler tags
Sciborg (who also uses a screenreader) didn't mention that - as far as I know, theirs seems to work perfectly fine with spoiler tags
@Deusovi what is a screenreader
a tool that reads text on the screen out loud, for those with vision impairments
ah i see
I think I'm looking at the wrong possibilities for the clue... Qat ain't being good to me this time -_-
@OmegaKrypton That helps to explain why you didn't know what a screenreader was.
@msh210 smirks nice pun bro
Jun 18 at 16:12, by Deusovi
For your grid, I'd probably start around here?
@Deusovi finally finished this after six months :) thanks again for the help!
Q: Cryptic crossword – identify the unusual clues!

jafe Nine clues are not like the others. Solvers must identify the unusual clues and highlight the corresponding answers in the grid. To help with this task, the grid has two unclued entries which hint at what these clues have in common. To make things a bit more difficult, I have added other commona...

oh boy
2 hours later…
a patriot i see! @jafe
though it's kinda obvious i'm still half-surprised you didn't use "tampered"
Jun 18 at 8:27, by jafe
featuring a cameo of my home town!
(which was also in the crossword)
(@Ankoganit out of curiosity, have you watched Danmachi? :000 )
Q: What is the Present?

zixuanMy (fictional) riddle-loving friend comes up to me and says, "Hey, bro, I gave you a present. " "Um, is this a puzzle?", you ask. "Yes.... But it's going to be a riddle", he says. You groan. It's going to be another of his crazy riddles. He gives you a piece of paper which says: I can mote. But...

hehe i'm pretty sure that c4 was an outtake from this crossword
i think the word was the wrong length for the grid
"tampered" would have been a bit more obvious choice but also fine
oh hahahah
@jafe six months???
this crossword which mentions rome wasn't built in a day
was Rome built in six months?
@oAlt nope
give or take
@jafe glad i could help! looks like a fun puzzle - definitely interested in giving it a shot myself whenever i get some free time
what is this thing you call "free time"?
@Ankoganit i see i see
@oAlt is it good?
The title kinda put me off
@Ankoganit eh, i'd say 7.5/10
has its share of lows but i'd continue watching it
I see
@Ankoganit hehe it's the same case as i want to eat your pancreas
(well not in season 3, but it's still not what you think either)
on another note, this subject's module was the last place i expected to see an xkcd comic (not that i'm a fan of it myself but just reminded me of y'all heheh)
it was this one in particular xkcd.com/1486
(further context: module was talking about the ideation step of the design thinking process, where one is expected to generate creative solutions to problems)
1 hour later…
Q: Cryptic Family Reunion: Watching Your Belt (Fan-Made)

hexominoInspired by the Cryptic Family Reunion Series by Jeremy Dover The answer to this puzzle is a list of eight thematically related words or proper names or phrases. Each of these is clued cryptically, and the theme is to be determined. Since the definition part of a cryptic clue would give away the ...

6 hours later…
Q: Currency connections

flintyTwo Forex traders are trying to communicate about their trades. They send each other images with a hidden meaning like this one: Can you work out which currencies they are trading?

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