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yeah short but sweet
I was trying to make it a charade ><
Also could a mod/room owner unstar all of the last game's clues in the Contact room?
just added you as a room owner! didn't realize Contact games are still ongoing
ooh, responsibility :D
Did you have a chance to look at my Chain Puzzle cryptics?
the message was burned when i looked at it
i think you used the wrong link? but i've got time now
I need to re-write all the notes I added... darn
hold on
2 hours later…
Q: I am as fast as lightning

Dmitry KamenetskyI am as fast as lightning and my pose is recognized around the World. Who am I?

Q: Relations between numbers

Vassilis ParassidisThrough some special formulas and relations I have come up with the following numbers 770, 84, 220, 6050, 1695, 29, 322, 45, 6095, 1666. How are these numbers related? Secondly, how were they formulated?

@bobble I thought about using that tag, but I think the [cryptic-crossword] tag tends to be used very specifically at PSE. My puzzle fails to meet some of the typical criteria, particularly in having a large number of unchecked letters.
But if you think it merits the tag, I'm glad to put it on.
Oh, I didn't know about the extra criteria. But I still feel it counts. Though you can take my opinion with a grain of salt; you've been around longer
Eh, I'll put it on there. If others feel it doesn't merit, they can always remove it.
Q: A Cryptic Hourglass

Jeremy DoverAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #43: Variety Crossword Grids The answers to ten cryptic clues need to be entered in the grid below. Words start in their numbered rectangles, and proceed down through adjacent rectangles, one per level, terminating in the bottom row. Words may change direc...

Q: Snakes, snakes, snakes!

00xxqhxx00 I am a long snake, terrible to everyone, I unite everything that has fallen apart. I am hard to conquer for human, even the smartest ones, I may help you to find your size.

oh no. it seems my internet has slowed down and is preventing me from posting the c4.
take three:
CCCC: Volcano's moment of unpredictability: starts shifting about in noon time, quiet up front (5, 8)
2 hours later…
@oAlt m_ o_ u_ + n + t + p + inatubo*
as expected hahahah
@jafe your turn
(also I used "[fodder] starts" in a previous clue, and jafe also solved that... it seems I must minimize my use of that cluing :P)
(although in general first/last letter indicators seem easier to detect compared to other indicators)
hehe i overuse them myself so indicators like that ring a bell pretty fast
CCCC: Type of instrument unassociated with highest part of register (4)
Q: Starred, as to the crew's aid

Thomas BlueThe flavour text (except for the puzzle's name) is not a hint, but a true story I didn't really have any ideas for a puzzle, but my everyday life gave me one. I think, the puzzle could be better if I had a better camera resolution, but you guess everything so fast, that I decided to leave it this...

Q: A Tribute to Psych

JS1An entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #43: Variety Crossword Grids The following is a 4x5 grid: Within the grid, there are 13 words laid out in the following way: The words may go forwards or backwards along the lines. That is, two words that are parallel do not necessarily read in the same...

4 hours later…
Q: Ever notice those dangerous hollow eyes staring at you?

risky mysteriesI have two eyes and one mouth, both my eyes are hallowed out. My mouth won't let me talk, yet my eyes will have you shocked. For though air is what's inside, I'm one reason why many died. What am I, that causes doom? Here's a hint, I'm in your room.

6 hours later…
@jafe Probably not but maybe TUBA &lit (TUB (type of instrument) associated with A (lowest part of scale), reworded as "unassociated with highest…" just to confuse)
Q: A fraction puzzle

WhatsUpThis is a puzzle with both the computer-puzzle tag and the no-computers tag. We have the following list of five fractions: $$11/5, 30/77, 1/11, 21/2, 5/7.$$ Starting with an integer $x$, we perform the following operation: at each step, multiply $x$ by the first fraction (from left to right) in ...

Highest part of register = R?
@msh210 TUB is a type of instrument?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr yeah, I was thinking so. I still think it's likely, though I haven't found anything to do with that.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr eh. Sorta. I mean, it is something you use for something, which is what an instrument is.
Oh, i was thinking of a musical instrument
Like I said, I doubt my proposed solution above is correct.
... but what if it's a Schrodinger clue
accidental Schrodinger &lits., that is true peak performance
i would say this straight-up doesn't work as msh described - the rewording in particular breaks it, and the rest of the clue would be bad even if not technically illegal
might be ALTO ddef (type of musical instrument, as in ALTO saxophone, and unassociated with highest part of register - not SOPRANO, in other words)
if I did get it, awarding next clue to msh210, cause busy doing chess puzzles
Q: Addition table with hidden digits

Per AlexanderssonSimilar to the previous puzzle, find the values behind the letters. T , E , M , A K , A , K , A + S , A , F , T ------------------- F , E , S , T , A These are roughly the Swedish words for theme, cookie, soda, and the result, partying. All letters correspond to different digi...

@msh210 not the intended solution, i'm afraid
@Deusovi it would indeed be a very poor clue; I just thought I'd propose it anyway, just in case
@jafe I'm shocked, I tell you: shocked
@Avi That would be a single definition used twice.
@Avi @jafe I suspect you haven't seen this, so I'm alerting you to it.
@Avi @jafe Much along the same lines is BASS (a type of instrument) ddef... but that, too is really a single def used twice rather than a ddef.
Well, ALTO or BASS could be a vocal range
Type of instrument I tend to think musical families
there's REED, WIND, etc.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr fork, rake, ...
Highest part of register could be R or maybe G?
a tub is rarely called an "instrument" but a fork and a rake yes.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr bass is as much an instrument as oboe (chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/14524?m=54473359#54473359)
Never said bass wasn't an instrument
fair enough
Yeah. Bass usually refers to the double string bass or electric bass
I've heard it called both
I was saying that BASS could be both the vocal range, as well as the instrument
Which would be two different things
Though "bass" isn't exactly a register, per se
yeah but a bass guitar or double bass is called that because of its range
(at least, I assume it is. Maybe not. Maybe the bass guitar was actually invented by Harriet Bass.)
Fair. Same with bass clarinet, contrabass flute, BASSoon, etc.
Actually Idk why bassoon is called bassoon
Maybe "highest part of register" is the def
Like HEAD as in head voice?
But ending with "with" is kind of awkward
@PrinceNorthLæraðr and "unassociated with" is the end of the wordplay?
Hm, "part of register"?
"Type of instrument unassociated with highest"
It's too short an answer to have lots of parts in a charade.
Anyway BRASS--> BASS?
Like removing the r?
ah that sounds right
ahhhhh so it's an &lit
as an &lit
that's correct :)
My music skills coming in handy boyzzz
nice clue
@PrinceNorthLæraðr and the rest of us
Yeah, that was a really nice clue :)
@msh210 Lol. That was just a guess, bc brass and bass rhyme, and I was like, oh the R gets removed
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ("and the rest of us" was a reply to "boyz")
brass and bass rhyme?
not that type of bass
@jafe no
ya I saw the R removal but couldn't think of brass -> bass
oh well
"brace" and "base"
base and bass
Geez need to make a clue now
I like solving them bc I always get an adrenaline rush after getting one
@PrinceNorthLæraðr so short-lived... and then you need another fix...
@msh210 I'm hooked for another high
if cryptic clues are the gateway i wonder what the hard stuff is
@jafe your cryptic puzzles
@Deusovi maybe this applies there but... I think the rules themselves need an approach
oh this isn't even his most complicated set of instructions - this one's about average
(but it's a good puzzle worth solving, and a very impressive construction)
@Deusovi Are we supposed to understand what "'on the ground'" means, or is that part of what we're supposed to figure out?
that's part of what you're supposed to figure out
Oh, I wasn't sure whether it was standard slang for "in the grid" (as opposed to in the clues) or something.
@Deusovi I don't understand what he means by "the other seven Down answers"... there are more than seven remaining. Perhaps he meant "some other seven Down answers"?
hm? no, there are 7 left
six with terminal letter cut, six with an extra letter "on the ground", seven left over
Oh, I can't count.
"as per the author's pronunciation"... does the typical solver know where this setter is from?
he's from the US - not sure of the specifics, but iirc general american pronunciation should work
hm there's actually one that might be a bit unusual
(also, not to halt your progress on understanding the instructions, but i'm not sure that one's even the most impressive? he has a huge catalog: math.uchicago.edu/~wald )
@Deusovi Oh... no, I got the instructions a while ago. Looking at the clues now.
good luck!
will definitely need it
Can someone help me with my C4? I have my general idea but need help with working the grammar
some of my recommendations that don't require knowledge of their events, digging semi-randomly through my sheet of solves:
- Happy ___an Thanksgiving (http://www.math.uchicago.edu/~wald/thanksgiving15.pdf)
- Some Extraction On The Side (http://www.math.uchicago.edu/~wald/someextraction.html)
- Not The Harth Cryptic (https://www.fleetingimage.com/wij/xyzzy/xeimhu-aug-2002.pdf)
- In A Century of Letters (http://www.math.uchicago.edu/~wald/inacenturyofletters.pdf)
- the NPL Con Cryptic series from 2012 and 2019 (i think all the con sets are good but these two are pretty accessible in terms of
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I can if you wish.
It will take my mind off of my ucaoimhu inadequacies.
hey jafe asked what the "hard stuff" is
@Deusovi rot13(V'z cerggl fher 33n zhfg or Une[y]rz nsgre "rirelbar" vf erzbirq -- ohg gura gur "gu" frrzf rkgenarbhf. Vs ur cynlf snfg naq ybbfr yvxr gung jvgu uvf pyhrf, vg'f tbaan or zhpu uneqre. Ohg znlor V'z jebat nobhg 33n.)
@msh210 "Y" pna zrna "svsgvrgu" -- jura guvatf ner tvira Ebzna ahzrenyf nf vaqvprf. Fhcre Objy Y vf "gur svsgvrgu Fhcre Objy".
@Deusovi ah I see.... okay
don't worry, he doesn't play fast and loose with his clues - he is overall very Ximenian
...apart from the gimmicks where things need to be added or removed before solving, of course (but those are intentional, not artistic liberties)
@msh210 Hm, interesting idea
I might shelf that idea (no pun intended) and maybe pick a different word
@PrinceNorthLæraðr don't shelve it for too long.... if you do, then when you finally post it I may forget I helped and solve it
Well, there's another word that seems fun to use- I guess I'll go with the word I already shared with you
@Deusovi Are we supposed to know what "NI2" and "NI3" mean, or is that part of what we're supposed to figure out?
Ah I think I got it, but I would need your opinion
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ready, willing and (I hope) able
@msh210 That's referring to dictionaries that the words can be found in - Webster's New International, second/third edition. (Words outside of Merriam-Webster's 11th edition are often tagged in the National Puzzlers' League.)
@Deusovi ah I see, thanks
I always thought W3NID (which I assume is NI3 here) was the standard AmE dictionary.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I don't get it.
Hang, on, lemme write back.....
At least in the NPL, it's Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. I'm not sure what's standard in other places.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr you can omit it
True, but it's funnier with it
nah, I think it's fine without
@PrinceNorthLæraðr this is good, but I'm trying to think of an answer to your question
@Deusovi I'm pretty sure the Scripps National Spelling Bee uses the W3NID
I don't think this word's gonna work, so Imma just make it a CMC and pick a new word
CMC: Make a clue for RESTRAIN with the clue ending with "... rain check"
CCCC: Cover covered cover cover (11)
There we go :P
This is about as ambiguous as a "quick crossword" (well, worse, but it's funny at least)
(it's funny to me. Probably to no one else)
it is definitely funny :P
@Deusovi Can I assume that this was published toward the end of some Gregorian year?
okay, that's helpful info :-)
that assumption is true
Yeah, I wasn't really asking if I can assume it (the answer is "no") but if it's true. :-)
figured as much! was going to follow up that last comment with the specifics of when it was published but couldn't find the details
(not that it matters too much anyway)
Actually, I know this is a bit unusual, but I might need to retract that C4 on reasons of validity
that's fine
@PrinceNorthLæraðr nah, just keep it and let us break our heads trying to solve it
The best would be if someone puts some arbitrary cryptic-clue-looking thing down as the C4 without it actually being a cryptic clue. Or not an intended one, anyway.
Maybe I'll do that one time.
(still kidding)
Yeah. I'll work on a new clue- the word was INCAPSULATE (variant spelling of ENCAPSULATE) where INSULATE was around CAP, but I realized the definition of INCAPSULTE is too close to the definition of INSULATE for it to be fair
Both basically meaning to "enclose around a thing"
Sorry about that :/
i wouldn't say that makes it necessarily invalid but i agree that it's kinda unfair (especially with that variant spelling)
it's fine! at least it wasn't up there for very long
@Deusovi well... this has been fun. I've got a total of seven lights so far and am putting it on hold but hope to get back to it soonish. Thank you for introducing me to it.
GameN, y'all.
see ya!
hope you enjoyed the puzzle, and apologies for throwing you into the deep end
@Deusovi (oh, I had no idea it was pronounced like that. All this time I had been pronouncing it the same as the instrument)
today I learned
"I'm wearing a ribbon around my arm," said Tom with abandon."
Such a great quote

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