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Q: My prefix is Weird, My suffix is a Friend (v2)

Shubham GoenkaThis is the same question as My prefix is weird, My suffix is a friend, but with a couple of ever-so-slight modifications (and obviously a different answer): My prefix is Weird. My suffix is a Friend. My infix is a creature to be feared. My whole has a massive extend*. *Clarification (not neede...

@JeremyDover oh boy... I have 2, 3, 4, and 10 left. I think I know what 4 is but I don't know the wordplay. The other unsolved clues aren't giving me a good time either.
@oAlt It may help to remember that I'm pretty old, so think 70's and 80's vintage. The theme is actually narrower than you might originally think.
@msh210 I believe the CCCC is TORNADO (a tempest) = TO-DO (excitement) about RNA (protein manufacturer).
@JeremyDover :0
Almost done. Need to make 4 work
I knew it. I knew it. I had the wrong word for 4.
Done @JeremyDover
Q: What is the answer to this puzzle?

RobbieMy friend sent me this puzzle over Discord asking if I could figure it out. I tried for over an hour and I got pretty far but I've hit a bump. The puzzle goes as follows, There are five colored doors to offices, all in a row at the FBI Headquarters. In each office sits an expert in a different fo...

@Sphinx, that needs to be edited into a title that describes the puzzle
Q: Solving this rabbit hole riddle

Kevin JonesThere is a 3 letter/number key or another link hidden in this page but I'm not sure. https://wheredowego.j5.no/ There is a text "not a key keep looking" in this text. But not sure if I need some type of decoder or something.

@JeremyDover It is, indeed. Well found.
1 hour later…
Q: How to stack cubes in minimum area along infinite planes?

coder_aThere is a storeroom which has only three sides all touching each other perpendicularly, the sides can be defined as: two infinitely large walls and one infinitely large floor. There are N cubes of unit volume. I need to store the cubes in the storeroom but there are 2 rules to be followed before...

I... did it! I DID IT! My Overly Complicated Marching Bands Extraordinaire is finally gridded!
(with only a handful of words that make me cringe inside!)
Now I have to clue it
oh gods I have to clue it
@bobble publish it unclued: more of a challenge that way :-)
It would be two blank grids
"here, fill in the words that I'm thinking of" :)
As I said, more of a challenge
4 hours later…
CCCC: Strip of fat iron shielding piece of optic gear (6)
@LukasRotter Is your program rot13(srznyr naq cynlvat n tnzovg)? I wondered about that before but "symptoms" seems a really strange term in that sense, and there's still the problem that rot13(vg'f abg pyrne jung zbir vg'f ybbxvat ng abe ubj vg xabjf ubj gb naabgngr vg)...
@GarethMcCaughan No.
Apparently the thing I'm referring to isn't well-known at all among X players (or I clued it completely wrong), which might make this puzzle a "google with the information given until it matches". According to Pageviews, the thing has ~1000 monthly user-invoked hits on en.wikipedia.org. Comparing that to "Coverture", which you said is an obscure term; Coverture has ~6000 monthly hits (and of course easier to find if we have a CC to work with)
and some of those hits might be 'misleading', which I will explain in my next hint if necessary.
@JeremyDover f(lens)e
@msh210 Correct!
CCCC: Big bore prepared for Mormon mission (4-7)
lol. mormons becoming extremely violent
@LukasRotter Well, you did say you'd ... how did you put it? ... "tried to obscure the hell out of it".
Some other surely-wrong thoughts (not fishing for help here, just giving feedback on what kind of stuck-ness the puzzle produces): 1. Alexander + chess + disease suggests Nabokov's The Defence (whose main character is called Alexander Luzhin, and is a chess player who goes mad) but there isn't really an actual disease here. 2. You could maybe argue that the last search is suffering from analysis paralysis but that isn't particularly a chess term (and again there is the question of how ...
... the program is producing its !, ?, ?? annotations).
Also, "Analysis paralysis" has too many Wikipedia pageviews, given your comments above :-).
I rather suspect that there isn't going to be an answer to "the question of how the program is producing its annotations", though :-).
Also, no obvious Alexander connection.
The other Alexander/chess/disease nexus is that Alekhine was famously an alcoholic, but there doesn't really seem to be anything in the cited output that indicates that your computer is an alcoholic and that answer wouldn't make much sense anyway.
Also, Alekhine has thousands of pageviews, alcoholism presumably has a whole lot more, and I don't think there's a Wikipedia page just about Alekhine's alcoholism.
(Actually, it's not clear whether he was an actual alcoholic or just a heavy drinker.)
@GarethMcCaughan Correct. I feared that making another evaluation program / command will lead to even more confusion. BTW, you were dangerously close in one of your messages above :)
(also I cheated a little bit on my comment on the wikipedia pages to not give away too much, but I feel like I have to clarify now) If Alekhine's wikipedia page said "His alcoholism is known as the Alexander Disease", and the page itself had 1000 hits, I would count that.
There is in fact an Alexander Disease that affects the nervous system, but I don't think it has any connection to chess.
Ah, got it.
I had actually wondered about the person in question earlier but not followed it up.
Great! :) If you don't mind, could you give me advice after posting your answer what would've made this better? I realize there are lots of paths you go down as a solver that don't go anywhere, but I struggle to find another clue which wouldn't give it away.
e.g. I thought about calling the program "lxndrlxndrvch", directly asking "what X do I suffer from".
I don't think the longer name would have helped very much, unless maybe by googling "Alexander Alexandrovich chess" which seems a little cheaty. I mean, once you think of the player in question and bother looking him up you're done anyway, and while I did know his first name I didn't know his patronymic.
The thing that actually got me there in the end, I'm slightly ashamed to say, was googling "Alexander syndrome chess", because although I'd thought of Kotov before I'd not followed it up and had forgotten about him again :-). And that's not a very difficult search to think of trying, given the puzzle.
So I'm not sure anything is needed to make it better, at least if better means more solvable. I mean, it did get solved, and I don't think our discussion here made much difference to how quickly I solved it.
The thing that bothered me most is the aforementioned fact that the problem is apparently annotating its own moves despite sometimes giving very bad results even when given a lot of time to think. As I said in my answer, I rationalize this by supposing that lxndr.exe actually does its own (presumably experimental) search and then calls out to something much stronger to evaluate the results.
@LukasRotter hm?
Thinking big-bore guns rather than, say, boring people or tidal waves. I assume.
@GarethMcCaughan Ah, I see. As I said, I think I was a "little bit too laid-back" in the creation of the puzzle, obviously not realizing somebody might be irritated after looking at that particular oddity.
@msh210 as gareth suggested
@GarethMcCaughan ohhh got it
My intended surface was big bore = someone very dull
but that way makes sense too (if less likely)
Some people really don't like door-to-door evangelists. (Not quite the same surface as Lukas's.)
Or evangelists in general.
(As in, people who try to proselytize others.)
@GarethMcCaughan I don't think Mormons go door to door, do they? (They do evangelize, natch.)
Hm, yes, I guess they do -- or did. beaumontenterprise.com/news/article/msh210-4675510.php
Incredible, a cookie popup where not everything is pre-checked. I like the "in to your face" style, normally you are able to view the site for 1 second until it pops up :)
2 hours later…
Hi @Stiv :000
Q: 9 students, 9 clues, 1 solution

kaitlynmm569There were 24 students in a science class. As a challenge, the teacher pulled 9 of those kids, and told them they needed to order themselves in a specific way, but not tell anyone exactly why they chose that way. Each student was only allowed to say one thing about why they were in their position...

@oAlt Sorry, didn't see you there - I'd just popped in for a quick lurk around!
1 hour later…
Do you use :o universally for every emoji or for actual surprise?
My answer to that can be expressed as so: :o
@Avi :o? -> :o
:o -> :o = :O
:o + :0 = ?
:o > :0 > :|
:o + :0 = :o
:o + :? = :o
i bet you could make an :o puzzle out of this
with linear and nonlinear equations of :O
/me flees the crime scene
Quick! Can't let them get away! throws fishing line into Avi's open mouth Got 'em hooked! :)
Q: An odd combo-puzzle! (Franken-puzzle?)

Voldemort's WrathHere's what you get: Body needs to be 30 chars! :):)

@JohnDvorak I also know how to close Stack Exchange chatrooms
@bobble What wait which puzzle
I saw marching band and I immediately perked up
It's a Marching Bands crossword that I've been working on an off for over a month
I'd love to take a try at it, would you mind pinging me after you post it? I might not see it otherwise
I will, it should be out in a few days
Depending on how much time I get to work on it
I haven't posted a puzzle in forever
I mostly hangout here for the chatroom, but I haven't had any ideas
I've poured at least 100 hours of work into this (lots of stolen weekend afternoons, in between homework assignments, while my family watches TV, etc).
When I think of how fast it's going to go...
It's gonna get sniped by Deus before it gets posted
before... that would be a trick
A Ghost Trick? ;)
(I think I just ruined that joke)
you did
I deleted it so it will only be ruined for you and no one else
My next puzzle is already lined up: a number crossword with no Down clues
I like making crosswords... it's effectively a [grid-deduction]!
@bobble I had an idea long time ago that involved kidnapping the mods again and trapping them in like a rubiks-cube/crossword-esque puzzle
I forgot the concept it's been such a long time ago
ooh I liked that
I saw the mod-kidnap puzzles when doing some archive diving
Yeah there's a couple
Bass's is the most famous one, where he trapped Deusovi in a honeypot maze
There's also Mithical's old one
And then there's just mine
It's not that great, but it was funny while it lasted
I'm pretty sure people just liked the fact that I kidnapped the mods and not because the puzzle was really worth anyone's time to solve XD
You have locked the mods behind a 27x27 sudoku...
Now you regret, but you have forgotten how to solve the puzzle...
wait... how does that work
@bobble that would be spoiling it
I think it involved a reverse-rubiks cube for my second idea? Instead of trying to solve a Rubiks cube, you go from the solved position into the scrambled position
Except you don't know the scrambled position and that was where clues came in? It never got fully fleshed out. I might tackle it again
I'm like looking at the starboard
And in like three years when some random user decides to scroll through the starboard they're just going to see John Dvorak's poem about the pickle
a very fair, balanced view on the Tyranny of Pickles
Speaking of which, I need to finish that theme song
Unfortunately, I'm quite wrapped on in the moment preparing for my Mock Trials tryouts and writing a rather scathing letter for some stupid board members that might not let K-Pop club be a club because it's not run by "Korean" members
I'm juggling multiple college applications, letters of rec, finishing my puzzle, and my tutoring club
oh and homework and school
I'm Korean, and I don't like K-Pop, but to even possibly deny a club from expressing its interest just because of "cultural misappropriation" really ticked me off
@bobble Love the after thought
I would understand if it was like an Islam club run by non-Muslims
but K-pop is not even remotely like that
@bobble Exactly
And the thing is, they already have a "Anime Club" ran by two Caucasian kids
Why are they picking on K-Pop
@bobble Even that, it depends on the point of the club. K-Pop club is more appropriately labelled as "K-Pop Appreciation Club" where people who are interested and like K-Pop gather to express their mutual appreciation for the subject
Idk it just annoyed the heck out of me
3 hours later…
Q: What am I with zero?

risky mysteries With zero I am falling. With two I am smart. With four I am wet. With seven I am food. With twenty I am fast. What am I with zero?

2 hours later…
need puzzle name
I've decided to give up on actually adding anything
and actually post the sudoku, as jafe suggested
You are free to steal my Cryptic Cat as flavor
(the Cat is not limited to cryptics - she exists to mess up puzzles)
99 Ways to Trap the Moderators
or 9 by 9 Ways to Trap The Moderators?
Over 80 Ways To Catch Your Moderator
("over 80" because 81 is just over 80)
maybe i should count each empty square as a way
99 ways just sounds better imo
How to Trap your Moderator
99 Moderators Chained on the Wall
take one down
pass 'em around
100 Moderators Chained on the Wall
how to make google sheet
Sheets will understand if you give it a comma-separated grid of numbers, as well
@Avi, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that my first two ideas, rot13(fbyivat rnpu fhqbxh vaqrcraqragyl be rkgenpgvat gur 3-ol-3f ng gur fnzr eryngvir cynpr sebz rnpu 9-ol-9, naq gura chggvat gurz gbtrgure vagb arj 9-ol-9f ol gurve bevtvany 9-ol-9'f cbfvgvba) both are immediately, obviously impossibe
probably easier for me to just upload an excel document
you could always try copy-pasting into google sheet
I don't have excel, so I'm not sure how that would go down
Q: How to Trap Your Moderator

AviYou have locked your least favorite moderator behind a 27x27 Sudoku... Now you regret, but you have forgotten how to solve the puzzle...

@Avi I'm going to go into my standard anti-HTTYD-movie rant, which is that THEY TOTALLY BUTCHERED THE BOOKS AHHHHH
A bunch of characters got changed, and they essentially tossed out the world (except for the fact that dragons & pseudo-vikings are involved) for an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ONE AHHHHHH
I'm going to go into my standard filesharing rant, which is that my Google account is tied to my files ahhhhh >.<
I can go into more specifics on my rant (I was forced to see the movies on pain of failing an assignment, so I know details) if anyone cares

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