In the final paper Hamilton offers "a lesson of moderation to all sincere lovers of the Union, and ought to put them on their guard against hazarding anarchy, civil war, a perpetual alienation of the States from each other, and perhaps the military despotism of a successful demagogue"
'... and perhaps the military despotism of a successful demagogue'
'... a successful demagogue'
I think we're 1/2 there already
fortunately the less dangerous half but still
The Founders were quite brilliant for a bunch of humans
@Deusovi please say I didn't miss you by half an hour.... it would be so great to have a shove in the right direction from someone who's already done the puzzles ><
@Avi I expect most people around here would agree with you about the current President of the United States, but I suggest not turning this into a locus of political discussion, because such things can get very fraught.
rules like that are to allow you to ask people who are not part of the hunt, not to get help from other teams
> If you've read the provided hints and need more help, you may email us at [email protected], but we cannot promise a fast reply. Please include your team name and the puzzle you want hints on in your email.
you can just email them for hints if you're still stuck
I don't need much. I got over one hump with EXTENSIVE Googling/guessing (A to Zecora) but I'm stuck on Number Hunting - I already found the clue phrase but don't know the last step
Were you able to be on campus? I played for the first time this year, remotely, with a large team of mostly amateurs with a couple of scene-stealing superstars and some folks who never used the note-taking system.
I'm a 7 letter words.
As a phrasal verb, i mean: 'begin to operate'.
And if you read me palindromically, (contains multi-words e.g like crosswords does) I mean: keep mices? (3-4).
Let's see who'll crack this word.
Minor exception: simple abbreviations may be used to spice up the process; e.g., "Husband, a most eccentric fellow" (6) for THOMAS, where the anagram is made from A, MOST, and H = husband. ^ wikipedia
"was offed" means that someone actively destroyed it (although I've only heard "offed" in that sense to mean killing someone -- I don't understand that sentence)