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Q: Corsets, movie sets and assets

Tom My prefix prefix does exhilarating kicks, My infix infix uncovered the wizard's tricks, My suffix suffix is quieter than a tick, Gone a century since, he made infinite picks.

1 hour later…
@micsthepick you should probably make your avatar less spoilery
but, If you haven't seen it before, how do you know what it's relevance is?
anyways, that was a good game
well, I'm more worried about people remembering it when they start to go through what it's from. I really don't want to spoil anyone.
(but yes, agreed)
that should do it
well, maybe it will take a moment
Oh, you changed it bac
but, yeah, this game is ripe for spoilers
manually refreshed your profile for you
agreed, which is why I always tell people to not look up anything about it
@Deusovi Huh, has that mod privilege ever been useful
how about now :P
That's the first time I've used it.
probably some cache issue
when you don't know what to blame, blame caching
Bah, my zendo bot doesn't work. Damn cache!
see, that's the spirit
I'm sure refreshing by compiling it over and over will eventually fix the problem
@Quintec what language did you code it in?
The ever superior Java
@Deusovi there aren't any other games you would recommend?
My major python projects turn out to be a half working mess
    #determine the highest of highs(aka what I'm currently experiencing)
    high_high = 0
    high_2 = 0
    for highhigh in winners:
        if highhigh.high > high_high:
            high_high = highhigh.high
            high_2 = highhigh.high2
        elif highhigh.high == high_high and highhigh.high2 > high_2:
            high_2 = highhigh.high2
@micsthepick Depends on what you're interested in.
what I liked about Ghost Trick was the story and the problem solving
@Quintec highhigh = max(winners, key = lambda x: (x.high, x.high2)) ?
I won't bother going back to that old mess, but congratulations on parsing it :P
Although I'm not quite sure that gives the intended result
looks to me like it does
Oh yeah, it does, I just assumed since it was one value it was wrong, but it does return the winner itself so it works
Ace Attorney: solve murder mysteries as a lawyer trying to prove his clients innocent. puzzles consist of spotting contradictions in witness testimony based on the evidence you have. (made by the same people as Ghost Trick)

Danganronpa: another murder mystery game, similar to Ace Attorney. 15 students are trapped in a school, and have to kill someone without getting found out to escape. once someone is murdered, everyone votes on who did it, and if the guilty party is caught they are executed. a *lot* darker than Ace Attorney
are these all from the same developers?
Ace Attorney is from the same developers as Ghost Trick. The other two are from Spike-Chunsoft.
@Deusovi Have you ever played 5 Days a Stranger or its sequels?
Nope, never heard of them!
They're free adventure games, and pretty atmospheric if I remember. I'm not sure if the games you're talking about are in the point and click adventure genre, but this series might be worth checking out if you are.
Cool, it's free! Will download soon
Yeah, the ones I'm talking about are point-and-click (except Danganronpa, I guess?). I'll have to check those out.
Cool, it's free! Will download soon
2 hours later…
Q: Seats in a Column

sam Please help. I cant understand how to approach this puzzle.

2 hours later…
@Quintec It's very useful at times.
4 hours later…
Q: Must be str not tuple (File Writing)

James MannI'm trying to save text to a file which contains variables in it. When I do so I get a problem which states that my file must be str, not tuple. My code looks like this: def player1win(): print(user_guess1+" wins") win_message1 = (user_guess1+" wins with a score of ",player_1_score,"\n")...

Q: 8-move checkmate with king

jafeThis is a pretty unusual chess game. Checkmate with the king on move 8. Based on the three moves provided, can you reconstruct the game? 5.Nd2 7... a6 8.Kd1#

@Mithrandir I can’t imagine why, but then again, I’m not a mod. :)
Q: Puzzle Dungeon: Floor 2

Excited RaichuAfter bravely circumventing floor one of Puzzlandia's dungeon and descending the staircase, you find yourself in room $2^4$, or $16$ (as the staircase said.) Items you have: rusty sword (+1 combat power, 1 Hand) Good luck! Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Room 14 Room 15 Room 16 ...

Q: Alphabets and Numbers? : Another Grandpa Mystery

DEEMNow we all know how crazy Grandpa is when it comes to Math. He says to me: " Use your imagination and tell me **If Seven + L = Zero And Zero - C = One Then Three + I = ? "** I have no idea**

1 hour later…
Q: Voting System Puzzle

sam This is an MBA entrance exam puzzle. Please help me. Please share approach.

2 hours later…
can i get some help? xD
Q: How many tables in a column?

sam Source : time.com Please solve this question and explain as well.TIA.

@GarethMcCaughan facepalms
Q: How much do you know about the internet?

PerpetualJThe Internet The internet is a marvelous invention. Did you know it was created by the government in the sixties, but made popular in the nineties? Today everyone uses it, and it is becoming an essential part of everyday life. But the reality of it is, how much do you really know about it?...

2 hours later…
Q: I have a King of Enchancia, but not 2

CodeLikeBeaker 1- Created by a man born in a Dutch Broken Land 2- Eosinophil Granule Ontogeny Transcript 3- Tittle 4- Golden flecks powered by bacteria 5 Kentucky Fried Chicken What movie am I?

2 hours later…
@GarethMcCaughan can i ask a question without having the answer? I dont know if it is allowed
You can, but make sure it's a puzzle, or somehow related to puzzles. Math homework (or homework-like problems) and general philosophical musing will be closed as off topic.
1 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 9 – 13 i have this sequence and i want to know the next number of the sequence
but i dont know how this was formed so i cant figure it out
How can i prove it is not a math homework? xD
That question will likely be closed as too broad. There are infinitely many options for these types of questions, and often the intended answer is just as valid as several others.
Ok thank you anyway
oh, whoops
Probably neither is the intended answer, which is why these sequences make for terrible puzzles
Ill check it out thx

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