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@GentlePurpleRain that wasn't the answer I had in mind, but that's pretty cool, actually
it's an indirect ana though
the longer people take to solve this the more i feel like i must have made some kind of mistake, or my cluing is bad :S
is it an indirect anagram?
well ok you don't have to answer that
but generally synonymizing a word and then anagramming it is considered a no-no
nah it's not an indirect anagram
although maybe it would be better with a question mark at the end
5 hours later…
Q: Why Do You Love Me? (Part II)

Minh TranThank you so much for your help in scoring my last date. The date went really well, and we have so much fun. However, after that date she didn't reply to my texts for days, only to hit me with this: Well, I've been agonizing over them since. Looks like she has upped her difficulty too, after s...

2 hours later…
yeah, I think I know what you're referring to by the question mark? but I'm not sure
@Mithrandir heh that one even has a profile picture
and...4 accounts
5 hours later…
Q: A fire pales in comparison to how brightly I burn

Joe-You-Know More deadly than a gun, As fiery as the sun. Looking to escape me? Instead, breathe and be free. Control me or be aware, Else I lead you to despair. What am I?

2 hours later…
@Mithrandir Terminated with extreme prejudice.
@Mithrandir Terminated with extreme prejudice.
@GarethMcCaughan curious - did you extract the info that Rubio was collecting?
Er. Probably not. Oops. What did he want?
shrugs ask the dog :P
Pretty sure email, username, and IP at least
fortunately, I don't think accounts are permanently deleted, and I think they're still visible to mods, no?
After being destroyed? IP address info and account name are still there. Nothing else, I think.
I think the posts are just deleted (IIRC by Community), have witnessed it happening once
hm, maybe it has to do with the fact that the posts are anonymized after account deletion (so after account destruction which contains deletion in itself too)
but, eh, after all, just 2 accounts aren't a great loss, are they? ;)
(and Gareth wasn't that wrong anyway, the site already had a stink...)
@EriktheOutgolfer Accounts get hard deleted. No way to restore.
like they never existed before? I think SE employees are able to restore them, maybe not mods
No. SE employees can reassociate posts.
I'm going to leave that one alone in case Rubio wants to record information about it before blowing it away :-).
@Level51 If you want, I'd be willing to review the CCCC for you (which would obviously preclude me from solving it), if you're worried it's invalid.
So Rubio collects information for what reason?
I think Rubio is collecting statistics on spammers, to help identify future spammers.
as I said before, nothing too bad probably happened
29 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
(and Gareth wasn't that wrong anyway, the site already had a stink...)
let's just move on, shall we?
@EriktheOutgolfer I suggest we take Dragonrage's suggestion and close the site all together! :P
@North i didnt say to close the site. just to ban all users and delete all questions
banning all questions and deleting all users would also probably be similarly effective
what is different from closing the site then?
mods abusing powers to still use it?
@EriktheOutgolfer well, the mods could still moderate, but they wouldnt have as much of a workload
mods can technically still use the site even if they are still suspended, and can even unsuspend themselves
I mean, asking/answering questions when all other users have been banned
if a mod gets suspended then it probably means that they've committed a major felony
or it was science
science like testing the diamond temporarily? that can only be done by SE employees as far as I'm aware
Or they just did it for kicks
i know two mods did science it just to see what happened
though if you actually get suspended as a moderator, you should probably not unsuspend yourself, and figure out why you were suspended
like, suspending themselves? I don't think so much is known of the details of this notorious story
I think that if you get suspended as a moderator, it's technically not abuse if you only use the mod powers o_o
@EriktheOutgolfer they didnt suspend themselves. one mod suspended the other for science. i forget who they were though
there is a post somewhere on MSE about it iirc
btw, there's already an established procedure in case a mod needs to get de-modded forcefully, and somebody is "recording the minutes"
wait, were you through that?
Q: Do moderators have the authority to suspend *other* moderators?

paracetamolSuppose a moderator has politically incorrect "inclinations" as observed (fairly often) in, say, a chat room. In the event that a couple of users take offence at this, can another moderator possibly "deal with" (and not remove) the offending moderator? By "deal with", I mean chat kicks, bans and...

there are some linked questions there that go into more detail
@EriktheOutgolfer ...or had a disagreement with a CM, as in a recent case (no, you don't get juicy details).
(no, I don't ask for juicy details, I'm not a stalker)
I've suspended a mod before, on chat, for science.
(mods can't be suspended on chat BTW)
@Mithrandir they can be de room ownered though
tests can happen any time, as long as everybody agrees
mods don't need RO status
wait, so, if a mod's message gets flag-deleted, the chat account stays intact? (please don't try)
@Dragonrage Actually having room ownership doesn't matter for mods, with one exception.
@EriktheOutgolfer not most of the time. though there was one instance that something in chat broke and they needed room owner.
@EriktheOutgolfer correct
i think it was @badp that broke the chat once over in arqade and thats why we have a policy that all mods are RO's for any room they are in
but it was before I joined, so I dont know all of the details
yeah, better not accuse for events long in the past
I'm curious...
2 hours later…
Is there a URL (something like [puzzling.stackexchange.com/self]) that will take any user to their own profile page?
@GentlePurpleRain I think it's puzzling.stackexchange.com
and then current user
I don't know the exact url but that's the idea
that's the best user I've ever seen
I know right
So skilled and awesome
How does he she do it?
2 hours later…
@GentlePurpleRain uh sure, that'd be great! how do i pm on this thing
yeah, that's a problem here @ SE :P
do you guys not have a discord server or something? :o
Good idea
Probably they want to keep everything here though
(although PPCG has a few Discord servers :P)
i spent my first month at PSE trying to find the chat that everyone kept mentioning
But you made it to level 51 already. Nice!
haha, that's just the name i use for literally everything online
Everything? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
oops i just doxxed myself
Interesting word
Anyway, I'm going to sleep. See you around!
like, revealed PII
now we know "Level 51" is the same person everywhere over the internet :p
I'm pretty sure the C4 has something to do with recent English-Irish pop music, because the def looks like it's "A band One D"
and...how does "indecent period" have anything to do with that
(Twasn't a serious comment)

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