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Searching for spammer profiles is now an official TSL pastime
someone should get Charcoal-SE to add a filter for spammer profiles :p
There's a separate moderator-only project attempting to detect 'em.
so in that case Puzzling is a test environment for said project? :P
@ASCII-only You should use something from UTF-8 in your icon.
@EricTressler :| no
@ASCII-only well. Puzzling.SE has certainly contributed a lot of data to the project.
Q: Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1

ManyPinkHatsThis is the first installment of the Fortnightly Topic Challenges Rerun described here and the thirty-fifth installment of the FTCs overall, with topics suggested and voted on here. This fortnight's topic is "Restricted Title" (suggested by Sp3000) and will span from the 28th of May to the 10th o...

@PuzzlingMeta yay
I had a lot of stray thoughts but nothing I could turn into an actual puzzle :c
waiting to see what other people came up with
I've got one 90% done, but I paused it because I thought of a pun that greatly amused me and have started working on another... Problem with being really distra--
1 hour later…
Q: Name that ...Name? 2

Xavier StantonI acted before retirement in 1986 My Norwegian ancestry is in no need of a fix The actress I'm controlled by now loves getting things off her chest But because of her my reputation isn't really the best What is this name

1 hour later…
- Nevermind
@MOehm I thought I had found an unintended solution to your cryptic, but I omitted "bar"
Yes, I had just logged on when I saw your message disapper. Out of curiosity: What was it? (But if you'd rather not say, it's okay.)
It was [-a]PRIL+LING; ling is a type of fish that's caught for food, so I guess it's technically game, and prilling is an alternative cleaner manufacturing method. And I guess you can make fish and chips out of anything.
It took me until 20 minutes ago to realize that "promoted in city" actually gives some kind of sensible options as a definition.
Yes, that's not what I intended. I've just looked up prilling, which I didn't know about. How does the city come into it?
Manufacturing plants aren't usually out in the middle of nowhere. But, to be clear, I'm focused more on "tourism" and "commerce" types of answers. I only have a few minutes before I'll need to go to sleep, though.
Q: What is the best website for online to play Sudoku?

user49577Sudoku is based on the logical placement of numbers and playing Sudoku games daily is a great way to develop your thinking and problem-solving skills. Start playing today to discover the benefits. Write your best website here to play online sudoku.

Q: Name That... Name? 3

Xavier StantonAn illusion of Hindu mind A writer of a different kind Ruins crawl of apocalyptic gore I am seen with either 3 or 4 What is this name?

I have a ridiculous near-solution to the cryptic, but I think this might actually be on the path to the intended solution
Spit it out! (But I hope that the actual solution isn't ridiculous.)
It's "behind + cycle + s - hind (bar game) = BECYCLES"
And it's just late enough that I find that really amusing, but I can't find a way to fix it.
Hm. And the def is "promoted in city"? I'm sorry, that's not very close to what I intended, even construction-wise. It's much simpler.
(But I'm amazed in how many ways the clue can be interpreted.)
Well, that's okay. Cryptics wouldn't be any fun if they weren't a little ambiguous. I have to go now, though. Goodnight
Good night.
@Alconja re: the spam post: thanks for sharing your thoughts. The wording and the way the link was embedded are very similar to other spam posts we regularly see on the Stack Exchange network, that's why I'm 100% convinced it's spam.
That Sudoku thing?
in review what do we do if an answer is wrong but not stupid - do we just leave it there or do we recommend deletion
@Mithrandir yes.
@Wen1now Don't delete; downvote.
Incorrect answers should not be deleted, unless they are against the guidelines/rules of the puzzle itself.
yep alright, I was thinking something along those lines although i wasn't sure exactly what i was supposed to do
@PuzzlingMeta Now this could be interesting.
I have a mechanic in mind for the fortnightly, but don't know if I'll have the time/ideas to turn it into something more interesting.
Q: The king and two poisons

JaystarThere is a kingdom and in the kingdom when you drink a poison the only way to cure yourself is to drink a stronger poison to neutralize it. The King wants to make the strongest poison possible in order to make sure he can neutralize any other poison he may be given. To do this he enlists the two ...

Q: Sparkling Light

JaystarI beam, I shine, I sparkle white. I'll brighten the day with a single light. I'll charm and enchant all. I'll bring the best in you all. What am I?

Q: Switching the clock

Ben"Observe the time, would you, Watson, old chap?" I did as instructed and glanced at the large grandfather clock standing in the corner. "Just a little after 4.42, Holmes." He nodded, "So when the position of the hands are exactly reversed, it will be a bit after 8.23". "Just so," I agreed. "G...

Q: Weight of gold and feathers

JaystarWhich weighs more - a pound of feathers of a pound of gold? Not your usual question

Q: What Am I Riddle2?

narasimha I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them.To others I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter h...

Q: I Am Not Good with Boomerangs

noedneAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. I Am Not Good with Boomerangs, But things I throw out sometimes return. I am Not a Ninja But have expertise, and for speed I yearn. I Don't Own a TV, But I just added channels secure. I Don't Want Directions, ...

Q: How many people guessed Correctly?

narasimha In a contest, four fruits (an apple, a banana, an orange, and a pear) have been placed in four closed boxes (one fruit per box). People may guess which fruit is in which box. 123 people participate in the contest. When the boxes are opened, it turns out that 43 people have guessed no...

3 hours later…
Q: Guess what I am

Yous0147I am round but pointy Usually always sweet not salty I have as many flavors as the balls I carry Best in summer but toughest in winter My purpose is best served when I'm held And when I'm served you're bound to have a sweet tongue What am I?

2 hours later…
Q: Houses and Telephone #s

discomathstarThere are 16 houses consecutively numbered 1-16. All houses have 7-digit telephone numbers, numbered consecutively, in the same order. For example, if house #3's phone number is 1111111, house #4 will be 1111112. The phone number is always divisible by the house number. House #13's phone number i...

Q: Will you stay or will you go?

QuantumTwinkie Oh how you need me to do day-to-day activities, I sit here waiting with my fellows, for you to come. You wish to get me, Taking time to wait and find me, You may even wait for one to leave me so you can take me for yourself. Only to leave me the minute you get me. You leave me for...

3 hours later…
Q: Candy Button Paper

RileyAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. Corresponding xkcd. Your biggest dream has come true: you have an infinite supply of your favorite five-flavor candy button paper. Unfortunately, you are a very picky eater. In fact, you are so picky that it is physically impossib...

Q: Consecutive Vowels

stacksfillerPotentially nsfw -- xkcd.com/853/ Being a native speaker (6) _____ goin' nowhere! (3 4) Democratic Debbie (7) Major airplane manufacturer (6) Like the people in the linked comic (assuming bald means male and long hair means female) (8) Like Hal or Cortana (2) Go extinct (3 3) A sign of ec...

@Sphinx 5 answers in 11 views. Heh.
@phenomist nice work on the galaxy puzzle
1 hour later…
@Sid this partial answer thing is getting a bit out of control :/
especially cause everybody was repeating answers in other peoples partial answers
yeah - IMO partial answers should only be used for "major" things. answering a couple clues shouldn't count
(like, getting a subpuzzle in a meta set would deserve partial answer status)
You could always just downvote them. None of the partials have any downvotes
downvoting forces people to choose between being nice and working for answer quality
most people choose being nice
(I have to say I don't feel good about downvoting others myself)

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