Possible meta discussion: What's the deal with old questions being bumped to the front page due to minor edits to the question or its answers? I've been noticing this a lot lately.
I've slogged through about 40% and it has taken quite some time. Eventually, I got enough crossers to guess the long one (11, 24). I haven't got the clues you have, though. (But don't spoil, please. I'm going to plod a bit further.)
I know about the story where two guys want to find out whose camel is the slowest and they switch camels so no-one can cheat by going slow deliberately. How are you guys going to pull that off in a crossword competition?
@Rubio Can you remove stars on '@TheGreatEscaper In country road should it be AT MOST ONCE or EXACTLY ONCE - 7h ago by Wen1now' - I starred it so TGE would see it. Thanks!
Panama Oxridge is the author of a children's book series about a boy called Justin Thyme. However, the name Panama Oxridge is actually a pseudonym for an unknown author. From the series website:
Once a well-known author of picture-puzzle books, “Panama Oxridge” accidentally stumbled across th...
Time to post a Meta. I'll start with an inflammatory subject, and eventually downgrade it to just "Is it time for us to ban Rand for not accepting correct answers for two months?"
Btw @Wen1now and @Ankoganit if you're just going to feed Rand's answer in comments, may as well do it here - you're being credited in his answer anyway, and no sense littering the comment section with 'em
You're not collaborating. They're posting findings, you're incorporating them. Whether they do that in a comment and you add it to the answer, or they do it here and you add it to the answer, makes no mechanical difference to the solving process and/or to other solvers.
What it does do is clutter the comments with stuff that is quickly obsoleted, and is showing information in the clear that you're bothering to spoiler-tag. Kinda making the latter pointless.
@Rubio Ah, but it means anyone else who's trying to solve it will be unaware of the progress made until I edit to incorporate the comments (which I'm not doing too often).
@Rubio The information in the comments only makes sense if one's already read most of my answer and understood what's going on.
In fact, maybe I don't really need to spoilertag them?
Someone who's reached that point - who apparently is the demographic you're concerned about keeping apprised of the absolute latest developments - probably should have the choice of looking under the spoilers or not.
Oh. Yeah, they're attracting the attention because.... well... the current crop are collectively Just That Good.
I'm pretty terrible at grid deduction puzzles, so I'm kind of sad I can't get the full enjoyment out of them - I have to vicariously enjoy them after the fact, when people more clever than I have posted the solutions.
Still, you look at some of them and they're clearly crafted with meticulous attention to detail and packing a lot of puzzle goodness into a small footprint. More or less.
Heh some of the comments from that r/badmathematics link are funny
"Okay, I'll try. Assume the standard models of physics. Assume an arbitrarily large mass is produced within a radius of Earth but gravity is not affected. We vacuously deduce that your friend Jesse is a frog who cannot eat bread and American politics is doing okay."
"A very ill-defined problem has no satisfactory, undebatable answer? Color me surprised."
"I don't mind puzzling.stackexchange, but I avoid the lateral-thinking tag like the plague."
I'm hoping someone can please help me.
My friend was able to snag a couple of wrist bands to an underground gig but I don't know where it is or how to get in. He was whispering when he handed me a poster and the band, trying to keep it between us. The downside was that I didn't hear everything h...
Panama Oxridge is Paul Adshead.
I don't know whether any clues were hidden in the Thyme books themselves, but the website for the series contains an elaborate puzzle whose solution is the author's real name. As mentioned by @Shokhet in comments, you can see the start of the trail here:
As of writing a Google search of "Justin Thyme" with the True Name™ only seems to bring up a few results - I feel like that's going to change a bit thanks to Rand :P
It's easy to find information about the fastest aircraft, but what is the slowest one? Which powered, manned airplane is capable of sustained level flight at lowest velocity?
All i knew about there identity was they were a children's author and they changed their name so when they wrote a different book the idea that it was also a children's book wasn't carried over
If I recall correctly, most of the book is fairly standard image hunting, where a certain animal is disguised several times in a picture, in,say, reeds, or the pattern of bark, etc.
@Sid No. I went on a bit with help from online ressources and after a while went to 15². Didn't get either Wimbledon or the lady on top. I didn't have the knowledge for the first and was too thick to see the second.
I've now done the FT, which I found more accessible, despite the discouraging preamble on 15². I took some time and I won't complete it, but it was a steady solve.
(If you wonder why I have so much time: I've taken this week off.)
When combined with a number, I form a race.
But combined with my position, it sounds like distaste.
Knock me over and I'm endless.
But to knock me in early would be careless.
I'm almost the smallest amount in here.
But my value is necessary to your survival out there.