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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

@TheGreatEscaper In country road should it be AT MOST ONCE or EXACTLY ONCE
2 hours later…
Q: Good/Best/fast single algorithm for this situation. Half Superflip

GeorgeHow can I flip the edges in this picture in one move if possible?

2 hours later…
until so (possible repeat):
(again, redact if necessary)
See what happens when the home room fire dies to a cinder?
If there is fire, then you are in danger. Quick, run to safety!
... from a sibling of fire fighters, great choice!
^ completely random follow-up, see what happens to a quiescent home room?
What??!!??!?! It stopped in mid phrase. Ah the mystery of life.
Completely random, eh? I wonder what would have been an incompletely random follow-up.
It would've required deliberation beyond control. (Or shiftiness.)
Such an alternative and spacey answer. A key to enter into the windows leading either home or the end.
Kitten on the keyboard. Out damn spot!
Is it a tabby cat, perhaps? Is it num(b), locked in place?
The cat inserted a final message before it escaped
By the fur of its ...
Fur? Or five? Five lives, or nine?
My smile just wiped my face.
Take five. Or take fur. What the f.
Now now, keep it clean, especially if you are wiping your face
It's a job.
Yes, it is
(laughing too hard to tp_
(it's everyone's turn once or another_
Wonderful tribute to more randomness (skip a minute or two and then sit back):
"This is a dangerous place." (By that, I mean it isn't really.)
"I was walking down the street the other day."
Thinking of friends who can no longer solve that problem.
Someone stop this sap.
Off to Sap SE (beta).
It's about sap? What kind of sap?
And bacQ!
Having fun guys?
No, just one
and dolls
(overdubbed beyond hell)
(but still right for the moment)
"keep that nickelodeon playing"
Am I the only one remembers monochrome films? Is the wrong place to ask?
One of my best friends refuses to watch anything not in colr.
What a snob.
(Missed edits up there.)
(Along with some deliberate trespasses.)
(I should go back to music and writing rooms, with their endless echoes, but this one brings out the crcikets.)
(oyoyoy I feel mortal but not in the way that song ended. On a good day.)
Oops, puzzling made it to r/badmathematics :(
These are what ruin our reputation.
I wonder which mod that is.
Looks like Deus from the writing style, but I could be wrong.
I agree with Mith
^Pretty much confirms it, right?
that is deus
he confirmed it here earlier, it's not exactly a secret
Hey, I was just helping everybody speculate
I dug around the user's less-than-happy comments. Definitely our deus.
and I'm sad to see that comment get 16 upvotes. We don't like HNQ either :(
Possible meta discussion: What's the deal with old questions being bumped to the front page due to minor edits to the question or its answers? I've been noticing this a lot lately.
Meh. Just ignore it.
Just don't go to the front page
It doesn't harm anyone, and if it's a good edit, those are always good.
Has anybody made any progress on LL?
@Wen1now That's a sane idea, except there are often good puzzles that get solved and answered quickly, and I would still like to see those.
As long as it's not a flood, I don't see the problem with one bumped question.
Look at the newest tab
So, has anybody made any progress on LL?
you have
I mean anybody that I can confirm my progress with
Good work!
@ffao I finally found what you were talking about, about the confirmation
Was it this?
May 9 at 6:37, by Deusovi
Nothing wrong with that. (And it is the same person, so no need to worry about plagiarism. I'm actually friends with him.)
@Emrakul congrats!
(haven't seen you around much, though)
@Wen1now it's at most once, the description is correct
I think country road is more interesting if regions can be missed entirely.
Testsolver has finished the puzzle. Another is almost done.
Can you check what I've sent you so far?
hmm, where are the cryptic guys?
Cryptic guys?
CC guys..
I still don't get it...
Our CC experts.
Huh, fifteensquared says Evelyn is a gender-neutral name. I thought it was predominantly a female name
Sounds like it is feminine
Today's Guardian cryptic was much harder than yesterday's.
I think I got only 2, that too after googling definitions and making wordplay fit
Wikipedia only lists male Evelyns born from the 1900s back
Yes, the cryptic is very tough. Evely Waugh is the prominent male Evelyn who springs to mind.
I got only the Wimbledon clue and the lady on top clue. Nothing else..
I've slogged through about 40% and it has taken quite some time. Eventually, I got enough crossers to guess the long one (11, 24). I haven't got the clues you have, though. (But don't spoil, please. I'm going to plod a bit further.)
M Oehm doesn't have the clues you have :o
I can't even get them now and I've got two crossers for Wimbledon and three for the lady on top. Maybe I'm just being dense today.
No matter how bad people are, they can't be as bad as me
I can, rest assured.
Let's have a competition then!
Bad at cryptic crosswords you mean? That shouldn't be a concern. It's not a useful ability per se.
Whoever gets the least clues wins
Testsolvers have FINALLY almost reached the end of Ludicrous Loop!
Yeah, bad at cryptics
One has finished and thankfully pointed out some ambiguity near the end.
Which was an easy fix :D
The other's almost there.
I know about the story where two guys want to find out whose camel is the slowest and they switch camels so no-one can cheat by going slow deliberately. How are you guys going to pull that off in a crossword competition?
chucks pens into bins
Who wins now
Ooh, now I know where the 'end' of the puzzle is now
man, who does this TheGreatEscaper person think they are
updating a puzzle after - pff - testing
Like that's even a real thing
usually you want to post the puzzle after testing, but given how much everyone was bugging him to go ahead :P
@Rubio Can you remove stars on '@TheGreatEscaper In country road should it be AT MOST ONCE or EXACTLY ONCE - 7h ago by Wen1now' - I starred it so TGE would see it. Thanks!
I dunno, that sounds like a lot of effort
Actually, I think I was the only one bugging him
I see my arch-nemesis is here. @Sp3000 I hope this cryptic will keep you at bay a while.
1 hour later…
Yeah I don't think I'm getting this one any time soon, don't worry about that :P
@MOehm the Wimbledon clue required a bit of.. Er.. Wimbledon knowledge or more clearly tennis knowledge
I didn't like the def though or rather I had never heard the word being used with that def.
Q: Who is Panama Oxridge?

Rand al'ThorPanama Oxridge is the author of a children's book series about a boy called Justin Thyme. However, the name Panama Oxridge is actually a pseudonym for an unknown author. From the series website: Once a well-known author of picture-puzzle books, “Panama Oxridge” accidentally stumbled across th...

Nice! This puzzle seems cool. Of course, I won't be of any help
Looks fine, time to get solving :P
Plus I'm still working on LL
... I just found the second-last page by accident, typing in a random number
Now then... This is interesting
Actually, there are tonnes of 8-something pages
Like 85, 88, etc
There are tonnes of pages, full stop.
All those 47 links I found go to something of the form justinthyme.info/page<number>.html
And there's not too broad a range for those numbers.
Well, I can tell you who the person is, but... nah
That's for you to discover
Encoded progress: uUWGfrJF
How are you getting the order?
It's just in the order I'm finding them :P (pages as char codes)
[/having fun clicking around like the good old days]
What order? What encoding is this?
Those pages say things like 'visit the theatre' but I dunno where that is
13 pages as ASCII (cos spoilers (?)): FGJMNUWbflqru
How have you found all thirteen already?
He tried out all numbers I guess
Just lots of clicking :P (no I didn't skip to any pages)
Just imagine how much clicking I had to do to find all 47 links for Level One.
Anyway, that website is very intriguing... and the artwork is superb!
And never matter
the site is really cool, yeah
Sort of neat and nostalgic yeah
What are the odds that Panama is somebody from PSE?
It's actually Rand self-advertising by pretending to be stuck
gets suspended
@Randal'Thor I feel like I've read this story before.
*posts story-id question somewhere-or-other*
@Rubio Ah, but the new mods haven't been raring to suspend me for the last several months ;-)
That's because they've got a new target :)
Now they have to suspend the Rubio. You're still not banned?
Oh god more clicking
Is it possible to turn on sound notifications on chat?
Top right
There's a speaker icon
Time to post a Meta. I'll start with an inflammatory subject, and eventually downgrade it to just "Is it time for us to ban Rand for not accepting correct answers for two months?"
If I wanted a constant dong I'd set it to all rooms. o_o
@Rubio I should post more puzzles, shouldn't I.
Then I'd be able to accept answers quicker and still have a buffer.
I'm mostly teasing, but - it would be polite to give the answerers due credit before the heat death of the universe. ;)
@Randal'Thor The other five are 102 (46C), 74 (30O), 108 (29K), 77 (20C), 78 (28C)
Other five?
Oh cool, I got credited!
thanks @Rubio, @Randal'Thor just accepted one of my answers from ages ago :-).
@Rubio Even worse than two months, in many cases.
I tend to drop things older than 30 days from my tabs unless it's one of my own, so yeah - I didn't really know. :)
You keep PSE tabs open for 30 days? :-o
Btw @Wen1now and @Ankoganit if you're just going to feed Rand's answer in comments, may as well do it here - you're being credited in his answer anyway, and no sense littering the comment section with 'em
I just reopen links as I need them.
@Rubio Nah, I'd prefer people do it in the comments so that there's a record on the answer itself.
sure but ... spoilers.
Chat shouldn't be used as a way for a small group of users to collaborate on a puzzle.
Most people don't use chat, so it's kind of unfair.
Comments aren't really meant for long discussions though
You're not collaborating. They're posting findings, you're incorporating them. Whether they do that in a comment and you add it to the answer, or they do it here and you add it to the answer, makes no mechanical difference to the solving process and/or to other solvers.
What it does do is clutter the comments with stuff that is quickly obsoleted, and is showing information in the clear that you're bothering to spoiler-tag. Kinda making the latter pointless.
@Rubio Ah, but it means anyone else who's trying to solve it will be unaware of the progress made until I edit to incorporate the comments (which I'm not doing too often).
@Rubio The information in the comments only makes sense if one's already read most of my answer and understood what's going on.
In fact, maybe I don't really need to spoilertag them?
Someone who's reached that point - who apparently is the demographic you're concerned about keeping apprised of the absolute latest developments - probably should have the choice of looking under the spoilers or not.
Why are grid-deduction puzzles so popular? Scrolling through the 'newest' questions, they have something like 5x the average of the other puzzles
They're the current FTC topic
I meant they have many more upvotes
TGE dropped in ;)
Oh. Yeah, they're attracting the attention because.... well... the current crop are collectively Just That Good.
I'm pretty terrible at grid deduction puzzles, so I'm kind of sad I can't get the full enjoyment out of them - I have to vicariously enjoy them after the fact, when people more clever than I have posted the solutions.
Still, you look at some of them and they're clearly crafted with meticulous attention to detail and packing a lot of puzzle goodness into a small footprint. More or less.
^ ^^ ^^^
For some value of "small". *cough 1024 cells cough*
Or a large footprint, in the case of LL
(spoilers if you want to try solo)
Maybe mention what puzzle it is too
Like, before the link ^^^
(I was just confused for a second because I thought it was LL)
Ah right :P I considered collab'ing for that, but I dunno
Heh some of the comments from that r/badmathematics link are funny
"Okay, I'll try. Assume the standard models of physics. Assume an arbitrarily large mass is produced within a radius of Earth but gravity is not affected. We vacuously deduce that your friend Jesse is a frog who cannot eat bread and American politics is doing okay."
"A very ill-defined problem has no satisfactory, undebatable answer? Color me surprised."
"I don't mind puzzling.stackexchange, but I avoid the lateral-thinking tag like the plague."
> ...Really? Why does it have such a bad reputation?

> I'm a mod over there, and I'd like to know. (Honestly, I don't like the lateral thinking stuff either, but that's not the only thing there.)
I can tell that's @Deusovi just from the writing style ;-)
6 hours ago, by Mithrandir
Looks like Deus from the writing style, but I could be wrong.
@Mithrandir Again: you sock :-P
Oh God, I wonder if I know who that baziwaga is too.
"...Really?" - If that's not confused/disappointed Deus then there is something wrong
Ace||Of||Spades is probably a frequent user too
@n_palum Yeah, that's kind of "Ohai it's Deus" in 10 characters or less.
@Randal'Thor ...I have a suspicion as well. I hope I'm wrong, though.
@Mithrandir I wonder if your suspicion is the same as my suspicion.
But the guy I'm thinking of would probably be even more rude about PSE.
Even to this day he still thinks all puzzle challenge questions should be banned and the site should just be for questions about puzzling.
Um. I was never that hot on s :-P
So yeah, it was the same suspicion. :/
(PS. don't ask us in TL either)
Ahhh, I need to incorporate @Sp3000's extra clues, but now someone else is commenting too!
(ok oops I think I'm done now, so that spreadsheet's now all spoilers)
And I'm about to go AFK for a bit.
@Sp3000 Want to post that stuff as an answer?
Eh, fine :P
Should I call it a day?
Depends if it's a day or not
I am. Good night guys
Ludicrous Loop has been fully checked by two testsolvers
i think it's all good now :)
Any chance of you adding symbols for the sake of the colorblind (and those with only grayscale printers)?
Q: Pop-Up Punk Party

BreakingMyselfI'm hoping someone can please help me. My friend was able to snag a couple of wrist bands to an underground gig but I don't know where it is or how to get in. He was whispering when he handed me a poster and the band, trying to keep it between us. The downside was that I didn't hear everything h...

Wow.... Rand Al'Thor accepted my answer at last. So... a good idea is to threaten to ban him if we want out answers accepted..
It wasn't the threats but the appeal to my sense of justice and sympathy that was effective :-)
2 hours ago, by Rubio
I'm mostly teasing, but - it would be polite to give the answerers due credit before the heat death of the universe. ;)
@Sp3000 Very nice work on the Panama Oxridge puzzle!
A: Was the clue to who Panama Oxridge really is ever found?

Rand al'ThorPanama Oxridge is Paul Adshead. I don't know whether any clues were hidden in the Thyme books themselves, but the website for the series contains an elaborate puzzle whose solution is the author's real name. As mentioned by @Shokhet in comments, you can see the start of the trail here: Start...

Oh, we found out who that pseudonym guy was. Do we get paid? :P
(HNQ, by the way)
wow, a not-terrible question gets HNQed!
Too bad it wasn't an original puzzle :P (but it is a very impressive website I have to say)
yeah - there's a lot more potential in a website like that
I don't see it in HNQ..
As of writing a Google search of "Justin Thyme" with the True Name™ only seems to bring up a few results - I feel like that's going to change a bit thanks to Rand :P
@deus I'll get around to that, not tonight though
the only two places where colour is important are:
persistence of rotary and the squares around the grid
eye witless
Workplace and Puzzling have too similar flavicons(or whatever it is called). I missed them..
youll only need eye witless really late on, so here's a description of Rotary so you can get started if ya want
yeah, the witless parts are what I was worried about
Eye witless is literally the last section where stuff happens!
rotary, all the 1x1 shapes are the same colour
all the 1x2 and 2x1 shapes are the same colour.
Well, I'm solving with pencil and paper
there are 8 2x2 squares in rotary
groupes in pairs.
@Deusovi Thanks for that not-ringing endorsement :-P
each pair is the same colour, for four distinct colours
@Sp3000 Thanks to @Beastly, more like. I'd never have known about it if not for him.
there are 8 2x2 squares around the giant grid
no, I have the rotary part
the concern is the eye witless
Oh, alright
ill put up witless with letters instead of eyes
like I said, I'm solving with pencil and paper
(just add small letters in the corners or something)
Does that come out in high enough quality?
Works for me. (Also, why did you skip D, F, L, M, and N? :P )
D cos it looks like O
F cos it looks like E
But... you wouldn't have reached O.
O cos i wanted to mark it as rotational
and then I realised I didn't need to
but didn't go back on it
(Gotta dash for 15, will be back)
it'd be cool if you marked rotational ones with rotationally symmetric letters :P
Wow, Sp's answer has already overtaken mine.
@deus I suppose so but they already have the empty pupils
which I think are still distinguishable, even for the colourblind :P
not necessary, just cool
I wonder if I'll be able to complete a project I've wanted to do for months in the space of a single week.
@TheGreatEscaper a 64 x 64 grid?
Nah, not a grid deduction project.
I think surely I've had enough of that
for now
at least
I'm excited to try the LL after I finish a few projects
@TheGreatEscaper I'm secretly hoping it's that Room thing :P
Room thing?
Feb 10 at 7:08, by TheGreatEscaper
@Ankoganit I know you're quite keen on seeing that red room puzzle, but the planned scope of that puzzle is definitely a holiday job
Q: What's the slowest airplane?

el.pescadoIt's easy to find information about the fastest aircraft, but what is the slowest one? Which powered, manned airplane is capable of sustained level flight at lowest velocity?

It seems other sites also have trouble with "just kill the oracle instead" type answers.
@Randal'Thor and @Sp3000 congratulations! This may or may not be true, but I believe you are the first people to uncover Panama Oxridges identity?
I don't think so since there's a few search hits, not sure
The first people to publish the discovery, maybe.
Still, great achievement - that site had a lot of work put into it
Here there's a reference to Panama being Paul in a comment from 2007.
they don't seem to have solved the puzzle, though
All i knew about there identity was they were a children's author and they changed their name so when they wrote a different book the idea that it was also a children's book wasn't carried over
That was from an interview
Oh hey, I remember one of Paul Adshead's books from my childhood.
like, earlier childhood, if I'm to live under the illusion I still have a year or so left of that
Wow! He's only written 11 books so that's a surprise
Well, 13 if we are including the thyme books
Puzzle Island.
I remember thinking it was awesome.
Yeah that's his most famous work it seems according to google
well guys, is inception real?
If I recall correctly, most of the book is fairly standard image hunting, where a certain animal is disguised several times in a picture, in,say, reeds, or the pattern of bark, etc.
Considering the puzzles on that site - I think we may have discovered who @Alconja really is ;)
but there's this weird meta puzzle that involves anagram type puzzles on the borders, the flavourtext, details in the images etc.
On that site, the art is nice but the puzzles are simple
which site again?
Given that the URL is easily changeable and the anti-frustration feature that Level Five has, I figured it was for a younger audience perhaps :P
There's a link in the puzzle here
@sid it's possible to have a dream in a dream, if that's what you're asking.
@Sp3000 yeah they are a children's writer I suppose. Even the thyme books which were supposed to be older I thought were pretty young
@BeastlyGerbil here?
As in on site @deus
Rands puzzle
didn't quite know what you meant
Yeahs sorry should have made that clearer
@MOehm Did you get the Wimbledon and lady on top clue?
@Sid No. I went on a bit with help from online ressources and after a while went to 15². Didn't get either Wimbledon or the lady on top. I didn't have the knowledge for the first and was too thick to see the second.
I've now done the FT, which I found more accessible, despite the discouraging preamble on 15². I took some time and I won't complete it, but it was a steady solve.
(If you wonder why I have so much time: I've taken this week off.)
@n_palum Nice riddle, swiftly solved by a roob and a noob.
D: that was fast...
I was proud of a more thematic one for once
As in not at work, yes, but I'm staying at home.
Vacation doesn't have to be somewhere else :P
Let's help the noob, because the roob has enough rep already.
(sez me, of course :-P )
Well the roob has more of the answers so far :P
That's why the noob needs help!
Well I can't give them answers
See if you can shift around some of Krazy's answers to help the noob
Q: The sound of me fits in quite a lot

n_palum When combined with a number, I form a race. But combined with my position, it sounds like distaste. Knock me over and I'm endless. But to knock me in early would be careless. I'm almost the smallest amount in here. But my value is necessary to your survival out there. Answer...

I can has the right answerz now?
Still not intended, again, not an actual number was meant
If you want me to give it, I don't mind, the ones you offered are reasonable
Also I definitely meant 8 Bits = Byte (in here being in a computer = bit < byte < etc)
@MOehm are you sick or something? Because it's not always someone takes a week off from work
Ok I'll make that one more definitive.
@Sid It's the summer so it's not unreasonable. Plenty of people I work with are taking off for a week for two over the next month or two
@Rubio wink wink I figured the race would be simple
oh geez.
Hugh's got you covered
Is there a race called a figure eight, or are you just being extremely, er, figure-eight-ive?
(stirs up some trouble in the TL cc @rand)
Guess that answers that.
@Rubio "Figure 8 racing is most common and popular in the United States and Canada." - Also a track style etc
@Mithrandir :-P
@Mithrandir Check out his most recent comments on PSE meta too :-/
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

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