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@TheGreatEscaper In Tapa-like, can the clues affect other genres? E.g the 2 2 at the bottom right, does that stop stuff happening in the grid below?
@TheGreatEscaper Also, in myopia what happens if a clue doesn't point to anything? Is it considered always white/grey? (like, there is no closest loops segment)
1 hour later…
Welp, with ludicrous loops out I'm not going to able to finish my puzzle before the FTC is over.
1 hour later…
@Wen1now answered both of those in an edit
1 hour later…
How are you guys going with Ludicrous Loop?
A tester has just finished 10/16 areas.
I think their total solving time right now is at least 6-7 hours
10 out of 16?
I'm on something like 1 area
2 halves
Which area?
There are a few places where the puzzle can start to crack open.
I'll PM you on google
@ffao , what about "about"? What about "what." What "the"? How I love language.
Someone please do something about language. It's a riddle befuddled by a muddle.
(Sorry about that outburst. I was diverted to Writers SE but nobody was reading.)
(Now I want to hide at Corner SE. But ever since someone said this room can survive randomness during quiet moments, here is where i Brown out.)
(... still working up a puzzle based on different kinds of noise: white, pink, brown, black, call the cops)
(those are technical terms, in case it looks like i'm racist)
(I barely qualify as a tortoise, on an outgoing day, but, yes, politics get my fingers out of their sheaths)
Any sound engineers here? (I truly believe this place eddies the best bubbles.)
Seems like half the s*** (stuff) on TV is sped up nowadays.
I have recordings from ages ago and they go at normal speed.
There's much room for comprssn vrwhr!
But whyyyyyyyyy botherrrrrrrrrrrrr?
What's the opposite of compression? Expansion? Expression?
Exasperation? (Signed, language lover)
Expansion, of course
Thank youse!
(and don't forget to mark an answer as ✔ Accepted!)
Someone answer one of mine in the last few days? You again? I lost all my tabs.
Or are you talking about correct answers here? The best kind!
10 mins ago, by humn
What's the opposite of compression? Expansion? Expression?
(but whose?)
Funny topic, I got a gold star for upvotes without even knowing that was a badge.
Global warming!
✔ oppopression.
(not opression!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I'm kind of stuck now on LL
@humn Goes to upvote every question and answer seen to get a badge. :P
Humph, wasn't Global Warming supposed to be a hoax? :P
Yeamph, that would have been nice.
@Sid it's for 600 question votes and a >=1:3 question:answer vote ratio
Doesn't take long when you don't know what's up.
Ooh, 1:3. That's pretty clever
^ good question
I'm at 53:47 :P (a bit over...)
Oh, because most people seeing 25% go 25% -> 1/4 -> 1:4
Welp - you've got 33:17
(I've got to admit, I was one of those people)
@Wen1now , love the typography!
@boboquack duh.. That sounds tedious..
is this electorate?
whos hunting it down?
I am, a bit
I'm about halfway there
But we were talking about how humn got it
(because I'm never going to get fanatic at this rate - I've just got too many interruptions)
good luck all. Its a nice one to get - i got mine last october
What about after the IMO?
You know who you can make it easier to get? Upvote all my questions ;)
I wore out doing that!
Ooh, good point!
Do downvotes also count towards electorate?
@BeastlyGerbil , thank you
Think so
It's such a fine edge, between love and hate. Which helps more?
A pat on the back or a kick in the butt? (borrowed quotes)
yeah downvotes count
I don't understand 600 question votes. Does that mean voting on 600 different questions or upvoting/downvoting 600 questions only?
Vote 600 times, on questions
Wow, I never realised I have voted >700 times already. I thought it might be far less..
too many answers then?
329 questions, 414 answers,,
Okay, recommendations:
Should I vote on every puzzle I look at?
I go by the current balance.
My advise: Go to 'highest voted' and upvote those - you knoe they will be good puzzles and you can knock a few down doing that
If they have enough ups, mine won't count. If they have undeserved downs, I make up new users just to compensate.
I downvote only stuff which shouldn't be on Puzzling and usually upvote better than average puzzles(and which I really understand)
If your rule is only upvote things you understand - does that mean you never upvoted an alconja puzzle? :P
@Beastly shouldn't that be "advice"? Correct me if I am wrong, but I think advise is verb and advice is noun.
There should be a badge for v-voting. I rarely have the courage.
I have no idea with advise v advice
(down voting)
(v is supposed to look like a downarrow, not stuttering)
advice is correct
In that scenario
Not all advice is correct! (anyone mention that i love language?)
Not really, no. I have upvoted quite a few Alconja puzzles(though, not all)
What's Alconja puzzle? I'm new here and trying to be funny.
Enigmatic puzzle.
I downvoted some highest voted puzzles myself
My advice: vote on whether you think it's good or not
ffao! You are a morning vitamin. Sometimes hard to swallow, but so nourishing.
I wonder if humn thinks I'm ignoring him because I never reply, but it's just that I never understand
Keep trying, and I will too.
You understood one of my most tortured solutions!
You fixed it.
The one with volumes and sections. From a puzzler who hasn't dared a keystroke in this room but wields an awesome keyboard.
4 out of our top 7 puzzles(according to votes) are from Mar-2016 to June-2016
Oh, it's puzzle season right now then!
Q: The box with the curious inscriptions

KeyboardWielderA librarian browsing the basement of a library came across an empty box. Its contents were missing, and to her annoyance even its label had been vandalized. The label did tell her that the box had once contained a series of five volumes, but other important lines had been obliterated. Above on...

Some parts of the world it's monsoon seasoon.
In this part (San Jose, California, USA) a heat wave just passed. Everyone withered and died. I'm a zombie.
Anyone got anywhere on the youtube puzzle?
youtube puzzle?
(I've solved a youtube puzzle or two and lucky to not have been arrested again. What a braggart.)
Q: MetaMurderMystery

blehOh no. Another murder. More work for you, the famous Dr. M. Helos, in the summer, no less. The story: A man by the name of Nat Sow was found dead on a bench. When the police found him, they were unable to move him, as if he was a stone stuck to the seat. They uprooted the whole bench, and on c...

That ^
Thanks. This one leaves a negative impression! In the most positive sense.
Hey does anybody here like cool tedious logic puzzles?
I wonder the same thing every time I start a crossword.
okay, teaser, what's in mind?
Does anybody actually want to try one of those logic games?
The one where two people are given a number each
One the sum of A and B, and one the product
(I am pretty much bored now. So, will try just about anything)
And basically they take turns saying 'I don't know the numbers yet' until one of them does know the numbers
So the two people are working together, and they can only post either Yes (if they know the numbers) or no (if they don't)
They take turns
Oh, duh. I don't have a perfect logical brain..
I have a file that might cure you.
I have tried it, and it is fiendishly hard
That file outlines how those numbers can work out. Now that I'm looking it up I see how obscure the thing remains.
Which kind of person would play such a game? :P
Puzzled? Riddled? Bewildered? Whipsawed?
When you're really bored during a long car trip
I usually play chess when I am really bored..
I think I prefer YouTube back and forth with humn than YouTube puzzles.
else I read a book or sleep..
See, this was before we got our magnetic chess board
Make sense if you can. It made sense to me once:
PRODUCT & SUM  [classic SUM & PRODUCT puzzle, modified to reduce trial'n'error]

Mathematicians MP and MS both know that:
                  -  A pair of secret integers  m,n  satisfy  1 < m < n .
                  -  MP and MS can deduce everything that's possible to deduce.
                  -  MP and MS make only true statements.
MP and MS converse.

  (P1)   MP states: "I've been told the product, P = mn , but nothing further."
  (S2)   MS states: "I've been told the sum, S = m + n , but nothing further."
I seem to recall someone besides me being on Chess.com; who was that?
Umm, I have an account but it probably wasn't me
One of these days you'll probably be you.
Woohoo, just made some ludicrous progress
Does ludicrous describe your progress?
I hate when you bifurcate and the first fork you try works too well
Cheers for language!
Exactly, that is so bad when it happens
Is any of us even a native English speaker? I am, before dressing. (ooh that was a rude attempt)
(can't believe I spilled that product and sum worksheet. feel completely exposed and am typing as if to leave a smoke screen)
Okay, new round
I think I'm a native speaker. At least, I've got earbuds in my ears, which are a kind of speaker.
Who's up?
Who wants to be S: Sum and who wants to be P?
I have no idea of the two numbers. (good enough for starters?)
Q: What was the Ludicrous Patents Office?

ibidIn Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, one of the departments in the Ministry of Magic referred to is the "Ludicrous Patents Office". “Level seven, Department of Magical Games and Sports, incorporating the British and Irish Quidditch League Headquarters, Official Gobstones Club, and Lu...

(self promotion)
For humn's puzzle, I don't know if the numbers are 4, 13 or 13, 16
Oh, so that's where ludicrous loops came from. I knew TGE was a wizard...
Which puzzle is this?
the huge message above
@ffao , I hope you get used to being so quick before I get tired of your being so. Well done! (4 and 13, but now I'm not so sure)
I couldn't find any reason to eliminate 13, 16; maybe there is one
@ffao Are you attempting any puzzles rn?
not really
Such a disparity between those who can and those who do.
I thought i was a pure solver until jumping off the cliff.
Weeks ago my system was flushed. Now I'm constipated with 7 or more in the works.
7 or more solutions or questions?
I'm still a solver too!
There's a daredevildry to each, but lately I'm just a typist.
Yay, LL break-in
One of those 7 sizzlers i already tried out here: How much can be said when nothing is understood?
A lot! But how to wrap that into a P?
3'3465+8;- /@(3# #3;#3 3'3;57@))6.
Gratefully misunderstood!
(I wonder if anyone can crack that here and now.)
M Oehm to the rescue! (that's called a baton toss while tripping over the line)
For the cipher? Uh, oh!
Right, @MOehm Perfect timing. Help me with this CC if you are not stuck in any other work..
@Mithrandir , I detect a 3. 'zat a clue or what?
@Sid Do you mean the TGE's CCCC? (I have to catch up with what happened here in the last few hours.)
No, another one..
And now the right side of the screen shows up. Dynamic duo? Polar? H2? N2? N3?
Bring it on, then. I might have more success than at Mith's jumble of characters.
Today's Guardian Cryptic has a clue: "Brief Communication raising school rent" (7)
/6 =7/:)3 @"57@))6 /@(3# #3;#3 8* 697 & 3"4605 85.
(autocorrect may have messed that up)
you .... dog! (that's a compliment)
@Sid "raising school" could be ETON<, so something NOTE. Do you have any crossers?
Right or wrong, brilliant!
How is school eton?
Eton is a famous private school and it's often used.
Lots of high-frequency letters at that.
Yeah, I have the last letter as T.
So, it is now.. NOTE--T
Maybe it's: not E
I feel like many of the references made in British crosswords would be quite unfair if not established
(The problem with these is that you either know them or not. There's also see = Ely, because the city of Ely is the see of a diocese and, of course, because Ely is strangELY useful.)
British word which I found after googling brief communication
ffao, I began life as you, a zygote without an English word in my pocket.
@Sid Bingo!
I began life without a Portuguese word in my pocket too, if you want to go that far back
... late follow-up: now I have fingers in my pocket.
@ffao those fingers keep looking for a P word. One of the most beautiful languages
@Mithrandir , oh the neighbrs!
Huh, I dunno how to interpret that.. "P word?"
Portuguese (spelling (verified))
Language! It's at our fingertips, in the modern world. Used to clog our throats.
A poetic police officer pulled me over the other day.
Asked me if I'd seen any suspicious speakers.
What should I do had I?
Keep your nose to the ground and nobody will notice.
Hard to type in that posture . . . but the fingers linger . . . (punch me)
Is there a Greet Lake or Greet Sea or similar water body in Scotland?
Language lover! "Greet" is a gorgeous way to spell Great in Scots or Latin.
Greet is a Scottish word for to cry.
Live and learn, thank you.
Oh, man. This is... so unfair..
(That's also something I know from croswords, of course.)
@Sid What's the clue? And which crossword are you doing? Today's puzzles are a Rufus and a Provis quiptic, bot none of them has the notelet clue, as far as I can see.
@Sid Greetbaby :)
Clue is: "Hail or drops of water in Scotland (5)"
Yo no gonna say Rufus without a ruckus! Rufus Cornwalibiensis?
Okay, greet should be fine then.
(Sorry about another outburst. My inner medievalist just burst out.)
(One of my secret names is based on Rufus Corn....is)
Humph, Guardian Cryptics use too much of cryptic def.
Bienwalis? Or is there a risk of something dreadful happening when guessing your secret name (and accidentially getting it right) in chat?
@Sid So you're doing the Rufus. This setter is known for many cryptic definitions. I struggle with them myself, and I'm usually better at the ones later in the week that use more wordplay, eve if they are supposed to be easier.
(Thank you for reading, M Oehm. Soon as I typed that I wished otherwise, for pathological reasons. Rufus of Cornwall was an amazing solver, doing the best possible at the time.)
I should change my monicker to "dufs"
My favourite Guardian setter is Chifonie
Link? (too lazy at the moment to do more than ask)
Thank you!
No problem :)
Now I have to sit down and pull out a pen.
We should really just have a Guardian solve sesh in chat (esp since it's Quiptic Monday)
Well, decorating your screen using a pen probably isn't the best of the ideas.
(although I guess some would prefer to solve solo :P)
I'm much more a fan of co-op myself
Don't get me started on how to collaborate. But please do.
Oh, I've just printed out the Quippie. I like to solve off-line with a pencil.
But...but...then you can't peek at the answers!
^That. :P
The way we usually do it is you only say what clue you got, not the answer. That gives people an idea where to start.
Then if someone's stuck on a clue, the people who have it can start giving hints
The best part of collaboration is seeing each others' work.
The hardest part of collaboration is exposing our works.
Belly up! (That's almost redundant here. Every puzzle is a belly up.)
Well, I solve as much as I can and then get back online, where I can reveal the answers and where I have good dictionary ressources. The point when that happens is a good benchmark for how difficult the crossword puzzle is. For a Quiptic, that should be at about 80% of the grid filled.
If that point comes with only a hadful of clues filled in, I use the back of the printout as scratch paper for something else.
I don't remember ever filling in more than 5 or 6 without heading over to OneLook >.<
"Some of us are searching for the answer, some barely have a clue, most don't even suspect." -- some quote
I can hardly solve more than 3 or 4 which are basically anagrams.. >.<
I don't remember ever filling in more than 2
maybe this time I can get 3
Then, I google meaning of words..
"What are words for, when no one listens anymore?" (Yeah, apologies for the repeat)
The 80% is for a Quiptic, and I don't always get that far. But I guess it's a matter of practice.
And my solving sessions can take some time. I may get back to an unfinished grid several times.
"It's like getting to the end of a page and wondering what you just read."
"It's sleep-inducing to write notes on 40% of curriculum" (8) - I don't know what it is. But, the surface reading is hilarious
yay, I have 3 :o
Something with curr
or ulum
Yeah, could be
Is it a down clue?
No, across.
It's across
In this font, down = clown (signed, sometime font designer)
sad clown
I think I have the 40% but the answer does not come to mind yet :(
If PEND meant something it could be PENDULUM
... I think you up have it (except not sure about the D)
D is a note
... ah
But why "notes"?
it's note in the original clue
The clue is singular note
Oh, makes sense
Q: Oh no, it's another safe!

BmyGuestAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #32: Grid Deduction Hybrids Oh, did I feel proud after solving the last safe when I was immediately dimension-doored (or anything) into this room! Damn the aliens, they still want to play around with me... Well, seems there is nothing else to do than ...

Okay that's a new category of puzzle: Ulreliable-narrator crosswords.
There actually should be a grid-hybrid tag
@Sphinx Whoa.
I'm skipping this FTC, all puzzles are too hard for me D:
(I am feeling stupider but getting smarter by the moment. Ride, wild ones!)
See you later. I've got some chores and a quiptic to do.
That's some serious 3D modelling
Cya @MOehm
It really is fun to see silly sausage being solved!
(Yikes, that was a play on words! Internet search shows otherwise. Now I'm banned worldwide.)
Oops, sorry.
I was taken in by the hilarity of the clue. Didn't notice I had crept in an extra "s" there
how does that clue work? How is D a note?
What is this?
Search above. There is a CC there.
@Sid musical note
well, I filled 4 this time
(I put in PENDULUM before Anko suggested it, so that counts)
I might get back to it later
Anyone else here jaunt between puzzles, literature, writing, music and meta?
Seems to be my goal to be ignored in all my favorite media.
Mithrandir! Let's ignore each other at the practice room.
I'm on mobile, it's difficult to throw YouTube links around, sorry :/
I can try, though.
Understood, and thanked for previous shares that sparked that outburst.
How's the Quiptic going?
Still goin', but trying the cryptic now
I struggle with today's cryptic and have already cheated once.
Revealed a word.
I started solving the Rufus online, but did the Quiptic on a printout.
@TheGreatEscaper In the balance loop, can one arm 'pass through' another clue?
one arm 'pass through' another clue?
Or would it be like this:
I always thought that they could
btw why is it a two not a three?
Yeah, it should be a 3 @TheGreatEscaper
That's fine, but the number is a 6
The way that balance loop clues see is similar to eyes, until the next turn

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