Here is an (unoriginal) question which I found quite nice. I've got no idea where the original question came from.
Given 6 points in a $3\times4$ rectangle, prove that two lie within $\sqrt{5}$ of each other.
This might help: Pigeonhole Principle
This question is directly related to How Many Squares on the Peg Solitaire.
Is it possible to formulate with a given dimension of equal ranged points $m\times n$ where $m,n\geqslant 2$?
For example;
$2\times2$ there is only $1$ square possible:
$3\times2$ there are only $2$ squares ...
Today I was watching the movie How to train your dragon (First part), and in the part where Hiccup Horrendous Haddock reads the book (at 23:10~24:50, you will find it online easily), I made probably a new but trivial discovery !
... The book is in normal English, but in substitution cipher. The...
@incesterror21 You could always just ask, I don't think you really found out what makes people angry with your experiment. But again I don't think that's the right way to go about things.
Euro banknotes come in the following denominations: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 euro. You must distribute 5000 euros among 10 sealed envelopes, so that the following conditions hold:
it is possible to pay whatever amount is a multiple of 5 euro by handling a single envelope;
the total number o...
@ffao I feel like this CCCC is supposed to be QUAKED but something seems off. (Uninitiated green blue [-aQUA] knight [??K??] loses heart [??E??], deserts leader [D_], rocked... [def.])
@n_palum I've got to say, I like the above much better than ROT13 (drives me crazy!). And ROT13 is just about as useless on mobile. Who's going to open a separate website to decode ROT13 on their phone?
@Rubio I think you're probably right. It all makes sense to me (K is acceptable as an abbreviation for Knight, I think, even though chess usually uses N), except that "loses heart" should be S, because that's at the heart of "loses". But the intention must be to use the E.
@Rubio QUAKED was also my guess but likewise I can't reconcile the KE, and while I considered GPR's comments as well I doubt ffao would do that... (I think)
For myself, if I see Spoiler followed by some text, it's awfully difficult to avert my eyes, even if I don't want it spoiled. I prefer it to require some sort of action (hover/click).
last election, based on badge awards: 165 votes in hours 0-3. 218 in hours 0-11. 260 in the first 24 hours. 303 in the first 48 hours. 395 in the first 72 hours. 416 total. plus or minus 1 or 2 per time interval; the numbers were changing on me there :)
I was just thinking to myself, is it better that we have lots of people vote, or is it better that only those who have a vested interest and/or a knowledge of the candidates vote? I'm actually not sure what the answer is.
In "real life" elections (electing leaders of a country), it's generally considered best if as many people vote as possible. But if you vote without a real knowledge of who you're voting for, is your vote actually worth anything?
I'm just looking at the star board (to starboard), and realizing that we have, uh... "interesting" opinions of our existing moderators: "Deusovi is ... twisted and evil" "Emrakul is an eldritch horror".
@incesterror21 You mean 5% of the total population or 5% of votes cast?
@incesterror21 So you're saying we need to count on flooding the election with uninformed votes in order to make sure that no new ideas are brought forth by less "established" candidates?
I don't understand how that keeps "radical parties" below 5%, since uninformed voters can vote for the "radical" party just as easily as an "established" one.
@incesterror21 Uh... I was kind of waiting until the idea was fleshed out a bit more. You just want something called "Puzzling Debate Room" or something?
I feel like running for mod doesn't really warrant debating over things.. it's not like we've all got legitimate platforms and policies that we intend to implement
@n_palum well... why not? @Rubio want's to ban @Rubio, @GarethMcCaughan wants to ban questions, @Mithrandir wants to mine diamonds, and @n_palum you can be the Transparency guy? : )
CCCC: I think it is SHAKEN. Knight from chess leads to ROOK, uninitiated to ROOKIE. Something happens after that, he is SHOOK and now at last is SHAKEN. I am not familiar with the puzzle type though so I might be insane.
CCCC: Taking the clue from @Rubio, I propose YANKED (Uninitiated green blue [-cYAN] knight [??K??] loses heart [??E??], deserts leader [D_], rocked... [def.])
I slipped, hit my head on a railing and had a hole that went down to the skull which had been slightly cracked. Hospital 3 days for plastic surgery. Now I look a bit like harry potter with a round scar :P