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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Scon is probably laughing now...
can't "open lorries" be wagons?
open to me suggests first letter
it opens it
oh yeah.. in that way.
it could be the verb or adj here
and then unmanned suggests that the letters M A N should be subtracted from what we have.
Tragic western open lorries could be TL
if wrecked = dismantled that has man in it
I think Tragic western is the def
I think the punctuation is important to this one because Scon said it was intentional to read like a play
highly likely^^
doesn't that make it less likely that the punctuation matters?
here is the MAN himself
Not necessarily? Tragic western is separate, the play's title.. open: lorries; the beginning of the act
Sconibulus, confusing people since 11-May-2017.
I really wanna get this I came up with a funny one :P
I'm not sure at all as to the relevance of any of this, but:
"open lorries" might well be wAGONs
A "tragic Western" might well be DJANGO
how to get from one to the other is beyond me
Ahh yes DJANGO the classic tragedy
If that is correct, then, I guess wrecked is an anagram indicator for AGON. We still haven't used the rust.
(Mr. Deusovi would be terribly unhappy with an indirect anagram, though)
I don't believe there is anything in the clue that our overlords would be particularly unhappy about
I make no such claim about mildly unhappy, because I'm still not very good at these :)
I'm good at complaining about things! :P
its a mods job :P
I still think the def is "laden", and the hyphen is the separator. The rest of the CCCC has colons, semicolons, and commas.
It's a Deus thing
@MikeQ Laden 6 letter possibilities, LOADED, FILLED, LOADED, LAVISH
to name some
What about LOADED? :P
I don't think you mentioned LOADED
well, if we're going to make a list
PACKED was meant to be the other one
be sure you put LOADED on it
For some reason, whenever I see Open, my mind diverts to Tennis. IIRC, there was a tennis tournament in the US named Western Open. Though, I doubt Scon would go for such obscure references.
Rolling eyes so hard every teenage girl was put to shame
also LEADEN, possibly BURDEN (though I don't like it), LOADED, TOTING, SODDEN, SOTTED, maybe FLABBY, HIDING, and LOADED.
Laden would be burdened, wouldn't it?
^ and you forgot loaded
I'm laughing more than I should from all of these loaded mentions
Tragic could be WOEFUL: There's a W for Western and possibly an O from open. Laden could be FULL and there's a lot in between that I can't make head or tail of. :)
Not a bad effort either..
Seeing that you have been discussing the CCCC for what? two hours now, I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents.
Much appreciated as we are seemingly stuck
Not that I could contribute anything useful. The clue seems awfully long for a six-letter answer.
My thoughts exactly
@Scon considering that even experts like Oehm are stuck, mind giving a hint?
I wouldn't consider myself an expert. More often than not I'm stuck on the CCCCs here.
there has been a lot of good work, and many good ideas thrown out recently, I'm inclined to let them sit for a while before giving a second clue
Aaargh! We're LOADED with possibilities to explore for the CCCC. :)
rolls eyes harder than ever
Dont do that, @n_palum, they will get stuck.
They're just in an infinite rolling loop at this point, I don't see them getting stuck anytime soon
Oooh, perpetual motion
Yes, we could use n_palum as dynamo.
Did you just try to make my eyes into a math joke
How so? I can't make it stick.
Tragic (def) = western (O_ L_ U_), wrecked
the FE from countless rust
FEO is from countless rust - i found that last night
Well done
laden is putting FEO
there's a W I can't quite account for
but that has to be it, and I was looking at that last night too
couldn't find one of the letters, and I still can't
The W could be from wrecked, which is doing double duty as fodder for Western and anagrind?
oh maybe? :/
that's all I can think of
Isn't that an indirect anagram, then?
is an anagram really necessary?
well - we've apparently determined you can apply an anagram indicator on the result of another indicator that's literally there
Ah, it's FeO (iron oxide) insode LUW, the openings of Lorries Unmanned, Wrecked, all backwards (Western). Def is WOEFUL.
but what's "open" ?
that sounds more reasonable
So, LU(FEO)W<, in cryptic nomenclature.
Starting letters
open is start letter indicator
is it? opener, but open?
that's the letter I couldn't match
anyway. good job @MOehm
Well, it was a joint effort.
You got the whole word most completely
Q: How can 14 teams rotate thru 8 stations (2 teams at a station) without overlaps, with one station not being used during each rotation?

KimHow can 14 teams rotate thru 8 stations (2 teams at a station) without overlaps, with one station not being used during each rotation? NOTE: Every team plays every other team exactly once Every team participates in every station exactly once

you sure that wordplay can't give LOADED somehow?
@Sphinx I've seen this before, I swear
Yes, in niggle mode, Westward would be better than Western, too, to indicate reversal. but I've just opened a beer and I'm in a good mood.
eh. we've definitely seen western used for reversal, I have no quibble there
What a German thing to say
What, "I'm in a good mood"?
I think open may have been better opens(because multiple letters) but I don't know why it wouldn't be a valid indicator
Opened a beer and in a good mood :P
No judgement, jealous maybe.. although I'm not a big beer person
It's just a small one I allowed mayself after running. I'm very much a beer person, at least when I go out.
Okay, here goes:
not in a bad way, but Germany is known for beer
CCCC: Led a do, guilty as charged. (6)
@n_palum Oh, I didn't take it badly, no worries. but my beer comment seems to have stopped the buzz here.
DOesn't beer make people sleepy?
I just don't have the taste for it
(No, I haven't ever tried beer and nor do I intend to in the future)
I'm much more of a cider/"fruity" beers, and liquor
you don't intend to ever try beer?
not necessarily @Sid
@Sid Not necessarily sleepy. Different people have their own reactions when buzzed/intoxicated
Maybe after drinking for a few hours.. then I get sleepy
@Sid Two or three beers make you sleepy. I didn't have much taste for it at first, either, but now it's my regular drink when I go out.
I feel like either you like it when you're younger or you develop a taste for it as you age..
@Scon religious issues. Not that my religion bans it. We are told during our childhood about side effects of alcohol. Apparently it is not healthy and I am touchy about health.
But you can probably lead a fulfilled life without having tasted beer.
@Sid @MOehm The number depends on the person's alcohol tolerance, which mostly depends on their size, weight, and health
Many fun things are unhealthy :) But ok
It also depends on the size of a beer. :)
^^ fact of life
@MOehm I should have said 'amount' instead of 'number'. (shakes fist angrily at English language )
Germany is known for large pints of beer
@Sid Red wine has proven heart benefits in moderation :)
@n_palum Only the south. The beer in most regions is pilsner, which is bitter and gets stale quckly, so they serve it in small glasses. Here in Munich, the regular size is half a litre.
Still a solid size haha
I had a friend who spent a few weeks in Germany for school, he said beer was served like every meal after 11 AM
Yeah, as I understand it, beer is traditionally part of German culture. Their "legal drinking age" has multiple levels rather than "too young" / "too old".
And of course they have the litre tankards you've probably seen inpictures of the Oktoberfest or of beer gardens. I prefer the smaller sizes, but you won't get anything small in these places.
Oh I have seen those
Germany is on my list of places to visit, specifically Munich actually
When did your friend visit Germany? In the sixties? I'd say for most people beer is something they drink in the evening.
Nope like a year ago haha
Might've just been them being college kids
There is something called "Frühschoppen", though, where you start drinking at maybe 11 am, but not on workdays. Maybe on a Sunday on a folk festival or something.
@MOehm My German is a bit rusty... does that translate to "early shovel"?
As in early shovel beer into your mouth? XD
@MikeQ Früh is early, but Schoppen is something to drink. It's maybe even a regional word. Shovel would be Schaufel or, regional again, Schippe.
So you know German?
Apparently not
Well, your translation wasn't far off, given that Schoppen is a rather obscure word.
Well, not obscure maybe, but unusual for a foreigner to know.
I will say that so far, it's my favorite language that I've studied. The rules just... make sense. And the words are fun to say.
(I looked up Schoppen :/. Figured the word was "early" something, and it sounded like "schleppen")
ASL is my favorite :P
but it makes about as much sense as you'd expect from sign language
Well, the rules may make sense, except when they don't. The problem is that different languages care about different things. That the words are fun to say could be because some of them are close to English but still different.
@n_palum So what's ASL? A sign language apparently.
@MOehm American Sign Language
I know a handful of German words, and some German Sign Language
Yea what Mike said
So somthing that you do with your hands that's often used by the deaf and mute?
I can count the number of German words I know with the fingers of my hand..
Exactly, it's an unspoken language
Same with French or any other language that is not my native language..
Or any other regional language for that matter..
My favorite German word is Schmetterling
@Sid Are they eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf?
Well, I knew only the first two.
Nah, I know only Good morning, Good luck, And something similar..
I don't know how to spell most of the german words I know
and they're almost all violent
things like falschrimjagr and kamptflieger
Have you been playing too many Nazi video games Scon
...no comment
There are plenty of German words that are adopted into English
Fallschirmjäger und Kampfflieger, aha.
My favorite German word is "Gesundheit" simply because it was a cheat in a GTA game. :P
Zweihander comes to mind
Yes. Apparently that's also said in America to someone who has sneezed.
I can't show you my favorite signs :P
Gosh! German really seems to be all about fighting. (The "correct" German would be Zweihänder. And Doppelgänger, of course.)
eindekker... jagdpanzer
@MOehm Apologies, my keyboard has no umlauts. I have to copy+paste them from when you type them.
Yes, I knew Doppelganger as well.
In that case, you should write an e after the vowel you want to make an umlaut: Zweihaender. (That's often used when you have no German keyboard. It's also the way we write solutions in crosswords.)
@n_palum If I may ask: How come you speak sign language?
One of my favorite features of the language is how easily you can summarize concepts into a single word. You just append multiple words together and bam, it's a new word.
Yes, but English can do that, too, only that you get a phrase, not one large word. The concept is very similar.
Let's say I have a special knife that is designed for spreading peanut butter
Much easier to say
...ok, it's not an actual word, but I think it's structurally valid
Yes, but couldn't you call such a knife a peanut butter knife in English?
I could but it's not as fun
Or maybe peanut-butter knife.
"Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften, insurance companies providing legal protection, is considered the longest German word in everyday use by the Guinness Book of World Records" (Source)
Then you would enjoy words such as Fahrtrichtungswechselanzeiger.
@MOehm The University I attend is located in Rochester US, and the school is one of the largest deaf accommodating schools in the country. Also the city and surrounding area is the largest deaf population in the country, over 90,000
So I was exposed to it very quickly, and quite a lot at school, decided to take some courses and eventually got a minor in American Sign Language and Deaf Cultural Studies
I really like it
@MOehm "driving direction ??? displayer"?
Ah, so you see it "spoken" every day. Friends of mine have a daughter in kindergarden. She's got a friend there who is deaf and uses sign language, so she starts to use that at home, too. The parents sometimes wonder whether she makes up the signs on a spur.
@MOehm More or less "spoken" but yeah I see it all the time, and being able to communicate with everyone is nice.. it's a fun language to learn too.. and it sets you apart in the job market eventually :P
It does sometimes look like you're just making stuff up or waving your hands around but I promise it's not
It's even got its own grammar, although it's awfully annoying... You do like the opposite of English
@MikeQ: It's the word the traffic code uses to refer to the indicator light for turning left or right. Everyone else calls it a Blinker. (Anzeigen can mean to display, but also to indicate. And to press charges.)
I think it's based on French grammar
It's probably worth learning for people who gesture a lot when they speak, in order to avoid confusing (and/or insulting) any ASL people who see.
I was raised very Italian and talk with my hands normally, now it has translated into signing while I talk
I do it too, but never learned ASL, and apparently these may translate into ASL to mean very some bizarre and disturbing things.
Anyhow, speaking of indicators. Does "as charged" mean anything as part of a cryptic clue?
Sometimes haha but you'd be surprised, the more disturbing or inappropriate language you have to very deliberately sign, it's not usually accidental
Especially since it's not a spoken language, and there are no tone indicators etc, you have to do a lot with your face to express things
@MikeQ You mean as an indicator for some wordplay? In the way that "mixed" can mean an anagram? No that I know of.
(Although charged with could mean containment as rust-laden meant to put FEO inside the rest in the previous clue.)
Oehm you should go take another crack at my puzzle, it's still idling
@n_palum have you said which are correct?
Should I at this point?
perhaps, its up to you. If you think you need to
The seven-letter code? At the moment, I have no idea what the letters I think are missing are.
1 is probably right
And the Y from the cyclops is, too.
yeah those are the only two I can say are def correct
5 might be a <kbd>5|5</kbd> domino
oh kbd doesn't work
I confirmed the 4 that are right
oh wow j was correct
That was an easy one :P
Okay, the blank page, the V|V domino and the rebus.
the other 3 I figured would be harder
vv I assumed was W
so it follows like imgur.com/ecjxxYx
with x's as blanks for now
The blank one you'll probably say oh duh, 5 is not a domino and the last is not really a rebus ;)
@BeastlyGerbil also that'd be wrong :P
oh do I have the order wrong there?
So the V over V one is a rebus?
The order is wrong, and V over V kind of...
I think 4 is 0
v/v could be 5/5 = 1
Both would be wrong
oh lol
4 could be O instead then
also wrong
but yeah its probably a number because no case indicator
And the V/V could be a lowercase V: One wedge is the V and the second indicates lower case.
@n_palum that order is correct btw, at least from the puzzle
@BeastlyGerbil words are important ;)
so ecj?vY?
and then we order
I'll be nice and say only 1 is moved
probably 4 to the penultimate position
I was wondering what the penultimate thing meant
so the first ? is a number, the second is a lowercase character presumably
Exactly what it sounds like
Oh, that's a nasty clue. I thought it referred to the letter/number itself, like the others.
@MOehm <groan> LOADED: "LED A DO" guilty (anagrammed) = LOADED (charged)
why can't 7 also just be a lowercase v ?
actually that is probably too easy
7 I think clues Lover
X maybe?
oh nice thought
@GentlePurpleRain Yes, you got it.. :) (Sorry about the groanworthiness, but I couldn't resist the cheap shot.)
7 still has nothing to do with lover
Why not? It's a perfectly common word. I think it means somthing along the lines of laden or such.
@MOehm nasty as in bad? ;)
Very clever 😝
@n_palum don't tell me 4 is the number 4
it's blank, may be 0?
Nasty as in tricky to find out. I mean we're looking for an image key for imgur, which can be anything and we can only try it out in order to see whether we are correct. If the answer were a word, such devices would be easier to spot, because you see immediately wha'ts going on.)
hes said no to that
ahh, I don't know what he's said :)
LOWER could be 6: so Y - V = i?
Its probably just 4
Apologies if the nastiness/trickiness is unfair
I'm saddened to inform you that you're right Gerbil
Well, it's out of the way now, although only for us in the know/chat.
okay so ecjvY4?
got it
You are still missing 7
do you have a transcription of the stuff in the pic?
You can brute force the last if you really want I guess
In what the 7th pic?
no in the final pix
7 is lowercase q
I bruteforced, no idea why
oh right
- and = were supposed to tip off subtracting
So you'd get the numerical values and subtract to get the value for q.. he words themselves were supposed to throw you off since they relate to capitalized letters and such
do you have a transcription then of the bridge text?
Yciumk fvnmksekmw pvqvz sromk gvdmg
Ahhh no
you don't have a transcription? never mind I typed it out :)
none of the rots
probably vigenere but no idea what the key is
Am I missing something? For me the A1Z26 calculation is:
(12 + 15 + 23 + 5 + 18) − (3 + 1 + 16 + 9 + 20 + 1 + 12 + 22) = −11
Oxygen valentines rajah tumen dazed
whats the key?
The key is in plain sight: TORII. The message is: Former referenced being eager seven
Or rather: Former referenced being eager (7)
eager probably def
as its about
I'm with Sid, I don't intend on trying beer
and I can't believe I didn't get MOehm's CCCC! :(
Yes, it was writen just for you. And n_palum, obviously.
speaking of CCCC...
@GentlePurpleRain's leaving us hanging
Deus got it yeah
we actually got it literally same time :P (though he probably got it within a second of seeing it :P)
Nice pickup on Torii Oehm
I've never even heard of 'torii'
my guess is that it's the name of that structure
A torii (鳥居, literally bird abode, /ˈtɔəri.iː/) is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the profane to the sacred (see sacred-profane dichotomy). The presence of a torii at the entrance is usually the simplest way to identify Shinto shrines, and a small torii icon represents them on Japanese road maps. They are however a common sight at Japanese Buddhist temples too, where they stand at the entrance of the temple's own shrine, called chinjusha (鎮守社, tutelary god shrine) and are usually very...
I'm much more familiar with Toril
Okay, after the beer, I feel sleepy. Good night, y'all!
Or GameN, rather.
Night Oehm!
Guten Abend!
@ffao you think you're mad, I can't believe he did that
😂😂😂 the cheekiest 4C yet
@n_palum I dunno, I think there was one about Alconja and the fortnightly challenge...
it's the third one
I don't know why no one in the office came here to ask me why I was laughing so much at the LOADED mentions
Do you think it would have been better if they had?
(That is, I think, a loaded question)
Booo, get off the stage!
Whose turn is it anyway? Are we waiting on @GentlePurpleRain or someone else?
Sorry all, working on something important. Will try to have CCCC up in a few hours at most.
Alright, take your time!
Night all!
Night Gerbil XD
So @Deusovi did you get a chance to watch?
2 hours later…
Hey @boboquack - you're always on after half the chat has gone to bed :0
That's what tends to happen when you live in Australia
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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