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yeah I would protect it but that might look a little biased. :)
Ooh. i just cracked 15k... can i go and protect it?
Well someone elllllse could
@Alconja Congrats!
Alconja gains rep just for existing
:) yeah, i haven't actually done anything in a while
:( can only protect questions >24hrs old
Gah that question makes me so mad... It isn't even their own really
And yet it gets all the upvotes, HNQ etc
yeah I'm surprised it ramped up that quickly
Also, grats @Alconja :)
It's always those weird math ones where everyone wants to answer even though it was answered...
to the credit of that puzzle, the answer is actually quite interesting imo
unlike e.g. that marble puzzle which is just braindead bruteforcing
It's not a terrible puzzle, it's just the usual HNQ+puzzling mismatch where an easy enough question (and/or one with multiple possible answers) grabs a few votes and a few answers very quickly which instantly puts it into HNQ by virtue of the way the algorithm works.
Then (again given the type of question) it becomes a positive feedback loop
A difficult/complex puzzle just won't get (m)any answers early, so it is very unlikely to hit the HNQ
"hot" != "good"
If I remember correctly, the way the formula works, the first four hours of activity (answers, votes) are "free", time-wise - it puts a floor of four hours on the time factor. If you don't get any votes or answers by then, time starts working against you. A difficult/complex puzzle is fairly unlikely to get anything significant in its first four hours of life, alas.
My biggest point with it though, is it is not their puzzle, you can google that and it comes up in a ton of places already.
Why not share a cool puzzle you saw somewhere? I learned something new from it
(personal opinion: I don't think it quite falls under the plagiarism rules, since there's no obvious "original source", but they should at least state that it's not their own idea)
Sometimes these are a case of a friend challenged them to it, they thought it was interesting, and so they posted it here. There's no "source" they can cite, and saying "my friend asked me this" isn't particularly useful. It's effectively public domain, and it's not a dup here, so ... I see no issue with it
I don't think it's plagiarism, I just don't like the attention it gets for nothing
I'm more irked by the attention than anything.. I know I know hot != good, HNQ is broken.. Bleh
yes. all of that.
I don't think you'll find anyone around here that doesn't agree.
Meanwhile an actual original puzzle remains unsolved, and what I thought was a pretty cool multi-layer riddle got next to no attention. I'm not bitter. :)
Riddles are still an ignored tag for me -- I upvoted the second puzzle
for the first one, I have no clue what you're asking
I remember I saw an answer that looked reasonable and long, and assumed someone smarter than me had understood, never looked at it again
^ Wall-of-text bias :P Me too, though
It's like the "measure out exactly 4 gallons of water, but you only have a 5 gallon and a 3 gallon jug" problem. But a little more ... challenging. hehe
@Rubio that Alien one was so intimidating because I was still newer.. the big wall of text scared me off
Also we are a couple days in now and no nomination from you mister
@rubio so can wE syFon thE Fluid oFF bay?
(answer provided)
@n_palum I have a week. hehe
Don't be shy xD
So what is the zalgo composed of?
it's just noise
everything in italic is flavor text
@GarethMcCaughan INTRUDE - break in on (def) childish old cow (ermINTRUDE -> character from The Magic Roundabout) without hesitation (-erm)
Oh my
Good job, Alconja. I'm pretty sure I would never have got that.
Had to google old British kids shows to find it
Anyone up for Contact right now?
stares at @Alconja
guiltily shuffles into the contact room
Hahaha old British kid shows
Ermintrude?! lol
Yeah, I never would've gotten that
2 hours later…
I am only slightly disappointed that Ermintrude is not in en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Fictional_cattle :P (but am impressed that such a page exists)
3 hours later…
@Alconja It's your turn to make a new CC
I was waiting for confirmation, but I guess it's pretty clear...
CCCC: Warning: Leaky! *(takes shelter)* (10)
Hm. That's an interesting clue.
Is the 'takes shelter' part of it?
It's in between the "CCCC" and the enumeration.
@boboquack : you know you can edit my answer, right? probably faster than explaining to me what you want changed :P
@Alconja was the * supposed to make it bold or is it part of the clue?
I guess it is intended to mimick chatspeak. Whether it is decoration or part of the clue is another question.
@MOehm GaMen
I found another typo in a user name :p
It's me this time
GaMen, @Techidiot! I'm not a good typist to start with, but it's getting worse. Sorry about that. (I'll let that one sit in ordre not to bring the question to the front page again.)
(The "idiout" in this case am I, of course.)
not sure if "ordre" intentional or not
Nope. You aren't. :) Just saw it when Rubio linked it.
@ffao It's French
@ffao No, it's another typo. it's supposed to mean "order", which I usually mistype as "oder".
:p Google translate gave me french. But, commande when I translated from English to French
Yes, it's French. Order and command are similar enough in English, too, at least without any context.
@Alconja Yes! (and: sorry.)
@MOehm What happened to finding the single word ? Are you still looking at it?
Oh, yes, although after I've prematurely claimed that victory is near yesterday, I haven't gotten any further. The more I look at it, the more open questions I find.
That's what you get for boasting. :)
I like a commenter's idea that UP TO is the solution to "planning and including partner". I can see the "Hat are you planning/up to" connection, but I can't make the wordplay stick.
I'm not quite convinced by Rubio's explanation that the symmatry only applies to the used cells. In my opinion, there's an "opposite" word for every clue, and there are some opposite pairs that make sense, but where both are unclued, e.g. (A)GENT / STAB(S), TREAT / COOKS and MACE / SATE. (That last one coneniently fills the large spaces in the NW and SE corners, but it's the only one that are down clues.)
Yeah.. That sounds promising.
It looks like a meta-puzzle to me
This is what I have so far, which is a tidier version of Rubio's solution. The dark blue words are symmetrcal to a clued word and the purple words are symmetrical, but unclued.
Mace stabs treat; cooks agents state(?) going left to right top to bottom
And what about all that cryptic-cluey words that are clued. ODD, STEWED, ROAMED, HIDES?
I can't be bothered checking, but are all the clued words L>R or T>B?
Oh yes, there are many.. Sorry.
But maybe I'm reading too much into it. the STABS/AGENT combo runs into its neighbours, for example, so that doesn't look likely. And the MACE/SATE are vertical, not horizontal, which seems to break the pattern.
I like Rubio's observation that the flavout text insists that there isn't anything important in it and that it may well be a ruse. Maybe even the title "A Puzzle Whose Answer Is A Single Word" has hints of the infamous (but superb) short, butal riddle.
But, the OP comments that he is tempted to give out hints.. which makes me think, there is surely something more
@boboquack I don't think so. MEDICAL > ENDGAME, but AFT < ODD.
I'm currently wondering if I should give a hint here... Also, I'd like some feedback on these clues, other than the ones you're having trouble with. — edderiofer 23 mins ago
No, I mean are they entered into the grid left-to-right or top-to-bottom?
All words are entered in crossword style, either across or down.
There's also HAZEL/TREAD over HAZE/READ (not sure if that's intentional)
The yellow letters of Rubio's anagram to... SWISHIER, which doesn't sound right :P (just felt like pointing it out though)
@boboquack Yes, but that's already covered by the clued HAZE/READ.
A version of the grid without too much conjecture is here.
@Sid just meant to imply emoting, to make the surface reading work. I.e. there's the warning about a leak, so I'm taking shelter. Don't read too much into it.
3 hours later…
@MOehm I think that covers more words than Rubio had which makes more sense, not sure why you'd leave out words... Unless each word in the word search is supposed to match up with the presumable CCs below.
Also GaMen
GAmen!The jury's still out on whether UPTO shouldn't be the solution to the "planning and including partner" clue, although the definition is loose (Are you up to/planning something?) and the wordplay eludes me. There's no real evidence that the purple words should be included.
Hmm I wonder if maybe some of the answers to these CCs are off..
I don't think so. The near-symmetric pattern is no coincidence and all answers can be found in the grid. We've suspected WEDDING, which is downwards in the SE corner, but discounted it, because it breaks the symmetry. It also runs into OWED.
@MOehm Ah so REWARD, ENDLESS, RUSE, UPTO?, WITH, EIGHT are the ones that break symmetry - and they are or are not part of the CC list?
@BeastlyGerbil can you ping me when you're around? I'm working on the follow up puzzle to Who Took My Car, and I want to change it to "Who Took My Friends Car", which won't really change the puzzle, but will make sense in the one(s) to come :)
But will mean you need to make a small change to your answer
@CalvT It'll probably be a bit since he's at school atm (I believe)
Yup ok. Just want the change to happen on question and answer at relatively the same time
@n_palum Nearly all CCs in the list have a matching answer on the opposite side. Only REMISS, ARAB, GASP, HAZE, TESLA and ACREAGE haven't, but the words you listed are opposite
Ahh I see that now
Q: How to Flip Adjacent Edges like this

DasunOnly these two edges are misplaced. Any algorithm to solve this?

And over-aggressive pattern matching has made us want to include COOKS, STABS, AGENTS and so on, too. Maybe the WEDDING is a red herring, because the theme of the puzzle seems to be ruses or distractions.
So we are working with those 6 not on the list that break symmetry and potentiall stabs/agent, and cooks/treat
It's symmetrical on a diagonal right? May help to add in a line across the word search on that blue version you made
It's 180° rotationally symmetric.
Hmmm Reward with endless ruse (8)... A reward could be a TREASURE. which has RUSE* in the ending, and if you had an ENDLESS TREAT in that clue instead, you'd have TREA.. maybe cooks is also there to give an anagram for RUSE?
That sounds plausible actually... Wow I surprised myself
So Reward with endless treat cooks ruse (8)
Endless treat
I just said that @Techidiot
Oh.. Didn't read it.
Just read Reward with endless ruse (8)
this part ^
But we need an anagram indicator for RUSE, but wait! There's cooks!
TREAT and COOKS do have the thing in common that every other letter in the word is included by another word up and down
I included that in my explanation @MOehm
Reward endless treat with ruse cooks (8)
or cooks ruse? either or I guess
~^.^~ I feel like I did it :P
Yes, cooks ruse sounds better.
But what about other words? and the clues? :-/ Are there multiple CC's that end up being a clue for TREASURE?
@n_palum Yes, that's it. It's a single word. Why don't you post that as answer?
Treasure is the reward.
But Rubio did all the main work...
I guess post an answer but remind those to upvote Rubio for the other work?
Hmm.. @n_palum You can post it in continuation to his answer
@Techidiot what other words?
Nvm. I got it.
I think it's okay if you wrap it up. Acknowledge his good legwork and go for the "REAWRD endless treat with cooks ruse (8)"
Sound's good
After I post it, @MOehm you want to edit and add in your blue highlights image? That's what helped me understand it, Rubio's didn't make as much sense
I can update it with TREATS and COOKS and post it here, so you can nick it.
@n_palum, here goes.
@Calvt I'm free 2 or 3 hours from now, yes I'm still in school
I should be around then
@Rubio We've finished the single word puzzle :)
Did people figure out the UPTO part? Adding "up to" to the clue makes the surface read better, but makes the wordplay a bit weird.
We haven't really solved that.
@Sp3000 I didn't think to include it, didn't make sense
So Reward endless treat with cooks up to ruse? That might even be it, because RUSE "cooks up to" SURE.
cooks ruse sounds odd, but so does cooks up to ruse
Cooks who are up to a ruse?
yeah but we don't have who are a
But you can leave that out. It sounds somewhat stilted, but still is good English, I think. (And crossword clues often read a bit stilted, because you shouldn't include excess words.)
Yeah I left it be but added a comment saying if it's supposed to be different let me know. And about whether or not we should include up to
Anyway, that's a minor aspect. I don't think the OP will argue about that.
Thanks @Silenus for the spoiler edit, forgot that
@Techidiot @Sid I've got a question for one of you (or both)
Go ahead
What does "Sabhi bhaiyo aur bahno se guzarish hai ki aaj aap ganga me zaroor nahaye. Apko sabhi manokamna purna hogi.# Ganga Mariya ki jai # har har mahadev." mean?
All my dear brothers and sisters, you are requested to take a bath in Holy Ganga river. All your dreams and desires will be fulfilled
Is it some kind of chain message you received? :p These are quite common ones..
Ah ok, that makes sense. The guy that posted it said it was Buddha Purnima
Oh.. Okay. Yes. It's a public holiday here
Nah, a friend of my wife posted it on facebook and google wasn't being particularly helpful
So sabhi is all?
Yeah. It's called Hinglish
ah, lol. That's why google failed
I think it is Hindi, not Hinglish
Canadian's have the same thing except it's called frenglish :P
Exactly. That's why I said it's Hindi, not Hinglish.
@MOehm The answer was accepted so I guess that was the end of it :)
It didn't work when I tried it :P
anyhow, I've got a meeting
good luck.
@manshu Yeah.. Not vocally, but technically it is. Atleast, I call it that as it uses English letters.
Oh also @Rubio and @MOehm the UP TO is apparently the one you thought WEDDING fit
@n_palum Well done. :)
yeah so I see - good job folks, I was stuck.
Oh. In that way. I still disagree.
You did all the hard work Rubio :P
An example of Hinglish might be.. "Yaha bomb gira hai". Here bomb is an English word while the rest of the sentence is in Hindi.
Hehe.. Yeah
@manshu Well, a lower version of Hinglish :p
Ma? Al may atem m'dabrim?
मित्रंदिर ने क्या लिखा है?
मुझे नहीं पता :-/
@Mithrandir आपने क्या लिखा है?
@manshu se's translate bot is down, sorry
np :p
Translate: מה
Does this thing work in all the rooms?
@dcfyj I might not be the best guy to ping for Hindi translations. Although that was fairly easy and I could have translated that, but better ping Tech for those things.
@manshu supposed to. Mod-only though
Q: Translate: tool isn't working

MithrandirThe translate: tool available to mods in chat seems to be broken. It refuses to translate things for me: (this was in the sandbox) This has been confirmed to not work very often for other mods in the TL as well. Can we please fix this, if it's not a problem on the Bing side?

huh.. many cool things on SE are mod-only. Probably I should run for the mod on "No Mod" platform. Equality Everywhere :p
That platform won't get you very far, sorry to inform you...
You have been ninja'd by 2 seconds. — Floern 2 days ago
@manshu Drain the Swamp, eh? :)
So I still can never get the spoiler tag around things that have other formatting on them... help
Q: The Special Numbers

OrayLet's try to find out the numbers satisfying the conditions below; $ab=(a+b)^2$ $abc=(a+b+c)^3$ $abcd=(a+b+c+d)^4$ There are only 3 unique answers!

@Mithrandir Probably that is why I am not running for the mod.
@Sconibulus Yes. To some extent.
Hey @Techidiot did you like my flower I drew? :)
Oh, yes. I forgot to compliment those.
also thanks for spoilers!
The spaceship looks easy ..but its not. The shades are cool. I know they consume some good amount of time.
The ship was a doodle xD I'm proud of the flower though
The flower is a real art! Do you sketch faces as well?
I remember I drew one for my wife - lol..She didn't complaint but I later realized, I messed it up big time :p
I don't usually do full portraits, but I love doing eyes and such
Yes. I like doing eyes too. Nose is what I do worst.. :p
same here. :p
I'll draw you up a quick sketch of an eye, see if I still have that in me
Sure. Go ahead..
I'll get my cup of coffee in the meantime..
@Techidiot It's dinner time :p
@Tech I hope you didn't do something like that..
^^ I made it on ms-paint
Wow, Nice!
blushes Thanks
(ok I cheated. hehe)
@Sid I could have shared it..but I don't have it right now :p It was not that bad. Just bad enough to make a wife fire at you :p
@manshu I work in Partial US shift..So, its not dinner time yet ;)
@Techidiot I'm going to put a hold on an eye drawing until I am home and have my actual pencils to work with

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