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I wonder whether 46 might mean something like "same".
So e.g. if in the last block 49 and 50 are something like "men" and "women" or "type-1 aliens" and "type-2 aliens", the block says something like this. "Component 1 = men. Component 2 = women. Men = 52kg. Women = same [kg]. Men are 12 parts oxygen to 4 parts carbon to 3 parts hydrogen to 2 parts nitrogen to 1 part everything else. Women are the same. Dwelling-of men is 7 parts water to 5 parts land. Land-of men is O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca. Dwelling-of women is the same." and so on.
But how the uses of 46 in the previous block would fit with that, I don't know; the "grammar" of that block is quite mysterious to me.
(Looking at just the start of that block, I would wonder whether 46 indicated some kind of case-splitting, so that e.g. the first section describes what happens when <44> 1 <45> is false and then what happens when it's true. But I don't think that interpretation fits anything else.)
More explicit CCCC hint, since I am increasingly convinced I just made it too obscure: yes, there is a reference here to an old children's entertainment of some sort (whether book, play, TV show, comic strip, movie, etc., I will leave unstated for now).
There's a Molly Moo Cow, a Clarabelle, a Blue Cow, Cow from Cow and Chicken
Heffer as Sp mentioned, the cow from the bosco cartoon
If Gareth does not end up running I may take up his sword and run on the "Do what Gareth would do" platform.
Q: How to decrypt this?

AniECATW VANNEXWVEXPK QX XWVKF WA. PQKWWKO XAJ. I think it's some kind of substitution cipher but I can't figure out which one it is. Thanks in advance.

@n_palum fyi the one that mentioned HEFFER was not me :P Of the bunch you mentioned, I like Molly though
But it's not giving me much
well, I`m no closer to the answer, but at least Gareth has succeeded in educating me about all of those cows
1 hour later…
@n_palum I hope you will be wearing your WWGD bracelet after you get elected.
1 hour later…
@Deusovi Is it fine to post a puzzle on PSE and the same on some external site as well?
Sure! Just note that when you post it on SE, it's licensed under CC BY-SA (with attribution), meaning people can share it freely as long as they give you credit
@Deusovi Talking about this
Nothing wrong with that. (And it is the same person, so no need to worry about plagiarism. I'm actually friends with him.)
Okay. Good.
Was just curious to see that. Thanks
I really appreciate the concern though!
so this indirectly divulges deusovi's reddit username?
Hm, I guess it does. That's fine, though.
Long time no see everyone
I'm not a very "private" person or anything. :P
Oh hey! Welcome back!
Thank you. How's it going? How has the community been?
It's been pretty good (both life in general and the community). We're about to have another election!
I'm sure whoever is picked will be a quality choice
Deusovi are you in the running? Or is this for a thing you already are?
I was in the running last time (and won).

Emrakul is stepping down, and we're going to appoint two more mods.
It takes two people to rival his shadow
Yeah, they left a mark on the site. They've been here for almost three years.
I was thinking about trying for a 2017 ad but I'm not sure it will go so well... :p
Oh wow
hey @Deusovi, you test-solved that "single word" puzzle?
Yep. I'm friends with the person who made it.
Am I wrong about the &lit clue having an error? or am I being thicker than usual? hehe
Also, there are some wonderful clues in there. Kudos to your friend.
No error in that clue. "End" can refer to front and back, not just back
Ohhh. Yeah, good point. :)
thank you sir!
And yeah, definitely! "An algebra falsehood" was kinda cute, and the ICE --> KEG shift was really clever
@Rubio - where's your nomination? I can't find it for some reason...
is it weird that I only know Lie algebra is a thing because it's used so often for the wordplay potential?
Ohhh, when I found KEG i was actually mad. :) I'd even seen KEG in there but hadn't connected it; it was one of the last clues I solved
nah, that's not weird
Super weird
well, seems like it's half-weird
@Mithrandir I've not posted one. (Yet? hehe)
If you do decide to post one, I'd be happy to vote for you. (And if not, that's fine too - I don't want us to pressure you into anything!)
@Rubio well with a two set election you don't need to worry about competition from Gareth if he nominates himself :P
yesterday, by Rubio
I've decided to run for Mod on the "Ban Rubio" platform. Make Puzzling Great Again!
For some reason, I get the suspicion that you won't follow through with that if elected.
No idea why, of course.
Would he be technically able to?
I will follow through. Elect me, a guy you can apparently trust
...Actually, I think he could. I haven't tried it, nor do I plan to, but the option is there.
Lol. That would be ... interesting ....
Yep, just checked. I do indeed have that option.
How do you KNOW if you have the option? A following page might say you're denied...
Be the scientist
Click the button deusovi....
I think it's on Meta.SE, actually
For beastly
oy. I'm crypticked out. that was some effort on that puzzle.
Well, that's not the answer.
I perfectly understand if you don't want to answer @Deus but I'm wondering if I have the solution to that puzzle correct.
oh. Lol.
I suspected not.
"NOR" is not the answer to that puzzle.
A: Does temporary suspension remove mod powers?

Oded Can mods suspend an other mod? Yes. If a mod is suspended, (but not de-modded), can he use his mod powers? Yes. Including un-suspending themselves. If a mod is suspended, can he use the normal, reputation-bound privileges of the ordinary users? Yes. They are still a moderator, af...

If you can solve one more, do you happen to know about old cow shows? :P
I've hit a wall on it, gonna see if a breather helps shed any more light
Hm... so if I did suspend myself I could unsuspend myself too. That's interesting.
I don't plan to act on that information any time soon, though. Sorry to disappoint.
I have to admit I'm more than a little heartbroken
Honestly, I'm tempted. I just don't want the self-unsuspension to not work for some reason, making me have to ask a CM to free me from my self-constructed prison of shame.
Do you know about the singer-songwriter Townes Van Zandt?
Nope, never heard of him.
I'm a little sad to not see a "+1 for freehand circles" yet
Not see it where?
on my wordsearch image. hehe
When he was around college age he was sitting on a balcony/railing a couple stories up. He wanted to know what it was like to lose control so he leaned backwards incrementally to feel it. Of course, you don't get to experience that feeling without falling and that's just what he did.
Luckily there was some snow to help break his fall and he did survive.
I +1d but didn't mention the reason as there was a better reason for an upvote ;) @Rubio
@Topple Natural Selection subverted?
He could've easily won a Darwin award for that had he missed the snow.
A few times in his case. Hell of an artist though
@Deusovi all suspensions send an automated email to the CMs, so... (although I wouldn't advise trying it - you might tick off Shog)
he passed away a couple decades ago now
I'm sure I've already ticked off Shog so much that any more won't really affect anything :P
But yeah, this comment makes me hesitant.
There may have been one exception to that "for science" thing. Both moderators involved are no longer moderators. — Shog9 ♦ Aug 10 '16 at 21:37
Look deus
its election season anyway
Just get on with the experiment! :p
Pff. "Oh, I'll just get de-modded, then run for moderator again!"
Or much beloved and known Topple takes your spot
@Deusovi If you're interested here's one of his songs. youtube.com/watch?v=Z5wrzwINOJM I'd put this in his top 15 songs if I had to. Hard to delineate further
Wait, why? The only reason I could see is because he doesn't say where it's from, but why is it too broad??
Yeah, I don't see how that's too broad.
Putting questions on hold just because they were written by a broad? Some backwards policy if you ask me
of course we have one more cryptic clue
M Oehm is a genius
Yeah.. When I VTC'd there were 2 votes on 2 different options..None of them were satisfactory..So, chose one randomly. OP seems to know the answer and was going to delete it. I think unclear is a better choice for VTC
It may not be a great puzzle, but I can't see why it should be closed.
Voted to reopen.
Oh, I finished off Ruklo Town. Not sure if I'd call it a metapuzzle.
(Actually, I am sure that I wouldn't.)
What exactly is a metapuzzle
A puzzle made up of solutions to other puzzles.
I gave a "lecture" on them a few weeks ago :P
Apr 17 at 4:11, by Deusovi
Typically, metapuzzles use answers from other hunt-style puzzles - those answers are English words or phrases, and they're combined in a way that involves some form of wordplay or interpretation.
start there, keep reading
I'm going to go, take care everyone. It was nice to catch up briefly.
the first thing I thought when I saw Endless Eight was of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
oh my god, those episodes
Have a good one, Topple
See ya!
(Endless Eight?)
The characters are trapped in a temporal loop during eight episodes, during which the exact same thing happens
After each episode ends, they lose their memories and start over
Well, not the exact same thing, there are minor variations such as the color of the mask they buy in the store, for instance
I don't get your comment though
3 mins ago, by ffao
the first thing I thought when I saw Endless Eight was of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
"when I saw Endless Eight"
what are you referring to there? am I missing something obvious?
Hmm, considering you solved the word-search, maybe I'm the wrong track then
But those two words are uncrossed
never mind, carry on
I didn't realize you were referring to that puzzle
oh did MOehm post that? I am looking at "reward with endless ruse eight" right now
So am I. Or maybe it's Reward with endless ruse (8)
oh hi ;)
oh - yeah that would make sense
there are two words in the middle line, "treat" and "cooks", that could be added without breaking rotational symmetry
but they don't contain assymetrically used letters
(I'm increasingly convinced WEDDING is wrong, but I don't have a better alternative)
oh, of course, now I see what was confusing me
the word UPTO is also asymmetric, and both of you excluded it because it makes no sense in the final clue
maybe it's the last answer
UPTO's letters are part of the used grid
(and is symmetric with HAZE anyway)
that's my point, every word has exactly one symmetric correspondent, why would haze be the only one without it?
would be a quibble if we were supposed to just discard it
There's a STABS/AGENT combo in the NE/SW corners. Could one of these be the solution to the planning clue? A partner could be one of the bridge partners N, E, S or W. But at the moment, I don't see how.
there's also WITH which would pair to ARAB, but that doesn't feel right either
or even ENDLESS, but seems like we need that one :)
vertically near the corners is also SAT and ACE but those seem fruitless
meanwhile Deus is giggling at us :)
I imagine he would be. :)
Let him giggle. Victory is close, I can sense it. :)
@ffao I sorta see your point about UPTO but no clue how it would help, tbh. it is odd that those letters are used, but not by a horizontal word. i'm not sure that matters though; I suspect the thing to look for is horizontal words which contain letters that are not symmetrically used. that gives (just) Reward with endless ruse eight.
I'd like to point out, with absolutely no expectation of any relevance, that SLEIGHT is a somewhat ruse-y word
@Deusovi How's your metametametapuzzle coming along?
You actually caught me in the middle of working on it!
Progress was delayed a lot due to that hospital visit. But I'm still planning to finish it, even way past the FTC deadline
(Plot twist: the whole mod election thing is a Meta meta meta meta puzzle)
Q: Which celebrity's name is hidden in the above letters?

Satish Kumar D,X,F,L,H,A,T,E,E Which celebrity's name is hidden in the above letters? Hint 1: Hint 2:

It might not be as topical, but a good puzzle is still a good puzzle after the FTC ends
As for more concrete (but still vague) progress: Major metapuzzles are done. Minor metapuzzles are about halfway done.
@Deus you might want to remove the "Partial Answer" heading from Ruklo
^ this is what a BAN HAMMER looks like
I'm considering posting one of my favorites in this set so far as a "preview meta" to tide you all over :P
@Rubio oh whoops, forgot to remove that
@Deusovi the city is a Bacon cipher (but with houses and non-houses instead of As and Bs)
I don't know what 1026 is a reference to, though
no, it's binary, which is different from Bacon ciphers
(specifically, it's shifted by 1)
probably A1Z(0)26?
I'm sure that must have been the intended way to use that information, otherwise it doesn't make a lot of sense
I must admit that I'm not entirely familiar with intricacies of the Bacon cipher, though
well, a lot of it doesn't make sense to me
the Bacon Cipher is literally just 5-bit binary, shifted by 1
this is six-bit binary, unshifted
So, @rubio that is the whole point of the election. These mods are evil, I tell you. :P
@Sid :O
Oh no, he's onto us! ABORT MISSION
puzzling.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1723/… -hmm, looks like Rand got into a quarrel with Shog.
@Sid ancient history
Woo.. Looks like there are so many secrets hiding in SE.
Yep. There are more, unfortunately :/ (I'm not linking)
hm. imgur seems to be broke
...alright, threw my hat in.
Fresh new picture
that wasn't working two minutes ago
Huh? How am I fourth for meta participation?
how do you even see that?
@Rubio Here
Go to meta, click on users
oh. derp. :)
Can someone tell CalvT to hold off a little bit? They're flooding the main page with http->https corrections
@boboquack pinged
@Mith was just about to drop a message myself
I feel like I'm watching a flipbook animation of CalvT's rep
GameN folks. hold down the fort ;)
Night! @Rubio
@Rubio Hey, isn't it GaMen for you? :P
Night watchers are here :p
The Another riddle to try is getting out of hand now. Too broad? I think so...
Not sure.. But needs protection I think..
@boboquack @Mithrandir He did it again.. sigh
Alright, finally got my questionnaire answers in.
@Mith 'There's only the affect' should be 'There's only the effect'.
(Stupid copy-paste)
@boboquack *also, and fixed
"What celebrity's name..." looks terribly underclued :/
Mhm, it could use some more... content.
The thing is, with 3 answers it's on HNQ now so... yeah
@Sp3000 sorry for pinging you about heffer, I think Gareth did so I just assumed
@MOehm I'll have a WWGD bracelet, and a new avatar for it too... maybe I'll sell WWGD merchandise :P
All good, still trying to get the C4 anyway :P
Options for what @Sp3000?
I have some Indian names I can make up with those letters :p
@Deusovi @GentlePurpleRain Does this one needs protection? A lot of new users posting their thoughts.
As per meta - Do protect questions that are attracting a lot of non-answers or very poor answers (spam, etc.) from new users. and it has already received answers like Time, Oxygen, Mouth etc...
^ It's not getting any confirmed answers though... and some are starting to fit more
Hmm.. Protected questions just protects the answers from new users. Not sure if its valid in this case but I have seen some similar ones getting protected before
@n_palum Sounds like it's just too braod to me
That's what I was getting at..
Too broad for me too (FTC'd).
Whoops, bounty.
WOW, the edit on this...
@dcfyj link please?
Yeah, it 100% changes the intent of the answer.
The guy's been a member of the site since today, I think since 11 minutes ago...
Very random edit
Well, that's why suggested edits are useful.
@dcfyj but I think you chose the wrong reject reason.
The spam one has extra repercussions behind the scenes, with IP blocks
Ah ok, either way it was pretty spammy (to me)
It looks like an attempt to write a different answer = attempt to reply
But I chose that reason for the defacing part
No, you should've used the "radical change" reason instead.
That reject reason (spam or vandalism) is, I'm pretty sure, for when it tries to edit it into something that you would red-flag on the main site.
Agree about the reject reason, but I wouldn't worry about it: I'm pretty sure SE doesn't block anyone's IP just because one person reports something they did as spam.
@GarethMcCaughan of course not. But for future reference, the correct reason should be used :)
I dunno if suggested edit being rejected as spam does anything at all.
Q: The old calculator v2

OrayThis is related to the question asked before: Buttons on an old non-scientific calculator are less sensitive We have randomly chosen 5 different integer values ($a,b,c,d,e$), and written them in an ascending order next to each other and taken their sum and multiplication. Luckily, we got the sam...

@EriktheOutgolfer it does. It feeds the internal spam filters. I think it's on Meta.SE somewhere.
I have a feeling that riddle with an enormous influx of answers is a result of the bounty placed and the fact that no one is being confirmed or denied as correct.
A bounty isn't really a valid excuse to have 15 valid answers, a poorly phrased question is.
No I know, I'm just saying that I think it's an extra incentive
The thing is that you can't close a question with a bounty :(
@EriktheOutgolfer but a mod can reverse the bounty so that it can be closed.
I think that mods use their VTCs more sparsely than non-mods though, since they're binding.
Well yes.
Q: A meta riddle for?

jmb.mage"Wherefore shall we put this plank?" asked Dr. Watson. "We must first determine the exact whereabouts of it's origin." replied Sherlock Holmes. "Well, just a moment ago I sat here, minding my manners staring out the window, when I felt drowsy and nearly fell asleep. I awoke quickly as my head beg...

@Sphinx Is this taken from somewhere or is it unique? I'm not incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to Sherlock
I think it's unique
especially because I'm pretty sure 'Wherefore' isn't the word they wanted
Just checking
Doesn't 'wherefore' mean 'why'?
@Mithrandir "For what reason" OR "As a result of which"
effectively yeah
You know, the last three days alone I have got 28% of my rep totall for this quater
You must be killin' them puzzles
two HNQs :P
this mainly and a few other bits and bobs
Incredibly it has brought my mathematics tag badge from 54/100 and 14/100 (not great) to 75/100 and 15/100 (exactly on target)
isn't it too broad:
Q: Another riddle to try

Cody Vogt I pinch and bite For dark and light, I rust and gleam, Divide and team, I'm your enemy, and your friend, I'm your beginning, and your end. What am I?

@manshu we've been talking about that with all the attention it has gotten, it seems to be leaning that way
It has leaned that way.
VTCing it.
Good luck, @manshu...
It has bounty.
Hence that presumably sarcastic good luck
oh oh...my luck will be there with me. After 7 days.
Q: How do I feel about the election?

n_palumMy emotion tied up in one picture. Just click the right link! http://imgur.com/■■■■■■■ Each character missing can be any Aa-Zz character or any number 0-9. (Inspired by this.) 1) Black to black. 2) 3) 4) The penultimate character is missing. Wonder what it is. ...

@n_palum are you sure the first isn't upside down?
@BeastlyGerbil It's not
That's like the easiest one.
its a backwards g/9 ?
is it supposed to be backward?
you mean like 'p' or '6'?
It's not on your keyboard, that's for sure. Not in the presented form, at least. :)
I thought I got the second, but if so, what's the third?
I thinnk the second is semaphore
from the lighthouse
So X? Because the drawn borders of the light beam are the arms / flags? I thought both were C (sea).
@BeastlyGerbil Not backwards I promise
@BeastlyGerbil I assumed it was an e
oh for gods sake of course
I'm dumb. I got confused because it wasn't curved
but g and 9 and p and 6 are curved...
Yeah but not when written in 7 segment for the numbers, and I'm not sure where anshu got p from
Do you want me to confirm or deny things yet or no
I'm going to go with no confirmations or denials as yet, the question isn't very old
Okie dokie
I also kicked my power cord by accident a few moments ago... I lost about 2 hours of work...
Stupid body having long legs
although I can't actually play with the puzzle
yeah def dont confirm
(imgur blocked by firewall)
Q: Who Stole My Car?? Help!

CalvTHelp! Last night my new car was stolen! I'm pretty sure it was one of the gangs that hang around here, and they've been a bit cocky. Where the car was parked, they spray-painted the following on the ground. But I can't make head or tale of it, and nor can the police. Can you help?

@Sphinx I don't quite get this puzzling.stackexchange.com/users/32543/calvt user
They have been here for 5 months, just now posted something and has been suggesting a ton of the HTTP->HTTPS changes that community was doing..
I'm sometimes the last gear, and sometimes the first
^ hidden inside the post
@n_palum trying to get rep to vote in the election
Seems like an interesting way to go about it...
Their bio also reads like they're a mod or something
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