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Your circle is an inward spiral by now.
off topic but, hey: two of my contributions to Jelly used to answer one code golf challenge :):
A: Reverse Insertion sort

ais523Jelly, 12 bytes L!_UÆ¡$œ?J’U Try it online! Explanation We can basically see the two lists (the input and the output) as encoding an integer; the input encodes an integer in factorial base, and the output encodes an integer as a permutation. Luckily, Jelly has builtins that are already very ...

Ok, back from meeting
@JonathanAllan I have seen you going awesome at code golf
(I'm trying to think of better feedback for your spiral, Matt)
Jonathan, are you a Jelly developer? (I'm only glancingly even aware of the language)
Dennis owns it.
There are many similar coming up now and then for the code golf's basically built upon python
I'll brb
(i'll add to the puzzle statement)
@humn, I have contributed some to it.
something got merged in today actually...
@JonathanAllan , contributed to Jelly? [Bowing down!]
the atom try it can you tell what it does?
@humn - you see that answer I linked to ^?
I saw that the answer casually used your atoms as if they were standard.
I contributed both main players, Æ¡ and œ?.
He is the famous jjallan :)
Right on! (now can't resist checking out ṃ )
I have added their counterparts Æ! and œ¿ too
oooooo, i'm not going to try 9999ṃ[9] again. The universe almost ran out of 9s.
plus Æ?, Æ¿, Œ?, and Œ¿`
yeah 9999ṃ[9] will be 9999 9s (you can check with 9999ṃ[9]L)
@JonathanAllan You may create a nice puzzle solver - for e.g. a stenography solver which finds the hidden letters to make a meaningful sentence. I guess you have worked on Enigma as well(I remember lurking in your repo days back) ;)
Q: A Listening Puzzle

wyskojListen to the attached audio file and determine what the message is, simply. https://clyp.it/exr5jvhc

hmm Enigma?
In game design?
oh the turnstyle thing?
xṃ[y] gives you x y's it seems
indeed (@Sconibulus)
but does more complicated things with bigger arrays
that too
9999ṃ[a] = 0
@Techidiot you mean...
A: Engel's Enigma Optimals

Jonathan AllanAs you say, you are implementing a type of Douglas Engel's puzzle, an "Enigma". Given the colour set and the fact that you are ignoring the orientation of the triangular wedges ("corners" in twisty puzzle lingo) in your implementation makes it a either a "Turnstile" or "Avenger" (I believe one wi...

but 9999ṃ[a,1,ana,2,ana,1,2,3,4] = (blank)
cool puzzle this game
@JonathanAllan Exactly. The link in the bottom is what I went through
Ah yes.
quite an accomplishment
seems like the inverse base factorial puzzle would be easier
@JonathanAllan It's looping through the given array 9999ṃ[9,0,2,1] gives [0, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2] while 9998m[9,,0,2,1] gives [0,9,2,1,1,2,0]. Essentially it increments the starting digit by one each time you increase the m[].
0ṃ[9,0,2,1] = 1
1ṃ[9,0,2,1] = 9
10ṃ[9,0,2,1] = [0,0]
it doesn't even seem to care what the arguments are, as long as they're not [a,1,ana,2,ana,1,2,3,4], only seems to care how many arguments
It's using the index or the array as counters
10m loops ten times, each time it loops it increments the "counter"
first loop through goes to 9 the second to 0, and then it write the resting place, in 10m's case, 0.
there are always two arguments (the left and right) the right here is a list, but I know what you mean.
9999ṃ[9999ṃ[1,2]] = (blank)
@dcfyj not quite sure what pattern you are exposing
@humn That's because the inner one is too big I think
always worth a try though!
@JonathanAllan Each time you increment the number next to m it responds with the next index value
16 mins ago, by humn
oooooo, i'm not going to try 9999ṃ[9] again. The universe almost ran out of 9s.
@humn that wont parse
click "debug" you will see an error
@Techidiot I bet you had 9999 9s :P
@JonathanAllan It gets an EOF
(got it about 2 arguments) My preliminary conclusion is that this is a slightly buggy way to produce (blank). Most inputs I tried work flawlessly, but ones with numbers seem to produce numbered error codes.
@dcfyj How much was the bet again?
@Techidiot I don't care to count the 9s, but you can :P
@humn LMAO :)
anyhow, I'm off, catch you folks later
later @dcfyj
Jonathan that's twice today we've betrayed our enrollment at the same public typing school
ċ9 counts the 9s
true that
same devs produce similar bots :p
it's a base-changer
the list are your digits
the zero is the last digit though
because Jelly has 1 based indexing everywhere
that threw me for a while
neat result is that xṃy converts to base y then changes all the zeros for ys :)
is the reason letters don't work because letters map to other functions?
ṃ doesn't appear to be listed
Nice solve on ṃ , Sconibulus! Think it'll solve Jonathan's mystery sequence?
it's not there cos it only got added today
I will add it in a bit
there's a mystery sequence?
I just saw a code puzzle :)
Q: Two missing numbers

Jonathan AllanTwo numbers go at the $?$s, what are they and why? $733,\space \space 716,\space \space 645,\space \space 565,\space \space 324,\space \space 276,\space \space 77,\space \space 75,\space \space 64,\space \space 56,\space \space ?,\space \space ?$ Hints

to be honest I think deciphering that atom was harder.
For you too? After writing it yourself?
maybe show the "Two Missing Numbers" to some young folk
the list xṃ[y] being x 'y's was a decent hint for base-relatedness
@humn well err no
I thought someone might try xṃy
I guess you went for xṃ[0], xṃ[0,1], ...
Oh that mystery sequence!
I just grabbed a 3-year-old from outside my door. Couldn't make head nor tail of it.
hmm, maybe 6+
It's been intriguing and nagging me at the same time :D
batteries not included
(started counting fingers)
The batteries keep wearing out before i do.
@JonathanAllan yep :) It wasn't matching though so I shelved it for a while
6-year-olds = cartoons = hands with 1 thumb and 3 fingers = octal again
then I came back with 0's at the end after something else gave me that idea
111 011 011
111 001 110
110 100 101
101 110 101
011 010 100
010 111 110
111 111
111 101
110 100
101 110
Looks like a P
Well, out of scope for a 6 yo though
so next in the sequence must be Q
@humn is the answer apparently!
^ to some question hopefully
I got it I think
Stuck at the last number though.
ugh this is the most tortuous reasoning
Took a while to think of the perfect clue: typing ("perfect" begin subjective)
typing like programming, organizing or using a computer's keyboard?
Speed of typing... I'll add that.
another per unit time measurement ...
time perception is an entire field of study
screens show frames per second, then there's words per minute. hmmm
okay, so now that clue is even better than perfect
Just wondering, what makes this not too broad (or is it too broad?) puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/49226/…
begin or being?
did i type that? it was that 3-year-old street urchin
@boboquack ... or even opinion-based? either way, we don't have too many posts like it to bug me, but it made me wonder too
@boboquack It's asking a specific question even though the poster is after a broad resource.
and another thing, @boboquack, ... . . . ... that i so much enjoy about 3 gates and a drop of acid is that it involves only 3 gates and a drop of acid, and still is a fine puzzle. (okay, okay, I'll give it a break, just didn't slip that in last time)
Q: A Listening Puzzle

wyskojListen to the attached audio file and determine what the message is, simply. https://clyp.it/exr5jvhc

made me think of
a transcription or download would've been a little better ...
you could ask
oh you know music is obscure when you cant find it on the internet :/
@humn I feel as though I'm at a dead end with time perception
@Matt perhaps I'll add a worksheet/wiki-answer to the puzzle. It would mention things like video frame rate ~= 25/sec, minimum audible frequency ~= 20 cycles/sec, maximum typing speed ~= 10 keys/sec, maximum spoken syllables/sec ~= 15/sec
Thanks to your mentioning brain waves, most of those could be included too! All these fundamental rates are in the same range for humans.
I don't understand what conclusion I should be drawing from all that information
@JonathanAllan Sorry if I blew it badly
But I had to post something to get a good sleep :p
Matt, the key is minimum audible frequency, and less significantly video frame rate.
You haven't specifically said what the concept seems to be, but I suspect you know it.
Speech and typing are on the motor side, audible frequency and video rate are on the perception side
uh oh wow. Um it is much less complicated :)
I hope it seems fairly simple when it fits together.
the limits of Hz detection per sense
humans can only see so many frames per second, hear above 20Hz, etc
hearing -> feeling; seeing -> ?; smelling -> ?
smelling, shallowly as i've learned, is on a whole different time scale
@Techidiot oh for the sleep, I know that scenario well - lying in bed and all you can think about are the puzzles....
^ that was me last night
Yeah don't ask. Its 5/7 ratio for me now-a-days
When half of my puzzles are partially solved and the OP has vanished
i sometimes look at the latest puzzle as a sedative
sometimes works
sometimes the opposite
sometimes i post a quick answer, fall asleep, and wake up to point cap without remembering why
proves to me that points and effort are inversely related
You love your science, don't you! ;)
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense; nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't, and contrary-wise what it is it wouldn't and what it wouldn't be it would, you see?
@Techidiot , like a security blanket
the fundamental concept is the limit to the rate at which different creatures can perceive things
if it's not that, it's punching me in the face so hard that I can't see it
@JonathanAllan @JonathanAllan Are you just coming from a walk-through of my solution?
it's that, Matt, enjoy the pummelling
unff. it hurts
It's Lewis Carol.
That was pretty confusing world :D
Someone find this guy/girl please!
the rate of perception would also be important to signal processing, especially computer vision
After Lewis Carroll, before Walt Disney:
@Matt @humn are you guys into physics? Just curious
I have to go soon ... and I don't want to lose any more sleep over this
Doesn't look like anyone is rushing to beat you to this, Matt, I'm pleasantly surprised that you bit already.
outside of programming, frequencies and music are like my jam
In my world you wouldn't say meow...
it's not that I'm worried about being sniped, it's that I really want to know the answer for completeness' sake, and I don't think anyone else is after it right now
@Techidiot , I enjoy all kinds of things about physics but don't have any official connection. You?
@Matt , perfect for this puzzle! I've been obsessing about these things forever, also related to instrument design.
I don't understand physics. :( I mean, I like to watch documentaries, read books/magzines about it, show interest in things related to physics, but I can't think about it umm mathematically..or say theoretically with sorts of equations and all. I will chose to die instead of solving a huge integration/derivative based equation or may be drawing a graph based on it :D
so, standing waves, and the like
A neato recently-learned fact is that our earlobes give us true 3-dimensional hearing.
huh, neat
@humn pretty intense
intense, sounds like camping
Another is that trombones break the sound barrier internally
why is that?
so sound comes out the bell after traveling faster than the speed of sound through the ~9 feet of tubing?
@Techidiot , I don't get much pleasure from cranking through equations but i do from working out graphs somewhat intuitively. A friend thinks i can "sculpt" functions.
Who does not think that? ;)
but, we digress
the rate at which we can take in information beckons
I cannot ignore
my face is too sore
I have no idea how they work. I see your diagrams, I upvote it for the artistic work behind it and that's it. I can't dare to solve however easier they might be :D
@Matt Did you accidentally created a rhyme? ;)
I was rehashing the metaphor of the answer punching me in the face
and the fact that this is unanswered is irksome to no end
@JonathanAllan Any good documentation/beginners course for MathJax? :p
what about mathjax.org
Just the math.SE post
Q: MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference

MJD To see how any formula was written in any question or answer, including this one, right-click on the expression it and choose "Show Math As > TeX Commands". (When you do this, the '$' will not display. Make sure you add these. See the next point.) For inline formulas, enclose the formula in $......

I feel like a loser looking at my own answer involving numbers :D
That's what MathJax is really for, making us feel like losers.
Is there anything for uparrow?
Good place for MathJax symbols and many other aspects: pbx-brasil.com/Pesquisa/Ferramentas/Latex/mathjax/martinkeefe/…
(it's a mirror of a broken source site)
so $\uparrow$
(And I'm not at all serious about MathJax being for making us feel like losers. Good luck finding anyone here more MathJax-happy. Some are tied, to be sure.)
(No MathJax in chat!)
Let me try
Anyone want to play contact?
explain it to me
one person is the guesser?
@boboquack I will be joining in a few hrs. Its 4am already here
(in the contact room)
I need to pester humn some more


For playing the game Contact, where one person tries to "defend"...
Come here and I will explain.
@humn, join contact!
@boboquack , to watch, at least ... (not good at even being in one place at all, to misquote Alice)
Cya guys! Grt weekend ahead.
have a good one!
@Randal'Thor, on the review comment, I didn't know it was auto-generated. I just put 'this answers a different question'.
By @Tech!
@boboquack No, that particular autocomment is generated when you put "this is a different question posted as an answer".
There's no "this answers a different question" option in the review queue.
@Randal'Thor Oops, must have read it the wrong way around. I'll be more careful next time.
@stacksfiller! Come join contact!
@JonathanAllan Re your starred message: is that Lewis Carroll?

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