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v gotta be (what ^?) [🖉[🖉]]
gotta be
(I missed the "^ " carrat space) ÆY
I like def as "More complicated Mathematical object". Completely fits.
Confusing litter and me would be bad. (11)
ah, you take it
Oh, so close sid
too late, hot plate
I don't have any prepared...
"too late, hot plate" is missing the (n) :p
Neither do I
I dread getting one right :p
I have a FCC (Faux cryptic clue) for anagram buffs in the meanwhile (retrieving):
Oh not a Federal Communications Commission
Feb 9 at 2:20, by humn
it's a triple anagram for zoologist-poet-musicians and the clue doesn't exactly include the anagrammed letters
@Sid I got the PUZZLING and EXCHANGE from the fact that I was supposed to fill in [8 letters] STACK [8 letters] and navel-gazing self-referential puzzles are common around here :-). (Perhaps we could consider the quoted material a "puzzling exchange" too, kinda.)
@JonathanAllan it comes from this clip: cc.com/video-clips/7ug5ye/futurama-doomsday-time
^ not available here (and slowed my FF to a halt)
CCCC: Scam artist's treatise is a legal document (8)
@humn I think I need another nudge
My first thought is CONTRACT
@dcfyj and it's also a correct thought!
Now that I type it out I see CON+TRACT
(going for simple clues right now, hopefully gonna give less-cryptic-clue-experienced people a chance)
I'll have to come up with one
I got got strictly from the def
@Deusovi I don't need your pity clues :P
Hey, not all my clues can be "000-ish"
sorry I must be dumb then...
I only get "Con"
oh, never mind, a definition I didn't know about
where does "Tract" come from?
It's a synonym of Treatise
Q: February 2017 golf

Florian FHow many minutes are there in February 2017? This is "puzzling golf". The shortest correct answer wins. PS: The puzzle is not so much to compute the result, but rather to express it in less than 5 digits.

@dcfyj oh never heard that before thanks
I hadn't either, but it had to be the case as a scam artist is clearly a con
@dcfyj New clue?
Working on it
@Matt - 0 uses a digit, how about None?
@Matt :
Possible detail to be refined and added to the puzzle statement: When ocarinists and subcontrabassoonists play extremely rapid passages, they can fake it by being accurate on just the first and last notes, as long as inaccurately fingered intervening notes have the correct rhythm.humn 1 min ago
@humn Is it something to do with wave particle duality and interference?
So I haven't been following the @humn/@Matt discussion in detail, but one thing that's going on here that I haven't seen explicitly mentioned is:
@JonathanAllan , duality, big time; interference in less important ways
Our perceptual systems like to "fill things in" when they are missing. If you hear all the harmonics of some note but the fundamental frequency itself is absent then you will hear that note even though in some sense it isn't there
@JonathanAllan I'm not going back in there, because I thought it was lateral thinking, but that's not what the author wants
so if e.g. you have a bunch of high-pitched ocarinas playing notes that "would be" the overtones of some other note, it will be at least a bit as if you heard that other note
@Gareth how does that relate to particle physics?
Gareth, that is one of my favorite tricks in playing super low notes on less low instruments
A subcontrabassoon works on the same principle, I believe; most of what you hear is the overtones
Oh I see their comment. Yeah not lateral thinking then I guess.
note that this same filling-in thing (in a very different setting) may also explain @humn's comment about rapid passages
it would, but what about the whole brain wave resonance thing?
I know nothing at all about brain wave resonance; as I say, I haven't been following your discussions in detail.
(my apologies if this makes my remarks irrelevant)
The biological part is a huge clue that most articles (that I've seen) touching on this subject overlook
nono, Gareth, I do appreciate the input. sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is necessary
just trying to see if you have any thoughts on the reconciliation with the other subjects
possible super-weak connection with particle physics: one mechanism by which this sort of filling-in can happen is nonlinearity in the perceptual system, which produces subharmonics and things; this is sort of anti-connected with particle physics in that people have contemplated nonlinear versions of QM from time to time and concluded that any nonlinearity would have to be super-tiny
nonlinear wave-y things do happen elsewhere in physics where, e.g., they produce solitons
@GarethMcCaughan I still don't understand how you get Puzzling exchange in that puzzle. Anacata=Stack is also something I don't like(Probably,because my Hindi isn't too strong). Also, The question was "Who called...". How can PSE be a "Who"?
(I'm getting power dips every minute now and might cut out completely any time. Sorry if that happens. Howling wind outside -- back in a couple of minutes after switching to backup power)
solitons act kinda like particles but I don't think there's any particular connection with particle physics (in particular, actual particles don't "act like particles" in the relevant way, precisely because QM is all linear).
CCCC: Confusing item in game design (6)
@Sid Well, I told you how I got it. It may of course turn out to be incorrect, or there may be some more convincing means by which I was meant to get it; that would be a question for @Techidiot rather than for me :-).
I assume that if the answer to "who called Ana" is meant to be PSE, we should (in so far as we're supposed to imagine any realistic story at all) imagine it being the mods or admins of PSE making the call.
I'm really liking how that surface reading turned out
it's nice
it could maybe be a double def for 'puzzle' but it strikes me as coincidental
Not sure how you get puzzle out of that, but ok
After looking it up, I see what you mean, but either way, puzzle is not the word you are looking (Disclaimer: No Jedi mind tricks were used in the sending of this message)
@dcfyj Is it ENIGMA? def-Confusing item, design-Anagram indicator
Hehe, yup
good clue too
I like how it starts and ends with anagram indicators :P
[(backup) power to the people!, humn hut now has a 20 minute buffer if main power is lost]
... side topic concerning side topics ... I'm thinking of starting an ownerless minimal-etiquette chat room so that this room doesn't get diluted by side topics or random video posts (from perpetrators like me) ...
This room is so great for collaborative solving, CCCCs and site-focused topics.
actually, this is the most bustle I've seen in here all week
I like to be biased toward puzzles and also easily distracted
there are 3 or 4 contemporaneous conversations
(or were, at least)
Plus this one now
I don't think side topics are a bad thing
without side topics, the room falls into disuse, it isn't really used for collaborative solving often enough I don't think
CCCC: Conflict is Game application (7)
I need to go now.
@Sid DISCORD (ddef)
@Sconibulus , good to hear. Perhaps I'll stray more freely here with the understanding that a new room is only a click away if anyone complains. I just didn't want to start one ad hoc room after another.
this biological concept is still bugging me
It's also making your life a symphony of sensations.
not sure if hint ...
@GentlePurpleRain I see how "conflict" is a definition; is there a bit of software called Discord, or something, that explains the other half of the clue?
discord is like a private chat feature for subscribers on Twitch (maybe 3rd party)
yeah discordapp.com
@GarethMcCaughan Yes, your assumption was right. PSE may point to PSE people.
Sounds like @GentlePurpleRain needs to write us a new cryptic clue, then...
Turns out, it got downvoted once I accepted the answer. :) May be I should have provided a couple of more clues in there which could have avoided the confusions
Yeah, I'm not sure a random word in Hindi was fair.
Even if the language was clued, it's not spelled the same (well, when transliterated)
@Deusovi What are we talking about?
I am still confused how it doesn't shows stack in first place for Gareth
Q: Getting ready Ana for the puzzle - The UTILISING C Moment!

TechidiotAll you need to do is, try figuring out the people who called Ana. This is a story from a very famous incident happened with a friend of mine and we call it UTILISING C - (C for the weird call she received) Disgusted Ana threw away her plate. It cracked and scattered everywhere. Ana was ...

@GarethMcCaughan I'm not sure I'm that confident in my answer without a confirmation. You think that's what it is?
Ah that
Hi all!
@Deusovi Yeah, that's pretty stretched for me
@Techidiot Google translate is far from infallible
As I said :P
@GentlePurpleRain, thanks for formatting my puzzle, and correcting my English where needed.
@Deusovi were you in the room when I posted my c4?
@elias No problem.
@Deusovi Yeah. I see that now. Didn't knew that translation changes from machine to machine
Any other opinions on the CCCC? Do you think DISCORD is a legitimate answer, or should we wait for a ruling from @Sid?
Sounds good to me
ok then
CCCC: Shout in morning contains no changed initials. (7) (Solved by SP3000 -- waiting on new CCCC)
@GentlePurpleRain I am not confident enough about the "game application" bit to have a strong opinion one way or the other :-).
@GarethMcCaughan There is a widely-used voice chat application called Discord that is mostly used by gamers.
(Heey, elias, I almost have a diagonal picture ready for Find 7 solutions, inspired by your mention of 45-degree reflection. I'll plop it here and @elias you in a few minutes. It cheats, by the way.)
@GarethMcCaughan As soon as I saw discord i thought it made sense
@dcfyj No - which one was that?
@GentlePurpleRain Definitely legitimate. (I use Discord myself.)
39 mins ago, by dcfyj
CCCC: Confusing item in game design (6)
I really like the surface reading ^^
Oh! That's a really nice clue
Yeah, so do I!
I'm eager to see that, @humn. Yes, tag me please.
I had a puzzle pulled up in one of my tabs that was enigmatic hehe
Anyone interested in solving Matt's cryptics?
Endless destruction surrounds broken car and close pet.(4,3)
Confused ditsy old southerner strangely remains.(5,4)
Modern factory within tree.(2,5)
Creep ready for darkest rappel entanglement.(5,8)
Are we sure those are the right enumerations?
I've done three of them
And that made it more difficult
(the solutions are not terribly compelling)
Why not post the answer then Gareth?
yeah, they seemed... questionable
Because I've only done three
Three out of four? Sounds good to me
Only he says
and I am hoping that staring at them will give me some idea how they are going to give the actual answer
Sounds great to me looking at how difficult they look
which will make it more plausible that I've actually got 'em right :-)
So I believe 1,3,4 are, respectively: DEAR CATS, ODDLY SITS, and STALK PREPARED
(see what I mean about not terribly compelling?O)
incidentally, @Deusovi, does your "they seemed... questionable" mean you've solved them all and feel the same way about them as I do?
No, I haven't solved any of them
DEAR CATS is anag of CAR inside DEAT(h)
(dear cat, you mean?)
Yeah, that sounds plausible to me
sorry, yes, DEAR CAT; typo
somehow we need to extract from these an answer to the question "where am I?"
I'd suggest that they might all be anagrams of other things if that weren't kinda where they'd all come from in the first place :-).
Yeah, they do look very anagrammy
alternatively maybe we interpret each as a cryptic clue-let in its own right
but I don't see what we would do with DEAR CAT in that case (PUSSY from Edward Lear, perhaps??)
and it doesn't seem super-likely that the answer to "where am I?" ends in ...TALKS
(maybe they don't have to yield words and it's KLAST or something)
None of this seems terribly convincing to me.
So maybe we need to figure out #3 -- I said 1,3,4 before but meant 1,2,4 because I'm an idiot. "Modern factory within tree (2,5)".
Might just be IN PLANT, I suppose
Ah, got it
ha, beat you
but it's really weak if so
because none of it is really cryptic
other than the ddef of plant
not really - seems to be an attempt at a double def to me
"modern" as in stylish
I got only one - > inplant but I had no idea about anything else and how to deal with others
and maybe that is a cryptic clue or something
looks cryptic to me
If it is, what's the enumeration?
anag of DEAR CAT inside anag of PLANT STALK or something like that
8 perhaps? "home on the 8th"
Hmm.. @Matt :D
Oh yes.
8 it should be
That surface reading is kind of rough though...
where did that 8 come from?
Well, none of the surface readings are particularly clean
It's the part of puzzle
The 5th line says that
really? am I looking at an old version of it or something? I don't see that.
@GarethMcCaughan "home on the 8th" is the last part of the itinerary
"home on the 8th"
oh sorry, yes I do
apologies for being blind
so yes, (8) could be right
it seems like too much clue material to fit in 8 letters, though
anyway, this seems like enough to make a partial out of so I've posted one...
does STIPATTL seem anagrammable to anyone?
"dear cat oddly" might mean DACT which looks like a plausible substring-of-an-answer
which, damn, is kinda the opposite of an actual answre
Plats Tit
Splat Tit
Plat Tits
Pats Tilt
Taps Tilt
Past Tilt
Spat Tilt
Tap Stilt
Tap Tilts
Apt Stilt
Apt Tilts
Pat Stilt
Pat Tilts
Tat Split
Tat Spilt
@GarethMcCaughan ah, that's gotta be it
It should give a noun I guess. A name of a place maybe?
Well, REDACTED seems like it's the answer
it fits perfectly
It does, indeed.
But it doesn't by any stretch of the imagination constitute an answer to the question "Where am I?".
Or is my imagination insufficiently stretchy?
But where am I is the context right? How redacted fits that?
"Communist performed censorship in the past" would be so much better (though still a bit questionable)
@Techidiot you aren't cleared for that information :)
and that wordplay just came from looking at the word - no complicated anagrams or anything
@Deusovi Bear in mind that it's a metacryptic thing; there are extra constraints. I agree that "dear cat oddly sits in stalk prepared" is not an optimal clue for REDACTED in isolation, of course.
Sure, but the other clues were questionable too. Besides, "communist" / "performed" / "censorship" / "in the past" would be perfectly cluable - as actual words/phrases rather than two clumsily stuck together!
"Cared about rowdy youth excluded (8)"
anyway, the point here isn't to see whether we can come up with a better version of Matt's puzzle. At least I don't think it is.
The question is whether there's a way to answer "Where am I?", in the context of the puzzle, given what we have so far.
Not one that I see.
Well, of course Matt's been around here recently. Hey @Matt, would you like to confirm whether there's a further step required after getting REDACTED in your "Where am I?" puzzle?
@humn This one allows for an infinity of solutions, @elias, with L and I stretched along one diagonal and Z translated independently along the other. See the cheat?
Ha, resizing. I'm not sure that counts, but I think it's cool
Caught in the act! Quick eye, Deusovi.
Another diagonal attempt had only one configuration, and it overlapped.
Pretty sure by now there aren't others.
🖉 ✎ ✏ ✐
One thing notably not used in Matt's puzzle yet: those words "before it's too late", which appear in the title and in the puzzle itself. "Before it's too late, where am I?". It seems like that has to be significant.
Ugh. That's just... heavy.
I don't yet understand why the resize is needed though.
Ah, I got it.
@Gareth that's the answer
Cool, nice find! Congrats!
was it one of you that downvoted?
Ah! It ... doesn't seem like it would be sufficient information to extract an intelligence agent from a difficult situation :-).
(I don't know who downvoted you; it wasn't me.)
then it is true
they're onto me
I'll never get out! aaahhh
I do like the idea of enemy agents intercepting a cryptic multi-layer puzzle and substituting another cryptic multi-layer puzzle with answer REDACTED; it's very witty.
Yeah, that's pretty funny
this whole puzzle started when I wrote the clue for REDACTED
forcing the other clues to all have 2 word answers so that the enumerations could masquerade as dates was probably the pitfall
@Deusovi "! = ditto! (just thought, when's the last time anyone used the term "ditto paper"?)
(or just "ditto"?) many times, apparently, just in the last week here
^ flag or close?
Another stray: can anyone guess what's going on here?
smell test
^^ We are the 99%.
better than whiteboard markers
@humn Someone farted?
@Matt , can't delete it after the great answer:
A: I have a secret message - 99% OF PEOPLE CANNOT SOLVE THIS

solveitrnIm afraid the answer would be, as shown by the great number of hints, Texan Chocolate Taki Fried Waffles mixed with a serving of Diced Pineapples from Canada.

aah, there's no way that it's not correct
@Sid , wasn't me
I was tempted to post a comment saying "Here's some feedback expressing how I feel about this puzzle, also encoded: の.フ.N"
Not too late to beat the close vote. Getting close though.
Nah, wouldn't actually do it - would be a bad example
Good example of restraint.
Nonetheless, if you don't set a bad example when you can, all that's left is to bore people with good advice.
Like Ciphers what (not) to do?
Exactly. ... By the way, that bogus question and perfect answer came from brand new user(s?) . . . (need it even be mentioned?)
@GentlePurpleRain (NO)* in CRY in AM = A(CR(ON)Y)M
@humn I have a suspicion that it may be the same person
I fell for it and bought 2 of each.
I would write the onomatopoeia for the wheel spinning, but I wouldn't have a clue where to begin
Saying that evoked an image of your mental wheels spinning.
Q: Is there some comprehensive, overall classification of puzzles?

WeirdoCurrently I begin to study puzzles and wonder if there exist some book or something which breaks down all puzzles to types and describes them. I'm not native english speaker, so I might be confused with term "puzzle". Maybe it's more properly to say not "classification of puzzles", but "classific...

@Matt See, I encouraged people to solve your puzzle and boom it hardly took a few minutes
Any thoughts?
Is it again related to aviations? Airports/Airlines/IATA Codes?
For a start, case doesn't matter. But, knowledge matters. And may be I lack in that area
No idea lol. Just as an FYI I typically suck at solving puzzle, aside from logic ones.
I am not sure about that, I have seen many random evil strikes from you :)
If you say so
If logic -> how about this
I'll have to think about it
3 hours ago, by Techidiot
@JonathanAllan guess what, I started jumping where I got this -

GCC 13

GAF 14

FDE 15

EFE 16
I thought, I nailed it
But it went in vain
Numbers -> Letters -> Values
By the way, @dcfyj, your solution below is one of my all-time favorites. It played by the puzzle's intended rules, opened the door for the 1-char-fewer accepted-on-a-technicality-and-also-brilliant solution, and you had to leave on vacation before you could revise yours to match. I should've bountied it. Never too late.
A: ‘‘Loopy’’ C loop

dcfyjHere's what I came up with: $20$ Characters This is basically the same idea as Peregrine Rook, with some minor changes. I also found this: $19$ characters This interestingly enough compiles but doesn't count in this challenge as the value of v is not defined.

@Sp3000 That's it. You're up.
@humn ^^
@dcfyj , there. I just remembered why no bounty before. I was in shock after finding out that each bounty was double the previous. (Am numb to that by now.)
Oh yeah @Techidiot, the power cut made me forget, so GCC, GAF, FDE, EFE - I see where they come from G=7, C=3, ... but 13, 14, 15, 16? Musical? Acronyms?
It fails after 16 and hence alas ... :(
oh so just 7+3+3, 7+1+6, ...
I like to complicate things
convoluted way to do it :)
I am still trying to figure out, exactly what is the clue you have in there. I tried checking the computational value for the "?" sign which looks suspicious to me, but no luck
Two missing numbers made me feel like checking for something called "home pattern"/"missing pattern" but didn't helped much
Hm hm, @Jonathan, your clue "The sequence is strictly decreasing and contains only positive integers
(that narrows them down to 1485 choices)" seems to give away that the numbers are decimal, even though they look suspicously octal. (1485 = 54*55/2)
yes 1485 is the number of positive decimal numbers that could fit, so I have excluded bases greater than 10, octal numbers all lie within that same set though... one sec.
(and you know that half the time I ask leading questions, it's more how you respond than what you say that i'm looking for. The classic case was once when you completely changed the subject.)
me, never :p
what, never? (tried not to say that)
990 if you stick to just octals.
990 isn't octal - great answers to my question, thanks
sum(1 for a in range(55,1,-1) for b in range(a-1,0,-1) if not any(c in '89' for c in str(a)+str(b)))
sum(1 for a in range(2,56) for b in range(1,a) if not any(c in '89' for c in str(a)+str(b)))
if you prefer
You might just be stringing me along . . . hooked on the octal bait
could be :D
"The two numbers are clearly 37224 and 342283."
And the MathJax reaches all the way to the next puzzle, leaving no room for doubt.
okay, done with meetings. I really want to get Proof without Chords solved
so I can reconstitute my brain
This is your brain ... on priorities
I remember leaving off at perception, and including some motor something
but then there was the wave-particle duality ...
@JonathanAllan Is there any little lateral thinking involved or a pure math puzzle?
and somewhere, there's a line drawn between them that goes right through the subcontrabassoon ocarina quintet
Didn't you sleep somewhere in there, Matt? Sounds like you are recalling a dream.
Sure you even woke up?
not anymore
I'm to the point where I'm hyperanalyzing your messages
I'm getting close to adding the bits about rapid passages and elephant/shrews.
like a junkie after his next high
I should start lacing my comments.
@Techidiot borderline maybe / subjective -- I thought of adding that tag but then it would probably be too broad, I err to the side that it's just maths.
I thought it was the elephant shrew, not elephants and shrews
Hmm. That's fine
probably makes solving easier now I said that though (all those keys on a piano / Zodiac / colours translated to numbers / etc are all out)
Whales exemplify the large-animal extreme better, of course, but what small animal has "whale" in its name?
Yeah, like my dad laces his salad with cheese
Haha yeah. I might have used up all of that
um heathfowl?
going back to perception - time
time is something we can perceive, it's relative
frequency is the inverse of time
inverse, yes!, in more ways than one
makings of a science rebus!
oh no
please, I- I want to live
good, you're well along the path to recovery
is time perceived at different rates by differently sized creatures?
there you are, now we know that it is at least perceived at different orientations by different creatures
And, indeed, Matt, how different critters, including Jonathan, perceive time is central
@JonathanAllan That 1-7 makes me feel like 3-bit binary and I am barking the wrong tree again :D
so, music, too, should be perceived at a different rate
fanfare to that, Matt
but how fast is that fanfare??
careful with those f words
@Techidiot just gotta keep thinking and trying I guess. I thought someone would see it within the hour (it's not a "A Strange Correspondence")
(funny how much it already reminds me too of that, Jonathan)
the perception of time is also linked to velocity
via relativistic physics
I haven't thought of a way to tie relativity into this, but it might be possible.
Very interesting tradeoff between velocity and precedence in relativity, now that you mention it (taking distance into account as well)
things related to the perception of time: being a different individual, neurological system, drugs...
I haven't thought of a way to bring drugs into this either, and probably shouldn't.
arg. if indeed I am circling, how far away am I?

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