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@Sp3000 FIDDLE (ddef)
Ah, nice
Yup nice :)
CCCC: Equal regard (4)
LIKE (ddef)
...actually no, but it does work...
huh, weird
Actually, @deus, how directly synonymous do defs need to be in ddefs? I.e. whilst "regard" can mean "like", it's not strictly a direct synonym (i.e. you'd say "I [like] you" but you wouldn't say "I [regard] you", you'd say "I [have regard for] you").
You make a good point.
My personal guideline is "is it replaceable in the majority of the sentences that use that word for that meaning?", but that's not standard by any means.
...that's what I thought, and unfortunately, my good point shows a flaw in my own def, since it has the same problem.
So I'll give it to you for LIKE, but it was intended to be PEER.
Hm. Yeah, I'm not sure how "peer" means "regard".
"he [regarded|peered at] her"
"define peer" lists regard as a synonym, but it falls into the regard/like category above I think
Hm. I think that might be okay.
Either way, the cat's out. Have you got another ready, or should I just replace it?
I've got one. Not a particularly good one, but it's valid and not terrible.
CCCC: Carrier for arrow (6)
Obviously a straight clue for QUIVER :P
I love cryptic clues that look like straight clues
(Rand's gonna kill me for this one...)
@Deusovi (does that mean it's almost terrible?)
Q: Proof without chords

humnAnyone who has played in an ocar ina –subcontrabassoon quintet knows one thing well. Piccolo ocar ina inset from aliexpress.com.   Subcontrabassoon image from subcontrabassoon.com. Ocar inists and subcontrabassoonists know quite well that they can be expected to play passages without any cho...

VECTOR (ddef.)
Like a carrier of a disease
And then the math definition which is represented by an arrow
What's new? Long time....
@Jim The game Contact has become popular
Tell me more


For playing the game Contact, where one person tries to "defend"...
Have a look in there
(I'm a bit busy at the moment, sorry)
More people might play over the weekend, but currently we don't have enough committed players to play, which is the easiest way to learn
@stacksfiller Yep. (Rand's a mathematician, and he knows as well as I do that vectors are more general than "arrows in n-dimensional space".)
I'd be up for a game of Contact sometime soon.
I'm around for the next ~3 hours if there's a game starting
...you know... while I'm working hard for my employer, who pays me...
CCCC: Hidden in plain sight, subtle observations. (8)
I'd also be up for that.
I clicked on whatever that contact link took me to but didn't learn anything
The rules are pinned in that room.
:) it's like red/blue pills... It's easier to be shown
I've got about half an hour before I need to go
I know it was probably too easy
I liked it!
Sounds like we have a team. Who's defending?
Indeed. Nice surface read.
I can load up the bot even, if someone makes me an RO
Huh? I thought you were an RO in the Contact room
I'm not
How were you pinning stuff yesterday?
that was the testing room
Sure, I'll make you an RO
Q: Stuck in a mob - An important call needs to be taken!

TechidiotOh, my phone is dead again! Want to know why? Well, I just spent 2 hours on a call with my friend. He loves gossips and I was caught in one of his epic tale! Today, he narrated this story to me. Me and my other eight friends were traveling for a weekend trip. The street was scary, reminds me ...

3 hours later…
Q: Simpler infinite solipsistic polygon

humn                Solipsistic — Knowing only the self.       Above is a simple polygon divided into infinitely many different-sized copies of itself.   Each copy is √2 = 1.414... times as large as the next smaller one (in terms of linear scale, not area).   After the largest copy is removed, the...

Q: Peter Piper has some Peppers

GimmeSomePizzaIf Peter Piper picks a peck of speckled pipers, how many pickled peppers did he pick? This is assuming: A peck = 1 pickling of a pepper A Speck = 10 Spocks A Spock = A Piper A Piper = A Peter A Pepper > Peter A Spock never equals a Peter. Happy solving!

3 hours later…
Q: Puzzle: Catching the Culprit

Lachlan DWHe has struck again! The criminal who was behind the fiasco involving the missing presentation notes is at it again, this time hiding not just the presentation notes, but every single trophy and medal prepared for the 11th annual Puzzling StackExchange award ceremony! Angry and bitter, the host ...

4 hours later…
@GarethMcCaughan Any luck with the next step?
GAmen all
I don't supposed I can get @humn in here ...
You can comment and invite him though @Matt
Gamen btw!
he's been here before - I want to chat about the quintet puzzle
Yeah. If he gets the ping, which he surely might have got, he will be here
I love how "GAmen" is picking up ^^
Gamen all
it usually takes a few minutes for the ping to show up
morning dc
(I know we're in the same time zone :P)
Gamen @dcfyj It did. Being lazy myself, I love these sort of things :p
@Matt cheater :P
@Matt For me the purpose is just - less typing :D I know the timezones of almost all of you
I don't have my location in my profile, but if you've seen me around long enough, I don't really keep it a secret :P
And he is here
Yes! hello, @humn
Wc @humn
@Matt , glad to chat, Matt, the puzzle has a very limited audience
^ ? :p
Hel-loo, Techidiot
so I've been trying to think about this on a much more fundamental level, and I keep circling back to the concept of molecular vibrations
then I started thinking about why the puzzle specifically includes a quintet
and only implies that there are 2 contras and 3 ocarinas
it's almost like you're talking about a specific molecule
Yes, 3+2, the quintet I have a ready answer for, and you've already covered it.
I wanted enough of each for the clusters and intonation clues (and to be absurd)
I see
so they don't represent individual atoms in a specific molecule
That could be the basis of a fantastic (in a different sense than this one) puzzle!
spoilers! haha
! Wouldn't be the first time
You made me realize, though, that the puzzle statement needs more focus.
^ They might have the same feeling, that they didn't specify the puzzle well enough to start with.
No idea, didn't actually read it.
@dcfyj I guess they were more of a part of the puzzle rather than being hints.
Right @humn
I'm mostly not sure why the OP spoilered the notes...
It might yet be a land speed record for hints/minute
I feel like I've dug up what there is to dig up, but I have no idea what to do with my brand new mound of dirt
For the last 2 of his puzzles, he posted hints together with the puzzles which made the puzzles too easy to crack
that's a terrible analogy ... comparing a puzzle to a pile of dirt
I pictured a mud wallow when you said it. Fun image.
sorry humn, I really do like this one :)
I left a comment to avoid doing that.. But then this new puzzle without hints was impossible to solve
Thank you for recognizing a gem, Matt, even if it isn't set clearly enough.
It's actually could be a paper I've wished someone would write for years.
Where I want the "several seconds" to lead is why not several minutes or milliseconds...
and the specific I'm considering adding is that the most rapid passages of ocarinas and subcontras are approximately the same speed, which again would surprise many music theorists
oh dear
I'm no theorist - just an enthusiast, but indeed you can color me surprised
your understanding of signals is stronger than music schools touch on, and that's important
another specific i'm considering is to point out a difference between music typically played by humans vs elephants vs elephant shrews
or just to ask what the difference might be.
It's a three-way combination of biology, music and physics/mathematics that i've only seen covered from two of those perspectives at a time.
the difference is that while it's might be physically possible for an elephant shrew to operate an ocarina, there's no way unless an army works in tandem for elephant shrews to make noise from a subcontrabassoon
the biology part is definitely what's throwing me right now.
What if the subcontrab... were dropped on a single shrew?
Might need an amp to sound truly musical
The biology part isn't chemical, by the way, it's an overarching system-like consideration that calibrates many different functions of each species
like, say, brain waves?
Integrally involved!
So much that it's hard to say whether they direct the calibration or reflect it. They certainly resonate it.
(now I'm looking up whether they'd be alpha or theta or whichever/whatever)
Wow Matt, all 5 waves in this article look like perfect suspects!
> Brainwaves are produced by synchronised electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other.
(now looking for an article comparing brain waves of different species)
(Theta waves now look like less-likely suspects because they seem to be slower in smaller animals)
" the IQ of all living things, robots & plants possess, except Philip J. Fry" hohohoho
Oh humn, have you not seen Futurama? It's hilarious.
Yes (i have) and yes (it is)!
(And there was even a theorem proven specifically for one episode about brain-switching!)
Ah, alright
gosh, this infosphere has great information, too bad it will have been blown up
(looking up brain-switching episode while there's time)
Deusovi, have you seen Idiocracy (the movie, not present-day politics)?
No, I haven't. I've heard a lot of bad things about it
The parallels to Futurama are great, the parallels to politics are apalling
if you like Terry Crews, you'll enjoy it
it's sad how accurate it is
it's an incredibly stupid movie, but it has some very funny bits
@Techidiot Still having great trouble figuring out what it could mean to subtract cataphora from anaphora. Or, if it's not a subtraction, to hyphenate them.
@Techidiot As usual I'm not sure how to hint without spoiling :)
Haha. @JonathanAllan One question.. Does it require a computers tag? If that is the case, I might have never got it. And, its been unsolved since long now
@GarethMcCaughan You need 7 letters, so it ought to be a subtraction. Isn't it? What 7 letters are you getting btw?
@Techidiot No computer necessary.
@humn if brainwaves are integrally involved, I would think that the summation of them is consciousness itself
Oh. I see.
@JonathanAllan guess what, I started jumping where I got this -

GCC 13

GAF 14

FDE 15

EFE 16
For the first 4 numbers
@Matt , and more approriately "awareness" in this case
! even more so ! and there's a motor component too. I really want to think of something useful to add to the puzzle statement
with some exceptions, the hearing is the type of perception based most heavily on music
@Jonathan and @Techidiot, if this is the puzzle you're typing about ... ... my question is: does the sequence extend to the left? ? would that give it away?
Q: Two missing numbers

Jonathan AllanTwo numbers go at the $?$s, what are they and why? $733,\space \space 716,\space \space 645,\space \space 565,\space \space 324,\space \space 276,\space \space 77,\space \space 75,\space \space 64,\space \space 56,\space \space ?,\space \space ?$ Hints

and listening involves translating vibrations in the air (or whatever medium is touching your face) to electrical signals to be interpreted by the brain
@Techidiot I think I am missing something that's supposed to be obvious. I don't see any connection between "7 letters" and "subtraction". I'm not getting any 7 letters. I've got (I think) "anaphora minus cataphora" and I don't see any obvious way to subtract one from the other. [continues]
@GarethMcCaughan More or less = me
@Matt , yep, the same concept shows up with touch too
Obvious ways would include: If the letters of one are all found in the other, remove them. (Not so.) Proceed letter-by-letter, like in a Vigenere cipher. (The two words are of different lengths.) Subtract some specific cataphoric word from some specific anaphoric word, or from "anaphora". (None comes to mind.) Identify individual ana/cataphora in the verse and subtract somehow. (Doesn't seem to lead anywhere.)
(I have no idea what "More or less = me" might mean. I'm sorry to be being dim.)
I have no idea how close I am. I keep saying things, and judging by your reaction, I'm getting closer, but I don't know where it stops
yeah, I thought of doing that
The reason its difficult for you to guess is the fact that its non-english!
but "ana minus cata" doesn't lead me anywhere, and if I abuse things by suddenly switching from subtraction to addition I get "anacata" which isn't any sort of word, English or otherwise.
@Matt , in a way you are circling the prey, but I don't see how saying that helps to know.
Anacata is actually a word. Check the next line for the next step now that you have the word
in what language is "anacata" a word?
(I did wonder about "anacata" before, given your comment about what was needed being 7 letters, but the process leading there doesn't make much sense and I'd never heard of it being a word in any language. Anyway, never mind. I'll take a look at the rest of the puzzle with this in mind...)
@GarethMcCaughan After solving the above, if you ask me what to do with the stuff you've found; I will say "Hey, I now demand interpretation". So, go ahead and interpret what you have found!
^ part of the puzzle btw
Check if you find something hidden in there
it seems as if neither I nor google know of 'anacata' also, that is an odd definition of subtraction
more of an xor
@Matt , a hint completely divergent from the puzzle statement would be how videos are perceived
Or symmetric difference
but I don't want divergent, do I?
not a symmetric difference since we aren't cancelling the last A in ANA with that in CATA
or the leading A in ANA with the middle A in CATA either...
@Sconibulus indeed, but I can more readily imagine that not being "meant" to cancel :-)
@Matt , it converges on the same concept
so it seems like an unfair operation
the senses?
I don't know where else to go
Hey I Now Demand Interpretation initial letters are HINDI which is interesting
Don't think anacata is even a hindi word
and according to Google Translate "anacata" is Hindi for plurality
which is also interesting
more precisely, when I put "anacata" into it and say "guess language" it guesses Hindi and yields "plurality" as translation
but I know no Hindi at all and have no idea how plausible any of this is
Oh wait.
(maybe it's an inflected form or something)
Can you post a screenshot of that?
It says stack for me
it gives me a bunch of options, none of which is "stack"
For a moment I was scared!
@Matt , if the puzzle statement were to mention particle physics, would that trigger any further ideas? Musical notes are like atomic particles.
@GarethMcCaughan You might be clicking on the script of that word
Simply paste the word in the left box and see the translation
I didn't click on anything
@GarethMcCaughan Yep, it gives plurality to me as well
@Ankoganit How did you get it right? :-/
I just Googled "anacata in hindi"
oh, I beg your pardon, "stack" is one of the things it lists
@Techidiot @humn - sorry had a power cut
I know the particles like to vibrate ... and if I'm not wrong, different particles are identified by their frequencies?
Ohh it's अनेकता
Oh, that is Anekta. Lol, I was now thinking which hindi word is Anacata...
No worries @GarethMcCaughan What matters is the puzzle ends :D
So, the last step @GarethMcCaughan is to fill in the blanks and you are done.
@Matt , that's half of the rest of the story, perhaps even more than half
story of my life :P
@JonathanAllan Seems like you have really given away anything ;)
ok adding...
No wait
It might be just me. Let it consume some views.
This third of your life is the first half of the rest of your whole life.
if I wasn't confused before, I am now
If you won't be confused, you were then?
@Deusovi The answer to your CCCC is Vector.
13 hours ago, by stacksfiller
VECTOR (ddef.)
WHy isn't it unpinned then? Which is the new clue?
Wait, so @Deus has a CC due?
@Deusovi ?
I think the one after that was Insight or something?
I didn't notice the start list this morning
LUL: carrier for arrow: plastic bag.
@Sconibulus that was stacksfiller 's clue
which was solved by deus
who hasn't provided the next one IIRC
ahh, I didn't remember who solved it
@Ankoganit Just looked, it's up to Deusovi to put up a new one
OK @Techidiot I filled in the blanks. I was slower than I should have been because I thought the answer was the third thing in a series of four, rather than describing the second in a series of three, if you see what I mean.
@Ankoganit @dcfyj surely that's not the actual history. Deusovi solved an earlier clue, which might or might not have been from stacksfiller (I vaguely recall Sp3000), and posted the "carrier for arrow" one, and apparently stacksfiller solved that and hasn't posted a replacement. Or am I all confused?
Stacks did the insight thing right?
12 hours ago, by stacksfiller
CCCC: Hidden in plain sight, subtle observations. (8)
ah, no, wait, stacksfiller then did post another one which never got pinned and Deusovi solved that
12 hours ago, by Deusovi
12 hours ago, by stacksfiller
I know it was probably too easy
It's Desuovi's :P
sorry, I was failing to follow the more recent conversation; my apologies for adding noise
anyway, the carrier one certainly shouldn't have been pinned so I've unpinned it
It's @Deusovi's turn
pin this^
good idea; done
That way people aren't wondering what's up
@JonathanAllan , ouch, I hope you found a power bandage for that cut. And while you're not answering my question about your sequence having more than 12 total elements (oh, you did, thanks!), here is a group that reminds me of some on your playlist:
Throbbing Gristle :D
Er, Anekta=Stack? The only I thing I know Anekta(Anacata) means is variety(or Plurality)..
@GarethMcCaughan And How did you get Puzzling Exchange?
@dcfyj Ooh, nice clue; what's the enumeration? :p
@humn if it's half the story is a vibrating particle, is the other half the wave properties of electrons?
@Ankoganit It's lacking the 4 Cs in front of it, so no :P
@humn Must be British (yep)
@Ankoganit The answer is Mod. :P
@dcfyj Maybe that's a new gimmick subtly hinting at deleting some letters
Ugh that would be awful
@Matt , you just as much as stated the concept. Now, how does it all fit together?
@Sid hehe
@Ankoganit The only gimmick I've done with CC is having the enumeration be the word count
the wave-particle duality fits with biology and music?
@JonathanAllan , good call! I can never tell by musicians' sung (?, especially in this case) accents
Yorkshire accents are quite recognisable
Hm, so that's where they're from specifically. .. .? (Yikes, just had a half-second power cut here too)
some impressive stuff going on there, considering it was 1981!
You have a truly refined ear, Jonathan
@dcfyj Whoops, my bad! Got distracted by Contact last night
Hmm refined ear. Is that bad for you like refined sugar and refined vegetable oil?
A (hopefully) simple one:
CCCC: Triangle dissected into more complicated mathematical object (8)

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