@TheGreatEscaper Here's one from our homework: 'A real polynomial of odd degree has all positive coefficients. Prove that there is a (possibly trivial) permutation of the coefficients such that the resulting polynomial has exactly one real zero.'
An entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #24: Grid-Deduction...
It's 2am. The phone rings.
You answer it and are immediately met with an onslaught of franticness from your (in?)famous uncle—a games and puzzles creator of dubious skill and legendary absentmindedness. You realize that, other t...
Q: Transmute all humans on this planet into Manshu
Two solutions.
(Alchemists had to discover the second after accidentally
regressing Manshu to humanoid form.)
Spoiler 1:
Spoiler 2:
He can look up to the skies and dream.
He is bestowed with the greatest title of all, which nothing can claim to deserve.
He is not necessarily a he.
Neither is he necessarily a she.
But definitely not an it.
He exists in diversity
He has many forms.
But truly,
He is one and the same.
Who is thi...
@Deusovi Interestingly, we've previously run into each other before here. On a side note, just finished Danganronpa 2 and almost wishing I had a Vita/PS4 to play 3. Almost.
Oi. Finally, my grid-deduction puzzle is posted. That was a killer time-sink to build, test, and put all the images and text together - I hope to God I didn't screw anything up.
On a recent amble, I happened upon a sign
$\small \raise2mu ( {\normalsize\sf\color{#d90} A} \raise2mu )$
that seemed to indicate a
mistake — or— a mystery.
Really, sign $\normalsize\sf\color{#d90} A$, really?
Dutch Flat Trail is in both directions and on the way to itself?
This turned out...
I'm looking for a riddle to put on my wedding invitation card. Ideally it's short (3 lines max) and not english-specific, as my guests are arabic - speakers. Any suggestions?
@Deusovi I can't remember which one it was, but one of them seemed pretty good as it had a lot of restrictions which meant it was asking for something pretty specific, but without restrictions they are pretty broad
@manshu Nope. Definitely follows the rules better than that. It's also a more common word.
Let me think of a hint...
CCCC Hint: If I google the definition word/phrase (as in "define <definition word/phrase>"), then the solution word isn't listed at all, but if I google "define <solution word>", the the definition is listed as the very first synonym.
@TrojanByAccident Nope this is the first clue I've given
@BeastlyGerbil I've been pretty busy, and had a bit of puzzlers block, but an idea is germinating as we speak... though on alconja time scales, that probably means it's still a month or two away...)
@humn That's not the intended hint, although at this point I'm willing to accept your answer anyway, because I'm worried that the detail is a little guess-what-I'm-thinking (although I still think not entirely).
Something doesn't add up...
Plus this is barely a puzzle.
How can everything be so important?
There must be an alternate way to find the answer...
What is this OP craving?
Apparently the puzzle above was too short to be posted.. I believe it's a bit clever, let me know what you think?
I like to play a game with my family and friends. It goes like this:
The players take turns to say a letter. The letters taken in order must be the start of some word, and the person who finishes a word without there being a continuation on the word loses. If you are challenged on the letter you...